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Jun 28, 2008, 10:05:00 AM6/28/08

Sábado, 28 de junio, año 2008 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Happy Independence Day: The Fourth of July of 2008 is around
the corner and I would like to be among the first to
celebrate it with all of you throughout the land. These are
good days to read the word of our Heavenly Father and Creator
of the heavens and the earth, so he may pour upon us more of
his love, mercy and the everlasting grace of his beloved Son,
our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Therefore, I would like to
talk about our Heavenly Father's faithfulness to you and to
your loved ones as well, just as I have done it in the past
by writing cordially about it to you. Thus, he may richly
bless you and your much-loved families as well on these days
and forevermore by forgiving your sins, healing your bodies
and inner beings, and thus granting you everlasting
prosperity for your hearts and souls in this life and in the
new one to come the brand new Kingdom of Heaven. May God
bless you, and have a very Happy Independence Day with your
families and friends, in the miracle-working name of our Lord
Jesus Christ, of course, as always.)

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Understand thereof that the Lord your God is God from
everlasting to everlasting; he is the only faithful God in
the heavens and on earth as well, keeping his pact of love to
a thousand generations to those who love him and keep his
commands in the spirit and in the truth of his beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ! For the reason that the Spirit of
faith that moves mountains in paradise, in the kingdom of the
heavens and here on earth as well, "is our Lord Jesus
Christ", and without him nothing moves anywhere in all
creation, thus this is the law of the heavens and the earth,
beyond question, for angels and for mankind to obey always.

In truth, without Jesus Christ in our lives, we are dead in
the water and miles away from land and with no horizon on
sight; moreover, without the Son of God in our lives is like
been in the middle of the universe, "lost forever and without
the hope of finding our way back to earth much less to
paradise." Furthermore, without our Lord Jesus Christ in our
hearts, we have nothing to say to our Father in the heavens
but only a terrible sinful life on earth and in hell as well
to never see life again "but only torments and violence
without end in eternity"; and this is terrible for any one to
live and experience anywhere ever.

Now since our Father knows very well our spiritual state of
well-being here on earth and in paradise also, then he does
whatever he has to do to help us by being always faithful to
each one of us and thus "just as faithful as he has always
been to his beloved Son", our Lord Jesus Christ! And our
Father is faithful to each one of us at all times because
this is the power of the Spirit of love between him and his
beloved Son, Jesus Christ, "which he will never deny to any
of his creatures, angels in heaven and men on earth, for
example." Meaning that our Father "cannot deny himself to
anyone of us on earth and in heaven," if we only approach him
through the Spirit of everlasting Love of the sacrificed
blood of his only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, on the
holy mount of Jerusalem, in Israel, for example.

Furthermore, this is to say as well that we have the faith
and the everlasting love of our Father secured in our lives
today, if we are only faithful to the blessed name of his
beloved Son Jesus Christ in our hearts; "this is all our
Father has required from us, from day one, so he may bless us
always". In fact, our Lord Jesus Christ is the living Spirit
of the flesh and the everlasting blood of the eternal
covenant between God and men that has never broken the Ten
Commandments for the glory and honor of our Father but only
fulfill it always, so "life would be peaceful and prosperous
on earth and in heaven eternally."

This is to say, as well, that our Lord Jesus Christ is the
true and only Spirit of the Ten Commandments in the heavens
with the holy angels and on earth with humankind that "we
must live with in all the days of our lives" to honor and
glorify our Heavenly Father day and night and until kingdom
come. Because Jesus Christ is the only one that has fulfilled
the Spirit of the Ten Commandments in the heavens for the
angels and on earth for every man, woman and child, so we may
live a wonderful and miraculous life, "free from the powers
of Satan"; because a life without Satan is a life that
fulfills the divine law constantly. This is also to say that
only Jesus Christ is the living Spirit that has fulfilled
thoroughly the everlasting law in the hearts and lives of
angels in heaven and for every man, woman and child on earth,
forever and ever, so "all truth and justice may be honored
and glorified before the Father and his wonderful glorious
Holy Spirit."

Moreover, our Father can never be faithful to any angel in
the heavens nor to any one on earth without the Spirit of the
holy atoning blood and the everlasting miraculous name of his
beloved Son, living in our hearts; therefore, never expect
God to be faithful to you in anything, "if Jesus Christ is
not living within your heart." Because it is only through the
Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ that our God and as well his
Holy Spirit is faithful to each one of us here on earth and
back in paradise or in the new kingdom above; in fact, "only
the Spirit of his beloved Son is the essence of faith that
unites us together always."

And without Jesus Christ in our lives then we are separated
eternally to never be united again by anything big or small,
powerful or fragile, heavenly or earthly, because "nobody or
nothing in the heavens nor on earth has the power to unite
men and God faithfully in this life and in the next life to
come forever and ever." And this is something that our Father
would like to have us consider in our hearts around the
clock, so we may no drift away from him anymore, as Adam and
Eve did in paradise, for example, "so no evil would be able
to overtake or overpower our lives ever."

This is why some many people that have walked away from the
Father and his Son Jesus Christ in the past, then they have
suffered terribly in their lives to the point of suffering
and dying unthinkable death at the hands of Satan and his
fallen angels, for example. On top of that, people have died
terrible deaths at the hands of Satan "because our Father can
only be faithful to those that hear him diligently through
the words, work and life of his tree of life", his beloved
Son and his glorious sacrificed blood on his holy altar to
erase their sins and protect them from evil always.

However, we should always try to come back to our Father no
matter what may happen in our lives and the lives of our
loved ones; and if we try to comeback to him at any moment in
our lives, then "he will do his best to make sure that we
come close to him and stay with him forever." In addition, he
will do this for each one of us, because "he is faithful to
the holy work of his hands", you and I, my dear brother and
sister; in fact, "we are the apple of his eyes", just as his
cherished Son is the apple of his eyes since the days of old
to this day.

This is to say also that if we love our Father with the same
love that Jesus Christ has loved us from the beginning, then
"we are one big family that is always growing in the heavens
above and on earth as well" thus to enrich the new kingdom to
come in the future for all nations, beginning with Israel.
For the Lord Jesus Christ declared openly to his disciples,
when they asked him to show them the Father, and he replied
to them, by saying, Why asked me to show you the Father?

Whoever has seeing me, in truth, has seeing the Father just
as I have seen him. Believe me then when I say to you that I
have come out from the Father and thus I will return to him
soon, so his work with men may be fulfilled eternally.
Because I am in the Father and the Father is in me; thereby
we are one thing here on earth as we are in the heavens
above, therefore, if I am in the Father and you are in me,
then we are all one here on this day and forevermore in
eternity; and no power will ever separate us anymore.

What is more, this means that no one would ever be able to
separate us neither in this life nor in the next life to
come, because the Spirit of faith of the Father unites us to
become one in the new eternity to come of the brand new
heavens above of the Father and of his hosts of angels. Now
if this is so, then just as to whatever belongs to the Father
then belongs to the Son and what belongs to the Son then
belongs to the Father as well: then we are tremendously rich
forever and ever!

Meaning also that we were created in the heart of the Father
and later on his hands with the help of the Holy Spirit, so
we may be one with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in
eternity; that is, we were created by the Father to return to
him and stay with forever and ever in heaven. Do you see
that? We have come out from the Father just as the Son has
come from him; the only difference here is that we were
created by the Father and the Holy Spirit, but our Lord Jesus
Christ has always existed in the Father and in the Holy
Spirit; So, "Christ has come to us really, to take us back
home," heaven! This is to say also, "that we are originally
from heaven and not from earth"; thus, we belong in paradise
or in the Brand New Jerusalem from above and not in any other
place other than the Father and heaven with his holy angels
and his wonderful Tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ and his
Holy Spirit that is.

