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Feb 15, 2012, 3:22:32 PM2/15/12
Sábado, 11 de Febrero, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador
Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Moses and Aaron were called to Mount Sinai for our heavenly
Father needed to do a great thing with them, something that
no one on earth with men and in heaven with angels has ever
done: so to help Israel cross the desert victoriously to the
Promised Land. Our heavenly Father needed Moses and Aaron to
walk towards His continuous celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood of His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (David's
son) over Mount Sinai's summit, so to lift both of his arms
towards heaven "in sign of victory" over Satan's lies and
wicked people that were not willing to serve Him.
In other words, our heavenly Father needed to impart
supernatural powers to Israel so they may not only drink and
eat from the eternal rock at Mount Sinai's foot but also
cross the desert into the Promised Land victoriously over
Satan's lies, sickness, diseases and terrible death that
afflicts humankind on earth and in hell. Therefore, as Moses
and Aaron ascended to the mountaintop, then our heavenly
Father guided them by the supernatural powers of the Holy
Spirit to the site where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus
Christ) had been slain from the creation of the world, so he
may pour his atoning-blood through genesis thus to save us
from sin, death and hell forevermore.
Truly, it is here where Moses and Aaron met again our Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach as Israel's liberator from Egypt's slavery,
so they may walk liberated through the Red sea in dry ground,
enter the desert to stand at the every day celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood that will feed them water and
food until they will conquer the Promised Land. For the
Promised Land was as hostile as the desert because powerful
enemy nations posses it, and our heavenly Father needed to
remove them with Israel's armies carrying His Son's cross
victoriously over them for the land to become the land of
milk and honey initially promised to them-and this is the
milk and honey of His Son's sacrificed life.
Thus as Moses and Aaron lifted our Lord Jesus Christ's arms
towards the Israelites that were at Mount Sinai's foot, then
power came out from our heavenly Father and His blessed Son
so they may defeat their enemies on their way to the Promised
Land finally to conquer it forever, for our heavenly Father's
new found glories in eternity. And once Moses and Aaron
lifted our Lord Jesus Christ's arms, because Moses lifted one
arm while Aaron did the other (one) then Israel was blessed
supernaturally to make it into the Promised Land no matter
what may happen on their way there, so they may receive
within their land eternal life through their ancient
liberator from Mount Sinai, Jesus Christ!
And this was a glorious moment for our heavenly Father to see
Moses and Aaron lifting His blessed Son Jesus Christ's arms
over Mount Sinai's summit, so Israel may not only receive
power and blessings from him but also to assure the soon
conquer of the Promised Land on earth and in heaven as well.
Because, our heavenly Father needed Israel to escape Egypt so
He may at last have them serve Him around His glorious
continuous celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His
blessed Son Jesus Christ slain from the creation of the world
but also that he was going to be born in the midst of them
thus finally to fulfill His dreamed-will.
Everlastingly, our heavenly Father's will be that every
gentile man, woman and child just as Moses, Aaron and every
ancient Israelite lifted our Lord Jesus Christ's arms over
Mount Sinai and through the desert to conquer the Promised
Land, then they must also do it for salvation to enrich their
lives to reenter paradise anyday now, and this time to stay.
Otherwise, if gentiles fail to lift our Lord Jesus Christ's
arms high above their heads just as the Israelites did over
the desert, beginning with Moses and Aaron over Mount Sinai's
summit, then they will never be able to escape Satan's
darkness instead they will die slowly until they finally
succumb to the grave of the dust of death forever, hell.
Therefore, it is very important in this world today whether
you are a Hebrew or a Gentile to lift our heavenly Father's
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood over your head just as
Moses and Aaron did it over Mount Sinai's summit, so Israel
may overcome the desert to conquer the Promised Land that was
only three days away from them. Certainly, this lifting of
our Lord Jesus Christ's arms by the children of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob was not only a victory over Satan's lies from
paradise but also it confirmed to our heavenly Father's heart
that His blessed Son will soon rule Israel and the nations
for His new angelic coming Kingdom on earth and in heaven
This is why that as Israel stood at Mount Sinai's foot then
they saw power as the sun emanating from our Lord Jesus
Christ's face because his arms had been held up initially by
Moses and Aaron just as our heavenly Father wanted them to do
this for Him, manifesting like this the way he was going to
die later. This is the cross that not only Moses and Aaron
had to do by lifting our Lord Jesus Christ's arms over Israel
so they may receive power from heaven to conquer the desert
and the Promised Land but this cross had to be raised at the
Jerusalem's gate where Melchizedek served Abram the Lord's
Table, for Israel to become a nation.
