(Felices Fiestas Julianas de Guayaquil 2008 a todas nuestras
familias dentro y fuera de nuestras tierras. Muchas
felicidades a todos y que se gocen en estos días festivos con
el Señor Jesucristo y con las bendiciones abundantes de su
Espíritu Santo, delante de nuestro Padre Celestial y de sus
ángeles fieles. ¡Feliz día de la Independencia a toda
Colombia y al resto de nuestras naciones Iberoamericanas
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Our heavenly Father, who calls you from his holy dwellings in
heaven, even today is faithful to you, just as he has always
been faithful to his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ and to his
Holy Spirit, because he cannot deny himself for the well-
being of any good deed in your life and in the lives of
others, as well. Thus, you must trust him with all your heart
on this crucial hour, no matter what you may be going through
today, because this is what he has been looking forward to
see in you, "your spirit of faithfulness towards him", so he
may be glorified in your life, as your Lord and God of your
heart and everlasting soul.
Therefore, our heavenly Father will protect you from all evil
in all the days of your life, beginning today, so you may
never become another victim from the usual evils of his
eternal enemy since the days of old and to this day, Satan
and his fallen angels, for example. For that reason, you have
to recognize the Spirit of the sacrificed blood of his dear
beloved Son Jesus Christ and thus "he may begin to work and
do wonderful things in your life," from those things that you
need very well on a daily basis of your life.
Then, these are blessings of life and prosperity for your
heart, soul, mind and body from those things that you may see
and those that you may not (see), for example, because they
are not from this world but from above, as "from the places
where our heavenly Father thought of you and began to form
you in his holiness." Miraculously, our heavenly Father
formed you in the holiness of his heart, soul, mind, spirit
and hands "only to know faithfulness, love, peace and the
everlasting blessings" of the holiness of life in this life
and in the next world to come from heaven above as well, such
as the brand New Colossal and Glorious Jerusalem of his King
Subsequently, as usual Satan is an eternal liar in your life,
just as he began to be in the life of Adam, to make you
always believe his lies, so you may never know your heavenly
Father who is in truth "the only richness" of peace,
happiness, everlasting love and the ever-increasing
prosperity of your heart and soul in eternity. Inasmuch as,
Satan and each one of his fallen angels are working
constantly "to attack your spirit of faith towards God and
his Holy Spirit", so you may never know him through the
wonderful and glorious life of his beloved Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ; and this is death today for anyone, just as it
was for Adam in paradise.
On the grounds of, if you get to know your heavenly Father
through the wonderful working power of his Spirit of faith,
and then "you have become someone that would be impossible
for Satan to deal with and defeat" in every blessing that may
come to you from your heavenly Father and God of all spirits
in heaven. In reality, you are beyond doubt a very serious
threat to Satan and his devilish works against God and
humanity, just "as Jesus Christ himself was a treat to him in
Israel" in the days of old, that is to say, if the Spirit of
the precious atoning blood of his beloved Son Jesus Christ
lives in you today.
In truth, if Satan cannot stop you with all his satanic work
and powers from hell, and then "he would never be able to
stop others as well," as your loved ones and friends, for
example, which have received in their hearts and confessed
with their mouths "the name that opens the doors and the
windows from heaven," Jesus Christ! This is to say that, if
you learn how to walk in the Spirit of faithfulness of your
heavenly Father, then this means that the powers of heaven
and of the holy angels "will increase constantly against him
and against every wicked work" that he may have in motion
against other people to stop them before they receive Jesus
Meaning that his work of constant bloody-mindedness will not
continue to prosper as usual in the deep darkness of the
criminal world, but "it would decrease constantly and until
it disappears completely" from the face of the earth and from
the life of every man, woman and child from the nations of
the entire world as well. For it is the will of our heavenly
Father and from his Holy Spirit likewise that every one may
live faithfully in the Spirit of life of his beloved Son
Jesus Christ and thus "never die in the hands of the wicked
followers of Satan" and of his usual lies to destroy and
mangle human life throughout the earth.
So, you are the power on earth from heaven and from our
heavenly Father also that Satan and every one of his fallen
angels have to deal with, just "as he had to deal with Jesus
Christ when he was on earth walking in the faithfulness of
his Spirit" and doing his work non-stop, because people
needed health and blessings. Then, you are the everlasting
pleasure of our heavenly Father, because you are carrying out
faithfully the will of his heart to bring forgiveness to his
people throughout the nations of the world and thus "finally
reach the peace that people need so they may serve him in the
spirit and truth of his dear Son Jesus Christ."
This means that people need to learn about the faithfulness
of our heavenly Father as much as they could (and quickly
too), so "they may escape day by day the wilds of Satan" and
change their lives for the better in the Spirit of the
sacrificed blood and wonderful life of his beloved Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ! Because, this is the only way that Satan
and his deep darkness throughout the world are going to leave
and disappear from the face of the earth and human life
entirely, so "the earth itself converts by the power of his
Spirit in an everlasting paradise," just as the one in heaven
where Adam and Eve lived initially.
Otherwise, people would never be able to change their lives,
from darkness to light, without the heavenly intervention of
our Father and of his Son Jesus Christ; what is more, without
the presence of the Spirit of the life and blood of the King
Messiah, "they would have never known the Spirit of
faithfulness of their Creator," our heavenly Father! Now,
this is terrible for every man, woman and child on earth to
take that our heavenly Father would have never allow it in
his perfect everlasting will to take place anywhere ever, but
people suffer these evils non-stop, because "they know the
lies of Satan more than the truth of God and his Son Jesus
Christ in their hearts, unfortunately."
