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Mar 15, 2009, 7:34:38 PM3/15/09

Sábado, 14 de marzo, año 2009 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


"I thought to myself," manifested sincerely The Angel of the
Lord, our resurrected savior, to the Israelis that "'I would
love to treat you as my own children!' I wanted nothing more
than to give you this beautiful land-the finest inheritance
on earth, the land of Canaan, the land of milk and honey,
promised first to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Since then, I
look forward each day as since the days of old to your
calling me 'Father,' and I thought you would never turn away
from me again. I further thought that you would live with me
little by little each day, just as the faithful angels do it
with me as their personal tree of life in heaven since the
days of their creation and, like this, you will always think
of me as your everlasting Father and savior of your eternal
living soul."

For our Heavenly Father created you with the "best
intentions" of His holy heart, so you may know Him as your
Father on earth and in heaven forever and ever in eternity,
but only through the perfect and victorious life of His King
Messiah, the Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected!
Meaning that you can never call our heavenly Father your
personal Father if the Holy Spirit of His Son Jesus Christ
does not abide with you, as he abides in the hearts and
celestial spirits of the angels from heaven, for example;
that is, that Jesus Christ must live within you, so you can
become a child of God today.

That is to say, also that our Father cannot call His own
child any one person at all, if the person does not know
Jesus Christ in his or her heart as Lord and savior of his or
her living soul; strictly, Jesus Christ resurrected must live
within our hearts then our God can call us his own children.
Otherwise, the possibility for you to become a child of God
or of His King Messiah does not exist on earth much less in
eternity, forever and ever; that is why that the Spirit of
the Son of David is important in your life today, so our
heavenly Father can see you always as His eternal child,
filled with resurrected-holiness.

Our heavenly Father longs for you to call Him Father but only
through the resurrected Spirit of the blood and victorious
life over Satan and darkness of His dear Son Jesus Christ, so
you can be born again not of the spirit of Adam and Eve but
of the Holy Spirit of the living King Messiah, the Son of
David! In the spirit of Adam and Eve, you were born on earth,
however, in the Holy Spirit of the tree of life, our Lord
Jesus Christ, you will be born again in paradise nowadays, so
you may enter automatically into the brand-new glorious life
of the celestial Jerusalem from heaven above, where you will
never die but live eternally.

Literally, no one can ever set foot in the holy land of
paradise or the brand-new celestial Jerusalem from heaven
above, if that person is not born again of the Spirit of the
tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead
spirit of Adam and Eve, The living King Messiah for Israel
and for the nations today. In other words, you must be born
again of the Holy Spirit of God today, by eating from the
fruit of the tree of life, just as our heavenly Father called
Adam and Eve to eat from His Son initially, so only then, you
can truly call the Son of David-"your everlasting Father or
Savior, that is!"

Otherwise, you cannot call the Son of David your Father, your
Mighty God or Prince of Peace in our days, for example; you
must have the Spirit of God within you, be born again that
is, so then you may call, righteously, lawfully, Jesus Christ
your everlasting Father as it is written in the Scriptures
today and forever in paradise. Only then, our Maker would
allow you back into paradise, so you may live your truthful
life, the life that our heavenly Father granted you in the
day of your creation in His holy hands and by His Holy Spirit
in heaven; here, you will truly live life; today you are
living a lie, the every day lies of Satan.

For instance, when you live a problem, you are living a lie;
when you suffer sickness and diseases, again, you are living
another lie, when you feel as dying, once more, you are
living another lie; however, with Jesus Christ you will live
a life liberated from Satan and lies, meaning that at last
you will live a truthful blissful-life. For this reason, our
Lord Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day, so you may
escape Satan, lies, sicknesses, diseases, death, hell and the
wrath of God; and because Jesus Christ resurrected for you,
then you can leave earth today to return to paradise-your
true life-the life and land for which our heavenly Father
created you initially.

For this is the place of your real life forever in eternity
and not the sinful-life of earth, where you suffered your
troubles, sickness, diseases and the every day threat of
death; truthfully, paradise is your only life, while earth is
your life of lies because of the rebellions of Adam against
the fruit of life, our Lord Jesus Christ! In paradise you
will live the glorious life of the holy faithful ancient
angels of our heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and of His Holy
Spirit, however, on earth you will continue to suffer daily
the pains, troubles of the sinful and rebellious lives of
Adam and Eve until the day you die for hell and its cruel

For this reason, our heavenly Father thinks of you each
moment of His entire holy life, since the days of old to our
days, so He may help you somehow to be born again not for the
sinful life of the earth but for the life He created you
initially to live each day and well into eternity in
paradise. And this is the brand-new and blissful life of the
brand-new celestial eternal Jerusalem from heaven above,
where the food of each day for every man, woman and child
from all the families of the nations of the entire world
continues to be, without a shred of doubt, the fruit from the
tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected!

