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Sep 28, 2008, 11:33:01 PM9/28/08

Sábado, 27 de septiembre, año 2008 de Nuestro Salvador
Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


The Son of David is God! In a prophetic moment in ancient
Israel, our Lord Jesus Christ's apostles wanted to know if
they could see and speak to their heavenly Father on that
particular moment. Then Jesus Christ told one of his
apostles, and said to him, you do not know yet that "I AM,"
that I am God; "I AM" is speaking to you right now. What is
more, whoever sees me, he sees the heavenly Father, for the
Father and I are one thing in heaven and on earth forever and
ever. Why ask me then to show you the Father" I am God, Jesus
Christ told the Hebrews.

Truly, you do not believe yet that I AM in the Father and
that he is in me, since I being with you and until now, Jesus
Christ reminded his apostles. The words that you hear from me
are not mines but my heavenly Father's that lives within me,
he added. However, if you cannot believe and understand what
I told you as far as here, then just believe in me today, for
the works that I did until now in all of Israel, and this is
since the escape from Egypt and to this day. I AM that I AM
before Moses; I am God, the Son of David before you today, he
told the Hebrews in Israel openly; he added again, I am the
King Messiah!

Now, if you do not believe that I am God speaking to you as I
spoke to Moses in his days and at the Sinai's summit, then
you will die in the sins of Egypt today and in eternity as
well; you are in darkness without me in your life. I am the
light that shone before Moses and before you today and
forevermore-in eternity. Believe in the truth from your
heavenly Father and his dear Son Jesus Christ and live free
from darkness and Satan beginning today and in eternity as
well. I am the light; I am the way, the truth and the life;
no one can see the heavenly Father except through me.

For our heavenly Father, who said in the beginning, "Let
light come out from darkness," has shone clearly within our
hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of our heavenly
Father's glory in the face of his dearly loved Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, his only begotten Son in Israel and in heaven
as well today and forever. Thus, this light is shining as
never before in the hearts and lives of those that are
willing to receive and obey our heavenly Father, so darkness
will not continue to prevail within their lives but only the
light and life of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Messiah of
angels in heaven and of humankind on earth, beginning with

For it was Jesus Christ, the Son of David, from the beginning
that manifested his name to Moses as he had never manifested
it to Abraham, Isaac or Jacob, as the everlasting God of
their eternal and individual salvation of their living souls.
Then, the Son of David told Moses over the mountaintop of
Sinai: Go and tell the Hebrews that my name for their eternal
salvation is the Great I am: I am that I am is sending you to
them today, so the liberation of their living souls may begin
on these days.

This is why our Lord Jesus Christ manifested himself as the
light of the liberation of Israel from within Egypt thus to
begin to shine always brightly in their brand-new life,
granted to them by our heavenly Father, as he began to give
to Adam and Eve in paradise, for example, so they may live
before him: Holy and Perfect. In other words, our heavenly
Father took Adam and Eve by their hands to show them the way
to the tree of life, so they may eat and drink from him for
their eyes to be open not to the darkness of sin and death
but to the everlasting light of life and glory of the brand-
new Kingdom to come.

Due to the fact that, only the Spirit of his beloved Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, is the true and only light of the brand-
new life for every angel, archangel, seraphim, cherubim and
other holy creatures in heaven, and thus, he is the light of
every man, woman and child from the entire human race as
well. Moreover, this is true today as it was in paradise or
in the beginning of life on earth, because Jesus Christ is
the soul and life of every man, woman and child on earth,
beginning with Israel, for example, so they may never know
darkness but only the heavenly light of our heavenly Father
and of his Holy Spirit forever.

Therefore, it is only through this light that our heavenly
Father can see in each one of us, whether his creatures are
angels from heaven or men from paradise or earth, for
example; and without this light, then our Creator cannot see
any one at all, this is why no one without Jesus Christ can
enter into his presence ever. This is to say also that
without the presence of the Spirit of the Blood of the Lamb
of God, sacrificed in the beginning of the creation of the
entire world, then he or she cannot stand in his eternal
light but will continue to live always in the most utter
gloom of the Prince of Darkness.

Thus, this is a terrible life to live, to say the least for
any human being. Just as Adam and Eve in paradise, for
example, even though our heavenly Father and of his Holy
Spirit created them in their holy hands, they still remained
in the darkness of the earth from where he took them from in
the day of their creation; both of them eternally lost
without Jesus Christ, as if they had sinned. In other words,
Adam and Eve, even though our heavenly Father created them
perfect and without sin in his hands in the beginning, they
still lived their lives as any other human being of our days,
as if they had been born in sin, that is.

That the light of our heavenly Father and of his Holy Spirit,
which it lives eternally within the holy and glorious Blood
of the Lamb of God, the everlasting tree of life and
happiness, the Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ, it had to
become part of our human race, beginning with Adam and Eve in
heaven, for example. Unfortunately, this was something that
Adam and Eve did not understand in their day and hour before
the tree of life and the presence of our heavenly Father in
paradise, because they did not partake from him, as our
heavenly Father called them to do so without any further

Adam and Eve were still intensely blind by the powers from
the soil from where they came out from by the holy hands of
our heavenly Father in the day of their individual creation,
and only the fruit from the tree of life could clean them
thoroughly thus for them to see our heavenly Father and his
Son, the Messiah! Instead, they ate from the tree of
knowledge of good and evil, disobeying like this the holy
will of our heavenly Father, for the utter destruction of
their lives and souls, and the eternal separation from the
eternal Kingdom of angels and very holy creatures, returning
like this to the soil of death in the day of their deaths.

Therefore, Adam and Eve became eternally lost in their
disobedience against the will of our heavenly Father in
paradise, because now they had partaken from the spirit of
darkness from Satan, instead of partaking from the Spirit of
light and life of the tree of life and the eternal holy and
perfect will of our Creator, our Lord Jesus Christ! Because,
only Jesus Christ is the perfect will of our heavenly Father
in the hearts of angels, archangels, cherubs, seraphim and
other holy creatures from heaven, including every man, woman
and child from all the families of the nations of the entire
human race, for example.

Thus, it is the Spirit of Jesus Christ installed within their
hearts, by the way of prayer and faith, invoking the name of
his much-loved Son, the King Messiah for all times, that
truly fulfills all justice, righteousness and eternal
holiness forever on earth, in paradise and in the brand-new
celestial Jerusalem from heaven; otherwise, there is no
justice entirely. That is that there is no justice possible
for any one forever in eternity before our heavenly Father,
his Holy Spirit and his hosts of holy angels in heaven and in
the brand-new eternal life to come yet soon for all the
nations of the entire human race, in keeping with the promise
of salvation and eternal life to Israel.

Consequently, nobody living in paradise, angel or man, can
truly continue to live in it lands and under its skies
without the justice, truth, righteousness and sanctification
of the fruit from the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ,
installed in their hearts, then they have to leave the sooner
the better paradise thus to continue to live elsewhere. Then,
when Adam and Eve left their holy and celestial lives in
paradise, it was because their hearts, souls, minds, bodies
and lives overflowed with the spirit of error and the utter
darkness from the lies of Satan and his serpent to know only
in all the days of their lives: pain, suffering and the
eternal death in hell.