But thanks to our heavenly Father, because he did send his
beloved Son to Israel and to the nations, so we may learn and
intake from his own Spirit of faith, so "we may stop living
in the deep darkness of Satan" and thus come up to the
heavenly light of the new life to come, our Savior Jesus
Christ! In addition, this savior of Israel and of humankind
is the King Messiah, our Christ, because no one is like him
neither in heaven nor on earth, for his the essence of the
Spirit of faith for God and for humankind, "just as he has
been the Spirit of faith for the holy angels since the day of
their creation."
That is to say if you need to have the Spirit of faith from
our heavenly Father and from his Holy Spirit, then you need
to receive within your heart the anointed name of his Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ, so "powers will work for you
constantly" to solve your difficulties and thus you may live
victoriously over Satan day-to-day. That is to say, as well,
that if you have Jesus Christ living within your heart, "then
you have the Spirit of faith, which not only forgives sins by
the power of God, but also "heals you even if it has to move
mountains and raise the dead" to give you health and victory
over your enemies and Satan today.
In this way, no one with Jesus Christ as the main Spirit of
faith within their hearts then "they would never lose any
battle," whether is spiritual or physical, against Satan (and
his world of sin and falsehood, for example), because "only
Jesus Christ is your victory as always" from beginning and
even beyond the end of times. Therefore, thanks to the virgin
birth, life, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension back to
our heavenly Father of the Lord Jesus Christ, then "we really
have received from him the Spirit of the everlasting faith"
that moves mountains and heals the souls of men from the
wilds of the enemy; this is the power that we needed nowadays
to live again eternally.
Moreover, since our Lord Jesus Christ defeated Satan with the
power of his sacrificed holy and atoning blood to blot out
your sins and its powers, then he also defeated eternally the
angel of death and every terrible enemy from the entire earth
as well, so "you may live liberated perpetually," just as you
may live like this in heaven. Accordingly, this heavenly and
supernatural power from our Lord God and his much-loved Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ, "is here with us today to stay" and
well into the brand new everlasting eternity of the new
kingdom to come as well, the brand New Jerusalem from heaven,
where everything is light from Jesus Christ and never
darkness from Satan.
As a final touch, you will be a very happy human being in
heaven not only living with God, his Son and his Spirit
surrounded as always by the presence of the hosts of angels,
but also "your loved ones and friends will be there with
you" to make you more happy than ever well into all eternity
to come. Consequently, you must trust your heavenly Father
with all your heart, soul, mind, spirit, life and strength,
"for he is just as faithful to you as he is to his beloved
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ," since the days of old to this
day, so for him to forgive your sins and fill you with an
ever-increasing joyful life.
Because, it is through this spirit of trust and faith that
our heavenly Father is most effective within our lives not
only to listen to our prayers and forgive our sins, but also
to provide us with his wonderful blessings of extraordinary
powers of his blessed name, so "miracles and mighty-works may
begin to take place in our daily lives." Therefore, our
heavenly Father has given us powers from heaven and earth but
only through the Spirit of faithfulness that unites not only
him with his anointed Son, but also you and his holy angels
as well, in the active powers of his Holy Spirit, because "it
is his Spirit of truth and justice that unites us today and
Moreover, this is the Spirit of his beloved Son Jesus Christ
connecting constantly your heart with his heart, so "great
miracles, wonders and mighty signs may begin to take place in
your life" and in the lives of your loved ones as well: thus,
your life may light up from darkness to the shining light of
never-ending peaceful joy. Straightforward, our heavenly
Father will do these wonderful things for you because he
created you to be faithful to him and thus "enjoy the
blessings of his presence and everlasting joy of your heart,
soul, mind and brand new life", only possible in you and with
your loved ones, if you believe in him through his beloved
Son Jesus Christ!
Indeed, our heavenly Father will see that you will be blessed
every moment of your life by giving you of his Spirit without
measure; this means, "that all the wonderful gifts of his
Holy Spirit are at your disposal" to protect and bless you
within every situation in your life and in the lives of your
loved ones as well. Withal, our heavenly Father will protect
and bless your loved ones because of you; this is to say
that, because, the Spirit of his dear beloved Jesus Christ is
in you, then "he will do everything he has to do for you to
have a pleasant life in this life and in the heavens above,
for ever and ever."
In this way, only with the brand new life of the savior of
Israel and of the humankind living within your heart by the
power of faith, "only then you may know life", as our
heavenly Father created you in his hands to know life in
heaven, in paradise, on earth and in the brand new Jerusalem
from above. Since, only the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ
living within our hearts and in every day of our life will
not only guide us through life faithfully, always enjoying
the benefits and blessing from our heavenly Father and from
his Holy Spirit on earth, but also in the brand new heavenly
life from above yet to come in the hereafter.
Actually, this is good news today for your troubled-heart and
the desperate-life that you are living every day to find a
new way out, out of the mess that you are in, because of your
sins or of your ancestors, for example, for our God sent his
much-loved Son to the world to save it and not to condemn it.
That is, our Lord Jesus Christ does not condemn anyone;
indeed, he has never condemned a single soul of men, since
the days of old to these days, for example; inversely, he has
judged and condemned Satan and his faithful wicked ones but
not a single man yet-this is good news to everyone-today and
until the end of time. So, in the Spirit of our Lord Jesus
Christ, "we can very well indeed enjoy" peace, love, truth,
justice, happiness and so many other abundant and overflowing
blessings in our lives and the lives of our loved ones as
well, as the blessings we can see and those that we cannot
(see) ever, because they are coming from heaven.
De facto, our heavenly Father needs us to walk in his path of
righteousness and of supernatural holiness of his much-loved
Son Jesus Christ now, thus we would never lack any good thing
from heaven above much less from earth, for example; because,
where you hurt in your inner being, then "our God has a
blessing to heal you mightily." Moreover, our heavenly Father
has always been faithful to those that walk in life with the
name of his much-loved Son Jesus Christ in their hearts, so
he may bless them constantly in every way possible and even
in ways we do not know anything about them, because "they are
from the other world as from the invisible, for example."
