What is the estimated launch date of the final version of Netscape
Communicator 5.0?
At what date will I be able to download the final version of the source
code ready for customization?
Please reply to: vale...@cybernet.dk
Thank you for your help.
Thomas Valentinsen
Thomas Valentinsen wrote:
Chris Dickerson
Technology Service Corp
whitepaper http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/papers/visualjpp/
whitepaper http://www.borland.com/jbuilder/papers/techdoc/index.html
Mozilla article http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/11378.html
> Thomas Valentinsen wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > What is the estimated launch date of the final version of Netscape
> > Communicator 5.0?
> Rubes coming here looking for Communicator is getting annoying...Chill out.
It's a valid question. He asked *when*, not *where*. Get off your eeleet
high horse.
And I'm sure a lot of people would like to know if this grand Mozilla venture
has a milestone date set for the first launch. Seems like nothing's been
working under any kind of deadline, and there are people holding their
breaths. =)
Leslie Michael Orchard Multimedia Specialist
lorc...@bowneinternet.com Bowne Internet Solutions
http://www.digitalangel.com/deus_x/ http://www.bowneinternet.com/
ICQ UIN: 492905 (home) 4518267 (work) PGP Key ID: 0xBF31AB31
"In the dreamtime, I'm awakened, as my senses seize the night."
The Tea Party, "Silence"
Mozilla is not Communicator. Communicator 5.0 may or *may not*
contain any Mozilla public code. I might, but that doesn't mean
that Mozilla is Communicator 5.0. Even if they were the same
thing, this group is for developers discussing the source code
release, *not* end-users looking to find out when Communicator
5.0 will be released, etc. Those questions are better asked in
the Communicator group.
Jim Cape
"Television — a medium. So called because it is neither
rare nor well-done."
— Ernie Kovacs
1. May-June: Get mail and news integrated, fix more bugs, finish and
integrate features, strive for "24 by 7, I live in my mozilla build"
2. July-August: Coordinated development and integration of more
ambitious features (feature list to be figured out later, but we already
have good leads thanks to everyone posting to these newsgroups).
3. 1-Sept-1998: Close the trunk to new features and stabilize
aggressively, to get the inter-module bugs and hard heisenbugs fixed.
4. XXX-1998 (let's say it's 1-Oct-1998): Declare the trunk stable, tag
it with a blessed CVS label that anyone can use to derive product from
(particularly, but certainly not exclusively, Netscape for Communicator
5.0), and then:
5. XXX plus 1: open the tree to next-gen layout, aggressive modularity,
other changes. I should emphasize that the difference between 1-Sept
and this date cannot be many months, or we're doomed.
Right now, the code has a not-well-enough-known set of bugs that we
believe make it of "alpha" or at best "beta" quality. But we don't know
for sure, because (we think) without mail/news and SSL, it's hard for
anyone to live 24-by-7 in mozilla. And therefore the bug discovery rate
(as measured by bugs reported to http://www.mozilla.org/bugs) is too
I know some folks prefer their own mailers and are using their mozilla
build as their browser, but the lack of SSL hurts. Sure, you can get
patches from the SSLeay folks, but not everyone does that (and perhaps
the patches don't work against the current source?).
Until we have working solutions for mail/news and SSL, I don't see how
to get the 24x7 aggressive stabilization effect of everyone living in
their mozilla builds. Am I unduly pessimistic?
If I'm not, then the dated steps 1-5 above are the best-case coarse
schedule for getting to a stable CVS tag from which various "5.0" era
browser-based products can be derived that I can come up with.
All comments and suggestions are welcome.
For the moment, barring a better idea, let's keep 1-Sept-1998 in mind as
the date when features stop going in and aggressive stabilization
begins. It's very likely there will be earlier stabilization periods
leading up to September 1st, and I'll post a more detailed schedule as
soon as it's known.
First of all, THANK YOU for posting this. I have been very worried that
Mozilla would suffer from a lack of direction and coordination
Pardon the FAQ, but what are the good solutions to adding SSL to
Mozilla? ie. getting around silly crypto laws seems the main hurdle
I agree. The lack of SSL and mail/news hurts. I'll be working on the
news/mail portion, and cheering on anybody that will let me do my Schwab
investing w/ Mozilla (Schwab req 40-bit SSL for most things, 128-bit for
some things)
Jeff Garzik Typhoon, Cyclone, Diablo, and INN
http://www.spinne.com/usenet/ News tuning and consulting
It looks like this is in code for handling mail. Is there a problem
because the real mail/news code hasn't yet been released? This build used
to work.
I see that MOZ_LDAP and MOZ_MAIL_NEWS are both defined in
Component_Config.h. Perhaps they shouldn't be?
Just to make sure we're all on the same page: I'm building with
Codewarrior Pro 2 on the Mac using BuildNavPPCDebugList.txt.
BuildMozPPCDebugList.txt works fine. I refreshed my sources this morning
(less than an hour ago).
Kurt Kohler
Corvallis, OR USA
Web page: <http://www.ao.com/~kohler>
Email: <mailto:koh...@ao.com>