This is to say also that Jesus Christ was not their God, as
divinely required from them in the beginning thus to receive
him within their hearts, souls, lives and human bodies, so
then He would continue to be the Eternal God of their
offspring by default; unfortunately, they failed to see Jesus
Christ as God, subsequently they died. On the other hand,
Adam and Eve had become slaves of sin for Satan and his
fallen angels in paradise, on earth and in hell as well, thus
to never know the light of life but only the utter
destruction of darkness and death in hell and in the lake of
fire, forever and ever.

The Prince of Darkness was reigning within the hearts and
lives of every human being by default and not Jesus Christ as
their only True God, savior and friend on earth and in the
next life to come, for example, that is to say that they were
born in sin to die in hell in their last days of Judgment.
Fatefully, this was in the same terrible situation, full of
darkness and destruction, that the Hebrews had fallen into in
Egypt to know only suffering, sickness, diseases and the
utter destruction of their eternal souls in hell, because
they did not know the Son of David as their only True God and
savior of their souls in those days, unfortunately.

Consequently, Satan had a powerful hold of their hearts,
souls, minds, bodies and lives in Egypt, so they may never
wake up to the everlasting light and truth of the Son of
David, the Son of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Son of God,
the King Messiah, the only possible savior of their eternal
souls on earth and beyond eternity. Only Moses, and probable
Aaron too, the high priest, knew in their hearts the Spirit
of the Son of David, or Jesus Christ, to be the God and
savior of Israel and for all the families of the nations of
the entire world in those days and forever and ever in

Without fail, the Hebrews in Egypt needed the light from the
tree of life from paradise, the Son of David, our only King
Messiah possible for them and the entire human race, so they
may begin to fight back against their enemies and thus set
themselves free to begin to walk towards the brand-new life
from heaven, our heavenly Father. Because, our heavenly
Father and his dear Son Jesus Christ are the fullness of the
Holy Spirit of the brand-new Jerusalem from above, where we
will live together in peace as human beings and holy angels
from heaven, for example, well into all eternity; this is
going to be a glorious life thus to enjoy until the end of

Then, for this to happen for the Hebrews lost in their sins
and darkness not to know their God and savior of their
eternal souls, then our heavenly Father himself had to come
down from heaven and thus to take the Hebrews by their hands
and walk them towards the tree of life to the land of Canaan.
Because, it is our heavenly father himself who has to do this
not only for Adam and Eve but also for every one of their
offspring and their nations as well all over the entire
earth, so they may become acquainted with their only eternal
God and savior of their living souls.

In other words, what our heavenly did for Adam and Eve, by
taken them through the way of justice of his Son Jesus Christ
in paradise, the tree of life, so they may both partake and
with their offspring as well from the fruit of the tree of
life, then he had to do the same for Israel in Egypt.
Because, Egypt was paradise for the Hebrews, but the fruit of
the tree of life was in the Promised Land of Canaan that
overflows with milk and honey for each one of them and for
all the families of the nations of the entire world as well,
and our heavenly Father himself with his Son had to take them

This is to say that the Son of David, as the Angel of God,
was with the Hebrews in Egypt and through the desert as their
God and savior thus for them to enter into the land of milk
and honey for their hearts and eternal souls, hungry and
thirsty for the physical presence of the King Messiah, Jesus
Christ! This is the light from the tree of life from
paradise that Adam and Eve had become acquainted with by the
will of our heavenly Father, so they may begin to walk in the
light of the Spirit of truth and justice of his dear Son,
Jesus Christ, because he is the only brand-new life for
everyone today in eternity.

Therefore, without the Spirit of Jesus Christ then the angels
do not have light at all, like Lucifer and his fallen angels,
for example, and the same is true for Adam and Eve and every
one of their offspring in paradise and all creation, this is
why Jesus Christ is the God of Israel and for every one else
also. Thus, whomever that does not have Jesus Christ as his
God and savior of his or her eternal living soul, then before
our heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit, this person lives in
darkness all the days of his or her life on earth, and even
beyond eternity as well, never to know love, peace and
happiness forevermore.

In all likelihood, this is the sad experience of many people
still living in the sinful life of curses and destruction of
the Prince of Darkness thus condemned never to know the
bright light and blessings of a brand-new holy life, the life
of our God and only possible savior of our eternal souls, the
Son of David, Jesus Christ! Likewise, in due time, this light
is the one that Moses saw at the side of Sinai that was in
truth burning with fire but, simultaneously, it was not
consuming anything within its surrounding, however, it was
just calling Moses from out his darkness of sin and
blindness, so he may begin to see the new life for Israel.

Divinely, this is the same life that offered at first to
Adam and Eve in paradise, if they had eaten from his fruit in
the day that our heavenly Father took them by their hand to
the feet of the tree of life, thus they may begin to know him
and eat and drink from him freely forevermore. Truly, this
was the right time, chosen by our heavenly Father, for Adam
and every one of his offspring to come to know and receive
Jesus Christ as his or her personal Eternal God and savior of
their living souls in paradise, on earth and for the brand-
new Kingdom to come, like the brand-new colossal Jerusalem
from heaven, for example.

For this is the life from paradise and the brand-new
celestial Jerusalem that is full of the light from our
heavenly Father, his Holy Spirit and his tree of life, thus
to know only peace, happiness and the eternal glory of the
heart, soul, mind and human body with our Father, just as
his Son knows him thoroughly-well since eternity. This is why
our heavenly Father strictly called us day-by-day to know his
dear Son Jesus Christ only as our Lord God and savior of our
living souls and entire lives on earth, just as in the
heavens holy angels know him very well, since ancient
eternity and until our days, for example.

Because, Jesus Christ is God of the angels and thus the God
of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, and so, the
God of every man, the God of every woman and the God of every
child from all the families of the entire world; and without
him, believe it: there is no God for anybody anywhere. This
is why you should obey our heavenly Father and accept
immediately Jesus Christ, the Son of David, as the living God
of your entire life and soul on earth and for the brand-new
kingdom to come for future generations, in this way to
fulfill all justice and truth within your life and the life
of the entire world also.

In truth, our Lord Jesus Christ has always known our heavenly
Father as his Father and, as well, as the Father of all
creatures in heaven with the angels and with the human race
on earth, for example, from this light that shines greater
than all the darkness of Satan and his underworld of eternal
evil in hell. That is to say that the moment you begin to
accept Jesus Christ as the living God of your entire life and
living soul, then your life will shine brightly in the
presence of our heavenly Father, his Holy Spirit and his holy
faithful angels in heaven, for example, thus never to know
darkness as known in the past.

Therefore, for Adam and Eve this was their only eternal God
and savior of their souls that had the power to save them
from the powers of darkness from Satan and from his fallen
angels, in paradise and on earth today, as well; and they
never saw it like this until it was too late for them and
their children. Adam and Eve lost a wonderful opportunity to
recognize within their hearts and lives Jesus Christ, the Son
of David, not only as the tree of life but also as the living
God of their brand-new lives in paradise and all creation as
well, for the glory and honor of our heavenly Father forever
and ever in eternity.