Moreover, these are places from where not only our heavenly
Father dwells with his Son Jesus Christ and his hosts of
angels, but "these are also places from where our God began
to create and bless us in the celestial heavens," in the
power of his Holy Spirit and the fruit of the tree of life,
our Lord Jesus Christ! So, when our heavenly Father blesses
our lives then, in reality, he is blessing us from every
direction possible, even from places and peoples we would
never think a blessing would come to us from them, for
example; so "if you are faithful to the Spirit of his Son
then he cannot deny himself to you and your family ever."
That is also that the more you are faithful in your heart and
in your every day life with the Spirit of his dear beloved
Jesus Christ, then "you are in good standing" with your
heavenly Father; and if this is true in your life, then "he
only wants to be faithful to you always by supplying your
needs daily." So with the Spirit of Jesus Christ and his
wonderful wonder working-miracle mysterious name, then "our
heavenly Father and as well his Holy Spirit with his host of
angels is supernaturally faithful to you" and to your loved
ones today and always for ever and ever in the next life to
come, such as the brand new Jerusalem from heaven.
That is to say the more you have of the Spirit of Jesus
Christ living within your heart and in your every day life,
then the more faithful our Father is to you and your family
today and in eternity; and our heavenly Father will always be
faithful to you on earth, because everything we do now is for
eternity. However, if you think already that you are dead and
without hope, and then you should think again but with the
Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ within your heart, so this
time when you think again "then you will think with the
Spirit of light of your new everlasting life, so to know life
as God knows it."
This means: "You will be seeing life" as our heavenly Father
and his Holy Spirit know it through the Spirit of truth,
justice and everlasting life of his tree of life, our Lord
Jesus Christ! In addition, this is the supernatural working
power of the Spirit of the atoning sacrificed living blood of
our Lord Jesus Christ "working miraculous and without ceasing
in your favor day by day on earth and always in eternity as
However, if you continue to think with the spirit of darkness
of your sins or of your ancestors, without doubt, you are
lost just as ever before, without hope and salvation for your
eternal soul, and then "you will only see death and
destruction ahead of you," and this is exactly what Satan
wants to happen in your life today. Nevertheless, the Spirit
of our Lord Jesus Christ is faithfully stopping him dead on
his tracks today and every day with the help of his Holy
Spirit, so he will not fulfill his wicked will in your life
ever; that is, if the Spirit of Jesus Christ is in your
heart, then Satan died for you long ago. Meaning also, that
his satanic powers are useless forever and ever against you
and against your loved ones as well, in this life and in
eternity, so it pays to be faithful to our heavenly Father
through the everlasting and never-changing faithfulness of
his dear Son Jesus Christ.
Likewise, if you change your thinking pattern and begin to
think again with the Spirit of the wonderful and mighty name
of Jesus Christ living within your heart, and then you will
only see light and life today and forevermore well into
eternity, moreover "the glory of our God and his Spirit will
descend in your life to stay." So, just be faithful to the
wonderful and miracle-working holy name of our Lord Jesus
Christ as your King Messiah today and for all times, and then
"our heavenly Father will be always faithful to bless your
life and the lives of your loved ones as well", in this life
and in the next one to come well into eternity.
In truth, nothing will be impossible to you ever, "if you
only believe in the Spirit of the sacrifice and atoning blood
of our Lord Jesus Christ," because the wonderful working Holy
Spirit of our heavenly Father will be with you to protect and
heal your heart, soul, mind, body and life from all the wilds
of the hellish underworld. Amazingly, there is nothing
impossible for our heavenly Father to do for each one of us
at present, "if we only trust his everlasting faithfulness
towards his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ," and towards
each one of us as well, beginning with Adam in paradise, so
he may bless us and fill our lives with his own wonderful
life. (Is not that amazing already, what you say, eh?)
This is why that the Spirit of the sacrificed blood of his
Eternal Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ, is important in our
daily living not only in paradise but also on earth as well,
so "his plentiful life may begin to pour in within our
hearts, spirits, souls, lives and bodies constantly" and
without missing a single-day well into eternity. Currently,
this is true in each one of us today, just as it was true for
the past generation of nations, for example, because we are
his image and perfect likeness that could only coexist not
with the sinful life that we have inherit from Adam and Eve
or Satan but "with his own celestial and powerful life from
Moreover, our heavenly Father's abundant especial life exists
for each one of us, as it was from the beginning for Adam and
Eve in paradise, and so it is for each one of us as well on
earth today through the Spirit of faith, because "only his
life can replace our human life and bless us richly today and
always." That is that Satan has tried to replace our human
and celestial life with his terrible life but he has failed
completely, and this is why our life goes haywire without the
fruit of life within our hearts and souls.
M meaning that, we were created to live the life of the King
Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, and thus never to live the
life of Satan or any of his fallen angels, for example, so
"this why we need the Spirit of Jesus Christ all the time"
within our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and every day lives.
Thus, our human and fragile life may prosper greatly in this
life and in the next life to come for the glory and honor of
his wonderful and glorious name, "just as he intended it to
be in the beginning of our heavenly lives in paradise with
the tree of life" and his faithful holy angels, for example.
Believe it, our "heavenly Father is eternally faithful to
each one of us today", just as he has always been faithful to
his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and to his Holy Spirit as
well since eternity and to this very hour, for example; and
Satan will never destroy this Spirit of faith with nothing on
earth or paradise. Furthermore, without forgetting anything
from the past, except your sins, our Father will be just as
faithful to you on these days to strengthen and protect you
from the evil one and any other enemy that you may have
coming against you to attack and harm you and your household;
thus "our God is mighty today with our human faith."
In other words, our heavenly Father is powerful in our lives,
if we only receive the Spirit of the holy atoning blood of
his beloved Son, so "he may begin to work within our lives
with all his might," just as he did it with the ancients,
thus to set us free from our enemies and bless us powerfully.