Indeed, you are the especial creation of His best thoughts
since the beginning of things, in the ancient days of the
time without end of His angelic Kingdom of the eternal
heavens; truly, until now, you are the best works of his
hands and nothing can compare to it in all the glories of the
ancient angelic Kingdom from heaven. You may assume that the
best creations of our heavenly Father are angels, archangels,
cherubs, seraphs and the rest of the Kingdom of God, but you
could never be more wrong today on earth and in heaven, if
you continue to think like this, because you are the best
works of His holy hands to this day and ever.

Openly, His love towards you is pure truthfulness and nothing
else better than that. That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ
desires day and night that you will recognize Him as such
within the best feelings of your heart and call Him for His
true name: Father, your Mighty God, your everlasting Father
and your only true Prince of Peace on earth and in eternity
forever and ever! For He is your perfect and true Father
since the days of old that loves you dearly and with great
zeal within His holy heart, so you may come close to Him and
hold Him with an eternal embracement of love, respect, truth,
justice, holiness and recognition that he is your fruit of
life, The Son of God, Jesus Christ!

This is the Son of David, the Angel of the Lord, speaking to
you through Moses, from the midst of the burning bush with
his great fire, from the altar of our heavenly thus to burn
your sins and rebellions against him and our heavenly Father
today and forevermore in eternity; nowadays, his blood does
not remember you sins anymore. He is the Son of David taking
you out of the land of bondage with great miracles, wonders
and powerful signs in the heaven and on earth by the power of
the great name of our heavenly Father that dwells within his
holy heart and eternal blood for forgiveness of sins,
blessings and of a never-ending salvation for your soul.

He is the Son of David, the Angel of God that opened the Red
Sea so the armies of the Lord God would cross it on dry
ground to the other side thus to continue on their way to
receive the Law and the blessing of the milk and honey from
the land of Canaan. He is the Son of David speaking to you
from the beginning of the Ten Commandments, when he says I am
your God that sets you free, and to the last of its words and
eternal significance for your heart, soul, mind, body and
brand-new eternal life thus for you to begin to enjoy today
the brand-new Jerusalem for eternity.

He is the Son of David resurrected, the Angel of God,
speaking supernatural powers of love and care to Moses every
time he entered into the Holy of Holiest in the tabernacle of
the Lord God thus to confer with him about anything
concerning his life or the national life of Israel and the
nations of the entire world. This is the Son of David, the
Angel of God that appeared to Joshua and told him, just as he
told Moses, for example, to remove his sandals, because the
ground where he was standing was holy; on this occasion, the
Son of David manifested himself to Joshua as the commander
and chief of the armies of our heavenly Father.

This is the Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ, the King
Messiah resurrected that took Israel all the way through the
hostile desert, fighting powerful enemies and their well-
trained armies, and did not forgive their sins not even once
whenever they rebelled against our heavenly Father and did
not do as he told them to do things with Moses. This is the
Son of David, the Angel of God, our Lord Jesus Christ
resurrected that took the Hebrews into the Promised Land,
where they would eat and drink the honey and milk that their
hungry souls and thirsty hearts would desire constantly in
their lives today and well into eternity as well, the land of
the divine-salvation for humanity.

This is the Son of David resurrected speaking to you from the
bottom of his heart today as in the days of old, so you may
come to him and led him bless you powerfully just as he knows
how to do it thus to please: righteousness, holiness,
perfection, truth, justice and the everlasting love from our
heavenly Father. Because, the truth is that he is the only
One that that can do all these wonderful things for your life
each day, so you can live liberated not only from sin but
also he can make you so whole as if you never sinned before
in the presence of our heavenly Father on earth and in
paradise forever.

What is more, he is the soap and water thus to cleanse all
the powers of sin and darkness within your heart, soul, mind,
body and human spirit, so you may never suffer the powers of
sicknesses, diseases and death from Satan and from his fallen
angels within your life and the lives of your loved ones
forever in eternity. Truthfully, Jesus Christ resurrected is
the best friend you have on earth today and in heaven
likewise in the presence of our heavenly Father, His Holy
Spirit and the host of angels, so he may see you perfect,
holy, righteous and eternally-sanctify as one of His most
powerful and faithful angels from heaven ready to serve and
honor Him forever.