Nevertheless, Israel was on the way to conquer the Promised
Land by driving out our heavenly Father's ancient-enemies
moreover they were going to live with His Son Jesus Christ
for a while, so they may crucify him over Jerusalem's holy
hill the way Moses and Aaron lifted his arms over Mount
Sinai's summit for our heavenly Father's eternal glories over
Satan. For this reason our heavenly Father liberated Israel
from Egypt's captivity, so they may not only stand at Mount
Sinai's foot thus to drink living-water and eat the manna
(food from heaven), but also they may have power and
protection from our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to
conquer their enemies within the desert and the Promised
Moreover, without Moses and Aaron lifting our Lord Jesus
Christ, one in one side and the other in the other (one),
then our heavenly Father would have never allowed Israel to
walk the desert in the midst of enemy nations many times more
powerful than any other nation much less allowed them to
enter the Promised Land to possess it forever. And this
lifting of our Lord Jesus Christ's arms by Moses and Aaron
over Mount Sinai's summit just as our heavenly Father had
commanded them to do with His blessed continuous celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood spilled within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over the mountaintop from the creation
of the world, indeed, it is active over Israel today.
Because, the salvation with blessings that our heavenly
Father granted Israel from Mount Sinai's summit as Moses and
Aaron lifted our Lord Jesus Christ's arms high above their
heads is for eternity, and no one can render them useless so
they may always bless Israel wherever they may go, that is,
if they can still believe Moses and Aaron today. That is why
that our heavenly Father commanded openly to Israel never to
forget what happened over Mount Sinai with Moses in one side
of our Lord Jesus Christ and Aaron on the other side by
lifting his arms towards heaven thus empowering Israel to
conquer enemies more powerful than they were, so they may
enter the Promised Land victoriously forever.
That is to say, also that Israel conquered the desert and the
Promised Land with their hand raised high above their heads
just as Moses and Aaron had done it victoriously with our
Lord Jesus Christ over Mount Sinai's summit thus to please
our heavenly Father's perfect will for truth and justice on
earth with men and in heaven with angels. And this is a
blessing for salvation from darkness that will never abandon
Israel and the nations too, that is, if they are only
faithful to believe what our heavenly Father did with Moses
and Aaron as they both lifted our Lord Jesus Christ's arms
high above their enemies and the terrible darkness that were
destroying them mercilessly forever.
This is the reason of the cross in paradise, on earth and
within the New Jerusalem from heaven above that our Lord
Jesus Christ declared openly to the Israelites by saying: I
am the way, the truth and the life; no one can conquer heaven
to see our heavenly Father unless he/she does it through me
only. Certainly, this supernatural power of blessing and
protection from our heavenly Father's continuous celestial-
sacrifice of His blessed Son Jesus Christ from the creation
of the world is everywhere active to this day, so Israel may
live in peace and protected in the midst of the nations
wherever they may decide to live until the King Messiah
returns again to earth.
Given that our heavenly Father has granted supernatural
powers and authorities that will never end in this life and
in the next one to come to His continuous celestial-sacrifice
of the atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and
over Mount Sinai's summit thus to see after always for
Israel's protection and well-being wherever they may go in
life. Indeed, this is the reason that as our heavenly Father
created heaven and earth, then the Holy Spirit began to pour
all over the entire earth because the earth was void and
submerged in darkness, so the Holy Spirit poured mightily
over the earth thus to succumb this terrible darkness thus to
liberate us forever (Genesis. 1:2).