Because, Jesus Christ when recognized and accepted within the
hearts and living souls of men, women and children, then they
all begin to live automatically within the everlasting spirit
of truth, justice and holiness before our heavenly Father and
his Holy Spirit on earth and in heaven as well, forever, thus
never to know the sinful life from Satan. Biblically, Jesus
Christ is God, because he not only came out from within our
heavenly Father, but also he has always existed in eternity.
This is to say that our heavenly Father did not create Jesus
Christ as the angels from heaven, for example, but that his
dear Son, the Son of David, exists from everlasting to

Nevertheless, the truth is that he has always existed with
the heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit in perfect harmony,
peace and holiness in the heavens and in its ancient
eternity; this is why he said openly: I am the way, the truth
and the life and, truthfully, no one can see heaven and the
Father without me. Now, for Jesus Christ to say that he is
the way and the truth, then this makes him God. Because, no
one in heaven can claim to be the way and the truth in the
angelic kingdom but only God, our heavenly Father and his
Holy Spirit; thus, Jesus Christ has also claimed to be the
life in the angelic Kingdom, in paradise, on earth and for
the New Jerusalem from heaven for the nations of the entire

This is also to say that Jesus Christ is not only the tree of
life from heaven but also he is the tree of life over the
mountaintop of Jerusalem, in Israel, for all people to eat
and drink life and health from him every day and forevermore;
consequently, no one has ever claimed to be the life, except
God. Delightfully, this prehistoric God is Jesus Christ that
our heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit has not only
presented to Adam and Eve in paradise as the fruit of life,
but also to Israel and to your loved ones as well, so you may
not continue to live another day a godless dark life for your
eternal living soul.

Because, any one that does not recognize Jesus Christ as God
and savior of his or her life, then he or she is living a
godless sinful, rebellious and dark life in paradise, on
earth and in eternity before our heavenly Father and his Holy
Spirit. In truth, our heavenly Father does not want to see
any person living one more day a Christ less life, a life
without the King Messiah, before him, quite the contrary, our
heavenly Father only ones to see the Spirit of his dear Son
living within his or her heart so to fulfill all justice for
good and all.

This is why our heavenly Father spoke from heaven to the
Hebrews on the day he gave them the tables of the Ten
Commandments, for example, and at the day of the
transfiguration of Jesus Christ over the mountaintop, and he
said clearly, speaking about his Son: This is Jesus Christ,
my Son. Only in him I am well pleased, thus listen to him and
do as he commands you to do in all things, so you may fulfill
all justice and truth of the Spirit of the Law within your
entire life on earth and within your brand-new life in heaven
as well, forever and ever.

Here we see that our heavenly Father himself is testifying
before Moses and the Hebrews that Jesus Christ is his Son,
therefore he is God; meaning also to accept and recognize
Jesus Christ as God and savior in the hearts for all people,
just as Moses and the ancients did in their days to attain
eternal salvation from Egypt. Now, our heavenly Father had to
save the Hebrews from the powers of the deep darkness of
Satan in Egypt, the sooner the better; therefore, our
heavenly Father needed to shine before the eyes of the
Hebrews but first to one man that would believe in him and in
the holy Blood of his Lamb, the Son of David!

Here, we face the light of our heavenly Father shinning
powerfully over the top of the mountain thus to begin to call
the attention of those living in the darkness of Satan, of
not knowing at all the existence and greatness of his beloved
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ! Our heavenly Father had begun his
calling from the Sinai's summit for all peoples, not just
Moses and the Hebrews but everyone as well to receive and
recognize Jesus Christ, the Son of David, as the God and
savior of their eternal living souls from the powers of sin
and Satan, for example.

Next, our heavenly Father needed to begin to do this with
Moses and the people of the entire world, beginning with
Israel to have them accept Jesus Christ, his beloved Son, as
their personal God and savior thus to defeat all the powers
of darkness from Satan and from his fallen angels that way to
fulfill justice and truth forever. Because, for our heavenly
Father, whether it is an angel from heaven or any man from
paradise or earth that does not know the Spirit of his Son in
his heart, truly, this creature is living in darkness and
eternal rebellion against him; this means that this creature
does not know life, the Son of David in his heart

Unfortunately, the Hebrews lost eternally as a whole nation,
living within the powerful satanic darkness and its fallen
angels, thus to know only suffering and death at the end of
their days on earth, without Jesus Christ; begs the question:
who knows really, how many years our God, the Son of David,
was on the Sinai's top calling to Israel? No one really knows
since when our Lord Jesus Christ was at the Sinai's
mountaintop, shining powerfully with his glorious presence
thus to let Israel know that he had come down personally from
heaven to give them the power of his light to shine in the
darkness of Satan and finally escape from their certain
sinful life and eternal death.

(Our heavenly Father could have very well being on the
Sinai's summit for years, for a long time, for all we know
from the Holy Scripture, calling Israel to save himself from
the power of darkness from the sinful and terrible death from
Satan and hell; apparently, no one was listening as in the
days of Noah, for example. Everyone was going his way,
without worrying about anything at all, as if there is no
eternity waiting at the end of the road in this life or in
the next one to come judgment day or the terrible day of the
fury and fierce anger of our heavenly Father, in hell or the
lake of fire, for example.

So, the Son of David was at the Sinai summit waiting
patiently for someone from Israel to come looking for the
help of God, but no one came to him until Mosses became
concerned with the shining light out of the darkness of the
mountaintop; Mosses looked up and saw the light to become
saved at last from darkness. Just as the Son of David, who
was on the holy mountaintop of Jerusalem, since the Third Day
and to this very day, calling just the same way to Israel and
the entire world as Moses did, thus for them to escape the
sinful life and eternal death in hell of Satan and his
terrible every day lies, for example.

However, no one was listening, as usual, much less paying
attention to our heavenly Father and his dear Son Jesus
Christ, until Mosses saw the light and the fire from a
distance over the Sinai's summit; a new way of life had
begun, and this time Jesus Christ recognition by everyone and
everywhere as God and rescuer, it was mandatory. Right now,
at the old holy mountaintop of Jerusalem, the Sinai's
question remains open, how much longer is going to take
Israel to see the light and the fire of the Son of David as
Moses did, for them to begin to recognize within their hearts
the truth and the everlasting justice of the will of our
heavenly Father?

Thus, their sins may be blot out completely forever and ever
and then, like this, finally become save from the power of
Satan and hell, just as their first national salvation from
Egypt, so they can finally enter into the true everlasting
Promised Land from heaven, The celestial Jerusalem of God and
his tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ!) At the proper time,
our heavenly Father came down himself to the Sinai's high
point to meet the whole of Israel there, so they would wake
up and open their eyes not to see anymore the usual darkness
of sin and Satan, but this time to see the light of the
eternal life of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!

That is, our heavenly Father had not changed his mediation,
what he did in paradise for Adam and his offspring, he was
doing the same for Moses and the Hebrews thus to have them
confess the name of his Son, by believing with their hearts
and pronouncing it faithfully with their lips: I am that I am
is my God. In good time, this is exactly what the Son of
David told the Hebrews again in Israel and then he assured
them firmly for good and all: If you do not believe that I
am, that is, that I am your God since Egypt, then you will
remain in darkness and die sinfully; many Hebrews believed in
him and lived.

That was all that Adam and Eve needed to confess in paradise
thus to begin to see our heavenly Father and stay to live
with him and his holy angels with their offspring forever,
for example, but Satan robbed them across-the-board with lies
from this wonderful and everlasting blessing of a glorious
life, the life from the tree of life. For Adam and Eve to
confess Jesus Christ as the Eternal God of their living souls
is a total victory against Satan in paradise and today as
well on earth thus to continue to live victoriously with
Jesus Christ within our hearts and eternal souls forever and
evermore in eternity. Well, the same is true in Israel, that
is to confess Jesus Christ as God and redeemer of the Hebrews
in the Promised Land, chosen by our heavenly Father for this
purpose is, indeed, a powerful victory against Satan and, in
the same breath, new glories and honors for our God Almighty
on earth and in eternity as well.