For the reason that, it has pleased our Father in his
glorious and undivided faithfulness towards each one of us,
in our millions, from all families, races, towns, tribes,
religions and kingdoms of the earth "to give us his Kingdom
through the Spirit of the sacrifice blood and glorious life
of his beloved Son," our Lord Jesus Christ! Meaning that the
Father and the Son have everything in common among themselves
in the heavens and on earth, then this also means that all
things now belong to each one us from the Father and from the
Son; thus "we are immensely rich from now on and well into
eternity to come because Jesus Christ lives in our hearts."
(Indeed, with our Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts we are just
as rich as the Father and as the Holy Spirit are forever and
ever in all creation, but with the lies of the wicked as Adam
and Eve that is to say Satan in our lives, then we are sick
and poor without end and beyond death too.)

Now this is the glory that our Lord Jesus Christ has brought
with himself from the Father to give to us generously, and
only if we receive him as our Lord and Savior of our lives,
so "sin and Satan may abandon our lives" for the glory and
honor of our Father and for his new wonderful Kingdom to
come. Thus with the Lord Jesus Christ we are walking in all
the days of our lives' "in the true and miraculous way that
leads to the Father and to his wonderful brand new life,"
full of great wonders and glories never known by humankind,
since the days of old in paradise to these days on earth, for
example. Thus, with Jesus Christ living in our hearts today,
then we can surely savor day-to-day the everlasting
faithfulness from our Father and his wonderful Mighty Holy
Spirit; what is more, with the Spirit of Jesus Christ in our
lives we have all power from heaven and earth to live our
normal lives continuously well into the new Kingdom to come.

Thus miracles, sings and wonders may begin to take place in
the heavens above and here on earth with each one of us in
this glorious unification of his heavenly heart and our
earthly hearts through the name of Jesus Christ "for the real
communication to begin to take place continuously today with
our Father and well into eternity also." This is to say that
the wonderful working power of the faith of our Father may
begin to work in your life, my dear brother and sister, "to
heal you from a simple headache to a mayor rebellious bad
health in your body," thus to get the spirit of the enemy out
of your body and life forever and ever. Because a life
without Satan is a life fill with peace, joy, happiness,
health, prosperity and many wonderful blessings from the
Kingdom of God and from the Tree of everlasting life, our
Lord Jesus Christ; this is why the Father told the Israelis
repeatedly, for example, "if you listen and obey then you
will never suffer any attack from Satan."

For it is the Father that wants to set you free from the
powers of his main enemy of old, Satan and from his fallen
angels as well, "so you may begin to live away from darkness
for the first time and well into eternity"; thus, God is
working tirelessly within you with his undivided everlasting
love to bless you. This is the faithfulness of our Father at
best, working for you and within you as well, so today and in
eternity you may begin to really get to know him "just as he
knows you thoroughly through the Spirit of the sacrifice
blood and life of his beloved Son", our Lord Jesus Christ!
(Indeed, our Father knows you very well but only through the
everlasting Spirit of the sacrificed blood and messianic life
of his dear beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, because "only
his Son is the true Tree of life of wealth and health for all
of his loved ones," such as angels from heaven and mankind on

Moreover, this is the Spirit of love of our Father faithfully
working mightily in your life, as he worked through the might
of his Spirit in the life of his beloved Son to carry out his
wonderful will here on earth, as in the land of Israel, for
the well being of all people from all over the world. And
this is why that the Spirit of his Holy Commandments is known
throughout the world as the gospel and the wonderful working
power of his atoning blood and miraculous name of his much-
loved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ "thus to set free today from
sin and the terrible sicknesses of the body of any man, woman
and child."

Besides, since our Father began to work faithfully in the
Spirit of love between his Son and the heart of men, he has
not stopped to this day; this why we can be blessed today, as
we have never been blessed by him and by his wonderful
working Spirit to enrich our lives mightily, "that is if we
only believe." In fact, this is to believe in him as our Lord
God and Creator of the heavens and the earth only through the
wonderful and glorious life of his favorite Son, the Lord
Jesus Christ, because "is the love of his much-loved Son that
truly satisfies all truth and justice in his life today and
in eternity."

Consequently, this is the only way that angels in the heavens
and as well men on earth may live with our Lord God and with
his Holy Spirit through the Spirit of his Son, pleasing him
every time in every word, letter and meaning of this holy
everlasting commandments, "so we may be blessed day by day
and without ceasing." Because our Father did not create us in
the beginning by the power of his faithful heart and hands to
suffer in our lives and then died miserably, but "he created
us to know only his will in our lives, and this to know his
Son Jesus Christ," as our Tree of life and health today and
in unending nature!

Since everything that we may need to live our lives, we can
faithfully find them in him by just invoking his holy and
miraculous name with our lips, in a moment of faith and from
within prayer with the Father; and the Father will listen to
our prayers "so he may bless us always, because his Son lives
in us." Otherwise, our Father cannot and will not bless us,
as He may desire to bless us in the power of the Spirit of
his Commandments; this is to say that the hands of our Lord
are literately tied to each other thus to not bless us, as he
would love to, "if Jesus Christ is not in our prayers
routinely." (We are required to be faithful to the Father as
the ancients were required to be faithful to him, so he may
listen to our prayers and bless us day-to-day, and this is
only possible in each one of us today and always, "if Jesus
Christ dwells in our hearts.")

Because if we cannot be faithful to him with a simple prayer,
by invoking the name of his Son with our lips, then he cannot
be faithful to us as to bless us in all the things we need
from him and for all the things that he would do normally for
each one of us as well. So we have to be very careful here
when we pray to our Father, we have to immediately recognize
the name of his Son within our hearts and with our lips, by
invoking his name before him, "so he may begin to release his
powerful Spirit, filled with the blessings and the powers
that we may need from him momentarily."

Thus, we may begin to solve our difficulties or heal our
inner beings and whole bodies as well from a sickness or
sicknesses and decease or deceases, for example, "which are
never from him at all or form heaven but only from his
eternal enemy," Satan! And so, the Spirit of Jesus Christ is
very important in every single prayer that we may lift to the
heaven, so our Father may hear it and answer it at any one
time, thus "to supply our needs or heal us from terrible
attacks of our eternal enemies, as Satan and his fallen
angels, for example."

However, our Father will bless us only through the holy name
of his glorious Son, because in him there is the Spirit of
power that has not only defeated sin and Satan in his life,
but "it has also fulfilled the Spirit of the Holy
Commandments", so our prayers and petitions before him may
never be hindered by sin. This is to say as well that when we
believe and invoke at the same time, while we are praying
before the Father, the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, then
not only our sins are forgiving but also "the Spirit that
fulfilled and glorified the Ten Commandments is present", so
to please all truth and justice in our lives.

In other words, when we approach our Father for anything and
we do it in the name of Jesus Christ, then we are approaching
our Father with the Spirit of the divine Law that has been
glorified and fulfilled by the Spirit of his sacrifice and
atone blood, for example, and thus "he can hear and answer
our prayers always." But when the Spirit of the atone blood
and of the life of our Lord Jesus Christ is not present
before the Father when we pray, then this means that we are
not faithful to him nor are we faithful to his Son, thus "he
cannot hear our prayers much less answer them"; meaning also
that we are in trouble.

This is to say that we are alone, very much alone in this
world, and Satan can do anything against us, and this is to
make us suffer more by inflicting more pain to our old wounds
or make new wounds in our bodies thus "as to steal our peace
from God and then to finally destroy us mercilessly."
Inasmuch as, if Jesus Christ is not part of our hearts and
lives, then this means that we are walking on earth and
before the Father "with the rebellious and treacherous spirit
from Adam and Eve that broke his Holy Ten Commandments for
the first time in paradise for the dismay of the Father and
of his entire human race."