That is to say, also that this initial down pouring of our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit it was coming directly from our
Lord Jesus Christ as he was being slain from the creation of
the world as God's Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood thus to
create all things including man for the first time. Moreover,
this down pouring from our heavenly Father's continuous
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood has not ceased to
this day, because the Holy Spirit of His blessed name and
glorified commandments continues to come to us each day with
words of love, peace, mercy and endless miraculous
prosperity, so the nations may find their way back to heaven
soon for God's final glories.
This down pouring of the Holy Spirit coming towards us each
day directly from our heavenly Father's continuous supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood it will faithfully
continue to come to us, because Jesus Christ declared to his
disciples by assuring them that if he is lifted back to
heaven again, then he will send us "the Comforter." And this
Comforter is the retaking of the down pouring of the Holy
Spirit all over Israel and the nations, so he may guide each
one of us into all truth in this life and in the next one to
come in heaven, so we may serve our heavenly Father in
eternity through His continuous celestial-sacrifice of His
Son's resurrected life.
And these days, Israel with the nations may very well receive
the down pouring of our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of the
blessed name and glorified commandments as the Comforter by
asking our Lord Jesus Christ to bless us from where he lay
down his life for the first time from the creation of the
world to liberate us from darkness. Because, the initial down
pouring of the Holy Spirit that emanated from our Lord Jesus
Christ as slain he was from the creation of the world, it was
to liberate us from the hole of the ground (the grave) so we
may become living beings to bear our heavenly Father's image
to live according to His likeness in eternity forever saved.
Furthermore, our heavenly Father has granted special powers
and authorities to His continuous celestial-sacrifice of His
Son's atoning-blood thus to protect, bless, and prosper
Israel's life wherever they may go in this world moreover for
Israel to bless the nations with these abundant blessings of
protection and incredible miracles then they must escape
darkness again, and this time forever. Because, Satan still
is trying hard to deceive them so they may believe a lie and
die forever cursed without ever knowing our heavenly Father's
continuous celestial-sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, so
they may live a pleasant life at last with the nations on
earth and in heaven forever.
Therefore, Israel must escape darkness again, and this time
they must do it as in the first days to escape Egypt to enter
the Promised Land by lifting high towards heaven our Lord
Jesus Christ's arms just as Moses and Aaron did it in their
days, so they may be filled with the Holy Spirit that blesses
them always. Indeed, Israel these days must keep their arms
high above towards heaven just as their forefathers did over
Mount Sinai's summit, through the desert and within the
Promised Land to conquer it, so they may escape hidden
terrible lies that have invaded their hearts from time to
time with the purpose to deceive them forever.
And this is that they must never know about our heavenly
Father's supreme celestial sacrifice of His Son's atoning-
blood that poured from the creation of the world for the Holy
Spirit to move over the darkness of the earth, so He may
create all things, including man, thus to begin a new worship
and service to our heavenly Father for eternity. That is why
that our heavenly Father told Moses and Israel as well that
everything that took place over Mount Sinai's summit (and at
its foot), it must be remember always forever on earth and in
heaven, because what Moses and Aaron did with our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms by lifting them high towards heaven it have no
end forever.
That is to say, also that if Israel remains under the
protection, peace, love, care, prosperity and well-being of
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's arms lifted high towards heaven
over Mount Sinai's summit by Moses and Aaron before our
heavenly Father's blessed eyes, then there is abundance of
love, peace, prosperity and well-being for Israel and the
nations everywhere too. Because, these are supernatural
powers and authorities granted by our heavenly Father over
His continuous celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of
His Chosen Lamb slain from the creation of the world over
Mount Sinai's summit, so Israel may accept it wholeheartedly
to take it into the nations thus for them to see at last the
light that saved them miraculously for heaven.
Provided that, there is light that shines more dominant than
the sun over the earth and the planets, for example, so the
earth may not succumb into darkness, and life may flourish
everywhere for the animal kingdoms and of men to survive
until the soon coming of the King Messiah that will rule the
world at last for eternity. That is why that our heavenly
Father did not only command Moses and Aaron to lift our Lord
Jesus Christ's arms over Israel from the mountaintop to bless
them mightily, but also manifested him more powerful than the
sun's light so Israel may shine within the nations on earth
and in heaven, because darkness must go away finally with
Satan's death.