Right now, whether we live now in paradise or on earth, "we
need tremendous powers to work in our behalves constantly,"
so we may not fall into any of the usual traps from Satan and
his wicked followers, such as liar, deceivers, slanders,
backbiting or any kind of smear or evil from the criminal
organized underworld and hell, for example.
For our heavenly Father is love but also very powerful among
other things of his glorious and holy character, thus "to
bless us on earth" just as he has always wanted to bless us
before, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, if we have
obeyed him at first by eating from his fruit of life, our
Lord Jesus Christ! This is to say that our heavenly Father
wants to bless and enrich our lives faithfully, just as in
the hour and minute that he set out to bless and enrich the
lives of Adam and Eve, "if they had been faithful to him by
just eating from the fruit of the tree of life," his beloved
Son Jesus Christ!
Then, our heavenly Father needed to do this with Adam first
in paradise because "Jesus Christ is the first and the last
within our hearts, souls, bodies and lives for him and his
Holy Spirit," to really begin to bless and enrich our lives
beyond our expectation and measure, even much more blessed
then the angels in heaven, for instance. Nowadays, if you are
suffering sin and its wicked problems and sickness of your
heart, body and soul, then "it is because our heavenly Father
cannot put his holy hands on you," the same hands that
created you at first, to begin to bless you richly and
faithfully in his Spirit, due to the absence of his Son in
Indeed, the truth is that when the holy hands of our heavenly
Father and of his Holy Spirit touches you, then "you feel
that you are back in the first day when he began to create
you with all his love in his heart" in the image and likeness
of his tree of life, his beloved Son Jesus Christ! Moreover,
this is a glorious feeling of your heart and entire living
soul that you should never miss in all the days of your life
on earth, you may miss paradise and its glories, and that is
tolerable, but extremely intolerable to miss this day ever,
the day of our Lord God! Because, when you go back to this
day and hour of your creation, you are indeed back inside the
holy heart of our heavenly Father and of his Holy Spirit,
thus "you will be born again" not from the spirit of Adam but
from the Spirit of the sacrifice blood and eternally elevated
life of his beloved Son Jesus Christ.
So this is why that it is very important that you not only
believe in the Spirit of the holy name of his precious Son
Jesus Christ, but also you must confess him with your lips,
such as in a moment of prayer and faith before his presence,
thus "he may not only forgive your sins but enrich you
furthermore." Actually, our heavenly Father not only wants to
enrich you today in the Spirit of the sacrificed blood of his
beloved Son Jesus Christ, "-just as he really has to-," so
the powers of darkness from Satan may not only begin to
abandon you but also leave other peoples on earth and even
from the earth itself as well.
Considering that, even the earth, believe or not, needs
freedom from the terrible presence of the powers of the deep
darkness of Satan and of his fallen angels, for example, so
there not only may be peace and glory on earth but all life
would benefit greatly, so then "mankind may have and enjoy
life always in good health." For sure, if the spirit of error
and of the deep darkness of Satan leaves this world, then not
only the plant and animal kingdoms may benefit and flourish
from it, but also "new life hidden from under the earth would
come up to the surface" and manifest itself to bless the life
of every living creature, as never before.
For the reason that, the earth and its water bodies "are full
of hidden life" (of volatile, sea life, animals, plants and
trees) that will not manifest itself according to its various
kingdoms due to the presence and destructive influence of the
deep darkness from the spirit of error and rebellion of Satan
and of his fallen angels, for example. Thus, our heavenly
Father created all life to live and manifest itself for the
glory and honor of his word and of his holy name, but "the
terrible powers of the deep darkness from Satan are
suppressing it down," so it would never come out from its
hidden places and manifest itself to humankind to enrich it
greatly forevermore.
It is like our Lord Jesus Christ, for example, suppressed by
the lies in heaven and in the hearts of Adam and Eve, and
thus he could not manifest himself to them in the spirit and
the truth of our heavenly Father, so "they may see him as
their light and life to continue to live with the Father
forever." Moreover, this was not only true for them, in those
early days of the human race, as our heavenly ancestors, for
instance, but for their offspring, as you and me today and
the entire world as well, so "we may live his most holy life
today" and not the angelic rebellious life from Satan or any
of his fallen angels.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father will do miracles and great
wonders with the entire earth and its water, "just as he has
done it with mankind" since the beginning of time by drawing
new life out of the hearts and lives of those that love and
respect him through the wonder-working Spirit of the atoning
blood of his Son Jesus Christ. In other words, our heavenly
Father will draw the hidden life that he has placed on earth
and in its water bodies, "if he can get rid of the deep
darkness out of the life from every man, woman and child," so
only the light and the everlasting life from his tree of life
will flourish everywhere as in heaven.
Because, the truth is that every man, woman and child have a
wonderful hidden or down suppress life in their hearts and
souls by the powers of the lies from Satan, but only "the
Spirit of truth and justice of the sacrificed blood of Jesus
Christ can free them," in a moment of faith and prayer,
without a slightest doubt. So, think again, there is great
good done when not only you may begin to believe with your
heart and thus confess with your mouth the breathtaking name
of our King Messiah, but also "people will change
dramatically," and thus blesses the earth greatly too by
manifesting its hidden glories of the past for the
everlasting glorification of our Maker.
Then, it is worthy to begin to be faithful to our heavenly
Father "but only through the wonderful working mighty Spirit
of the precious atoning blood of his dear beloved Son," our
Lord Jesus Christ, the only savior possible for Israel and
for humankind since the days of paradise to this very day and
forevermore, of course. Openly, this Spirit of faith that
descends from heaven and our heavenly Father is our Lord
Jesus Christ himself, because "only he is the true Spirit of
faith for the heart and life" of every man, woman and child
from humankind; meaning that without Jesus Christ living
within our lives, then "we have no saving faith possible
before our God."