In due time, Adam and Eve become part of the tree of life,
our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of David, but this time not
only in the place or land chosen by our heavenly Father but
they were both crossed to each other as dead tree to become
the tree of life with Jesus Christ on top of them. Adam and
Eve nailed eternally with the holy sacrificed blood of the
Son of David not in any place on earth but in Israel, so they
may become one more time, and this time forever, not darkness
for Satan but light for our heavenly Father in paradise and
in the New Jerusalem from heaven, thanks to our heavenly

Today, our heavenly Father is calling everyone from all over
the earth to look up to the mountaintop and see him, so your
darkness may turn into light, the brand-new light of your
eternal life thus never again to be overpower by sin but by
the wonderful working grace of the Godliness of his Son Jesus
Christ in your life. This to say also that our heavenly
Father is calling you with great urgency, so he may shine
within your darkness by the everlasting working power of the
Spirit of his dear Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, for the
redemption of your eternal soul, thus for you only to know
life and blessings without end in your brand-new life.

Initially, it was the Messiah from our heavenly Father that
was calling Moses, so he may shine within his darkness by the
everlasting working power of the Spirit of his dear Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, for the redemption of Israel was at hand
as never before in the history of the life of any nation from
the entire world. Our heavenly Father called Israel to wake
up just in time, before submerging even further into the deep
darkness of sin, blinds and of Satan in the netherworld of
eternal perdition and the everlasting death of hell; in
truth, these were very dangerous days for the existence of
Israel; Satan wanted all Israel dead by fair means or foul.

Because, if Satan could kill the entire nation of Israel in
Egypt, then the promise of the King Messiah for the
patriarchs of Israel and the everlasting salvation for
humankind would have never been able to take place on earth
much less in eternity; God's glory would have had come to a
scratching halt to never mention it again forever. This meant
also that nobody would know Jesus Christ in Israel and in all
the nations of the entire world as well, as people known him
today by the power of the Holy Scripture and the words of the
prophets as the Son of God, or God himself manifested on
earth, Emmanuel, God and savior for the entire human race.

So, for our heavenly Father's promise of light, salvation,
eternal life and blessing to be fulfilled with the patriarchs
of Israel and Israel itself thus to bless humankind likewise,
then Israel had to survive and escape their slavery in Egypt,
with the help of our heavenly Father and the supernatural
presence of the blood of his eternal Lamb. And the light that
shone out from the darkness of paradise, from Israel and from
out the entire world as well today is, without a doubt, the
Spirit of the eternal holy Blood of the Lamb of God, the Son
of David, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Truly, this was the light of the gospel of our Lord Jesus
Christ that descended from paradise to fulfill the will of
our heavenly Father not only in the heart and life of Moses
but also in every man, woman and child on earth beginning
with the families of Israel that lived in captivity in Egypt,
so they enter paradise. Our heavenly Father himself was
fulfilling, for all practical purposes, his promise of
forgiveness of sin to Adam, Eve, Israel and the nations of
the entire world, thus to allow them (and today as well) into
the everlasting salvation of his tree of life and of eternal
blessings on earth, in paradise and for the brand-new
Jerusalem from heaven above.

However, this means that every heart and mouth of very man,
woman and child to believe and confess Jesus Christ as their
personal God and savior of their eternal living souls before
our heavenly Father on earth, in paradise and in the New
Jerusalem from heaven above, so the entire world may shine in
the light of life from heaven. So, if today, for example, you
have the open opportunity to "believe and confess Jesus
Christ," the Son of David, as your God and savior of your
life, then of course do, and then you will begin to live a
wonderful life of great miracles and unbelievable wonders of
the holy name of our Father and of his Holy Spirit.

Indeed, Jesus Christ is God, and Satan does not want you
believe this powerful truth for your entire life and well-
being, much less let you confess it before our heavenly
Father and his holy faithful angels, thus to fulfill all
justice and truth on earth and in paradise for good and all.
In point of fact, Israel was totally dead and lost in the
hands of Satan and of his fallen angels to know only sin and
the eternal blindness from the darkness of not knowing ever
our heavenly Father and his glorious tree of life, our Lord
King Messiah from all times, the Son of David, our God of
eternal salvation!

Truly, our heavenly Father needed to change this terrible
spiritual condition to not know anything about the
everlasting glory of his tree of life in paradise and of his
dear Son, the Son of David, with Israel and the entire human
race as well, for the forgiveness of sins and the eternal
destruction of the works of Satan on earth. Moreover, this is
why it was important then (and it is today) that our heavenly
Father would shine brightly not only from the Sinai's
mountaintop, but also from within the heart of Moses and
every man, woman and child on earth, beginning with the
families of Israel, for example, thus to defeat the sinful
life from Satan forever.

In truth, our heavenly Father had to get Moses to believe in
his heart and confess with his lips that the Son of David is
God for Israel and for all the families of the nations of the
world, so light and life would shine brightly in every human
being just as life shines brightly with the angels in heaven.
So, it was the holy blood of the Lamb that defeated Satan in
Egypt thus to set the Hebrews free from their eternal
captivity, and the same it has been true throughout the earth
since those days and until now, people are being miraculously
free from the power of darkness from Satan thus to begin to
live again eternally.

This is to say that, without a shred of doubt, it is still
the same wonderworking powers from Blood of the Lamb, shining
brightly within your heart and living soul, for the glory and
honor of our God, thus to set you free from sin and Satan so
you may begin to enjoy life with great peace and joy.
Accordingly, only the Spirit of the holy resurrected Blood of
Jesus Christ is what can truly remove the powers of blindness
of Satan from the life of any man, woman and child in Israel
and from the entire world also, in this way is here with you
today, just as it was with the Hebrews to save you from evil.

And this is a wonderful and glorious power from heaven and
from our heavenly Father proven undefeatable before Satan and
his wicked lying followers in our days, just as it was
powerful for Israel in the past, for example, this is to say
also that the working powers of the Blood of the Lamb of God
have not changed altogether. These days, you can enjoy all
kinds of victories over Satan and his lies, if you can only
believe within your heart and confess with your lips the
Great I am from heaven, the Son of David, shining with
everlasting life, and this is that Jesus Christ is God and
savior of your entire life and living soul forever.

Indeed, the wonderworking powers of the resurrected Blood of
the Lamb of God have gotten even better and stronger over the
ages never to fail for any one of us in the face of the
enemy, such as Satan and his wicked devils, for example, in
our days and in generations to come in the long-term future
as well. With the Spirit of the Blood of the Lamb of God, the
Son of David, living within our hearts and eternal souls,
then we are more victorious than the Israelites when they had
not only to escape the Egyptian's army and the hostile
desert, but also defeat every enemy nation in their way to
the Promised Land of Canaan.

Clearly, Jesus Christ was with the Hebrews as their Eternal
God and redeemer from Egypt to save them from the powers of
armies many times powerful than theirs through the desert
towards the Promised Land of the tree of life, the Son of
David, flowing with the atoning blood for those that believe
and confess his name to attain salvation. This means that we
are able to receive from our heavenly Father even greater
wonders and supernatural miracles than the ones manifested in
the land of Egypt and through the desert to finally enter and
conquer the Promised Land inhabited with giants and great
cities, enriched deeply with culture and wonderworking
science of those days, for example.