For this is the darkness that our heavenly Father began to
fight against it from the creation of the world as His
blessed Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood was slain within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, so the
Holy Spirit may pour over darkness to destroy it over the
earth for life to flourish everywhere freely. Meaning that
our heavenly Father allowed His Son Jesus Christ to shine
more dominant than the sun over the entire earth, because he
is the light in heaven for angels and for Israel and the
nations to shine as well over darkness these days and forever
into eternity, so they may all live in the light eternally
secured and saved.
Indeed, this is the light from heaven from our heavenly
Father's Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood slain from the
creation of the world so Israel may become liberated from
darkness for the nations to fine love, peace, prosperity and
eternal life filled with endless happiness on earth and in
heaven, because only the light can restore them to God
everlastingly. Moreover, the nations have also the right to
receive love, forgiveness, mercy, healing and endless
blessings from our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb slain from
the creation of the world, so our heavenly Father may create
all things including more angels and finally regenerate man
for His new angelic Kingdom to come for the Holy Spirit to
reign supremely forever.
For our heavenly Father needs to fill all of His glorious
vast creation on earth with saved men and in heaven with
angels with the Holy Spirit of His blessed name that lives in
perfect sanctity within the heart and atoning-blood of His
blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so the spirit of error
may cease to exist everywhere today and forever. This is how
our heavenly Father needs to defeat Satan and his eternal
darkness of lies everywhere in paradise, on earth and in hell
as well, so the light of His continuous celestial-sacrifice
of the atoning-blood may rule at last the hearts, minds,
souls, bodies and human spirit of every man, woman and child
just as angels are in heaven forever.
That is why that our heavenly Father not only manifested
Himself gloriously before Moses and Aaron over Mount Sinai's
summit so they may both hold our Lord Jesus Christ's arms
high over Israel for salvation, but also to manifest the
glories of His Holy Spirit of the blessed name and of His
eternal Ten Commands for everyone's long waited salvation-
justice. Because, it was for salvation and justice that our
heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai initially so He
may manifest to Moses and Israel the powers of His blessed
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood slain from the creation of
the world thus to lift His Son's arms as a cross to empower
Israel to conquer the Promised Land forever.
For the Promised Land needed to be conquered by the
supernatural arms lifting of our Lord Jesus Christ over Mount
Sinai's summit and over any other hill nearby the battle
field of forces of good and evil, so our Lord Jesus Christ
may finally be known within the heart, soul, mind, body and
human spirit of every one around the world. Moreover, this is
the cross that had descended from the Holy of Holiest in
heaven where our heavenly Father conceived Adam and Eve so
they may fill the heavens and the earth with their offspring
of Gods and priests for the service of His blessed name that
lives within the heart and atoning-blood of His Chosen Lamb,
our Lord Jesus Christ!
For Adam and Eve had become a cross in heaven that began the
entire human race as we know it today, because our heavenly
Father commanded them to be fruitful and multiply to fill the
earth with offspring thus to love, serve, exalt and glorify
forever the tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, the savior
from the cross from paradise! Really, this is the cross that
our heavenly Father called Moses and Aaron to ascend Mount
Sinai so they may go with Him to where our Lord Jesus Christ
was slain from the creation of the world, so he may pour his
atoning-blood for heaven and earth to be created with all
living things as we know them today.
Undeniably, without this glorious celestial-sacrifice of His
blessed Son's atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in
heaven and over Mount Sinai's eternal rock, then our heavenly
Father could have never create anything in heaven with angels
and on earth with mankind as we known them today, because in
heaven and earth the power of the supreme sacrifice is needed
always for anything. And because of this glorious celestial-
sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood within the high heavens,
then our heavenly Father today can forgive our sins
effectively each time we may approach Him for mercy,
furthermore He can heal us from Satan's wilds thus to live a
perfect life filled with love, peace, prosperity, happiness
and eternal life on earth and in heaven forever.