Basically, we have no possible connection to our heavenly
Father in heaven, waiting for us patiently to begin to bless
and glorify his holy name that he has confided to us, so he
can begin to bless and enrich our lives abundantly in all
aspects of life, truth and eternal justice, for example;
clearly, without Christ "we are lifeless." That is, if we do
not have any Spirit of faith within our hearts and souls then
our heavenly Father will never be able to approach and bless
us with the everlasting living Spirit of the glorious and
mysterious name of his King Messiah, our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ! Then, "Satan will be there as usual to attack
us with his inhuman heart and spirit, no doubts about it," so
we may lose slowly but surely the early quality of life that
our Lord Jesus Christ has brought to us from heaven and from
our heavenly Father, for example.
However, if we are faithful to him by accepting within our
hearts and lives the precious and glorious name of his
beloved Son Jesus Christ, "then not only our sins are
forgiving immediately, but also "all the deep darkness from
Satan and his fallen angels will disappear from our hearts
and living souls as well." Meaning that all our sufferings
will disappear immediately or little by little but surely,
because "where the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ reigns
faithfully then Satan and his devils have to return to the
underworld," from where they came up to you to begin to
attack your life and living soul with his usual lies from
paradise, for example.
Thus, if there is no darkness from Satan within our hearts
and lives, in that case, "this means that we are free
indeed" and all the wonderful blessings that the holy hands
of our God may have placed into our hearts, bodies and souls
will then begin to come out to the open to enrich our lives
much more. This means also that many blessings of glory and
honor will begin to manifest to each one of us and to the
entire world as well, so we may glorify our God greatly on
earth, just as the angels glorify him in heaven; that is to
say that without Satan "then we can begin to live faithfully
for our Maker."
This is to say also that when the Spirit of faith of our Lord
Jesus Christ begins to live within our hearts and souls,
"then Satan is not longer part of our bodies," thus the
Spirit of faithfulness towards our heavenly Father and his
Spirit may begin to grow powerfully to never know defeat from
Satan or any other foe. We are eternally victorious with the
Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ living within our hearts and
souls today and forevermore in paradise; we are definitely
the offspring of Adam and Eve, "but potentially faithful
nowadays, indeed, to the fruit of eternal life, our living
Lord Jesus Christ," the only true Messiah possible for Israel
and the entire human race!
His precious sacrificed blood is on earth and calling us from
heaven as well for the sake of the wonderful and glorious
love of his Son and of his Spirit, so "we may wake up from
our sleep of sins and thus begin to live the new days of his
holy and glorious life," filled with the goodness from
paradise. In the Spirit of Jesus Christ, we are not longer
living in darkness in the presence of our heavenly Father
"but only in the shining light of his tree of life, our Lord
Jesus Christ," to only know the blessings of truth, peace,
justice and all their wonderful and mighty miracles and
wonders of a joyful heavenly life.
Indeed, in heaven, they love us divinely since the first days
of eternity and even to this day, not only by our Maker but
also by his Holy Spirit and very faithful legions of angels;
thus, they speak about us in the secret and glorious places
of heaven, "because of the Spirit of the everlasting grace of
Jesus Christ in us." Truly, on this very hour our heavenly
Father and his holy angels are speaking diligently about us,
thus to see all possible ways to bless each one of us one way
or the other, so Satan's work ends even before it starts;
then Satan ceases to exist for us as well, "but only if we
remain faithful to Jesus Christ."
Now, we may ask anything from our heavenly Father, in the
name of his Son Jesus Christ and he will grant us every one
of our petitions and intercessions to him and to his Spirit,
"for now we can cast out devils and, incredibly, the devils
can never cast us out again from any blessing from heaven or
the earth." Today, we have true powers from heaven on earth
and under the earth as well, to do many wonderful things in
our behalves, that is, to heal and bless us constantly in
many ways: "thanks to the Spirit of love of our heavenly
Father towards his Son Jesus Christ and each one of us all
over the world."
Presently, you are over with been cast out by Satan and his
devils from every blessing of life, peace and glory from our
heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit, in Christ Jesus, our
only tree of life possible in Israel and in paradise today
and beyond the end of time; now we will live abundantly, "if
we are only faithful." Nowadays, you can really begin to cast
out Satan and his wicked followers without saying a single
word, for the Spirit of faith that it is within you (and ever
growing likewise) will begin to do everything for you
automatically, so you may concentrate in other more important
tasks, such as "serving your heavenly Father and his people
on earth."
Our Creator blesses us with powers from heaven and earth,
"because we have believed in the Spirit of the sacrificed
atoning blood of the King Messiah for all times, our Lord
Jesus Christ", the Son of David, is his name today and well
into eternity in your hearts just as it is in the hearts of
angels in heaven forevermore. Faithfully, this means that our
heavenly Father and his Spirit will begin to answer every
petition of your prayers to fulfill your highest
expectations, so you and your loved ones will never lack
anything from heaven above nor from the earth below or even
from under the earth; thus, "God blesses us from everywhere
because of Christ's steady truthfulness towards us."
What is more, our heavenly Father will do this for each one
of us every day for the rest of our lives on earth and even
beyond in eternity, because "his faithfulness to his much-
loved Son is from everlasting to everlasting," meaning that
he will never cease to love and care for us forever and ever.
Yes, our heavenly Father blesses us constantly on earth, in
paradise and in the brand new Jerusalem from above, because
"now the same Spirit of faith that dwells in the heart of the
King Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ, is now living within our
hearts to continue his glorious and victorious work on earth
and even beyond eternity as well."