However, if we walk faithfully in the Spirit of the atoning
blood and life of our Lord Jesus Christ, then this means that
we are walking in the Holy Spirit that has fulfilled and
glorified forever the Spirit of The Ten Commandments, and
this is life for all those that dare to believe the Father
and his Son, Jesus Christ! So, when the Father is angry with
you because of your way of life in this world, then "this
means that the Spirit of Jesus Christ is not living in your
heart as it is his will since the days of old" such as since
the days of the beginning of men in paradise, and to this day
as well.

Thus, no one in his right-mind, man, woman or child, would
like to live a single day in this sinful-world with an angry
and Mighty God above his/ her head ready to curse him; and if
you think that you can live a single day with an angry God
above your head, then "you should reappraise your decision
this instant." You are indeed in trouble, a terrible and
frighten trouble; anyone can tell and assure you that on this
very hour and in any place of the entire world and in heaven
too. So it is not good at all to live a single day much less
your entire life with the Father very angry with you in the
heavens, because "you have not yet received in your heart his
eternal Spirit of living faith, and this is beloved Son," our
Lord Jesus Christ, living within you always and well into

Thus we have an angry God in the heavens at this minute,
because his very angry with all the sinners of the entire
world, from all the families, towns, nations, tribes and
kingdoms of the earth; the anger of our Father is ever-
increasing because Jesus Christ is absent from their lives
thus the Spirit of his commandments is not honored. (Yes, a
very loving and faithful Father in the heaven is very angry
with you now, because "you do not love his Son in your
heart," as he has called you for this purpose since the
beginning of time; and he will not cease his anger against
you "until you recognize the Spirit of truth and justice
within your heart.")

As matter of fact, the spirit of anger and judgment of our
Father will continue to increase day-to-day against all evil
doers, because of the presence of the wicked and sinful life
of men on earth "and the absents of Jesus Christ and of his
Holy Spirit in their lives." And this is because the Spirit
of his Holy Ten Commandments is not fulfilled in our lives as
it should, so "the mighty Spirit of his glorious blessings of
miracles and of great wonders cannot and will not flow freely
through our hearts, bodies and lives;" and because of this we
are dead, as the dead lying underground, appallingly.

And our Father is not a God of the dead but of the living;
indeed, his the Father of Abraham, the Father of Isaac and
the Father of Jacob; and since our Father is the God of the
living then "we must also live eternally in the new world to
come, such as The Brand New Jerusalem from above." So if the
Spirit of Jesus Christ is not in you as it should be by the
fault, according to the will of the Father, then you are in
trouble and ever sinking into deep darkness and until you
disappeared completely from the earth and from all life as
well; yes, "you are living in darkness and beyond death
too." There is no light in you while you still live freely on
earth and under its mighty and ever-shining sun, much less
will you have light underground or in eternity, if Jesus
Christ is not in your heart at this minute; "a very fair
warning to the well-thought of mankind from above and from
ancient history too."

Then this is a serious problem that has halted many blessings
in our daily living on earth and as well in the world beyond,
such as paradise and in the Kingdom of God, because the
faithfulness of God is not in us, if his Son or the Spirit of
his Law is not part of our lives, as God's will. And if the
Spirit of his commandments is not fulfilled in our lives,
then this means that the Spirit of his Son is not living
within us also as he should to establish automatically, or
rather miraculously, the will of our God in our lives, "so
the blessings that rightfully belong to us then they may come
to us continuously."

So, if we want to be blessed by our Father every single day
of our lives then we must do what he requires from us, and
this is to have the Spirit of the atoning blood and glorious
life of his beloved Son living within our hearts "so as to
please all truth and justice before our Father in heaven."
And so, we must obey our Father today or as soon as possible,
and this is only possible in our lives by believing with our
hearts and confessing with our mouth "the wonderful and
mighty name of his Son, Jesus Christ," so all the powers
available for our daily living from heaven may become part of
us now.

Since, we need the constant blessings of our Father, and of
His Son and of his Holy Spirit around the clock in our lives,
so we may be able to live normally here on earth or in
paradise as well; this is to say "to live today a life
saturated with the spirit of richness from the heavens above
continuously." Inasmuch as, the image and likeness that we
have received from our Father in the day he created each one
of us in his hands, requires constantly powers from the Tree
of life and from many other heavenly sources, "so we may live
and serve our Father all the days of our lives and well into
eternity as well."

Otherwise, we are not free to live our lives normally as God
himself lives his life or his holy angels may live their
lives in heaven above; and this means that each one is living
in a very desperate situation here on earth, "and things get
even worst when Christ less people step into eternity, like
in hell, for example." Thus, we need the Spirit of our Lord
Jesus Christ every hour of the day in our hearts, minds,
bodies and lives so we may live a peaceful and faithful life
here on earth or in paradise or in the brand new Kingdom to
come, "thus to bring glory and honor to our heavenly Father
forever and ever."

And without the Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ moving
constantly in our lives then we may never have or know how to
live a peaceful, faithful and a very pleasant life,
"saturated with the Spirit of our Father and his glorious
blessings of eternal life, on this earth and in the new world
to come as well, for example." The absentness of the Spirit
of faithful of our Father in our hearts, means that we are
living our lives unprotected, unblessed and in terrible
danger of death and of eternal destruction in hell, because
his beloved Son is not part of our hearts and lives today or
ever; thus "Satan is deceiving us everyday and until dooms
day." So, none of us can really afford ever to live a normal
life on earth and away from the faithfulness of the Father,
our Lord Jesus Christ!


Like this, the faithfulness of our Father is never ending but
continues through all generations living in our hearts to
always please him here on earth and in his wonderful kingdom
to come of his glorious and brand New Jerusalem from above,
for example; "and with his love our Father has established
new things in eternity for all of us." And our Father has
established new things of life and of great joy for each one
of us, not only because we love him but because we love the
Spirit of the atoning blood and life of his beloved Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ; thus, "his everlasting love is for each
one of us today."

And this is why we really love our Father, because his
faithfulness is always in our hearts, minds and lives by
default, thus to bless and enrich us continually with the
Spirit of love of his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ;
actually, "this is why we are healed and blessed continuously
even beyond the horizon of death, for example." On the other
hand, our Father will continue to be faithful to each one of
us, no matter what may happen to our lives, because "the
Spirit of faith of his dearly loved Son, our Lord Jesus
Christ, lives in us from eternity to eternity and never
changing for anything at all."

What is more, our Father has always been faithful to each one
of us, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, for example,
so we may know him through the wonderful working power of his
Holy Spirit of the atoning blood and life of his Tree of
life, our Lord Jesus Christ, our daily bread from above!
Moreover, this is the faith that the Father needs to see in
your life now more than ever, so he may glorify himself in
you and in the lives of your loved ones as well, "so people
may know him by his wonderful works and great miracles, for
example, in your life and the lives of others."

Giving that it is trough the Spirit of his Son that our
Father wants to meet and know us as well, and with great
wonders and miraculous signs, whether this is on earth or in
the heavens above, such as paradise or in the brand New
Jerusalem; thus, "our Father needs to glorify his name in
your life nowadays." In addition, this is something very
important for him to do in your life, so his name may be
glorified and honor in the Spirit and in the truth of his
beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, just as his name is
glorified and honored immensely in the heavens by his holy

Therefore, you must humble yourself before him before you do
anything in your life, by invoking the precious and
miraculous name of his Son Jesus Christ, so great and
wonderful things may begin to take place in your life and in
the lives of your loved ones as well; yes, "our Father needs
to glorify his name in your life." And this means in the
heart and life of every man, woman and child from all the
families, nations, tribes and kingdoms of the entire world,
so "the work of Satan may be destroyed forever and ever in
the lives of so many innocent people, by the grace and
everlasting love of his beloved Son," our Lord Jesus Christ!