Meaning also that with this initial celestial-sacrifice of
our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that began within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit, then
we are truly blessed supernaturally with incredible powers of
love, peace, prosperity, eternal life and endless happiness,
so we may today love, care and serve our heavenly Father each
day, forever. Indeed, this supernatural power from heaven
will continue to bless each one of us wherever we may go in
life in this world and in the next one to come because the
powers and authorities from the celestial-sacrifice of our
heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood are
forever-this means that they will never cease to bless us.
Nonetheless, for these supernatural ancient blessings from
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven to saturate our hearts,
minds, souls, bodies and human spirit then we must do exactly
what the ancient Israelites did as they left Egypt to cross
the Red sea in dry ground, and this is that we must thirst
and hunger for the celestial-sacrifice, Jesus Christ! And
this thirst and hunger for the supernatural powers and
authorities that rightfully belong to us, because our
heavenly Father has given them to us since we are His
offspring, moreover He loves us beyond all human
understanding in this world and in heaven forever, then we
must approach the eternal rock thus to drink from it at once.
This is the food that our souls crave for the moment we are
born into the world from our mother's womb, we no longer need
to eat and drink from our mother's food through the umbilical
cord but now we need to eat and drink from the eternal rock
at Mount Sinai's foot, Jesus Christ, our only eternal
liberator! That is why that every baby born immediately
he/she begins to cry desperately because someone has to feed
him/her the manna (food from heaven) and the water (the
living water) from the eternal rock at Mount Sinai's supreme
celestial-sacrifice of Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, so
he/she may become born again not of the world below but from
the one above.
This tells us that as a baby is born into the world from his
mother's womb, then immediately he/she knows that needs to
eat and drink from Jesus Christ, that is why that he taught
to his disciples by assuring them: you must eat of my flesh
and drink from my blood, so you may become God's child today
for eternity. For babies eat and drink from their mother's
womb through the umbilical cord, well our heavenly Father's
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood is commanding us to do the
same with him, so we may no longer live with a sinful-body
but with a glorified-body for eternal life in heaven, and
these are his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood
heavenly bound forever.
Besides, this baby cries never ceases in the life of every
man, woman and child until someone takes him/her to our Lord
Jesus Christ's feet, our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb with
the atoning-blood slain from the creation of the world, so
he/she may eat and drink from him eternal life on earth and
in paradise to live forever saved. Because, it is Mount
Sinai's eternal rock that not only received our Lord Jesus
Christ's atoning-blood from the moment he was slain within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven, but it is also the rock that
can lift each one of us with him with his arms lifted above
Satan's wilds, so we may live victoriously over sin and death
For this is the victory that defeated darkness within Egypt
so Israel may become a liberated nation to love, serve, exalt
and glorify our heavenly Father's celestial-sacrifice of His
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's atoning-blood but also to defeat
forever Satan's lies, curses and death in hell, so the
nations may learn to love, serve and glorify our heavenly
Father forever. This supernatural victory of our Lord Jesus
Christ with his arms raised high toward heaven and over
Israel also conquered supernaturally the desert by defeating
many enemy nations more powerful than Israel, because the
victory that our heavenly Father had granted Israel was
coming towards them from their ancestor's personal faith in
Jesus Christ, the founder of Israel forever.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had granted
Israel the only supernatural sign of victory that liberated
them from Egypt's captivity but also help them cross the Red
sea in dry ground where no one could ever walk because this
is the way, truth and life that takes the faithful from
everywhere secured into eternal life. This is the reason also
that our heavenly Father was able to defeat Israel's enemies
with the parted waters of the Red sea, because the moment
that Pharaoh saw that Israel had left Egypt and ready to
cross the Red sea completely in dry ground to freedom then he
decided to attack them with the best of his army.