That is to say, we are just as responsible as Jesus Christ
was to our heavenly Father in his days of messianic ministry
in Israel to finish his glorious and majestic work in the
hearts, minds, souls and bodies of every man, woman and child
from mankind, so "his will be done on earth as it is in
heaven." Therefore, our work, for which we were born on
earth, is not finish ever until every man, woman and child
from all the nations of the world can believe in their hearts
what they say with their lips, when they glorify our heavenly
Father in the name of his beloved Son Jesus Christ, for
For it is the call from our heavenly Father since the days of
old to fill the entire earth with singing the glories of the
faithful service of his angels from heaven, "meaning that
every man, woman and child must become a servant to his
eternal will," as his Son Jesus Christ and as his Holy Spirit
are today eternally. Inasmuch as, our work did not begin on
earth, as when we were born from the wombs of our mothers,
but from eternity, and thus our work will continue
furthermore even beyond eternity to conquer more glories of
peace, happiness, love and holiness never dreamed by angels;
so we are important to God, "if we only love his Son
For our Lord Jesus Christ is the inwardness of faith of the
heart of men in this life and in the next life to come of the
brand new Jerusalem from heaven, where the spirit of error
does not exist and Satan's lies are not longer a threat to
anyone of us as they are today here on earth, unhappily.
Therefore, his faithfulness to each one of us is from
everlasting to everlasting, and this is to say that our
heavenly Father has always loved us from the beginning of
time and to this day, even before he began to create all
things in the heavens and on earth; indeed, we are the apple
of his eyes, because Jesus lives!
Yes, our heavenly Father truly loves you, just as he has
loved and cherished the lives and spirits of his Holy Spirit
and of every angel in heaven, and faithfully he will continue
to love you just the same in eternity, "but only in the
everlasting and ever increasing Spirit of faith from his
much-loved Son," our Lord Jesus Christ! This is why you must
stay with the Spirit of Jesus Christ living within your heart
today and forevermore in eternity, so he may glorify the holy
name of our heavenly Father and, in like manner, he will
definitely glorify your life greatly with supernatural powers
and authorities today and even beyond the new Kingdom to
come, as well.
Thus, our heavenly Father gave us his best to manifest and
prove his undivided faithfulness and love towards us by
giving us his only Son, not only to be born Israeli and
sinless but to live and die for each one of us "nailed to our
hands and feet with his own blood"; yes, "we are nailed to
the Messiah forever." For "our heavenly Father nailed us
eternally to the hands and feet of our King Messiah on the
holy hill of Jerusalem today and forevermore in eternity,"
thus to never separate us from him and from the wonderful
life of his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in this life
nor in the new Kingdom to come.
This means that indeed our Maker nailed us to the hands and
feet of the Son of David, and "Satan will never be able to
separate us from him and his precious atoning sinless blood
and thus the perfect salvation of our souls on earth and in
the eternal life of the new Kingdom to come is confirmed and
guarantee. That is to say, our heavenly Father has always
loved us and never wanted to separate from us, no matter what
the problem may be or the many sins in our lives or in the
lives of others, for example; thus our heavenly Father
remains faithful to us "even when we sin unaware against him
and his Son Jesus Christ."
Furthermore, because our heavenly Father is so faithful to
us, indeed, he has never denied anything to us, from the days
of old to this very day in our lives "but only if the Spirit
of faith of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, lives within our
hearts thus to fulfill all truth in our every day life on
earth." That is to say, to fulfill all truth, holiness,
justice and eternal righteousness not only within our earthly
lives on earth, but also within our heavenly lives, such as
in paradise and in the brand new Jerusalem from above, for
example, where "we will live with him and his faithful
angels, honoring and glorifying day-to-day his eternal
faithfulness to us."
Thus, this is why our heavenly Father has promised to protect
you from all the powers of the enemies of truth, justice and
eternal righteousness in your life, because "he loves dearly
the Spirit and the life of his anointed Son living within
you" and your loved ones as well, in this life and in the
next life to come. For our heavenly Father there is no
greater act of faith and truthfulness in his holy presence
and of his Holy Spirit and of his holy angels as well, "then
to see the heart of every man, woman and child from all the
families of the nations of earth filled with the Spirit of
his dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ."
Giving that, the blessings of forgiveness of sins, justice,
righteousness, truth and of eternal holiness is not only for
each one of us to enjoy today within our lives on earth but
for eternity as well, such as in paradise or in the brand new
Jerusalem from above, "where our heavenly Father has finally
found his precious peace with us." For this is what the heart
of our heavenly Father has been searching for since the days
of old to this day not so much in the hosts of angels in
heaven, because many rebelled against him by believing the
lies of Lucifer, for example, "but by believers as you and me
today my dear brother and sister on earth."
In this way, this Spirit of peace and love reigns in the
brand new land and heaven of the New Jerusalem from above,
where our heavenly Father will continue to love and cherish
our hearts and lives, "because the Spirit of truth, justice
and of eternal life of his Holy One fills us to overflow to
make us happy always." To sum it all up, his holy brand new
Kingdom would carry through easily today with each one of us
that believes and cares for the precious name of his tree of
life, our Lord Jesus Christ, "thus never to know sin again
but only truth, love, peace and everlasting glories without
end today and in eternity as well."
Truly, our heavenly Father would have finally fulfilled all
his promises of life, love and of eternal happiness for each
one of us, "but always only through the anointed Spirit of
the precious sacrificed blood of his much-loved Son," thus to
always know him within our hearts just as his loved ones know
him in heaven. Indeed, these loved ones of our heavenly
Father are not necessarily just his Son, the Holy Spirit and
faithful angels but also humankind living with him as nations
from past generations, for example; so we are fundamentally
talking about nations and their millions of families, "living
in peace and joy with our Maker in paradise today," thanks to
Jesus Christ!
That is to say, heaven is where all the families of the
nations of the world that have faithfully accepted and
honored the Spirit of the name of his beloved Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, will live eternally with him in a never-ending
peaceful glory and everlasting joy, for example, "to know
only truth, peace, holiness and the boundless
righteousness." In truth, this is why that you need our
heavenly Father blessing your life every day but only through
the Spirit of the anointed blood and life of his much-loved
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so "you may live and never die in
this life or in eternity in the everlasting fire from hell of
the lost, for example."
