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Jul 4, 2009, 8:54:54 PM7/4/09

S�bado, 04 de julio, a�o 2009 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoam�rica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv�n Valarezo)

(4th of July 2009: Happy Independence Day to every man, woman
and child within and outside the fifty States of the American
Union on this great and memorable day, for peace and harmony
with the nations of the entire world, so our heavenly Father
may fill the earth with the fullness of the glorified Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments.

May our heavenly Father continue to bless you richly today
and forevermore with the wonderful fullness of the
breathtaking and all-powerful gifts of His Holy Spirit, in
the glorious ever-present life of His dear Son Jesus Christ,
the Savior of Israel and of civilization as a whole
throughout the ages. Happy 4th of July 2009 to every one, and
do not forget to love and embrace your loved ones and friends
as well, today and all the time.

Now, please read the following book on this memorable day,
and our heavenly Father will definitely bless your heart,
soul, mind, body and human spirit as never before, so He may
liberate you from the power of Satan thus to live a peaceful
and happy life, every day and always forever. Moreover, if
you have any prayers, petitions or requests before our
heavenly Father that you may have prayed before Him in
Jesus' name, then the gracious and all-powerful Holy Spirit
of the fullness of the Ten Commandments will grant your
requests, prayers and petitions today and every day, of your
entire brand-new life in heaven.

For there is nothing impossible for our heavenly Father in
heaven and on earth nowadays, when asked in prayer to do
anything for you, for your loved ones and for your friends as
well, in Jesus' name-God bless you, amen!

Independencia de Venezuela: Muchas Felicidades a toda nuestra
hermana Venezuela y a cada una de sus familias en toda la
gran extensi�n de nuestra Am�rica, por su Gran D�a de
Independencia Nacional 2009. Que nuestro Padre celestial los
bendiga grandemente en este d�a y por siempre, en el nombre
glorioso de su Hijo amado, �nuestro Salvador Jesucristo. Y
que todas las oraciones, peticiones y ruegos que tengan
delante de �l, en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, les sea
contestada grande y abundantemente.

Fiestas Julianas de Guayaquil: Muchas Felicidades a todo
nuestro Guayaquil y a cada uno de sus hijos e hijas en el mes
de julio de celebraci�n por su gran fundaci�n. Que nuestro
Padre celestial los bendiga grande y ricamente en los grandes
poderes sobrenaturales de su Esp�ritu Santo, en el nombre
todopoderoso de su Hijo Jesucristo. Y que todos los deseos de
sus corazones les sean contestados rica y abundantemente, en
el nombre de su �nico Salvador celestial, nuestro Se�or
Jesucristo, para gloria y honra de nuestro Padre celestial
que est� en el cielo.)


At Mount Sina�, Jesus Christ revealed himself to Israel and
to the world again as "Savior, the resurrection and the
lawgiver" for their eternal living souls on earth thus to
return to paradise and the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven
above. Then, he declared to Moses openly, you must come up to
the mountaintop on the day that I would show you. You must
tell the people not to come up with you, and if they do: I
will kill them for their disobedience.

Therefore, today and tomorrow, you must tell the people to
stay away from uncleanness and wash their garments, so I can
speak to them as their personal resurrection, of their brand-
new life, on the third day and only in perfect holiness. For
it will be on the third day that I will come down from heaven
and speak to you Moses before them face-to-face. I will speak
to you from the midst of the fire and the smoke of the
mountaintop, so the people may see that I am the one speaking
to you from heaven and no one else.

Like this they will know that I am the one that called you
Moses to do these things before them, so they may know that I
will be with you all the way through thus to carry out my
will in their lives for forgiveness, blessings and
supernatural miracles of great wonders thus to heal them from
of all evils. On the third day, Israel will know that I am
their Lord and Savior of their lives from the power of sin
and the terrible darkness of their enemies. On this day, I
will give them the Holy Spirit of the Written Ten
Commandments, so they may begin to know me in the Spirit of
Truth and the Messianic saving-Life, all the days of their
lives and until the end of time as well, as they will enter
into eternity into the brand-new Kingdom from heaven above.