However, Pharaoh was unsuccessful to attack Israel because
Israel was walking already in dry ground deep in the Red sea
where no sinner has ever walked before, because this is the
way, truth and life that takes the faithful to eternal
freedom forever-and since Pharaoh was an unbeliever then he
died with his army drowned by the waters. Now, Pharaoh died
with his army drowned deep in the Red sea because he was
walking in the way, truth and life of our heavenly Father's
Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood slain from the creation of
the world, and he was a confessed unbeliever in Jesus Christ
therefore he was not recognized as one of God's child to be
In other words, if Pharaoh had believed in Jesus Christ just
as Moses and Aaron had initially, then he would have made it
across the Red sea in dry ground with the Israelites to step
into the desert later to stand at Mount Sinai's foot, so he
may drink and eat from the eternal rock just as Israel did
successfully. Because, the blessing of liberation and eternal
life that our heavenly Father was granting mercifully to the
Israelites, indeed, He wanted to give it to everyone as well
from everywhere around the world, including Pharaoh and his
people, but Pharaoh failed to believe in Jesus Christ as our
heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb slain from the creation of the
However, since Pharaoh and his men were confessed unbelievers
of Jesus Christ, then they could not walk successfully in the
way, truth and life that our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb
with the atoning-blood slain from the creation of the world
would normally allow in anyone that believes within his heart
for justice to confess with his lips for salvation his saving
name. In truth, our Lord Jesus Christ can never deny himself
to any one that may come to him humbly seeking his love,
mercy, healing, prosperity and many other abundant blessings
from eternal life in this life and in the next one to come
from heaven above as the new celestial Jerusalem, because he
died for every one to live forever saved.
That is to say, also that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach died
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's
summit from the creation of the world to save Pharaoh and his
people as well, so they may receive salvation, healing and
blessings without end in this life and in the next one to
come forever. However, Pharaoh failed to believe in Jesus
Christ's work of salvation that he had begun for every one
from all the nations of the world since even before the
creation of the world and all the things in heaven, and this
lack of faith killed him deep in the Red sea never to rise
again against Israel.
That is why Pharaoh died with his men attempting to attack
Israel in the middle of the Red sea as Israel was crossing to
the other side away from Egypt for the first time since
Joseph arrived there to receive his family so they may escape
the hunger that the region was suffering in those days
because of famine. Again, Pharaoh did not have to die that
way with his men drowned in the waters of the Red sea,
because our heavenly Father wanted them to believe in his
blessed Son Jesus Christ just as Moses and Israel had
believed in him wholeheartedly as they all saw how he
performed great miracles before the Egyptians thus to
liberate them forever.
Nevertheless, Pharaoh died with his army deep in the Rea sea
because he failed to believe in Jesus Christ that had been
slain for his atoning-blood from the creation of the world
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, so
the Holy Spirit may pour all over the earth to subdue Satan
and his lies perpetually. However, Israel needed desperately
to go on a three day journey across the desert to establish
themselves in a new land where our Lord Jesus Christ would be
born from one of David's virgin daughter, so the world may
have for the first time eternal life dressed with a sacred-
flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood to clean everyone
from sin continuously.
Therefore, the Israelites were to take our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach's arms lifted high above their heads through the
desert to defeat all their enemies until they would enter
into the Promised Land to lift our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach on
the crossed trees of Adam and Eve for salvation, so they may
please our heavenly Father's truth and justice at last
forever. And this was something that no nation in the entire
world could do, only Israel, because our heavenly Father had
given this glorious promise of salvation to the Israelites,
especially to the Jews, so they may become born again from
the Holy Spirit that descends every day from His Chosen Lamb
slain from the creation of the world, Jesus Christ!
This is the reason that our heavenly began to write the
Scriptures by manifesting to the Israelites the down pouring
of the Holy Spirit directly from within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was slain
initially for his atoning-blood, so the powers and
authorities of this great sacrifice may liberate man from the
earth's darkness forever. For this is the supreme celestial-
sacrifice of our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb with the
atoning-blood that the Israelites were to receive initially
within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips
for salvation by preaching to the nations until they may
become born again forever: our Lord Jesus Christ, the only
possible savior of our living souls today and forever.
That is to say, also that our heavenly Father needed Israel
to start serving Him through His celestial-sacrifice of His
blessed Son's atoning-blood shed from the creation of the
world, so they may become His loving people to take the Holy
Spirit of His name and eternal commandments into the nations
for love, forgiveness, healing, peace, prosperity and eternal
salvation. However, Satan's struggle through the years has
been always to erase the sign of the cross from paradise as
our heavenly Father removed one of Adam's rib so He may
create Eve the first woman, then Jesus Christ manifested
himself to Adam as the eternal Chosen Lamb crucified thus to
eat the bread of life finally to become God's child forever.