Then we must believe in our Father with all our hearts,
minds, bodies, strengths and lives, but only through the
working mighty Spirit of his sacrifice blood and glorified
life of our Lord Jesus Christ, "so all truth and justice may
be fulfilled in our lives on earth and in our brand new lives
in the heavens above." Because our Father has created a brand
new colossal city, where all the peoples and nations of the
world may live with him to always enjoy the fruit of the Tree
of Life, his much-loved Son, the Messiah, thus never suffer
again the terrible pain of lies and death from Satan; believe
it, our God needs you to live eternally.

Then this is why this great celestial city is calling us
every day and without ceasing, as it first began to call the
Hebrews that were enslaved in Egypt, for example, so they may
come in into her given accommodation, thus they may begin to
serve the Father with all their hearts, minds, bodies and
souls forever and ever. So, the great celestial city of our
Father, where he will live with all of his holy angels and
the nations of the world that have received in their hearts
the Spirit of the sacrificed blood and life of his Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, is calling you today, "so you may come
into her and find your eternal place." Because the promise
from our Lord Jesus Christ to the apostles and his disciples
from all the families, races, nations and kingdoms of earth,
is that he was going to be taken back to where he came from
to Israel, so "he may prepare mansions for us to live with
him and the Father forevermore in eternal peace and glory."

For the reason that only those peoples, and their nations on
earth that have received the Spirit of his Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ, are in truth the faithful ones that he has
always wanted to live with them, since the beginnings of
times to this day; and "you are one of them and with your
family too, of course." That is correct, our Father sent his
much-loved Son to Israel to fulfill the Spirit of The Ten
Commandments for you and, in the same breath, die for you in
your place "so you may not only have your sins forgiven but
also enjoy eternal life in a great mansion in heaven forever
and ever." And this is so today with you and your loved ones,
as it was in the days of old with Adam and Eve in paradise or
with the patriarchs of Israel, because "only the Spirit of
the sacrificed blood and holy life of his Son, the Messiah,
is really the Spirit of faith for his holy heart and yours

In fact, this is the Spirit of faith of our Father and of his
beloved Son Jesus Christ that refused to die under the power
of sin and Satan, but it survived and it has flourished
throughout the world to this day "until it has touched your
life with its great powers of old to heal you and save you."
And thus this is also true for the hearts of the holy angels
and for every man, woman and child in Israel and throughout
all the families of the nations of world "thus to always
please him in the everlasting Spirit of faith and of the
wonderful working power of justice of his Tree of Life," our
Lord Jesus Christ!

This is why that our Father gave us of his Spirit from the
beginning of all things "by letting it flow abundantly and
without measure from the heavens above and into all the earth
with great powers, so we may be filled today by him", as in a
moment of prayer and faith, in the name of our Jesus Christ.
This is to say also "that the Spirit of faith has been coming
down towards each one of us, as to dwell in our hearts and in
our lives in paradise or here on earth and even beyond death
too", since the first days of eternity or since the days of
the creation of all things, for example, (genesis 1:2).

And the Father did this for us, even before we were created
in his holy hands as in his perfect image and likeness,
because he knew very well in his heart, as omniscient that he
is, "that we were going to need power to live our lives on
earth to serve him and glorify his precious name forever and
ever." This is to say also that we need power from heaven
from day-to-day so we may serve and glorify his wonderful and
glorious name not only in our hearts but also in the hearts
of others by the power of our testimonies and the good things
that the Father has done for us through his Son, our Lord
Jesus Christ! And without the presence of the gifts and ever
working powers of his Spirit then we could not only live our
lives normally on earth, but also, "it would have been
impossible for us to receive Jesus Christ as the Messiah,
Lord and Savior of our living souls and the only way back to
his wonderful new kingdom to come."

And this why we need every moment of our lives on earth the
ever working power from his Mighty Spirit, so we may have the
power then (and always, as well), thus to look up to the
heavens with faith "and only then begin to receive from him
all the wonderful miraculous and marvelous blessings of
healing, life and prosperity." Because all the good things
that our Father has prepared for us on earth and in the
heavens has comedown at all times from the Tree of life of
health, wealth and infinite prosperity, our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ, to bless continuously all his peoples of the
nations of the world, starting with Israel as always. This is
to say also that our Father only deals with us with the
Spirit of faith of his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
and not with the spirit of faith of anything else; you may
pray together with someone or many others as well, "and faith
works just the same, but only through our Savior Jesus

Inasmuch as, every good thing that humankind has ever known
since the beginning of time and to this day, without a
slightest doubt, it has come down from above by the
everlasting and ever-increasing Spirit of faith, as from the
holy heart of our Father, or from the Tree of Life, our Lord
and Savior Jesus Christ, for example. And every single
blessing from heaven it would never move towards us, if we do
not have the Spirit of the atoning blood and life of our Lord
Jesus Christ; furthermore, "this is a spiritual law that
should never be ignore by anyone, but bring it to fulfillment
forthwith so the Father may do his wonderful works with us

This is the truth, our Father never ceases to work for us,
but he may not do anything for anyone of us if the Spirit of
the everlasting faith of the sacrifice blood and life of his
Son Jesus Christ is not in its place within our hearts, for
example. This is something we should always consider first
before asking our Father for anything, is the Spirit of his
Son living in my heart and life, according to his eternal
will of forgiveness of sin and salvation of my eternal soul?
Because the Lord Jesus Christ is the Spirit of faithfulness
that our Father only knows on earth as in heaven with the
angels, so he may begin to move in favor of any of his sons
and daughters from all the families, races, nations and
kingdoms of the world: thus our Father wants to bless today,
only through his Son.

Now, without the Spirit of faith of his beloved Son living in
our hearts and then we are nothing for our Father, because we
are totally poor and always lacking of all things in our
daily living here on earth or just the same in the heavens
above, as when Adam and Eve lived in paradise, for example.
Adam and Eve, even though they were created very rich by our
Father, then they became poor because of the presence of sin
in their hearts and blood; this means that "sin makes people
poor and sick until they die, but the presence of Jesus
Christ in the hearts of men, makes them healthy, wealthy and
wise for eternal life."

In fact, Adam and Eve began to lack all things in paradise
because the spirit of poorness had overtaken their celestial
lives, as when they began to eat from the forbidden fruit
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil; then, "Satan
became their god unfortunately, when actually they did not
want him to lord over their lives ever." Adam and Eve knew
then for the first time that without Jesus Christ in their
hearts then they were lost and also their offspring for all
eternity, as you and me today, for example; and this is
eternal death "not in paradise nor on earth, but in hell and
in the lake of fire also."