On the third day, Israel will not only receive my Holy Spirit
of the Written Ten Commandments but also they will have
received my only life, the life that will not only live with
them each day of their lives in this world, but with this new
life, my only life, they will enter to conquer the Promised
Land victoriously. The land of Canaan initially promised to
their forefathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so they may see
me one day soon face-to-face as their King of kings and Lord
of lords, the fullness and glorifier of the Holy Spirit of
the Ten Commandments and the only possible Savior of their
living souls, from the power of sin, forever.

Moreover, only with this brand-new messianic life that no one
could have ever give to them, except God Himself, then they
must enter into the Promised Land filled with Christ thus to
conquer it and live daily from the produce of its grounds,
until the coming of the brand-new Kingdom from heaven with
their only Messiah, the Son of David! Because, I am the only
one sent from heaven not only to set them free from the house
of bondage, but also I am the only one that can set them free
from the power of sin, death and hell; I am their eternal
redeemer for many generations to come on earth and in
eternity as well, Jesus Christ revealed to Moses.

Then and there, Moses obeyed Jesus Christ, just as Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob obeyed him in their days, so our heavenly
Father's will and Holy Spirit may pour upon and within their
lives in a miraculous and supernatural way, never done with
any other people or nation in the entire world until those
days. Truly, Abraham and as well Isaac and Jacob did not know
any other God but Jesus Christ himself, because he alone is
the Son of our heavenly Father and only possible Savior of
their eternal souls in those days and forevermore in the
brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where angels and men
live in perfect celestial love and glory forever.

Our heavenly Father again was manifesting His love and
concern for Israel and the nations of the entire world
through the glorious and supernatural life of His dear Son,
the Son of David, the only tree of life for angels in heaven
and for humankind in Israel. On these days, our heavenly
Father was ready to do wonderful and powerful things before
Moses and before the eyes of the Israelites, if they only be
faithful to His Son Jesus Christ as their lawgiver and Savior
of their lives, from the power of darkness of their enemies
and the power of sin from Satan and hell, as well.

On the third day, under a hot desert day our Lord Jesus
Christ descended upon Mount Sinai, and began not only to
speak to Moses and the Israelites with his powerful and
divine voice, but also he began to impart into them the new
messianic eternal life, initially promised to their
forefathers and their children's children for future
generations. This is a life clean from sin, Satan and his
chains of humiliation and despair, so they may walk saved
from the power of their enemies, within its holy ways of
miracles, marvelous and great signs in the heaven and on
earth, for each one of them in those days and in paradise as
well, for ever and ever.

This is the angelic perfect and holy life that one-third of
the angels from the Kingdom of God rejected erroneously thus
to accept the wicked life of Lucifer, which later became
Satan, well-known as the adversary of Jesus Christ and of our
heavenly Father, in heaven and on earth as well, forever.
Truly, Adam and Eve rejected this glorious life in paradise
when they failed to eat from the fruit of the tree of life,
Jesus Christ, so they may begin to intake powerfully and
supernaturally the Holy Spirit of the glorified Ten
Commandments that would not only give them life, if fulfilled
properly within their lives, but also the Messiah!

This holy life was back again at Mount Sinai and Moses thus
to enter into the life of humankind, but it had to be done
with special people only, and Israel was the special people
for our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ in those
days and for many future generations to come well into all
eternity, as well. That is why that the world knew Israel as
the eternal nation in the ancient days and in our days as
well, because Jesus Christ began to inject his Holy Spirit of
the Ten Commandments from Mount Sinai, into the whole of
Israel, beginning with Moses, so in later days he would be
born into and for them forever.

Meaning that Jesus Christ would be born from the virgin womb
of the daughter of David thus to give Israel and the nations
of the world the holy unbreakable bones, incorruptible flesh
and atoning blood to be nailed to our forefathers from
paradise first, Adam and Eve, by the way of the crucifixion,
over holy hill of Jerusalem, in Israel. Inasmuch as, if Adam
and Eve could have the unbreakable bones, the incorruptible
flesh and the atoning blood first thus to inject upon
themselves the perfect love and everlasting life with its
glories and never-ending blessings of the King Messiah, then
their children would receive the same love and eternal life
full of blessings on that day and in eternity.