So, sin is around and within you because Adam And Eve
believed in the lies of Satan against the fruit of life, the
Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected, the only
possible Savior of your soul today on earth and in paradise
forever-so only Jesus Christ is the best you have in this
life today and eternity! That is to say, also that Satan will
never depart from your heart, mind, body and human spirit if
you do not wash yourself from the power of sin and its
terrible supernatural darkness by invoking the holy name of
Jesus Christ upon yourself and upon your loved ones as well;
today Satan is your enemy always-not Jesus Christ.

Nowadays, your problems, sicknesses and death, as the
problems, diseases and death of every family and nations of
the world, as for the nation of Israel, for example, from
yesteryear and today began in paradise with Adam and Eve when
both eat from the forbidden fruit instead of the bread and
the drink of life of the Son of David. If truth be told, this
sin from paradise continues to repeat itself within the heart
and life, one way or another, of every man, woman and child
from the families of the nations of the world, because of the
original deadly lies from Satan-that is why that you need
Jesus Christ resurrected in you life more than ever nowadays.

Meaning that every time that you live in the spirit of Adam
and Eve, for example, because you are direct descendant from
them, you are confessing and believing at the same time the
first lies of Satan and the old serpent from the Garden of
Eden, so problems and curses continue to reproduce within
your life each day and unceasingly. However, if you believe
within your heart and confess with your lips the powerful and
supernatural name of the Son of David, the Angel of the Lord
God, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected: then you will exit
the sinful and wrecked life of Adam and Eve thus to enter
into the powerful life of the tree of life, Jesus Christ!

And this is the true life from which our heavenly Father
created you initially thus for you to begin to live and enjoy
each day of your entire life whether this is in paradise or
on earth today, for example, so you may someday come to know
face-to-face our heavenly Father just as Jesus Christ knows
Him from the beginning. This means that you will begin to
live on earth at once, without you noticing anything at all
for the moment, the wonderful and glorious life of our
heavenly Father and of His tree of life, full of miracles and
of great wonders, so you may live peacefully each day with
your God in heaven and with men on earth.

That is to say, also that your problems, sicknesses, diseases
and death that you are trying desperately to solve within
your earthly life really began in paradise, and thus they
must be solved up there at the foot of the tree of life, our
Lord Jesus Christ resurrected, so our heavenly Father may
bless you richly and powerfully today. So, sin is your entire
problem at this time, for example, your birth is wrong on
earth and in paradise too, because you were born or
reproduced in the rebellious and sinful life of Adam and Eve,
when in truth, our heavenly Father created you thus to
reproduce exactly as His dear Son Jesus Christ, your fruit of
eternal life!

For this reason, you need to leave, the sooner the better,
the spirit of Adam and Eve from which you were born in the
day you entered into the life of this world, so you may stop
living Adam's and Eve's sins, curses, problems, difficulties,
sicknesses, diseases and the eventual deaths on earth for
hell and the lake of fire. Fortunately for you and you loved
ones as well, today you can only escape the spirit of error
of Adam and Eve within your life by been born again not of
the same spirit and sinful flesh of Adam and Eve, but of the
Holy Spirit of the blood and flesh of the tree of life, our
Lord Jesus Christ!

For this reason, I said before that your sin began not on
earth when you were born from your parents but in paradise
when Adam and Eve fail to eat from the fruit of life, instead
they ate from the fruit of sin, so your problems and
sicknesses began in paradise and not on earth, as you may
claim erroneously. Currently, each day you need to look to
the heavenly blue skies where your Jesus lives, so he may
work in your favor and remove your sins from paradise and,
only like this, you may enjoy your life liberated from
Satan's lies finally; meaning that you need to solve your sin
problems in paradise today and with Jesus Christ's prayers
and blessings.

For the reason that, even though you can claim that you never
lived in paradise, nonetheless, the sin that Adam and Eve
committed against the fruit of life, Jesus Christ, by not
eating it in due time, our Father holds it against you just
the same, so you may answer to Him for this sin today and
every day as well. So, do not try to solve a problem,
disease, sickness or death on earth that began at the foot of
the tree of knowledge of good and evil when you ate
erroneously from its forbidden fruit, forbidden by our Father
when instead you were to eat from the Son of David
resurrected, so He may help you escape Satan's deaths always.

Truly, ever since our heavenly Father created you in heaven
with His own heart, soul, body, hands, life and Spirit, Satan
tries to overtake your life, one way or the other, if Jesus
Christ resurrected is not part of your life thus to fulfill
truth, righteousness, holiness, perfection and justice on
earth and in paradise today and forevermore in eternity. And
the Son of David said in paradise to Adam and Eve, I thought
to myself that I would treat you as my children, for I wanted
nothing more than to give you the glory of paradise and of
the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above which is the best
inheritance that you could ever receive in your entire
celestial life.