In reality, for the first time Adam and Eve understood very
well in their hearts that death means eternal separation from
God, because of sin and Satan in them; but if Jesus Christ
manages to come into their hearts by the power of faith,
"then they would live eternally in the brand new life of The
New Jerusalem from above." So, right after Adam and Eve had
sinned against the Father and his beloved Son, the tree of
life, then the only thing that was clear in their hearts was
as to when Jesus Christ would rescue them from the power of
sin, "so they may enter in the new eternal life of the
Everlasting Jerusalem from heaven, for example." Thus, in
paradise nobody that lives in the spirit of poorness or the
lack of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can really survive up
there in a normal life; in fact, Adam and Eve had to leave
behind their celestial lives as soon as possible, "so they
may not die up there lacking all the essential things of

Then this is what happened unfortunately to Adam and Eve,
(and as well to you and I, even though we had not been born
yet through the wombs of our mothers, for example), when they
decided to eat from the forbidden fruit of unfaithfulness
instead of eating, as our Father had required from them, to
eat graciously from his Son. Moreover, this was to eat as
soon as possible only from the fruit of life and of the
everlasting and ever-increasing health and wealth, so "they
may acquire the wonderful working power of the Spirit of
faith in their hearts from our only source of all life and
everlasting faith from heaven and earth," our Lord Jesus

Then as we all very well know, Adam and Eve failed dreadfully
to stay faithful to God in paradise, and they were unfaithful
to God in their firsts days of life in paradise because they
lack the Spirit of faith within their hearts, and this is our
Lord and Savior of all times, Jesus Christ! Because only the
Spirit of Jesus Christ living within their hearts and blood
then they would have amassed the faith, bigger then a muster
seed, not only to please God in all truth and justice
required from them to have, "but they would have also
remained faithful to stay in paradise forever to never know
lies but only truth."

Thus lies kill but truth gives you life; you shall know the
truth and the truth shall set you free, Jesus Christ told his
disciples, so they may not walk in darkness anymore but only
in the path of peace, joy, health, prosperity and of
everlasting life forever and ever and well into all eternity.
And thus Adam and Eve had to abandon paradise as soon as they
sinned against our Father and the Tree of life, so they may
go and live somewhere else and not die a terrible death of
thirst and of hunger for lacking the necessary things to
sustain their lives in paradise, our Lord Jesus Christ, for
example. Because only our Savior Jesus Christ can quell our
thirst for living water and our hunger for eternal food, so
our souls, minds, strength, bodies and lives may continue to
live in peace with our Father and with his Holy Spirit,
"honoring as always all truth and justice today and well into
eternity of the brand new life to come."

Furthermore, this is to say that whether you live in paradise
or here on earth, if you have not eating yet from our Lord
Jesus Christ, then you will begin to die, "lacking all the
good things from heaven above and from earth as well"; and
this is a horrible death, that the Father does not want for
anyone. And you will die just as any other sinner as Adam and
Eve sinned blindly and died against God and against the
wonderful glorious Spirit of the atoning blood and life of
his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, "so you may never
have anything good in life but only bad things on this day
and forevermore as well."

And this means that you will always be lacking all the good
things from paradise and from the Tree of life thus not to
enrich your life but to let you die like the worst sinner
that has ever step on this earth, for example; "and the
Father does not want you dead but alive and only through his
Son." Because only his Son Jesus Christ has born into the
world by the power of the Holy Spirit and by virgin birth of
the daughter of King David thus to fulfill the Spirit of the
Holy Ten Commandments "so you may not live under the curse of
sin anymore but in the everlasting and ever-increasing faith
of our Jesus Christ."

Truly, this is the Spirit of faith that not only forgives
sins but also gives you health, wealth, wisdom and the
singular eternal hope for a brand new eternal life to live it
only today on earth and in the brand New Jerusalem from
above, where our Father will live joyfully with all of us
forever and ever. So the Spirit of faithfulness of our Father
is for you and for your loved ones too, if you only receive
the wonderful and glorious Spirit of the sacrifice blood and
messianic life of the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ,
"so you may live enjoying truth always and not a single day
more in the lies of Satan."


Therefore, if we confess our sins with our mouth and place
them in the holy atoning blood of his beloved Son Jesus
Christ, then "our Father is faithful and just to forgive us
all of our sins and purify us completely from all ungodliness
for the glory of his brand new eternal life from heaven." And
this is power from heaven coming right into our hearts and
entire souls and bodies thus to change and mold us to his
perfect and glorious will on earth, "and so we may begin to
live once and for all his brand new and magnificent life of
his beloved Son", our Lord Jesus Christ!

Because it is the will of our Father to forgive us all sins
every time, but only through the atoning and wonderful
working Spirit of the sacrificed blood of his beloved Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ; "for there is only one working power
to bless our hearts, souls, minds and bodies through the holy
and everlasting blood of his Son." In fact, this is the only
power that can really begin to make changes in our lives
today and always, "and until we become the holy person that
the Father wants for him and this is only possible in us, "if
we believe in his Son in our hearts and confess with our
mouths his miraculous and glorious name."

This is to say that when we believe and call upon his
miracle-working name of his Son, then the Father moves
immediately to our favor thus to bless us in so many ways
that we cannot even begin to perceive in our minds and
hearts, because "he knows exactly what to do to help us
change for the best always." In fact, only Jesus Christ is
the power of all things and life on earth and in heaven that
our Father and his Holy Spirit has granted to each one of us,
"so we may begin to change for him, for the glory of his
name"; and all these blessings are in our lives today,
"because of his sacrificial blood."

This is the mightiest working blood from our Father and from
his Holy Spirit moving within our hearts and lives not only
to bless us in every way possible but to enrich us on earth
and well into eternity as well; because "our Father needs to
see us live not our sinful lives, but the miraculous life of
his Son." Genuinely, our Father has created each one of us in
his hands, just as he first created Adam in paradise and
later Eve, so we may live and know him just as he has always
been faithful throughout eternity for his Son and his holy
angels as well; and thus, "he is just as faithful to us
today, thank goodness."

In other words, our Father wants to forgive our sins only
through the Spirit of faithfulness that is available
constantly before his presence in the heavens and as well on
earth, "so our forgiveness from all sins may be complete in
him and only through his Son," The Lamb of God that takes
away the sin from the world! Because only his beloved Son is
the Tree of life that not only forgive sin in paradise to
give health, wealth, good-success and eternal life to very
living creature of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, but
also "the same is true here on earth with every man, woman
and child from all the families and nations of earth."

This is why our Father has made Jesus Christ our only
possible Tree of life in this life and in the next life to
come, to forgive our sins and as to bless us constantly "thus
our eternal enemies can never put their wicked hands on us to
harm us, or take away anything good that rightfully belongs
to us." And without the sacrificed blood of his beloved Son,
Jesus Christ, then our Father will never be able to forgive
any ones sin, in this life nor in the next one to come and
forever; because "it is the working power of the Spirit of
the atoning blood and life of his Son that can truly erase
any sin forever."

So, if this is true then why still holding your sins back in
your life when you can very well get rid of them by invoking
the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and thus "let the
wonderful working power of the Spirit of the atoning blood
and eternal life of the Lamb of God begin to work in you."
And this is to begin to remove every single wicked power of
your sins and the sins of others as well from your life and
the lives of your loved ones, so you will not be sick and
suffering anymore "but only living a fruitful life that our
Father has sent to you through the life of his much-loved

Because, the truth is that every hour of your life that you
live away from the Spirit of faithfulness of our Father, then
you are missing out on many wonderful and very helpful
blessings from above as from the heart of our Father, from
the tree of life or also as to from the Holy Spirit and his
holy angels. Then this is the reason you are sick and
suffering all kinds of terrible ailments that are literately
destroying your life by the hour, because you have not
allowed the Spirit of faithfulness of our Father and the
miracle working power of the Spirit of the atoning blood and
life of our Messiah, the Son of David! In fact, you will
never learn to live your life as you should, blessed,
healthy, wealthy and gloriously filled with the Spirit of
God, if the Spirit of faith of our Lord Jesus Christ is not
living within your heart "as our Father would like to see you
living with his Son today and forevermore in heaven, for

Moreover, our Father will forgive our sins every time we
approach him through the Spirit of faith of his beloved Son,
so he may then begin to work in our lives miraculously, just
as he has worked in the lives of the angels and the men and
women of faith, since the days of old to this day, for
example. This is why that it is very important that you
confess your sins and the sins of your ancestors in a moment
of prayer and of faith before the Father, in the powerful and
glorious name of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Otherwise, our Father is not going to do anything for you nor
for your loved ones; and Satan needs to attack you again and
again, because no one is with you to defend and protect you.
Jesus Christ is not in your life, you have ignore him as
usual, you are vulnerable as always-like Adam and Eve, for
example-they lost the richness and health too in paradise
just because Jesus Christ was totally absent in their lives,
so they had to walk away from the Father to finally land on

Furthermore, our Father works every day and night of his life
without taking a brake not even on Sabbath, because he needs
to heal his people faithfully, and only through the mighty
grace of his Son, "so there may be a better world not only on
earth but also in paradise and in the brand New Celestial
Jerusalem from above." Actually, there is no one more
interested in removing sin from the life of every man, woman
and child on earth than our Father and his beloved Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ; and "this is why his Mighty Holy Spirit
has not ceased from knocking the door of our hearts, so we
may come even closer then ever to him."