That is to say, also that Jesus Christ returned to us from
paradise by the way of the nails and blood over the dead
crossed trees of Adam and Eve over the holy hill of
Jerusalem, so to finish with sin and thus inject into us
miraculously the love full of life and everlasting blessings
of health and well-being forever. Therefore, our Lord Jesus
Christ began to deal with Moses and the Israelis on the third
day only with his own messianic-life written initially on the
two tablets of the Ten Commandments, so they may begin to
walk away from the power of darkness and death that were
surrounding them to the point of destruction and complete
annihilation on earth.

These two tables were the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments
written by the finger of God Himself, indeed, one tablet for
Adam and the other tablet for Eve that died in their sins
beginning in their celestial lives in paradise, but now they
were dead under the earth, so these tablets had to go to them
first. Therefore, when Moses began to descend from the
mountaintop, then, before reaching the people of Israel at
the foot of the Sinai, the two tables entered violently into
the earth to where Adam and Eve lay dead, because of the sin
of Israel with the golden calf and the sins of the nations of
entire the world, as well.

Now, the reason that these first two tables of the
commandments descended to where Adam and Eve lay dead
underground, it was not because of Israel's golden calf or
the sins of the nations primarily, but it was because they
were the ones that transgressed the Holy Spirit of the
original Ten Commandments initially in paradise, by rejecting
Jesus Christ. Moreover, these tables of the Holy Spirit of
the commandments left the hands of Moses violently, because
they could not longer stay with him without reaching Adam and
Eve under the ground first, where they have become dust,
because in the day of their creation our heavenly Father took
them from the dust, so the commandments went to them first.

Moreover, the tables of the original Ten Commandments will
stay with Adam and Eve within the heart of the earth until
the King Messiah will also die, just like them, thus to
descend to where they were and give them life, so they may
return with their children to paradise resurrected, but this
time they will stay in heaven forever. These two tables of
the Ten Commandments were the ones that Adam and Eve broke
originally in paradise when they ate from the forbidden
fruit, instead of eating from the fruit of life, Jesus
Christ, so these tables of the Law could not bypass them to
go to Israel first, even though they had died thousands of
years earlier.

Therefore, these tables of the commandments had to descend to
the heart of the earth first, where Adam and Eve were living
in the dust of death, so Jesus Christ would return to them in
the appointed day, as on the third day, thus to rescue them
and their children as well for the final resurrection in the
last day. For that reason, there was our Lord Jesus Christ
over Mount Sinai with the two tables of the Ten Commandments,
one for Adam on his right hand and the second one on his left
hand for Eve, so the Holy Spirit of the commandments may
become part of their living souls on that third day and in
eternity, as well. This is Jesus Christ himself in the middle
of the two criminals crucified over the dead trees of Adam
and Eve with nails and the never-ending atoning blood of
salvation and healing: one criminal on his right hand and the
second one on his left hand-the two tablets of the Law
broken, but yet fulfilled at last with perfect-love.

Unconditionally, these two tables had to go back to Adam and
Eve by the way of one of their children, Moses, into the
heart of the earth first, because they originally broke them
in the day they disobeyed our heavenly Father's will by
eating from the forbidden fruit, instead of eating from the
fruit of life, His Son Jesus Christ! This was the way of our
heavenly Father beginning to reconcile with Adam and Eve on
that ancient third day with Moses and Israel at Sinai, so
later, in due time: the Messiah himself will also raise them
back to life in paradise on the final third day, for the end
of sin and the retaking of eternal life.

On this day, Satan's lies against Adam and Eve died within
the heart of the earth itself, so they may beginning to be
ready for the real return of our King Messiah, Jesus Christ,
thus to reunite them by the way of nails and his atoning
blood to their lost children of the entire earth and forever
in paradise. Because, the truth is that Adam and Eve did not
only lose everything in paradise and on earth as well, but
they also lost along with their personal relationship with
our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit of the commandments
their offspring all over the world, because they failed
terribly in their days to believe and confess Jesus Christ!