However, Adam and Eve did not understand anything of the
words of our celestial King Messiah: thus to honor the
perfect will of our heavenly Father within their celestial
lives, because, instead of eating, drinking from him his
never-ending life, peace and happiness, they ate,
unfortunately, rebelliously from the tree of sin, the tree of
knowledge of good and evil. Therefore, since your creation in
the hands of our heavenly Father, I look forward that you
would call me Father, for I am your Mighty God, your
everlasting Father and your Prince of Peace to forgive your
sins, heal your hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human
spirit, on earth today and in eternity as well through
endless ages yet to come.

Truthfully, I am the manna from heaven that fills you up each
day and thus the water from the eternal rock that quenches
your everlasting thirst of your eternal souls forever in
eternity; without me, you have no life on this earth and much
less in the brand-new celestial eternity of the eternal
Jerusalem from heaven above. The celestial city from heaven
above today, where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with their loved
ones by the millions continue to serve our heavenly Father in
spirit and in truth of the eternal blood of the Son of David
resurrected thus to continue to fulfill righteous, holiness,
perfection and sanctity so to conquer new glories of honor
and holiness forever.

For this reason, the Eternal Spirit of the blood and
messianic resurrected life of our Lord Jesus Christ is
important in the life of every man, woman and child from the
families of the nations, from the days of old of paradise to
our days on earth, so to retake what we lost once to Satan
and lies in heaven. Furthermore, that is why that our Lord
Jesus Christ, as the Son of David or as the Angel of God,
spoke to the Hebrews like this and with great urgency in his
heart by saying to them: I thought to myself that I would
treat you as my faithful angels from heaven and give you the
chosen land of Canaan.

Which is in truth today-the finest inheritance of the entire
earth, so you from there would call me "Father," for I am
your everlasting Father since the days of old and well into
eternity in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where
sin does not exist and Satan cannot again tempt you against
me or my heavenly Father. Every moment of your entire life I
stretch out my hands faithfully to you, filled with love and
understanding, so you may see and touch me as your Lord and
Savior of your life in this life and in the next life to come
of the brand-new angelic world of my heavenly Father and of
His Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ said.

Nowadays, I am stretching my hands wounded by the nails of
your sins and rebellions from ancient Israel, not to punish
you in any way shape or form because of your rebellions, but
to forgive and heal you from the power of sin and the
terrible increasing darkness of death within you and your
loved ones all over the earth. Thenceforth, I thought that
you would never depart from me but instead embrace me
eternally as your "everlasting Father and Prince of Peace" of
your life and of your loved ones on earth and in the brand-
new angelic world of the brand-new celestial Jerusalem, where
the air fills with life and the never-ending ancient
unfailing love of your heavenly Father.

My heart goes out after you every day when I see that my name
is not honored within your life as it was honored in the
lives of your ancestors as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and their
descendants by the millions, for they knew me very well then
as their only Lord and Savior of their entire lives, Jesus
Christ manifested. Truly, each day they approached my
heavenly Father, like today everywhere, by invoking my holy
name that is admirable and great in the hearts of angels in
heaven, so they may walk in the presence of our heavenly
Father and ask Him for anything that they may need in their
lives and in the lives of their loved ones too.

My heavenly Father received them each day with great love in
His heart, never remembering their sins, offenses and
rebellions against Him and His tree of life, the Son of
David, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day-the
only possible savior of Israel and the nations in the past,
today and well into all eternity as well. They knew very well
within their hearts that they had a heavenly Father and a
King Messiah, the Son of David, filled with His Holy Spirit
thus to bless and protect them each moment of their entire
lives, so they may never lack any supernatural blessing
within their lives and of their loved ones on earth and in
paradise forever.

To this day, as in the days of old, our heavenly Father wants
to make you His own children but you must come to Him by the
way, the truth and the victorious resurrected-life over Satan
of His tree of life, the Son of David, our King Messiah for
Israel and for the nations, so you may retake life forever.
That is to say, also that you may eat from His Son Jesus
Christ the fullness of life, righteousness, perfection,
holiness, truth and justice that you require to have within
you on this hour on earth and in paradise, so you may stand
firm in His holy presence as always and well into eternity,
enjoying happiness, peace and glory everlastingly.

Currently, this is the only way that you will stop suffering
the constant cowards-attacks from Satan and his terrible and
inhumane wicked life that the only thing it does within your
life is to hurt you, just as our heavenly Father hurts in the
heavens by the constant and humiliating lies from evildoers
against His fruit of life, our Lord Jesus Christ! On this
hour, as in the days of old, the Son of David stands as the
only resurrected savior for Israel and for the families of
the nations of the world thus to bless every one that loves
our heavenly Father through the everlasting supernatural
powers of the Spirit of his blood and restored holy life on
the third day.