In other words, our Father has not changed his love toward
us, but he has only increased it powerfully "because of the
mighty working presence of the Spirit of grace of his Son,
who shed upon the holy mount of Jerusalem, in Israel, the
eternal blood so as to cleanse us from sin faithfully and
thus give us eternal life." And this is the real life that
still your heart and soul have not received yet since the day
you were created in the hands of our Father and of his Holy
Spirit, "so you may receive Jesus Christ in your life as your
Lord and Savior in this life and for the next life to come as

Because for our Father without the shedding of the Spirit of
the sacrifice blood of his Son, the King Messiah of all
times, then there is no forgiveness possible for any sin in
paradise nor on earth much less in any other place of all his
glorious creation; for our Father "the atoning blood of his
Son is important everywhere." However, today you have a
wonderful opportunity to get rid of all the evils of the
power of sin and sickness from your life, by invoking in a
moment of faith and prayer, the holy and miraculous name of
his beloved Son, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

This is to say as well that without the shedding of the
sacrifice blood of the Messiah there is no eternal life
possible for any man, woman and child from all the families
and nations of the entire world, forever and ever; in like
manner, "without the atoning blood of his Son every one is
eternally lifeless." Now, if you do not want to die, then you
must confess the sins of your old blood and led the atoning
blood of Jesus Chris begin to live within you by eating of
his bread and drinking of his cup, "just as the apostles did
at the table of the Lord so they may be saved from hell

Because anyone that has not confessed the Spirit of the
atoning blood of his beloved Son, then he continues to live
his sinful life until finally hell claims his soul for the
eternal destruction of his life in the lake of fire, for
example; "and our Father does not want anyone soul to go
there but only back to paradise." Since nothing can make our
Father happier and joyful in his heart then to see men return
to their heaven above (paradise) than to go to the terrible
place of eternal destruction (hell); "so we must always look
up to our original home, paradise, the eternal life", thanks
to the faithfulness of God and the everlasting grace of his

Now this eternal life is a life filled with all the wonderful
and glorious miracles and marvelous deeds from all the
ancient blessings of heaven not only to defeat our eternal
enemies but also to help us find always our way back to him,
our Father in heaven and his wonderful and glorious Holy
Spirit, for example. Because every step that we may take on
this earth, once we have received the wonderful and mighty
Spirit of the sacrificed blood and life of our Lord Jesus
Christ, "then our way is always up to the highest heaven with
blessing everywhere of the new world to come," and never down
towards hell, where people never stop dying indeed. In hell,
there are all those people and nations of the past that
ignored in their lives the faithfulness of our God and the
everlasting grace of his beloved Son Jesus Christ.

Then this is why our Father sent to the world his beloved
Son, Jesus Christ, so we may be filled not with the spirit of
error of Adam and Eve, but with the Spirit of grace, mercy,
power, healing, happiness, joy and of eternal life among
other wonderful and especial blessings from heaven. And this
Spirit of grace and the working faith of our Lord Jesus
Christ is coming towards each one of us since the days of
old, Genesis 1:2, to touch us mightily every time, "so we may
stop suffering and dying because of the presence of sin in
our lives and the absence of Jesus Christ in our hearts."

Yes, we need Jesus Christ now to stop suffering and dying as
a result of the presence of sin and Satan in our hearts and
blasphemous lives; because the presence of sin in our hearts
and lives, "automatically this means that Satan is around to
attack us any time in the most treacherous manner possible,
if we are not careful." This is to say as well that if the
Spirit of the sacrificed working powers of the blood of our
Jesus Christ, which removes sin from the world today, is not
in us, "then we will continue to suffer little by little
until finally our life disappears from the face of the earth
to later face God in Judgment Day."

Therefore, sin as well as Satan is very treacherous and only
the Spirit of the atoning blood of the Son of God can really
stop it dead on its tracks and make it disappear forever and
ever from our lives and the lives of others as well all over
the world, "so we must be very cautious here as always".
Truly, no one can be careful enough in paradise or here on
earth that is to say, "if we have not yet tasted and savor
thoroughly the wonderful working Spirit of the miraculous
grace of the atoning blood and glorious life of our Jesus
Christ"; and this is something that Adam and Eve can very
well testify to it today.

However, Satan is an infiltrator as always and sin is double-
crossing to anyone, whether is Adam and Eve in paradise or
you and me or even our Lord Jesus Christ too on earth, that
is if he had not been careful enough when the enemy tempted
him many times as to make him fall into across-the-board sin
of humankind. In other words, this is a feeling that only
Adam and Eve can very well know in their hearts, "because
when they tasted sin for the first time, even as they were
holy and pure in their souls," and thus failed unpleasantly
to please the Father by eating the wrong fruit, so this is a
feeling that never left them.

Likewise, this is a bad feeling of sin that we all feel all
the time in the world, but we do not know the difference
between not knowing sin at all at first, as Adam, and then
all the sudden we know it now, and then begin to suffer
dreadful to make sin disappear from our lives. Because we, as
human beings, taste sin for the first time and, in the
process, our spiritual wellbeing is changing significantly,
without us noticing any changes in our inner-beings and
bodies until it is too late, and then only God can help us-if
we allow him to step in miraculously in our lives with the
blood of his Lamb-.

And this is to say as well that no one can really speak about
the changing power of sin that takes place in the heart of
man and of a woman as only Adam and Eve may know it from head
to foot, "because they were created holy and perfect in the
hands of God in the day of creation." In other words, we can
very well say that we do not know sin as Adam and Eve may
know sin in their inner-beings, for example, as in their
hearts and living souls; moreover, they know sin as well as
our Lord Jesus Christ knows sin, "because he took the sin
from them to save us today from its powers."

However, our Lord Jesus Christ did not sin once against
anyone in all the days of his messianic life in Israel to
save not only Israel from the tormenting power of Satan, but
also to save all the nations of the world for the glory and
brand new Kingdom of our Father in heaven. And since our
Father is faithful towards you and in every single one of his
promises, then he wants to bless you on this hour with all
the working powers of the heavens and of his Holy Spirit, "so
you may change your course life of curses and death for a new
heavenly course of blessing and of eternal joy."

This is why Jesus Christ declared openly and faithfully to
all people in Israel and all over the world as well by
saying: I am the way, the truth and the life; no one can come
unto the Father except through me. So, as to try to work
yourself into entering the Kingdom of God from any other way
other then the way, life and truth of Jesus Christ, then you
are making a terrible mistake in your heart that can only
lead you every day from one problem into another and until
finally you stumble and fall eternally lost into hell.

In truth, everyone that is in hell today, it is because they
tried desperately to make it into heaven their way or by any
other means possible, for example, instead of obeying God and
his Son Jesus Christ when he said: I am the door to heaven,
whoever comes to me will enter into the Kingdom of God. So,
the door of the Kingdom of God is faithfully our Lord Jesus
Christ and this is true in you only if you call on his name
for the forgiveness of your sins and the salvation of your
eternal soul on this very important hour of your life and of
humankind also.