Unfortunately, Adam and Eve did not understand the importance
to believe in Jesus Christ as our heavenly Father's tree of
life and Chosen Lamb slain from the creation of the world to
eat and drink from him eternal life thus to become God's
children forever in paradise, on earth and within the New
Jerusalem from heaven above as well. Then, in due time, our
heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai so Moses with
Aaron may lift our Lord Jesus Christ's arms towards heaven
and over Israel, so he may impart upon them powers to live
through the desert and to defeat all the opponent armies that
they may present themselves defiantly to stop them from
entering into the Promised Land.
In good time, our heavenly Father needed to defeat enemy
nations across the desert because they posed a treat to
Israel and mainly to His Son Jesus Christ's life, since he
had to be born sinless within Israel to live a sacred life
for everyone thus to die crucified on the cross to raise on
the third day with everyone's salvation. Now, if our heavenly
Father had not destroyed the desert's rebellious nations,
then Israel would have had serious problems existing and
conquering the Promised Land thus to give us the Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach filled with everyone's eternal life, so we may
inherit in due time our sacred bodies from him to return to
our homes and loved ones in paradise.
In other words, our Lord Jesus Christ descended from heaven
to give us eternal life but also the glorious body to live
with it forever on earth, in paradise and within the New
Jerusalem from heaven above, so we my be able to see our
heavenly Father face-to-face thus to love, serve and glorify
Him forever. Therefore, Jesus Christ living within our heart
these days, then blessed we are supernaturally with blessing
from heaven above to dress with a sacred-flesh, unbroken-
bones and atoning-blood never to know sin, curse and death
much less hell but, instead only to know these days: love,
peace, prosperity, happiness and eternal life into all
eternity to come.
Accordingly, this supernatural power of the cross was
manifested many times within Israel's conflicts that they had
through the desert as they came into Rephidim, for example,
where Satan attempted to stop Israel with the Amalekites that
were willing to fight them to the end, so they may abandon
the Promised Land and forget Jesus Christ's coming into the
world. This is the truth: Israel's desperate fight against
the Amalekites and the many enemy nations of the desert, it
was always a fight for our Lord Jesus Christ's existence and
manifestation within the Promised Land, so he may fulfill the
Holy Spirit of the name and of the commandments thus to
attain eternal life for every one everywhere forever.
Definitely, every fight against Satan's armies from all the
rebellious nations, beginning with Pharaoh, it was always a
fight for our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach existence and
manifestation within Israel and the nations as well, so Satan
may die with all his darkness on earth and in hell, so
eventually our heavenly Father's new angelic Kingdom may
shine everywhere forever. Nevertheless, this is the service
that our heavenly Father pulled Israel from Egypt's captivity
so they may go on a three day journey through the desert to
enter into the Promised Land and bring into existence the
King Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because he alone
was going to please the Holy Spirit of the commandments and
of the name forever.
This is the salvation that Israel needed to manifest not just
for themselves and for their future generations to come but
also for the nations everywhere because every one around the
world needs today to escape Satan's lies and his terrible
curses thus to live a glorious life filled miracles of
healing, peace, prosperity and eternal happiness at last.
Certainly, just as Moses and Aaron had to lift our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms high above towards heavens and over Israel,
because he is the Chosen Lamb slain from the creation of the
world, then each one of us everywhere has to do the same so
we may escape hidden enemies thus to enter into our heavenly
Father's presence immediately.
Meaning also that if we fail today to have our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms lifted high and over our entire lives, then we
are in danger because Satan has the willingness to enter into
our lives and do terrible things against us and even to our
loved ones and friends too, since we are unprotected against
his lies from paradise. And the lies from paradise that Satan
pronounced against our Lord Jesus Christ as our heavenly
Father's tree of life and Chosen Lamb for the fruit of life
that gives life to angels and even every man, woman and
child, starting with Adam and Eve, then they will continue to
come against us with terrible darkness to harms us.