The Son of David thinks the same today as in the ancient days
of the House of Israel that "he has power to make you the
children of our heavenly Father," so he may give you the
inheritance of a land, filled with milk and honey, where sin
and lies do not exist but only the unfailing love of your
Father. The Son of David prepared in heaven the finest land
of the entire creation of our heavenly Father to give it to
you and to your children forever, where nobody will every
hurt or try to destroy you again, where you will live with
your Father and the nations, filled with the Holy Spirit of
love and happiness for eternity.

Therefore, the Son of David, as the Angel of God, our Lord
Jesus Christ resurrected looks forward that you would embrace
him "with an everlasting hug" on earth and in heaven, and
that you would call him by his name, given to him personally
by our heavenly Father, as your eternal savior: your Mighty
God and the everlasting Father! Moreover, like this, you will
never turn away from him for any reason whatsoever, but you
will remain faithful to him and to his ancient name for
forgiveness of sin, blessing, healing and the never-ending
salvation of your living-souls on earth and in eternity as
well forever and ever; truly, no one can live blessed without
him today or ever.

Because, to think in his holy heart, where the great name of
our heavenly Father dwells in perfect holiness, that you
would turn away from him again, hurts him the most in heaven,
sincerely, no nail could hurt him more today that you would
walk away from him and his everlasting love, as your
ancestors did many times in the past. For this reason, the
Son of David, as the Angel of God, longs in his heart daily
in heaven that you would finally call him Father of your
eternal souls, so our God may feel please with you and not
irritated as he did with your ancestors because lies blinded
them when they came close to see His Son face-to-face.

Today, the Son of David, not just as the Angel of God, our
Lord Jesus Christ resurrected, is touching your heart, where
he needs to seat down today with power, but also he needs to
awaken you from the darkness of your sins and thus help you
see the brand-new life that our heavenly Father prepared for
you long ago. On this hour, as in the ancient days of the
House of Israel, our heavenly Father and His host of angels
together long for every moment of their lives to hear you
call the Son of David: my everlasting Father, the Admirable,
the Mighty God and the Prince of Peace of your hearts, souls,
minds, bodies and human spirit.

For this alone are the long awaited glory and honor of the
perfect righteousness, holiness, truth, perfection and
justice of the holy name of our heavenly Father, His Son
Jesus Christ and His Glorious Holy Spirit. Heavens wait for
you patiently to receive the Son of David resurrected as your
present day Moses, so you may walk away from the powers of
darkness from Satan and from your eternal enemies, as your
ancestors did in Egypt, and then really begin to live a
brand-new life that they never knew in their entire existence
that existed on earth.

The Son of David resurrected, as the Angel of God from the
days of old, today he is your perfect ancient unfailing love,
peace, harmony and eternal happiness that you will never know
on earth much less in paradise separated from him; that is
why he does not go away from you, whatever you may do in
life. Jesus Christ will continue to return to you, just as he
appeared to Moses on Sinai, today he is at the top of the
highest heaven, calling you to come to him soon, the sooner
the better, because it is our heavenly Father sending him to
you time after time, as the prophets, for example, so you may
lastly call him: Father!

Nowadays, the Son of David is not only the best from our
heavenly Father and from His faithful angels from heaven, but
also he is the best from the House of Israel, the best from
humanity as a whole and, ultimately the best from the brand-
new celestial Jerusalem from heaven above, where we will love
our Maker forever. Endlessly, the Son of David resurrected is
the happiness of the holy heart of our heavenly Father and,
likewise, he is the happiness of every angel in heaven and of
every man, woman and child from the families of the nations
of the entire world; therefore, Jesus Christ resurrected on
the third day so everybody may call him today-Father and

Yes, call the Son of David your everlasting Father and become
born again into the glorious, miraculous, marvelous and
angelic life from paradise and from the brand-new celestial
and glorious Jerusalem from heaven above, where your
happiness awaits for you unwearyingly since the days of old
thus to embrace you with an eternal hug never to let you go
again forever. May our heavenly Father bless you richly with
supernatural health, wealth, prosperity and powerfully with
His unfailing love today on earth and forevermore-in
eternity! Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua,
and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead,
then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
BLOOD THE SINS of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to
you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no
difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not--
just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for,
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to
turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my
personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ
as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and
gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is
the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in
Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood
and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the
Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest
too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY
ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to
GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON,
JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. God bless you!

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