That is, without Jesus Christ, you can never know truth,
peace, justice and the wonderful blessings of the life that
you are living today on earth and in the next one to come in
the new kingdom from heaven, where "sin no longer exists
perpetually but only the truth between our heavenly Father
and his Son," our Lord Jesus Christ! So today, more then
ever, you need to know our heavenly Father through the Spirit
of faithfulness from the anointed blood of his Son Jesus
Christ, because "there is no other way possible" for you to
know him in this life nor in the next life to come from the
brand new world above, where all is peace and glory! All is
peace and glory on earth as it is in heaven, because the
lying wicked two-faced spirit of Satan is dead for you and me
today and in eternity, thanks to the powerful and forever-
loving Spirit of the only possible King Messiah for all ages,
the Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ!
Essentially, the everlasting happiness and the never-ending
justice as well to know our heavenly Father face-to-face and
soul-to-soul just as his beloved Son Jesus Christ and his
Holy Spirit have known him since the days of old and to this
day, thus, "this is the real meaning of life, to know our
Father just as heaven knows him everlastingly." For there is
no greater joy and happiness for the hearts of men but to
know their Creator with their hearts, minds, souls and
bodies, just as his Son Jesus Christ has known him since
eternity to this very day; so once you have found your
Creator through the everlasting faithfulness of his dear Son,
"then you are happy perpetually."
This means that your heart has found finally what has been
searching for since the first days of eternity, even before
things existed in the heaven and on earth, starting with the
angels and down to Adam and you today, for example, my dear
brother and sister; you are happy now because you have found
faithfully Jesus Christ! Yes, your faithfulness to the Spirit
of the sacrificed blood of the Lamb of God makes a great
difference of life and never-ending blessings for your heart,
soul, life and body in this life and in the next one to come
in the new Kingdom of our heavenly Father and of his tree of
life, our faithful Lord Jesus Christ!
El amor (Espíritu Santo) de nuestro Padre Celestial y de su
Jesucristo es contigo.
¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!
Dígale al Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo corazón, en
el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman,
Señor. Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras
almas te rinden gloria y honra a tu nombre y obra santa y
sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo, también, para
siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.
LAS MALDICIONES BIBLICAS, para los que obran maldad día y
noche, (Deuteronomio 27: 15-26):
"'¡Maldito el hombre que haga un ídolo tallado o una imagen
de fundición, obra de mano de tallador (lo cual es
transgresión a la Ley perfecta de nuestro Padre Celestial), y
la tenga en un lugar secreto!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡
"'¡Maldito el que le reste importancia a su padre o a su
madre!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que cambie de lugar los limites de propiedad
de su prójimo!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que desvié al ciego de su camino!' Y todo el
pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que falsee el derecho del extranjero, del
huérfano y de la viuda!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con la mujer de su padre,
porque descubre la desnudes de su padre!' Y todo el pueblo
dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que tenga contacto sexual con cualquier
animal!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con su hermana, hija de su
padre o hija de su madre!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con su suegra!' Y todo el
pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que a escondidas y a traición hiera de muerte
a su semejante, sin causa alguna!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡
"'¡Maldito el que acepte soborno para matar a un inocente,
sin causa alguna!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
"'¡Maldito el que no cumpla las palabras de esta ley,
poniéndolas por obra en su diario vivir en la tierra!' Y todo
el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'
Es por eso que los ídolos han sido desde siempre: un tropiezo
a la verdad y al poder de Dios en tu vida. Un tropiezo
eterno, para que la omnipotencia de Dios no obre en tu vida,
de acuerdo a la voluntad perfecta del Padre Celestial y de su
Espíritu Eterno. Pero todo esto tiene un fin en tu vida, en
ésta misma hora crucial de tu vida. Has de pensar quizá que
el fin de todos los males de los ídolos termine, cuando
llegues al fin de tus días. Pero esto no es verdad. Los
ídolos con sus espíritus inmundos te seguirán atormentando
día y noche entre las llamas ardientes del fuego del
infierno, por haber desobedecido a la Ley viviente de Dios.
En verdad, el fin de todos estos males está aquí contigo, en
el día de hoy. Y éste es el Señor Jesucristo. Cree en Él, en
espíritu y en verdad. Usando siempre tu fe en Él, escaparas
los males, enfermedades y los tormentos eternos de la
presencia terrible de los ídolos y de sus huestes de
espíritus infernales en tu vida y en la vida de cada uno de
los tuyos también, para la eternidad del nuevo reino de Dios.
Porque en el reino de Dios su Ley santa es de día en día
honrada y exaltada en gran manera, por todas las huestes de
sus ángeles santos. Y tú con los tuyos, mi estimado hermano,
mi estimada hermana, has sido creado para honrar y exaltar
cada letra, cada palabra, cada oración, cada tilde, cada
categoría de bendición terrenal y celestial, cada honor, cada
dignidad, cada señorío, cada majestad, cada poder, cada
decoro, y cada vida humana y celestial con todas de sus
muchas y ricas bendiciones de la tierra, del día de hoy y de
la tierra santa del más allá, también, en el reino de Dios y
de su Hijo amado, ¡el Señor Jesucristo!, ¡El Todopoderoso de
Israel y de las naciones!
Esta es la única ley santa de Dios y del Señor Jesucristo en
tu corazón, para bendecirte, para darte vida y vida en
abundancia, en la tierra y en el cielo para siempre. Y te ha
venido diciendo así, desde los días de la antigüedad, desde
los lugares muy altos y santos del reino de los cielos:
PRIMER MANDAMIENTO: "No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí".