Because, in heaven any angel that does not confess Jesus
Christ is kick out mercilessly, this is what happened to
Lucifer and his one-third of the fallen angels. The same
resulted to be true in paradise with Adam and Eve, when they
both failed miserably to believe in their hearts and confess
with their lips Jesus Christ as the fruit of life. Then, we
can also see Israel's history from the escape from Egypt and
their way through the desert: how they could not only get to
the Promised Land in three days, but also how they were kick
out once they established themselves there as a nation,
because of their personal conflicts with the King Messiah,
Jesus Christ, for example.

Therefore, Adam and Eve were the reason of the flood and
death of the entire world in Noah's days, and furthermore
they were responsible for Israel's captivity in Egypt,
because, again: they failed miserably to believe within their
hearts and confess with their lips the glorious and holy name
of His dear Son Jesus Christ, the only fruit of life!
Consequently, our heavenly Father rescued Israel from Egypt,
so He can baptize them with the waters of the Red Sea thus to
make them ready to receive on the third day the written Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments, which first had to descend to
Adam and Eve but later Israel would also receive them, but a
copy only then.

For this is the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments that, in
good time, would become the unbreakable bones, the holy flesh
and the atoning blood for the eternal sacrifice that would
not only forgive and heal them from evil, but also it would
become "bones of their bones, flesh of their flesh and blood
of their blood forever." Truly, this was the rebirth of the
Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments that our heavenly Father
wanted initially for Adam by eating from the fruit of life,
so his offspring would inherit his unbreakable bones, his
holy flesh and his glorious blood, full of eternal life and
the blessings of miracles and great wonders that would never
end, forever.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ injected
himself into the life of all of Israel forever and ever, so
Israel would never wonder away from the holy presence of our
heavenly Father, just as Adam and Eve once did in paradise
that cost them their lives and the lives of their children,
as well. Thereof, our Lord Jesus Christ has all the rights in
heaven and on earth thus to come back to Israel and retake
his eternal place of the throne of King David, so he may rule
the nations of the world with the Holy Spirit of the truth
and justice of the glorified Ten Commandments for millenniums
to come into eternity.

Nevertheless, this was something that our heavenly Father
never did with any angel in heaven or with any man, woman,
child or nation on earth, except with Israel, so they may
begin to learn to live and deal with the unattainable-life
that one day soon it will reappear before them with bones,
flesh and holy blood as the King Messiah. For he was the
Savior that Moses met face-to-face in the midst of fire,
smoke and the bright light that was visible for many miles
around the mountain and its surroundings that had descended
from heaven to answer the Israelis' prayers for salvation and
liberation; truly, no one could save Israel from her
torments, except her only brother from heaven.

Then, it was Jesus Christ persistently giving his written
life to Moses and to the Israelis as a whole, so they may
begin to live with him daily in their lives victoriously
through the Egyptian desert and until they will finally enter
and conquer the Promised Land of milk and honey for them and
for their children for future generations. This is the
powerful and miraculous life that the Israelis needed to
escape captivity thus to begin to walk under the hot sun of
the desert that dare to stop them dead on their tracks to the
Promised Land, promised initially to Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, so they may receive the King Messiah in their lives
once and all, forever.

However, through the Egyptian lifeless desert, as the
Scripture reveals it clearly in black and white for all to
know, the Israelis struggle constantly with Moses and his
brand-new respectable life, only found in Jesus Christ at
Mount Sinai, the Son of God and the only possible tree of
life for Israel and humankind as well, for ever and ever.
Moreover, Jesus Christ told Moses to warn the people not to
ascend to the mountaintop, because if they did then they
would die in their sins, in the sins of Adam, that is, for
this is the life that our heavenly Father rejected initially
from paradise due to the lack of the presence of His
holiness, Jesus Christ the Messiah!

Meaning also that the rebellious life that Adam and Eve
received in paradise, by eating from the forbidden fruit, it
could never return to His holy presence in heaven, except if
washed clean in the first and second day by the holy blood of
the Lamb, Jesus Christ, thus to resurrect for paradise on the
third day. What is more, Adam himself with his wife Eve could
not return to paradise forever, that is, if they do not
receive first with nails to their bodies the holy body and
blood of His Son Jesus Christ, the tree of life for them and
for their children's children for many future generations to
come well into all eternity.