With Jesus Christ as our God, then we are powerful on earth,
in heaven today and forevermore in eternity, thus only to
receive, and enjoy blessings without end and, as well, to
enjoy daily the never-ending love from our heavenly Father
and his holy angels; this is why Jesus Christ should always
be our God and savior, without question. Since, it is always
Jesus Christ fighting for our well-being and salvation
against terrible forces from hell and Satan, which we will
never be able to see and defend ourselves from them due to
our humanity or spiritual weakness, because of the original
sin from Adam and Eve in paradise, living within our wicked
hearts and human blood, for example.

However, our Lord Jesus Christ, as God and savior that he is
to us since the days of paradise in heaven or since the days
of Egypt on earth thus sees them and defend us from them at
all costs, with the victory on our side all the time.
Because, the enemy nations of Israel, in the days of old,
were not at all any type of empty-headed dupes, in fact, they
were very smart indeed and advanced in many ways in the
scientific world of their days, however, their problem lied
within them, spiritually speaking, that they did not know the
Spirit of the Blood of the Lamb. This is to know Jesus Christ
as God and savior of their living souls before our heavenly
Father and his Holy Spirit thus to fulfill all truth, justice
and perfect holiness on earth and in paradise as well,
forever and ever.

To their destruction, they did not know Jesus Christ as their
God and savior for their eternal living souls. This is to say
that the Son of David, the King Messiah, was not on their
side thus to defend and protect them from all the attacks and
wiles of Satan and their usual enemies, for example; they did
not know our heavenly Father much less his tree of life, our
Lord Jesus Christ! De facto, they did not have any gods at
all, the only thing that they had were idols from all sorts
to continue to deceive and keep them in the darkness of
Satan, as far as knowing our heavenly Father and the glorious
presence and the ever-increasing work of Jesus Christ on
earth to save Israel and the world overall. Without Jesus
Christ as their God and savior, they were lost, dead and
living already in the everlasting furious fires from hell,
for example, thus never to know life, peace and the glory of
happiness of their hearts and living souls forever and ever,
before our heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit.

What they really knew then, these unfortunate people, it was
the worship of idols and images, just as the Vatican of our
days, thus infringing the Spirit of the Ten Commandments and
the everlasting will of our heavenly Father to love and
receive in their hearts the name of Jesus Christ as their
Lord and savior of their eternal souls. This is why they were
ease prey to the deep darkness from Satan thus to deceive
them continually and finally destroy their lives until
nothing remained from them on earth at all, even their names
written off in history; their sin was that they failed to
keep Jesus Christ as God, as Israel had him always thanks to

Truly, this was a terrible sin before our heavenly Father
(and still it is today all over the world) not to know his
fruit from the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son
of David, as the high priest, as the sacrificial Blood for
the forgiveness of sin and the only God and savior possible
for their lives. In other words, the blindness from the
darkness of Satan that prevailed over the lives of the
Hebrews and the nations of the ancient worlds, well, the same
blindness prevails just the same today and everywhere else,
when people manifest openly, as in many situations they do,
not to know Jesus in their hearts as God and savior,

Truthfully, this is very sad for our heavenly Father to see
the peoples from the entire world not to enjoy the
everlasting blessings to know Jesus Christ as God and savior
of their lives and living souls, so they may enjoy life
greatly and live in perfect health and blessing on earth and
in paradise as well eternally. Furthermore, this blindness
was what Satan had in the entire world then, and the same is
true today up and down, including you as well: That is that,
sadly, not many people know our heavenly Father within their
hearts, as they should in the everlasting and ever glorious
present Spirit of the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ!

This was the blindness and sin of the world in the ancient
days, as with Adam and Eve in paradise, and the same is true
in our time in the lives of many nations throughout the
world, and today our heavenly Father could change this
spiritual state from all people, if they only proclaim Jesus
Christ as God and savior. That is, if they humble themselves
before him, recognizing like this that Jesus Christ is the
God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, in a
moment of faith and prayer, in the name of his beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ, because this was exactly what the Son
of David told Moses at Sinai's mountaintop.

Since, it is very important that every man, woman and child
from all the families, races, towns, villages, tribes and
kingdoms of men from all the earth, should recognize within
their hearts our heavenly Father, his Son Jesus Christ and
his Holy Spirit as God, so their souls and lives could shine
away from the eternal darkness of Satan. Because, it is the
belief from their hearts and the confession of their lips of
the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, as
the heavenly Father, the Son of David and the Holy Spirit
that would set them free from much blindness today, so they
may begin to walk towards the ever shining heaven.

Moreover, our heavenly Father when he began to speak to Moses
over the Sinai's summit very clearly and without a shred of
doubt, and he said, I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac
and the God of Jacob. Meaning to say to Moses, Israel and the
entire world for future generation on earth and in heaven as
well, I am God the Father, God the Son (the Son of David) and
God the Holy Spirit.

In other words, what our heavenly Father told Moses was to
tell the Hebrews to believe within their hearts and confess
with their lips his holy name of salvation. In truth, this is
to say that he is the great I am; he is God from everlasting
to everlasting for angels and for humankind, without doubt.
In view of that, for any man, woman, and child from any
family from all the nations of the world to deny this
wonderful and powerful truth and holiness is then to deny
eternal justice to our heavenly Father, his Son and his Holy
Spirit on earth and in paradise as well, today and

Therefore, our Jesus Christ commanded Moses to tell the
Hebrews: I am that I am have sent you to them, so that they
may begin to believe within their hearts and confess with
their lips the only and true God of the heavens and earth
thus to become free from satanic darkness and of the fallen
angels in Egypt. Because, only the confession of Jesus Christ
as the God and savior of their lives is, in truth, the power
in the heavens and on earth to set any nation free from the
terrible powers of the sinful life from Satan and his fallen
angels today and forevermore in eternity as well.

As it is in paradise, presently, it is on earth as well:
Jesus Christ is the tree of life, for freedom from darkness
and the richness of the peace, happiness, brilliance and a
wonderful holy life, full of the Spirit of love from our
heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit on earth and in the
brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above. That is to say that
for the Hebrews to begin to receive the salvation or the
liberation from the Egyptian slavery, then they had to
believe within their hearts and confess with their lips that
Jesus Christ is the God the Father, God the Son of David and
God the Holy Spirit, speaking to them in those days and

This is when Moses inquired from the Hebrews by asking them
to tell him, what other nation was as theirs that have gods
in the midst of them, such as in the tabernacle and the
Holiest of Holies, for example; or what other nation has a
body of righteous laws of truth and justice as the Ten
Commandments. The answer then was none; in truth, there is no
other nation as the nation of Israel that has a God for
Abraham, a God for Isaac and a God for Jacob, for example,
righteous and holy as himself to live among his people and
fulfill the perfect holiness of the Ten Commandments forever,
without ever breaking them at all.

This is to say, as well, that Israel is the only nation in
the history of humankind that, in reality, has received
directly from our heavenly Father perfect and holy
commandments, which, for all practical purposes, only God
could live with them and fulfill them properly in all the
days of his life on earth. And this God of Israel that came
down from heaven to fulfill the perfect Holy Spirit of the
Ten Commandments was, without any mistake at all, Jesus
Christ, the Son of David, the only possible King Messiah for
all times, born in the midst of them by the virgin birth from
one of the daughters of King David, for example.