SEGUNO MANDAMIENTO: "No te harás imagen, ni ninguna semejanza
de lo que esté arriba en el cielo, ni abajo en la tierra, ni
en las aguas debajo de la tierra. No te inclinarás ante ellas
ni les rendirás culto, porque yo soy Jehová tu Dios, un Dios
celoso que castigo la maldad de los padres sobre los hijos,
sobre la tercera y sobre la cuarta generación de los que me
aborrecen. Pero muestro misericordia por mil generaciones a
los que me aman y guardan mis mandamientos".
TERCER MANDAMIENTO: "No tomarás en vano el nombre de Jehová
tu Dios, porque Él no dará por inocente al que tome su nombre
en vano".
CUARTO MANDAMIENTO: "Acuérdate del día del sábado para
santificarlo. Seis días trabajarás y harás toda tu obra, pero
el séptimo día será sábado para Jehová tu Dios. No harás en
ese día obra alguna, ni tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu
siervo, ni tu sierva, ni tu animal, ni el forastero que está
dentro de tus puertas. Porque en seis días Jehová hizo los
cielos, la tierra y el mar, y todo lo que hay en ellos, y
reposó en el séptimo día. Por eso Jehová bendijo el día del
sábado y lo santificó".
QUINTO MANDAMIENTO: "Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, para que
tus días se prolonguen sobre la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te
SEXTO MANDAMIENTO: "No cometerás homicidio".
SEPTIMO MANDAMIENTO: "No cometerás adulterio".
NOVENO MANDAMIENTO: "No darás falso testimonio en contra de
tu prójimo".
DECIMO MANDAMIENTO: "No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo; no
codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su
sierva, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna que sea de tu
Entrégale tu atención al Espíritu de Dios y déshazte de todos
estos males en tu hogar, en tu vida y en la vida de cada uno
de los tuyos, también. Hazlo así y sin mas demora alguna, por
amor a la Ley santa de Dios, en la vida de cada uno de los
tuyos. Porque ciertamente ellos desean ser libres de sus
ídolos y de sus imágenes de talla, aunque tú no lo veas así,
en ésta hora crucial para tu vida y la vida de los tuyos,
también. Y tú tienes el poder, para ayudarlos a ser libres de
todos estos males, de los cuales han llegado a ellos, desde
los días de la antigüedad, para seguir destruyendo sus vidas,
en el día de hoy. Y Dios no desea continuar viendo estos
males en sus vidas, sino que sólo Él desea ver vida y vida en
abundancia, en cada nación y en cada una de sus muchas
familias, por toda la tierra.
Esto es muy importante: Oremos junto, en el nombre del Señor
Jesucristo. Vamos todos a orar juntos, por unos momentos. Y
digamos juntos la siguiente oración de Jesucristo delante de
la presencia santa del Padre Celestial, nuestro Dios y
salvador de todas nuestras almas:
Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos: santificada sea la
memoria de tu nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo
amado. Venga tu reino, sea hecha tu voluntad, como en el
cielo así también en la tierra. El pan nuestro de cada día,
dánoslo hoy. Perdónanos nuestras deudas, como también
nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos metas en
tentación, mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, el
poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Amén.
Porque si perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre
Celestial también os perdonará a vosotros. Pero si no
perdonáis a los hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonará
vuestras ofensas.
Por lo tanto, el Señor Jesús dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la
sino es POR MÍ". Juan 14:
- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de
éste MUNDO y su MUERTE.
Dispónte a dejar el pecado (arrepiéntete):
Cree que Jesucristo murió por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al
tercer día por el Poder Sagrado del Espíritu Santo y deja que
entré en tu vida y sea tu ÚNICO SALVADOR Y SEÑOR EN TU VIDA.
Dios mío, soy un pecador y necesito tu perdón. Creo que
Jesucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi
pecado. Estoy dispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a
venir a mi corazón y a mi vida, como mi SALVADOR.
¿Aceptaste a Jesús, como tu Salvador? ¿Sí _____? O ¿No
¿Fecha? ¿Sí ____? O ¿No _____?
Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de
una nueva maravillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:
Lee la Biblia cada día para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con
Dios, orando todos los días en el nombre de JESÚS. Bautízate
en AGUA y en El ESPÍRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, reúnete y
sirve con otros cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es
predicado y la Biblia es la suprema autoridad. Habla de
Cristo a los demás.
Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros
cristianos que los hermanos Pentecostés o pastores del
evangelio de Jesús te recomienden leer y te ayuden a entender
más de Jesús y de su palabra sagrada, la Biblia. Libros
cristianos están disponibles en gran cantidad en diferentes
temas, en tu librería cristiana inmediata a tu barrio,
entonces visita a las librerías cristianas con frecuencia,
para ver que clase de libros están a tu disposición, para que
te ayuden a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.
Te doy las gracias por leer mí libro que he escrito para ti,
para que te goces en la verdad del Padre Celestial y de su
Hijo amado y así comiences a crecer en Él, desde el día de
hoy y para siempre.
El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la
paz de Jerusalén día a día y sin cesar, en nuestras
oraciones. Porque ésta es la tierra, desde donde Dios lanzo
hacia todos los continentes de la tierra: todas nuestras
bendiciones y salvación eterna de nuestras almas vivientes. Y
nos dice Dios mismo, en su Espíritu Eterno: "Vivan tranquilos
los que te aman. Haya paz dentro de tus murallas y
tranquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusalén". Por causa de mis
hermanos y de mis amigos, diré yo: "Haya paz en ti, siempre
Jerusalén". Por causa de la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios, en
el cielo y en la tierra: imploraré por tu bien, por siempre.
El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el
Espíritu de Dios a toda la humanidad, diciéndole y
asegurándole: - Qué todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de
Jehová de los Ejércitos, ¡el Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda
letra, de toda palabra, de todo instrumento y de todo
corazón, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre: gloria y
loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas,
como antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.