That is to say, also that if the Israelis were with Adam and
Eve at the foot of Mount Sinai, they still will not be able
to ascend the mountain to see the Lord Jesus Christ as Moses
had, for instance, because to move up to the mountain on that
day: it would equal to returning to paradise in sin. Because,
our heavenly Father would never tolerate any one to return to
the holy life of paradise, with the sin of Adam and Eve that
did not only dishonor the fruit of life, His Son, before His
holy presence in heaven and before His angels, but also it
transgressed the original tables of the Holy Spirit of the
Ten Commandments.

In addition, this is a sin of the human spirit, which our
heavenly Father and our Lord Jesus Christ were not willing to
tolerate with any man, woman, child and even animals from the
area or their livestock, for example. Moreover, with the
rejected Christ less life of Adam and Eve by our heavenly
Father because of their disobedience towards Him, then no one
can ever again see the Lord Jesus Christ and much less His
holy commandments in heaven and on earth as well, forever,
"except by the power of the everlasting holy atoning blood of
the new covenant."

In reality, this is a covenant between our heavenly Father
and Israel through the constant sacrifice and shedding of the
symbolic atoning blood of the lamb of God, our Lord Jesus
Christ, before our heavenly Father and at His chosen altars
within the tabernacle or throughout Israel, for example, for
the forgiveness of sin and the healing of the people. So,
Mount Sinai, where Jesus Christ was with Moses was off-limits
to the Israelis, just as paradise was off-limits to Adam and
Eve, for example, until they either nailed themselves to the
holy life of the King Messiah or confess him with their lips
by believing within their hearts of his glorious and perfect
holiness for them, in eternity.

Legally, the mountaintop was off-limits to the Israelis,
except Moses indeed, because when Moses first saw the tree of
life surrounded with fire and smoke, he did not run away from
it as Adam and Eve did in paradise, instead he came close to
see why it was burning and yet its fire was not consuming the
mountaintop. And this is the faith that our heavenly Father
was looking to see in men for His dear Son Jesus Christ, so
He may begin to bless them and their children on earth and
for many generations to come in paradise and well into all
eternity as well, for the glory and honor of His holy and
all-powerful name.

Nowadays, this is the same spirit of faith towards His Jesus
Christ that our heavenly Father is searching for still within
the heart of every man, woman and child on earth, so He may
glorify himself greatly just as when Abraham, Isaac, Jacob
and Moses glorify him, for example, thus to believe in His
Son Jesus Christ faithfully for salvation. Therefore, when
Moses ascended Mount Sinai to inquire about the fire and why
it was not spreading all over the mountaintop just as a
normal fire would do, then he heard the voice of Jesus Christ
speaking directly to him and thus he began to listen
carefully to his every word, for he spoke to him with

That is to say, also that Moses was not afraid of his voice
but he was willing to listen to him, because his voice was
new to him and furthermore filled with authority and great
power as well that touched and moved his soul closer to him
and God as never before in his entire Hebraic-life. This is
when Jesus Christ told Moses to remove his sandals, because
the place where he was standing was a holy ground, holy as
the angelic Kingdom itself, for example; meaning also that
this is God Himself speaking to you directly from heaven,
Moses, and so do your best to listen and understand his
perfect will towards you and Israel.

Instantly, Moses obeyed Jesus Christ to remove his sandals
and began to listen to him very diligently with his open
heart towards our heavenly Father and for His perfect will
for his life and the life of his nation, Israel, which lived
submerged deep into the darkness of their every day Egyptian
slave-drivers that were actually killing them slowly. And
when Moses had listened to the Lord Jesus Christ for a while
and to every word that he had to say to him for Israel, then
Moses asked him for his name, so he may return to his people
with his message thus to let them know what was the immediate
will of our heavenly Father for their lives.

There and then, Jesus Christ told Moses: I am the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, the Maker of
the heaven and the earth with all their nations and the
peoples that live in them. Moses did not object to Jesus
Christ's claim, but, instead, he believed him with his open
heart towards our heavenly Father, so new glorious things may
begin to happen within his life and the life of his brothers
within Israel that were desperately in need of the
intervention of our heavenly Father and of His Son Messiah
within their lives.