Then our Father is calling you as always, just as he called
Adam and Eve in paradise and as he also called everyone else
from the past, right from the burning tree at the top of
Mount Sinai or from the top of the holy Mount of Jerusalem;
"so our Father is calling you on this hour to come home."
Because our Father is our original home from where we walked
away for the first time from him as to begin to walk in
paradise or as to begin to walk on earth today, for example;
our Father is the home of Jesus Christ, for he said I came
out of him; and "we have also come out from God." In fact, we
are the sons of God from the start even since the very first
moment he began to mold us in his hand in his image and
according to his likeness, "just as he created Adam in his
hand in the day of his creation in his glorious Kingdom
above, for example."

So, our Father is faithfully calling us back home just as he
called our Lord Jesus Christ back home after he had completed
his work among men to put an end to sin and fill everyone
with blessing of joy and of everlasting life; "so our Father
is not stopping to call us to return to our original home
yet!" And for this to happen in your heart and life, then our
Father has to put his Spirit of faith to work in your life
now more then ever, so you may be touch by the wonderful
working power of his Holy Spirit "and only then begin to work
within you with miracles, great wonders and signs in your
life." Thus, the power of our Father is there, to forgive
sins, to heal, to raise people from the dead to move
mountains and so forth, "but you need to take it to make it
work for you and for your loved ones also, in the
wonderworking powers of the name of his beloved Son," our
Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Then this means that our Father will begin to do wonders in
your life, of things that you may see and others that you may
not (see) with incredible powers from heaven and from earth
as well, "but only through the Spirit of his beloved Son, our
Lord Jesus Christ, as he did in the ancient days with
Israel." Because only our Father knows exactly what to do in
every step of your life today and always, "so each one of us
we may begin to change our lives individually for the best
and never for the worst from now on and until kingdom comes
on earth and in the heavens."

Really, there is nothing that is standing in your way at this
time, so the mighty working Spirit of faith of our Father may
begin to work for you and for your loved ones mightily and
faithfully, "only if you can say yes to the precious name of
his beloved Son in your heart and in your entire life
likewise." This is to say that you must confess the Spirit of
his Son in your heart and with your mouth as well, "so then
powerful things he may begin to do in your life and of your
loved ones too on this hour and forevermore in the highest
heavens above of his brand New Colossal, Glorious and
Everlasting Jerusalem."

In the highest heavens of your new life, such as paradise or
in the New Jerusalem from above, so he may conquer brand new
glories of holiness and sanctities not known even to the
angels in heaven much less by us, and all for the glory and
honor of our Father and of his Son, our Lord Jesus Christ! So
the work of our Father can only continue today in your heart
and in your entire life evenhandedly, "if you are only
faithful to him trough the working everlasting presence of
the faithful Spirit of the sacrifice blood of his holy and
eternal Lamb," our Lord Jesus Christ!

In truth, the Spirit of faithfulness of our Father needs to
bless you today more then ever, just as he decided to bless
you mightily through the Spirit of his beloved Son, Jesus
Christ, in the beginning and in paradise "so you may begin to
really live and never die before him and before his Son,
forever and ever." Because without the Spirit of the atoning
everlasting blood of Jesus Christ, you may never escape sin
much less you may never see the new days of his brand new
life on earth nor of his brand new Kingdom to come;
accordingly, "our Father does not need you dead but alive and
faithful to him and only through his Son."

Thus, this is to say, for all practical purposes, so you may
begin to receive what you have been missing all these days of
your life since the day you were born on earth, and
especially "since the day our Father created you in his holy
hands in his holy kingdom of peace, love, happiness and of
your new life." So, rejoice always here and now for our
Father loves you faithfully just as he has always loved his
dearly loved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, since the first days
of eternity and until our days, for example; rejoice greatly
our Father is good to you and to each one of your loved ones
as well today and forevermore!

El amor (Espíritu Santo) de nuestro Padre Celestial y de su
Jesucristo es contigo.

¡Cultura y paz para todos, hoy y siempre!

Dígale al Señor, nuestro Padre Celestial, de todo corazón, en
el nombre del Señor Jesucristo: Nuestras almas te aman,
Señor. Nuestras almas te adoran, Padre nuestro. Nuestras
almas te rinden gloria y honra a tu nombre y obra santa y
sobrenatural, en la tierra y en el cielo, también, para
siempre, Padre Celestial, en el nombre de tu Hijo amado,
nuestro Señor Jesucristo.

LAS MALDICIONES BIBLICAS, para los que obran maldad día y
noche, (Deuteronomio 27: 15-26):

"'¡Maldito el hombre que haga un ídolo tallado o una imagen
de fundición, obra de mano de tallador (lo cual es
transgresión a la Ley perfecta de nuestro Padre Celestial), y
la tenga en un lugar secreto!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡

"'¡Maldito el que le reste importancia a su padre o a su
madre!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que cambie de lugar los limites de propiedad
de su prójimo!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que desvié al ciego de su camino!' Y todo el
pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que falsee el derecho del extranjero, del
huérfano y de la viuda!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con la mujer de su padre,
porque descubre la desnudes de su padre!' Y todo el pueblo
dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que tenga contacto sexual con cualquier
animal!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con su hermana, hija de su
padre o hija de su madre!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que se acueste con su suegra!' Y todo el
pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que a escondidas y a traición hiera de muerte
a su semejante, sin causa alguna!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡

"'¡Maldito el que acepte soborno para matar a un inocente,
sin causa alguna!' Y todo el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'

"'¡Maldito el que no cumpla las palabras de esta ley,
poniéndolas por obra en su diario vivir en la tierra!' Y todo
el pueblo dirá: '¡Amén!'


Es por eso que los ídolos han sido desde siempre: un tropiezo
a la verdad y al poder de Dios en tu vida. Un tropiezo
eterno, para que la omnipotencia de Dios no obre en tu vida,
de acuerdo a la voluntad perfecta del Padre Celestial y de su
Espíritu Eterno. Pero todo esto tiene un fin en tu vida, en
ésta misma hora crucial de tu vida. Has de pensar quizá que
el fin de todos los males de los ídolos termine, cuando
llegues al fin de tus días. Pero esto no es verdad. Los
ídolos con sus espíritus inmundos te seguirán atormentando
día y noche entre las llamas ardientes del fuego del
infierno, por haber desobedecido a la Ley viviente de Dios.
En verdad, el fin de todos estos males está aquí contigo, en
el día de hoy. Y éste es el Señor Jesucristo. Cree en Él, en
espíritu y en verdad. Usando siempre tu fe en Él, escaparas
los males, enfermedades y los tormentos eternos de la
presencia terrible de los ídolos y de sus huestes de
espíritus infernales en tu vida y en la vida de cada uno de
los tuyos también, para la eternidad del nuevo reino de Dios.
Porque en el reino de Dios su Ley santa es de día en día
honrada y exaltada en gran manera, por todas las huestes de
sus ángeles santos. Y tú con los tuyos, mi estimado hermano,
mi estimada hermana, has sido creado para honrar y exaltar
cada letra, cada palabra, cada oración, cada tilde, cada
categoría de bendición terrenal y celestial, cada honor, cada
dignidad, cada señorío, cada majestad, cada poder, cada
decoro, y cada vida humana y celestial con todas de sus
muchas y ricas bendiciones de la tierra, del día de hoy y de
la tierra santa del más allá, también, en el reino de Dios y
de su Hijo amado, ¡el Señor Jesucristo!, ¡El Todopoderoso de
Israel y de las naciones!