This is, if the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments is your
God as it was the God of the ancient Hebrews, then Jesus
Christ is your God today and for eternity, and you did not
know it thoroughly, because Satan kept away from you this
truthful justice from heaven, so you may never walk in the
Messiah's light. Then, without Jesus Christ as God of their
hearts, lives and human spirits and bodies then they are
living away from the perfect holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments thus to never know life, truth and justice
forever on earth and in hell as well; and our heavenly Father
does not want this evil for anyone at all, ever.

Therefore, only Jesus Christ, the Son of David, is the God of
our peace, the God of our life and the God of our salvation
in paradise, on earth and in the new Kingdom to come as well
for many future generations well into all eternity, forever
and ever. Otherwise, there was no salvation possible for the
Hebrews forever and ever in Egypt or anywhere else; thus,
without this spiritual knowledge within their hearts and
without this confession from their lips of his Godly and holy
name, Jesus Christ, then our God could not help them at all
forever in this life nor in eternity also, sorry to say.

Therefore, the Hebrews had to believe in the name of our
heavenly Father and of his Son Jesus Christ, the Son of
David, so for him to begin to do anything on their behalves
before the Pharaoh of Egypt and all their eternal enemies as
well in the desert and in the Promised Land. The Hebrews had
to believe that it was Jesus Christ their God, as the Great I
am, for example, so their sins could be forgiving by the
power of his eternal sacrificed holy Blood since the
foundation of the world; because, it is the everlasting power
of his sacrificed and resurrected Blood that can save
everybody from darkness eternally.

Historically, when the Son of David faced the Hebrews again,
and this time with the Pharisaic set in the land of Israel, I
think, as he lived in the midst of them thus fulfilling the
Spirit of the Ten Commandments on their behalves, then he
told them openly: I am that I am is speaking to you from now
on. Moreover, if you do not believe that I am, today, is
speaking to you, then you will die in your sins thus to never
know peace, happiness and the eternal blessings of your
brand-new life in me; that is to say, without me today, in
eternity you have nothing but only darkness and deadly sins
forever and ever.

To much of our heavenly Father's pleasure, the Hebrews
believed in his words and in the teachings that he presented
to them by the power and everlasting love of our heavenly
Father and his Spirit, as the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac and the God of Jacob, for instance, so they may begin
to live in his light. In other words, what the Son of David
was telling the religious Hebrews then, it was that they had
to believe that he was God personally speaking to them; and
that they had to believe in him, as their eternal and only
God, thus for him to forgive their sins and saved them from
eternal death in hell.

After a while, most of the Hebrews in Israel, if not all of
them, believed within their hearts, as the ancient Hebrews
from Egypt did, that he was the King Messiah, the Son of
David, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of
Jacob that spoke face-to-face to Moses for their ancestors'
liberation from Egypt. Here, we see Jesus Christ as the God
of the Hebrews, according to our heavenly Father's will,
living already within their hearts to fulfill all truth and
justice for them to attain peace, happiness and the eternal
joy of a life free from Satan and evil for the first time in
all their existence. Jesus Christ was the glory of Israel in
the desert and before all the enemy nations, and so he is
today as well and well into eternity in the brand-new
Glorious Jerusalem from heaven, thus for them to live in
peace and glory with the tree of life and their Eternal God,
surrounded with their eternal ancestors forever and ever.

What is more, the ancient Hebrews believed Jesus Christ to be
the Great I am that spoke to Moses over the Sinai's
mountaintop; they saw the Son of David as Emmanuel (God in
the midst of us), the Son of God, the savior of Israel and of
the entire human race by the wonderful working powers of his
sacrificed blood. At last, our heavenly Father's will was
been fulfilled to the fullest, because now the Hebrews were
looking up to Jesus Christ and not down as before, for the
glory and honor of his everlasting name; and the same is very
true today, people must fulfill all justice, and this is only
possible if Jesus Christ is their Eternal God.

This is to say also that the ancient Hebrews believed in the
Son of David to be the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and
the God of Jacob, and, therefore, absolved their sins and
granted them a brand-new life within the walls of the New
Jerusalem from above. In other words, Moses persuaded the
Hebrews to believe in the name of the Angel of God, the Son
of David, Jesus Christ, as their God and savior, so their
lives would change miraculously from a sinful life of
darkness to a wonderful life, full of miracles from the Son
of David, their tree of life from very old paradise.

Furthermore, because of their faith in Jesus Christ, as their
only eternal God, speaking to them face-to-face as he spoke
to Moses over the Sinai or in the desert in the Tent of
Reunion, within the walls of the Most Holy of Holies, then
forgave and forgot their sins and wrote their names in the
Lamb's Book of Life. And since those days to our days, those
that failed to recognize: the Great I am, as the I am that I
am is speaking to them, or as the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac and the God of Jacob, then they died eternally lost in
the darkness of their eternal sins, sorry to say,

All of them, past, present and future, lost in the deep
darkness of sin and Satan not to know ever our heavenly
Father through the ever-present and glorious Spirit of the
fruit from the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ! Because,
our Lord Jesus Christ is the one that spoke to Moses from
within the burning bush from the Sinai's summit thus to sent
him with the message of the eternal salvation of Israel, so
they may begin to walk in the light from the Son of David,
the SHEKINAH (cloud), and not in the darkness from Satan, for

Truthfully, this salvation of Israel was in those days, just
as it is today, that Jesus Christ alone is the Great I am; he
is the one that told Moses: Go to the Hebrews and tell them
that I am that I am is sending you to you, thus to liberate
you from the sinful slavery of Egypt. On the other hand, if
Moses and Israel had failed to believe within their hearts
and confess with their lips the name that our heavenly Father
had given them, beginning with Moses first, for example, that
he is David or Jesus Christ, then they would have died in
Egypt to never see the daylight of the Promised Land forever.

Also, the same has always been true for Israel and the
nations from the world, that they most believe that the Son
of David is the Great I am that I am, or the God of Abraham,
the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob that speaks salvation
and saves them from the power of their enemies and sin. This
is the spirit of faith that our heavenly Father sent his
prophets and for our times his dear Son Jesus Christ to
Israel and the entire world, as well, thus to believe in
their hearts and confess with their lips that Jesus Christ is
God and savior for their eternal living souls on earth and in
paradise forevermore.

This is to say, in like manner, that our Lord Jesus Christ is
not only the light for the Kingdom of heaven and its hordes
of angels, but also he is the everlasting and never-ending
light of life, peace, healing, happiness, power, growth and
prosperity with all its blessing and glories for future
generations to come in eternity, as well. Really, our Lord
Jesus Christ is the light of every miracle and wonder-working
power from heaven and earth and from under the waters of the
earth thus to bless and heal our hearts, lives, spirits and
bodies, so the powers from darkness and Satan will abandon us
today and forevermore in eternity; thus, with Jesus Christ,
we are eternally free.

For our Lord Jesus Christ, truly, it is the light that
obfuscates at once every darkness from Satan and his fallen
angels of sickness, diseases, problems and difficulties
within our hearts, lives, spirits and bodies, to set us free
from the wicked satanic wiles, in a moment of faith and
prayer in Jesus Christ's name, before our heavenly Father.
However, with the Spirit of the Son of David living within
our hearts and everlasting souls, then we do not have any
problems or difficulties such as sicknesses or diseases that
can somehow hurt us on earth or in hell, that is to say that
with Jesus Christ as our God, then he blesses and keep us
always from evil.