On these days, Satan was killing the male born as soon as
they emerged from their mother's wombs and, simultaneously,
letting the female born live, so Israel would never be a
strong nation within Egypt but also never a threat to their
interests and their way of life, in the midst of the nations
of the entire world. And it was Satan at every turn behind
these baby killings, because he knew that the King Messiah
was descending from the heavenly Father to aid Israel and
thus fulfill His promises to them, giving initially to
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but still he did not know how the
King Messiah was going to be born into or within Israel.

Our heavenly Father blinded Satan completely, because when
Jesus Christ came to aid Israel, he came to Mount Sinai with
the great fire and the blazing light and smoke that cover the
mountaintop visible for miles all around it, so Moses and
Israel may see him and not Satan or any of his wicked people.
And so, because Moses believed Jesus Christ as he manifested
himself to be the God of his forefathers, then the precious
and glorious life of Jesus Christ became his own as well on
that day at the mountaintop and forevermore in eternity, for
the glory and honor of our heavenly Father and of His
precious and all-powerful mysterious name.

(Nowadays, the same is true, every one that is willing to
listen and obey the voice of Jesus Christ thus to believe
within his heart and confess his name with his lips as the
God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, or just Jesus Christ, then
he will be reborn just as Moses in his day over Mount Sinai.)
This is to say, also that on this day, because Moses believed
Jesus Christ to be the God of his forefathers, then he became
born again miraculously of the Holy Spirit of the glorified
Ten Commandments that he was later to receive from Jesus
Christ himself and at the same place as well, at Mount
Sinai's summit.

Because, for Moses to receive the written life of the King
Messiah, the Holy Spirit of the two tables of the Ten
Commandments, then he had to have had first the fullness of
the Holy Spirit of the same commandments; otherwise, he could
never receive within his hands much less within his heart the
tables of the commandments for eternity. That is to say, also
that Moses became filled with the Holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments as he met and spoke with Jesus Christ at Mount
Sinai, so he may be ready for what he was to receive from our
heavenly Father in the later days and for the great work that
he was to undertake within Israel furthermore.

Therefore, that is the reason that Moses could always return
to Sinai's summit to speak to Jesus Christ persistently,
because when he had the initial opportunity to see and
receive him as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the
God of Jacob, he did it faithfully and did not doubt but,
instead, believed him thoroughly. Then, Moses with his brand-
new life that had made him a brand-new man before our
heavenly Father and his brothers in Israel, then he was able
to speak to Jesus Christ face-to-face just as the prophets
and the apostles would do on a daily basis in later
generations thus to hear from our heavenly Father's glorious
will for Israel.

Afterward, this is why the mountaintop meeting of Moses with
Jesus Christ their King Messiah was off-limits to the
Israelis and even it was off-limits to their animals as well-
that is to say, also that if they dare to wonder away up the
mountain, then they will both die alike without any mercy at
all, men and animals. Because, the life that they had within
them, truly, it was unfortunately the sinful and rebellious
life of Adam and Eve that could not only return to paradise
much less to the holy presence of Jesus Christ and our
heavenly Father on earth and in eternity as well, forever and

So they first had to get rid of their old rebellious-lives,
the sinful life from Adam and Eve, by receiving the Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments, which was truly his glorious
and victorious messianic-life over sin, Satan and death on
earth and in paradise for each one of them and for their
children for generations to come, Jesus Christ! That is to
say, also that for the Israelis to ascend to the mountaintop
with Moses, then they had to confess Jesus Christ and believe
in him within their hearts for salvation, just as Moses had
done it earlier without doubting Jesus Christ or questioning
him about his whereabouts or coming to them from our heavenly
Father, for example.

This was very important for the existence of Israel in those
days and their miracle-walk through the Egyptian desert
towards the Promised Land, that is to say, that they had to
believe within their hearts and confess constantly with their
lips the name of the Son of David, so they may make it across
the hostile desert within three days. Therefore, within three
days, the entire nation of Israel would enter victoriously,
having defeated Satan and his lies with the holy messianic-
life of the Holy Spirit, of the Ten Commandments of the King
Messiah, into the Promised Land of Canaan, so they may begin
to live thereafter the brand-new life of the Holy Spirit of
the commandments, the King Messiah!