Esta es la única ley santa de Dios y del Señor Jesucristo en
tu corazón, para bendecirte, para darte vida y vida en
abundancia, en la tierra y en el cielo para siempre. Y te ha
venido diciendo así, desde los días de la antigüedad, desde
los lugares muy altos y santos del reino de los cielos:

PRIMER MANDAMIENTO: "No tendrás otros dioses delante de mí".

SEGUNO MANDAMIENTO: "No te harás imagen, ni ninguna semejanza
de lo que esté arriba en el cielo, ni abajo en la tierra, ni
en las aguas debajo de la tierra. No te inclinarás ante ellas
ni les rendirás culto, porque yo soy Jehová tu Dios, un Dios
celoso que castigo la maldad de los padres sobre los hijos,
sobre la tercera y sobre la cuarta generación de los que me
aborrecen. Pero muestro misericordia por mil generaciones a
los que me aman y guardan mis mandamientos".

TERCER MANDAMIENTO: "No tomarás en vano el nombre de Jehová
tu Dios, porque Él no dará por inocente al que tome su nombre
en vano".

CUARTO MANDAMIENTO: "Acuérdate del día del sábado para
santificarlo. Seis días trabajarás y harás toda tu obra, pero
el séptimo día será sábado para Jehová tu Dios. No harás en
ese día obra alguna, ni tú, ni tu hijo, ni tu hija, ni tu
siervo, ni tu sierva, ni tu animal, ni el forastero que está
dentro de tus puertas. Porque en seis días Jehová hizo los
cielos, la tierra y el mar, y todo lo que hay en ellos, y
reposó en el séptimo día. Por eso Jehová bendijo el día del
sábado y lo santificó".

QUINTO MANDAMIENTO: "Honra a tu padre y a tu madre, para que
tus días se prolonguen sobre la tierra que Jehová tu Dios te

SEXTO MANDAMIENTO: "No cometerás homicidio".

SEPTIMO MANDAMIENTO: "No cometerás adulterio".


NOVENO MANDAMIENTO: "No darás falso testimonio en contra de
tu prójimo".

DECIMO MANDAMIENTO: "No codiciarás la casa de tu prójimo; no
codiciarás la mujer de tu prójimo, ni su siervo, ni su
sierva, ni su buey, ni su asno, ni cosa alguna que sea de tu

Entrégale tu atención al Espíritu de Dios y déshazte de todos
estos males en tu hogar, en tu vida y en la vida de cada uno
de los tuyos, también. Hazlo así y sin mas demora alguna, por
amor a la Ley santa de Dios, en la vida de cada uno de los
tuyos. Porque ciertamente ellos desean ser libres de sus
ídolos y de sus imágenes de talla, aunque tú no lo veas así,
en ésta hora crucial para tu vida y la vida de los tuyos,
también. Y tú tienes el poder, para ayudarlos a ser libres de
todos estos males, de los cuales han llegado a ellos, desde
los días de la antigüedad, para seguir destruyendo sus vidas,
en el día de hoy. Y Dios no desea continuar viendo estos
males en sus vidas, sino que sólo Él desea ver vida y vida en
abundancia, en cada nación y en cada una de sus muchas
familias, por toda la tierra.

Esto es muy importante: Oremos junto, en el nombre del Señor
Jesucristo. Vamos todos a orar juntos, por unos momentos. Y
digamos juntos la siguiente oración de Jesucristo delante de
la presencia santa del Padre Celestial, nuestro Dios y
salvador de todas nuestras almas:


Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos: santificada sea la
memoria de tu nombre que mora dentro de Jesucristo, tu hijo
amado. Venga tu reino, sea hecha tu voluntad, como en el
cielo así también en la tierra. El pan nuestro de cada día,
dánoslo hoy. Perdónanos nuestras deudas, como también
nosotros perdonamos a nuestros deudores. Y no nos metas en
tentación, mas líbranos del mal. Porque tuyo es el reino, el
poder y la gloria por todos los siglos. Amén.

Porque si perdonáis a los hombres sus ofensas, vuestro Padre
Celestial también os perdonará a vosotros. Pero si no
perdonáis a los hombres, tampoco vuestro Padre os perdonará
vuestras ofensas.

Por lo tanto, el Señor Jesús dijo, "Yo soy el CAMINO, y la
sino es POR MÍ". Juan 14:





- Reconoce que eres PECADOR en necesidad, de ser SALVO de
éste MUNDO y su MUERTE.

Dispónte a dejar el pecado (arrepiéntete):

Cree que Jesucristo murió por ti, fue sepultado y resucito al
tercer día por el Poder Sagrado del Espíritu Santo y deja que
entré en tu vida y sea tu ÚNICO SALVADOR Y SEÑOR EN TU VIDA.

Dios mío, soy un pecador y necesito tu perdón. Creo que
Jesucristo ha derramado su SANGRE PRECIOSA y ha muerto por mi
pecado. Estoy dispuesto a dejar mi pecado. Invito a Cristo a
venir a mi corazón y a mi vida, como mi SALVADOR.

¿Aceptaste a Jesús, como tu Salvador? ¿Sí _____? O ¿No

¿Fecha? ¿Sí ____? O ¿No _____?

Si tu respuesta fue Si, entonces esto es solo el principio de
una nueva maravillosa vida en Cristo. Ahora:

Lee la Biblia cada día para conocer mejor a Cristo. Habla con
Dios, orando todos los días en el nombre de JESÚS. Bautízate
en AGUA y en El ESPÍRITU SANTO DE DIOS, adora, reúnete y
sirve con otros cristianos en un Templo donde Cristo es
predicado y la Biblia es la suprema autoridad. Habla de
Cristo a los demás.

Recibe ayuda para crecer como un nuevo cristiano. Lee libros
cristianos que los hermanos Pentecostés o pastores del
evangelio de Jesús te recomienden leer y te ayuden a entender
más de Jesús y de su palabra sagrada, la Biblia. Libros
cristianos están disponibles en gran cantidad en diferentes
temas, en tu librería cristiana inmediata a tu barrio,
entonces visita a las librerías cristianas con frecuencia,
para ver que clase de libros están a tu disposición, para que
te ayuden a estudiar y entender las verdades de Dios.

Te doy las gracias por leer mí libro que he escrito para ti,
para que te goces en la verdad del Padre Celestial y de su
Hijo amado y así comiences a crecer en Él, desde el día de
hoy y para siempre.

El salmo 122, en la Santa Biblia, nos llama a pedir por la
paz de Jerusalén día a día y sin cesar, en nuestras
oraciones. Porque ésta es la tierra, desde donde Dios lanzo
hacia todos los continentes de la tierra: todas nuestras
bendiciones y salvación eterna de nuestras almas vivientes. Y
nos dice Dios mismo, en su Espíritu Eterno: "Vivan tranquilos
los que te aman. Haya paz dentro de tus murallas y
tranquilidad en tus palacios, Jerusalén". Por causa de mis
hermanos y de mis amigos, diré yo: "Haya paz en ti, siempre
Jerusalén". Por causa de la casa de Jehová nuestro Dios, en
el cielo y en la tierra: imploraré por tu bien, por siempre.

El libro de los salmos 150, en la Santa Biblia, declara el
Espíritu de Dios a toda la humanidad, diciéndole y
asegurándole: - Qué todo lo que respira, alabe el nombre de
Jehová de los Ejércitos, ¡el Todopoderoso! Y esto es, de toda
letra, de toda palabra, de todo instrumento y de todo
corazón, con su voz tiene que rendirle el hombre: gloria y
loor al nombre santo de Dios, en la tierra y en las alturas,
como antes y como siempre, para la eternidad.

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