Truly, we are problem free and sickness free also, as matter
of fact, the angel of death and Satan have no power over us
anymore, as they may continue to have power thus to hurt and
kill the hearts, souls and bodies of those that live within
his realm of darkness and death, because Jesus Christ is not
their God. This is to say that you have been suffering all
the days of your life, since the day you were born into the
world, because you did not know Jesus Christ within your
heart as the King Messiah of your living soul, neither in
this life nor in the next one to come; and this was death for
you already.

Thus, you will continue to suffer until Jesus Christ enters
into your heart and life, and only then you will be free from
the power of Satan and his many wiles, prepare against you
since the foundation of the world, so you may never believe
within your heart much less confess with your lips his
blessed name. Remember, Satan hates you to death, just as he
has hated always our heavenly Father and his holy name,
living within the holy heart of his dear Son Jesus Christ,
and then, knowing this truth already, you must never, for any
reason, turn your back on Satan; for Satan is a traitor
against you. Satan is a traitor and so he will stab you in
your back with great force, stab and stab you mercilessly,
until you drop dead in hell, that is to say, if Jesus Christ
is not God and savior in your life, for example, as he is, by
default, since ancient Egypt, the God and liberator of the

Therefore, you must believe within your heart and confess
with your lips the holy and glorious name of his dear Son
Jesus Christ as your God and savior, so your heavenly Father
may begin to bless you powerfully today and always, with
blessings of healing, with blessings of problem solving and
blessings of eternal and healthy life always. Moreover, this
is that you must believe and confess with your lips that
Jesus Christ is the only Great I am, your personal God, from
paradise on earth thus to set you free from the powers of
Satan and, like this, you may never die in sin but live
continually for God in the light of his Son Jesus Christ.

Because, Satan, the only thing that he thinks every time is
how he is going to attack you and make your life, if not
impossible but unlivable nevertheless, so you will never know
the light of the tree of life from our heavenly Father and
thus fill your life with darkness and the utter destruction
of eternal death in hell. Granted that, Satan knows that if
you become aware of the power of the light of our Father that
is only possible in believing in the Spirit of his Son Jesus
Christ as the Great I am, then your eyes will be open, your
heart and soul will not longer live in darkness but turn to
the divine light forever.

This is to say that now you will begin to live in the
everlasting power of the Spirit of your brand-new life on
earth, thus never to live separated because of sin from the
holy presence of your heavenly Father and his Spirit, but now
you will live continuously with your Creator in paradise,
thus to know only endless blessings. Because, it is the
Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Son of David, who really unites
us perfectly well to our heavenly Father, just as our
heavenly Father intended to become one with Adam and Eve in
paradise, for example, by just them eating and drinking from
the fruit of the tree of life, our only King Messiah for all

This is to say also that each time we eat and drink from the
fruit of life of his dear Son Jesus Christ, the Son of David,
by believing him to be the Great I am that I am, Emmanuel,
God with us, then we will continue to live in darkness never
to see any blessing from our Creator. In truth, we will
continue to live in the light of his Son, believing him to be
our God and savior all the days of our entire life on earth
and in paradise, just as the Great I am that came to Moses
over the Sinai with salvation, thus to see and know only
blessings within our lives without end.

Only then, we will truly live in the light of the eternal
life of our heavenly Father and of his Holy Spirit on earth
and as well in paradise forever and ever, because our
heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ created us in their
image and likeness only to live in a life full of endless
blessings. Ever since, Adam and Eve failed terribly to eat
and drink from the fruit of life thus to enter into the
divine light, then they continue to live within the deep
darkness of their hearts, souls and human bodies taken from
the earth by the hands of our heavenly Father in the day of
their creation in heaven.

Today, this means that you are living the same sinful,
rebellious and dark life that Adam and Eve received from
Satan when they began to believe in his lies against the tree
of life, our Great I am and only eternal salvation of our
living souls in paradise, on earth and for the brand-new
celestial Jerusalem from heaven. Where, the everlasting Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments of God lives eternally
fulfilled and glorified within our hearts, souls, minds,
spirits and new heavenly bodies, thanks to the wonderful
love, grace, understanding, kindness and glory of our Great I
am from all times, Jesus Christ the King Messiah and the
great salvation of Israel and the entire world.

Since creation, to live in paradise you must become one with
our heavenly Father but only through Jesus Christ as God and
savior of your entire life, otherwise, you will never become
one on earth or in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above,
for example. This is to say also that for you to live in
paradise, then you must become one with our heavenly Father
and his Holy Spirit by eating from the fruit of life, the Son
of David, because only he is your God and everlasting savior.

The same is true on earth, for you to become one with our
heavenly Father in his image and according to his celestial
likeness, then "Jesus Christ is your God and only savior,"
forever and ever, in eternity. Jesus Christ is God Almighty
with you and with your loved ones today on earth and in
paradise as well forevermore; thus to know only the glory and
peace of a perfect celestial life, free from Satan and his
deadly lies, thank God Almighty, free at last!

Free at last! Free at last! Jesus is God! Thanks to Jesus
Christ, for he is our Eternal God Almighty! We are eternally
free today and forevermore by his "everlasting working holy
sacrificed and resurrected eternal blood on the Third Day"
from our brand-new world to come thus to serve and glorify
our heavenly Father and his Holy Spirit, as his glorious and
faithful angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubs and other holy
creatures do, from eternity to eternity in heaven! The Son of
David is God! Amen!

El amor (Espíritu Santo) de nuestro Padre celestial y de su
Jesucristo es contigo.

¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!

Dígale al Señor, nuestro Padre celestial, de todo corazón, en
el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman,
Señor. Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras
almas te rinden gloria y honra a tu nombre y obra santa y
sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo, también, para
siempre, Padre celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

LAS MALDICIONES BIBLICAS, para los que obran maldad día y
noche, (Deuteronomio 27: 15-26):

"'¡Maldito el hombre que haga un ídolo tallado o una imagen
de fundición, obra de mano de tallador (lo cual es
transgresión a la Ley perfecta de nuestro Padre celestial), y
la tenga en un lugar secreto!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡

"'¡Maldito el que le reste importancia a su padre o a su
madre!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que cambie de lugar los limites de propiedad
de su prójimo!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que desvié al ciego de su camino!' Y todo el
pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que falsee el derecho del extranjero, del
huérfano y de la viuda!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con la mujer de su padre,
porque descubre la desnudes de su padre!' Y todo el pueblo
dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que tenga contacto sexual con cualquier
animal!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con su hermana, hija de su
padre o hija de su madre!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con su suegra!' Y todo el
pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que a escondidas y a traición hiera de muerte
a su semejante, sin causa alguna!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡

"'¡Maldito el que acepte soborno para matar a un inocente,
sin causa alguna!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que no cumpla las palabras de esta ley,
poniéndolas por obra en su diario vivir en la tierra!' Y todo
el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'