That is to say, also that the whole of Israel had to enter
totally resurrected within tree days and filled with the
brand-new life received at Mount Sinai through Jesus Christ
and Moses, for the glory and honor of our heavenly Father
before the nations of the entire world as well for many
generations to come well into all eternity. Then, only with
this brand-new messianic-life, not only Moses but every man,
woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel could move
up not only to the mountaintop to see the King of kings and
the Lord of lords with their own eyes, but they could also
very well return to their celestial lives in paradise,
without delay.

Inasmuch as, this is the only holy messianic-life, which not
only Adam and Eve could return to paradise without any
further problems with sin, but also filled their brand-new
celestial lives with all the blessing of the Holy Spirit of
the Ten Commandments, immensely fulfilled and glorified in
the blood and life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! That
is why that Moses and the Israelis needed to wash themselves
and their clothing on the first and second day, from
impurities of the wicked life from Adam and Eve, so that on
the third day they would receive a brand-new life, which
would transform them miraculously, in a moment of prayer,
faith and obedience, to God's perfect will.

For this is the perfect will of our heavenly Father for
Israel and the families of the entire earth that they may
believe within their hearts and confess with their lips, just
as Moses did once at Sinai, the name of His Son Jesus Christ,
the Son of David for ancient Israel and the same today and
forevermore in eternity. Truly, this was the only way to be
born again from the wicked spirit of the sinful life of Adam
and Eve into the glorious and all-powerful Holy Spirit of
life, from the tree of life, Jesus Christ, the Son of God and
the only possible King Messiah for Israel and for the nations
of the entire world nowadays.

That is why that Moses could not only ascend to the
mountaintop to meet with Jesus Christ as many times as
necessary, but also he was as Jesus Christ himself,
symbolically speaking, thus to receive the written Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments of the glorious life of the
King Messiah, the Son of David, our Lord Jesus Christ! That
is to say, that without the transformation of the wicked life
of Moses, into the all-miracle working messianic-life of
Jesus Christ, then Moses could have never been able to ascend
the mountaintop to see Jesus Christ face-to-face, but also he
could never receive the Ten Commandments for Israel to have
it forever-just as they do presently, for example.

Truthfully, it would have been totally impossible for Moses
and much less for the whole of Israel ever to be able to put
their hands on the two tables of the Ten Commandments on that
day and forever and ever in eternity; without the Spirit of
Jesus Christ within Moses this was an impossible task to
attain for civilization entirely. Granted that, only Jesus
Christ could give and trust Jesus Christ himself the written
Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments to Israel and the entire
human race as well, and this new symbolic Jesus Christ for
the whole of Israel and the nations was Moses on that third
day at Sinai's summit, thanks to goodness sake for that and

In other words, only Jesus Christ because of his sinless life
could give to himself (the soon coming Jesus Christ or the
Son of David within Israel) the Holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments, and this representative of Jesus Christ within
Israel at Mount Sinai, for the sake of Israel and
civilization as a whole was Moses and no one else. Strictly,
this is how the real Jesus Christ from heaven was able to
give to the coming and standing symbolic Jesus Christ of
Israel, Moses in person that is, the whole of the Holy Spirit
of the Ten Commandments, without delay on the third day, so
Israel may have it then just as they do nowadays and
forevermore in eternity.

Therefore, after the third day, after receiving the written
brand-new messianic-life from their King Messiah, Jesus
Christ, then they could freely approach our heavenly Father
in prayer anytime through this wonderful and glorious life of
His Son, otherwise, they could die on the spot, if they tried
to approach Jesus Christ or our heavenly Father without his
approved and holy-life. Then our Lord Jesus Christ expressly
warned Moses again to tell the people of his requirements by
cleaning themselves from impurities on the first and second
day and thus they should be ready on the third day to receive
the resurrected-life for good and all, so they may escape
their sins and Satan as well on this day and eternity.