However, as we eat and drink from the tree of life that is
our heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood
slain from the creation of the world, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, then Satan's lies, curses with its terrible
hidden darkness have no power against us, because Jesus
Christ will protect us today and beyond eternity for our
Maker's new glories. And today just as in the day we were
born from our heavenly Father's image to live according to
His likeness forever in paradise, on earth and within the New
Jerusalem from heaven above, we can hear our living souls
crying desperately for someone to give us to drink and eat
from the eternal rock, our Lord Jesus Christ!
Because, Jesus Christ is our drink to quench our thirst and
our food to quench our hunger that we beg crying as we are
born either from our heavenly Father in heaven or from our
mothers on earth, so someone may take us to Mount Sinai's
foot on earth or to paradise's tree of life to eat and drink
from him. And as we eat to drink from him daily to please our
heavenly Father's will to do this since the moment we are
born from Him in heaven or from our mothers on earth, then we
are leaving behind our sinful-flesh, broken-bones and ill-
blood to take on Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones
and atoning-blood to be like him forever in heaven.
For it is our heavenly Father's perfect will within His
glorious heart today that each one of us, beginning with Adam
and Eve, we may become born again from His down pouring of
the Holy Spirit coming towards us from His continuous
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood, so we may become
His legitimate children forever on earth and in paradise.
Because, we are born either in heaven first and on earth
later to be born again by faith, but not from Adam's
rebellious-flesh, broken-bones and ill-blood instead from our
Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-
blood that will please our heavenly Father thus to return
unblemished and justified to paradise nevermore to leave Him
again alone in heaven as Adam did disobediently.
And this is the reason that our heavenly Father needed two
men from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's descendants to ascend
Mount Sinai, so He may take them exactly to the place where
our Lord Jesus Christ was slain from the creation of the
world, so his arms may be lifted by them high over Israel.
Scripturally, these two men were Moses and Aaron that our
heavenly Father had chosen, perhaps from the creation of the
world too, so they may do this prophetic work over the
mountaintop to grant life to every man and woman on earth in
a form of the initial cross from paradise for life to
flourish everywhere for everyone forever.
For our Lord Jesus Christ's cross is important in paradise
because he is the tree of life for angels and for men,
furthermore it is the beginning of human life as Adam was put
to sleep so our heavenly Father may form Eve from his fifth
rib, then manifested over Mount Sinai to liberate Israel from
darkness at last. And our heavenly Father's cross of His
blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, nailed to Adam and Eve
old crossed trees from the creation of the world over the
eternal rock has always been good to Israel to do our
heavenly Father's perfect will, so Israel may escape their
cruel enemies and eternal darkness today and forever into
Moreover, this salvation began initially over Mount Sinai as
our Lord Jesus Christ manifested himself burning within the
crossed trees of Adam and Eve before Moses, then over
Rephidim's hilltop to defeat the Amalekites, in the desert to
destroy the poisonous snakes from the sand, and over
Jerusalem's holy hill finally to defeat Satan, sin, and the
angel of death forever. Today, our Lord Jesus Christ's arms
extended wide are known within the nations, so they may bless
the life of every one within the home of every family to
learn at last to love our heavenly Father moreover to call
Him whenever needed He is to escape Satan's sins, lies,
curses and threats of death on earth and in hell.
Truthfully, our heavenly is calling every man, woman and
child within Israel and the nations these days to lift our
Lord Jesus Christ's arms high towards heaven and over their
lives, so he may bless them mightily just as he blessed
Moses, Aaron and Israel so they may escape darkness to a
place that flows with milk and honey forever. Meaning also
that if Moses and Aaron were here with us these days, then
they would advise us immediately to lift our Lord Jesus
Christ's arms high over our heads, so our heavenly Father may
bless us just as He blessed supernaturally Israel crossing
the Red sea and defeating enemy nations through the desert to
enter into the land of eternal peace. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua,
and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead,
then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As
the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be
put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and
Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the
same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who
call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to
turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my
personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ
as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other
Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple
where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers
are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how
important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered,
anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on
the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven
in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father,
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I
most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the
SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and

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