Es por eso que los ídolos han sido desde siempre: un tropiezo
a la verdad y al poder de Dios en tu vida. Un tropiezo
eterno, para que la omnipotencia de Dios no obre en tu vida,
de acuerdo a la voluntad perfecta del Padre celestial y de su
Espíritu Eterno. Pero todo esto tiene un fin en tu vida, en
ésta misma hora crucial de tu vida. Has de pensar quizá que
el fin de todos los males de los ídolos termine, cuando
llegues al fin de tus días. Pero esto no es verdad. Los
ídolos con sus espíritus inmundos te seguirán atormentando
día y noche entre las llamas ardientes del fuego del
infierno, por haber desobedecido a la Ley viviente de Dios.
En verdad, el fin de todos estos males está aquí contigo, en
el día de hoy. Y éste es el Señor Jesucristo. Cree en Él, en
espíritu y en verdad. Usando siempre tu fe en Él, escaparas
los males, enfermedades y los tormentos eternos de la
presencia terrible de los ídolos y de sus huestes de
espíritus infernales en tu vida y en la vida de cada uno de
los tuyos también, para la eternidad del nuevo reino de Dios.
Porque en el reino de Dios su Ley santa es de día en día
honrada y exaltada en gran manera, por todas las huestes de
sus ángeles santos. Y tú con los tuyos, mi estimado hermano,
mi estimada hermana, has sido creado para honrar y exaltar
cada letra, cada palabra, cada oración, cada tilde, cada
categoría de bendición terrenal y celestial, cada honor, cada
dignidad, cada señorío, cada majestad, cada poder, cada
decoro, y cada vida humana y celestial con todas de sus
muchas y ricas bendiciones de la tierra, del día de hoy y de
la tierra santa del más allá, también, en el reino de Dios y
de su Hijo amado, ¡el Señor Jesucristo!, ¡El Todopoderoso de
Israel y de las naciones!


Esta es la única ley santa de Dios y del Señor Jesucristo en
tu corazón, para bendecirte, para darte vida y vida en
abundancia, en la tierra y en el cielo para siempre. Y te ha
venido diciendo así, desde los días de la antigüedad, desde
los lugares muy altos y santos del reino de los cielos:

PRIMER MANDAMIENTO: "No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí".

SEGUNO MANDAMIENTO: "No te harás imagen, ni ninguna semejanza
de lo que esté arriba en el cielo, ni abajo en la tierra, ni
en las aguas debajo de la tierra. No te inclinarás ante ellas
ni les rendirás culto, porque yo soy Jehová tu Dios, un Dios
celoso que castigo la maldad de los padres sobre los hijos,
sobre la tercera y sobre la cuarta generación de los que me
aborrecen. Pero muestro misericordia por mil generaciones a
los que me aman y guardan mis mandamientos".

TERCER MANDAMIENTO: "No tomarás en vano el nombre de Jehová
tu Dios, porque Él no dará por inocente al que tome su nombre
en vano".

CUARTO MANDAMIENTO: "Acuérdate del día del sábado para
santificarlo. Seis días trabajarás y harás toda tu obra, pero
el séptimo día será sábado para Jehová tu Dios. No harás en
ese día obra alguna, ni tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu
siervo, ni tu sierva, ni tu animal, ni el forastero que está
dentro de tus puertas. Porque en seis días Jehová hizo los
cielos, la tierra y el mar, y todo lo que hay en ellos, y
reposó en el séptimo día. Por eso Jehová bendijo el día del
sábado y lo santificó".

QUINTO MANDAMIENTO: "Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, para que
tus días se prolonguen sobre la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te

SEXTO MANDAMIENTO: "No cometerás homicidio".

SEPTIMO MANDAMIENTO: "No cometerás adulterio".


NOVENO MANDAMIENTO: "No darás falso testimonio en contra de
tu prójimo".

DECIMO MANDAMIENTO: "No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo; no
codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su
sierva, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna que sea de tu

Entrégale tu atención al Espíritu de Dios y déshazte de todos
estos males en tu hogar, en tu vida y en la vida de cada uno
de los tuyos, también. Hazlo así y sin mas demora alguna, por
amor a la Ley santa de Dios, en la vida de cada uno de los
tuyos. Porque ciertamente ellos desean ser libres de sus
ídolos y de sus imágenes de talla, aunque tú no lo veas así,
en ésta hora crucial para tu vida y la vida de los tuyos,
también. Y tú tienes el poder, para ayudarlos a ser libres de
todos estos males, de los cuales han llegado a ellos, desde
los días de la antigüedad, para seguir destruyendo sus vidas,
en el día de hoy. Y Dios no desea continuar viendo estos
males en sus vidas, sino que sólo Él desea ver vida y vida en
abundancia, en cada nación y en cada una de sus muchas
familias, por toda la tierra.

Esto es muy importante: Oremos junto, en el nombre del Señor
Jesucristo. Vamos todos a orar juntos, por unos momentos. Y
digamos juntos la siguiente oración de Jesucristo delante de
la presencia santa del Padre celestial, nuestro Dios y
salvador de todas nuestras almas:


Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos: santificada sea la
memoria de tu nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo
amado. Venga tu reino, sea hecha tu voluntad, como en el
cielo así también en la tierra. El pan nuestro de cada día,
dánoslo hoy. Perdónanos nuestras deudas, como también
nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos metas en
tentación, mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, el
poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Amén.

Porque sí perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre
celestial también os perdonará a vosotros. Pero si no
perdonáis a los hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonará
vuestras ofensas.

Por lo tanto, el Señor Jesús dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la
sino es POR MÍ". Juan 14:





- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de
éste MUNDO y su MUERTE.

Dispónte a dejar el pecado (arrepiéntete):

Cree que Jesucristo murió por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al
tercer día por el Poder Sagrado del Espíritu Santo y deja que
entré en tu vida y sea tu ÚNICO SALVADOR Y SEÑOR EN TU VIDA.

Dios mío, soy un pecador y necesito tu perdón. Creo que
Jesucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi
pecado. Estoy dispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a
venir a mi corazón y a mi vida, como mi SALVADOR.

¿Aceptaste a Jesús, como tu Salvador? ¿Sí _____? O ¿No

¿Fecha? ¿Sí ____? O ¿No _____?

Sí tu respuesta fue Sí, entonces esto es solo el principio de
una nueva maravillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:

Lee la Biblia cada día para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con
Dios, orando todos los días en el nombre de JESÚS. Bautízate
en AGUA y en El ESPÍRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, reúnete y
sirve con otros cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es
predicado y la Biblia es la suprema autoridad. Habla de
Cristo a los demás.

Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros
cristianos que los hermanos Pentecostés o pastores del
evangelio de Jesús te recomienden leer y te ayuden a entender
más de Jesús y de su palabra sagrada, la Biblia. Libros
cristianos están disponibles en gran cantidad en diferentes
temas, en tu librería cristiana inmediata a tu barrio,
entonces visita a las librerías cristianas con frecuencia,
para ver que clase de libros están a tu disposición, para que
te ayuden a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.

Te doy las gracias por leer mí libro que he escrito para ti,
para que te goces en la verdad del Padre celestial y de su
Hijo amado y así comiences a crecer en Él, desde el día de
hoy y para siempre.

El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la
paz de Jerusalén día a día y sin cesar, en nuestras
oraciones. Porque ésta es la tierra, desde donde Dios lanzo
hacia todos los continentes de la tierra: todas nuestras
bendiciones y salvación eterna de nuestras almas vivientes. Y
nos dice Dios mismo, en su Espíritu Eterno: "Vivan tranquilos
los que te aman. Haya paz dentro de tus murallas y
tranquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusalén". Por causa de mis
hermanos y de mis amigos, diré yo: "Haya paz en ti, siempre
Jerusalén". Por causa de la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios, en
el cielo y en la tierra: imploraré por tu bien, por siempre.

El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el
Espíritu de Dios a toda la humanidad, diciéndole y
asegurándole: - Qué todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de
Jehová de los Ejércitos, ¡el Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda
letra, de toda palabra, de todo instrumento y de todo
corazón, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre: gloria y
loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas,
como antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.

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