Because, this is the resurrected life on the third day of the
Son of David, for them and for the entire world also, so they
may come close anytime to our heavenly Father through him to
receive forgiveness and the blessings granted to each one of
them in their brand-new life, initially promised to their
ancestors: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! That is why that Jesus
Christ declared openly in his messianic days within all of
Israel, to his disciples and the multitudes of the nations of
the entire world as well, by reassuring them that he was
their only eternal life. Moreover, he said then, in his every
day preaching of forgiveness of sin and healing of their
hearts, souls, bodies, mind and human spirit: I am the life
and the resurrection.

Whoever believes in me, even though he is dead, shall come
back to life in the final day of the earth thus to see life,
but without the sinful and rebellious spirit of Adam and Eve
against the fruit of life, Jesus Christ himself, the only
possible Savior for the whole of Israel and of the entire
world, as well! Nowadays, if Jesus Christ manifests himself
as ever to be the bread of life and the resurrection of the
just, those that believe in their hearts and confess his
name, then he cannot only resurrect any dead person from his
grave but also he can certainly heal you from all the attacks
from Satan and his rebellious infirmities, as well.

For there are no infirmities, problems or difficulties, which
our Lord Jesus Christ cannot solve or heal today within the
life of Israel or within the life of any man, woman or child
from all the families of the nations of the entire world. For
all you may do nowadays within your entire life and the life
of your loved ones, return to your heavenly Father first that
loves you dearly with the same Holy Spirit of the glorified
Ten Commandments, from which He has always loved His Son
Jesus Christ, so you may break loose from Satan and live
joyfully forever, starting today.

On this third day, our heavenly Father would also grant you
to have miraculously the same ancient Holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments totally glorified within the holy life of His
Son Jesus Christ, so you may begin to live and eat from the
fruit of life freely nowadays, which fills you with
blessings, peace, joys and health without end. Because, our
heavenly Father would give you to eat limitlessly from the
Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments that first He granted to
have Adam and Eve at Sinai' foundation, even though they were
both dead within the dust of death, of the heart of the earth
for many past generations, subsequently, he later gave them
to Israel through Moses.

This is to tell you also nowadays that you may eat and drink
from the Holy Spirit of the resurrection of our heavenly
Father, for His brand-new celestial Jerusalem from heaven
above, just as you would daily eat and drink from the Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments each time you read it before
our heavenly Father, in Jesus' name. Because, when you eat
from the bread and drink from the cup of life, then you are
not only eating the truth and holiness of the fulfilled Holy
Spirit of the Ten Commandments, but also you are eating from
the Holy Spirit of the resurrection, Jesus Christ himself, so
you may live forever since the mysterious ancient-third day
and for eternity.

This resurrection Moses received first from Jesus Christ on
the third day, as he met him at Sinai as the tree of life and
the resurrection for Israel from bondage, so they may escape
Satan and live for our heavenly Father in a brand-new land
filled with the Spirit of the commandments and of the King
Messiah, Jesus Christ! And nowadays, this resurrection is
still available as it was available initially for Moses at
Sinai and with Jesus Christ shinning as usual from its summit
for not only Israel to see and accept him as their King
Messiah and only possible Savior for their living souls, but
also for the families of the nations of the entire world.

Still, this resurrection exists for you today and for your
loved ones, thanks to Jesus Christ the resurrection, so you
may begin to live joyfully your brand-new life, filled with
constant miraculous and marvelous healings to your heart,
soul, body, mind and human spirit, so you may become a brand-
new citizen of paradise and the New Jerusalem from heaven
above. May our heavenly Father continue to bless you and
enriched your life, your loved and ones and friends as well
today and forevermore in eternity, through the gracious and
blessed Holy Spirit of the glorified and very rich Ten
Commandments of the Son of God, Jesus Christ the Messiah!

Cordially yours,

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua,
and shalt believe within your heart that GOD hath raised him
from the dead, then thou shalt be saved." Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans 10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and
are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and
are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him
will never be put to shame." For there is no difference
between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise
or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the
name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my
sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I now invite JESUS to
come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and
gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is
the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers
are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how
important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered,
anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on
the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven
in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father,
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I
most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the
SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and
HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. God bless you!

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