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Nov 28, 2011, 1:06:13 AM11/28/11
Sábado, 26 noviembre, año 2011 de Nuestro Salvador
Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


In these holidays, we are thankful to our heavenly Father for
the love and blessings filled with miracles that He has
granted each one of us through the glorious life of His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, the One that was
immolated from the creation of the world so humankind may
live loved, blessed, protected, prosperous and eternally
saved. Indeed, our heavenly Father has given us from His
bread (the bread from heaven) and to drink from His cup (the
cup of life), so we may replenish our hearts, minds, living
souls, bodies and human spirit from His truth that gives us
life in abundance in this world and in the next one to come
forever into eternity.

Moreover, He has invited us to eat from His fruit of life
abundantly that in truth is His blessed Son Jesus Christ's
righteousness, perfection and endless-holiness, the savior of
Israel and the nations thus only to become born again within
the supernatural power of His Holy Spirit that has given us a
new resurrection into eternal life for eternity. Religiously,
our heavenly Father will have us eat and drink from His
blessed Son whenever we may take food and drink, and this is
to eat and drink daily from His tree of life, our Lord Jesus
Christ, so we may replace our sinful-flesh, broken-bones and
ill blood into His Son's sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and
atoning-blood to become holy forever.

For this is the holiness and perfection that our heavenly
Father wants to see and feel from us, so He may no longer
see, feel and experience Adam and Eve's rebellious bodies to
His fruit of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, but, instead He
needs to see and feel His Son in us from head to foot
forever. That is why that it is important for us to part take
from His Table, so we may eat from the bread of life that has
descended from within the Holy of Holiest in the heaven's
tabernacle, and drink from the cup of life that has also
descended from our heavenly Father's altar, so we may become
new person today.

Thus, as we eat and drink from the Lord's Table, immediately
we must give thanks to our heavenly Father for His Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood that He has entrusted to each one
of us these days, so as we may eat and drink from him we will
leave Adam and Eve's sinful bodies behind under the earth for
eternity. Then we will return to our bodies from which we
were born into the angelic kingdom to retake our celestial-
life that we left behind in paradise with the tree of life,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so we may return to our Father
liberated: holy and perfect thus to enter into the New
Jerusalem from heaven above to live eternally saved.

Now, knowing our heavenly Father's perfect will from the
Scripture for our entire lives on earth and in heaven, then
we must continue to eat and drink from His Chosen Lamb just
as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and millions more did in their days,
so we may become as His Son with a new birth from the Holy
Spirit. Because, this is the reason that our heavenly Father
sacrificed His blessed Son initially over His eternal rock
manifested to Israel at Mount Sinai's foot, so they may drink
and eat from him through the desert and into the Promised
Land thus to become eternally obedient on earth and in heaven
as well for the glory of His name.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father needs to see
each one of us as holy and perfect as His Son Jesus Christ is
forever, so we may live his divine-life filled with victories
against Satan and his devils from everywhere, so He may be
glorified finally within your hearts and eternal souls on
earth and in heaven. And no one can ever glorify our heavenly
Father's blessed name and exalted commandments except through
the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
manifested by His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach over Mount
Sinai's top as he presented himself to Moses as the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, so Israel may
live forever saved.

Therefore, make a Happy Thanksgiving Day every day of your
life on earth and in heaven as well as you return home
whenever our heavenly Father will send His Son Jesus Christ
and holy angels to take you back up there where you were born
in His image to live according to His likeness with His
angels into eternity. Because, our heavenly Father wants to
see you alive eternally saved living in your eternal mansion
in heaven already paved with streets of gold and a sea of
clear water where you will enjoy love, peace and happiness
with Him, His tree of life and His Holy Spirit surrounded
with His angelic hosts as always.

Have a glorious Thanksgiving these holidays and always
through the year with your loved ones and friends, in
Yeshua's blessed name. Amen!


These days, our heavenly Father will forgive your sins if you
believe within your heart for justice to confess with your
lips for salvation what He has done with His blessed Yeshua
HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), glorious sacrificed life within
the Holy of Holiest and over Mount Sinai's summit since the
creation of the world for Israel and the nations' salvation.
In due time, our heavenly Father manifested to Moses by
assuring him: I will erase any one from my book of life that
sins against me. Because, the sin that Israel has committed
against my supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
of the Chosen Lamb that was slain from the creation of the
world is unpardonable.

However, since you have pleaded for their lives, so I may not
punish them for what they have done by worshiping and bowing
to the golden calf that Aaron made for them I will let them
go for now along the way to the Promised Land, our heavenly
Father said to Moses. Nevertheless, I will send my holy Angel
after you so he may open the way that you make walk through
safely towards the land that I will show you to possess,
because I have given it to you to see the glory that your
ancestors saw as they placed their faith for a better life to
live forever saved.

Therefore, obey my holy Angel in everything he may tell you
to do thus to please my perfect will towards Israel, because
if you fail to obey his word he will not forgive your sins
but punish you instead until you disappear from the face of
the earth, our heavenly Father assured Moses. However, as
time may come to judge the sinful and rebellious, then I will
erase from my book of life those that have sinned against my
supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that you and
Aaron witnessed over Mount Sinai's summit to manifest to
Israel as the salvation power that has descended from heaven
to grant them blessing and eternal life.

Because, in heaven Abraham, Isaac and Jacob along with
ancient Israel await for them to be true and faithful to the
supernatural celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of our
heavenly Father's Chosen Lamb, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach,
that was sacrificed from the creation of the world, so they
may see his light these days to live forever saved into
eternity. (Honestly, this is the salvation power that our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's personal testimony to Israel that
he alone is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God
of Jacob, so they may become liberated immediately from the
chains and shackles of Satan's lie that had kept them in
eternal darkness for more than four-hundred years.)

Indeed, this is power that our heavenly Father manifested to
Moses, Aaron and Israel just as He had manifested initially
to Abraham over His Ceremonial Dinner Table, so they may eat
the bread and drink from the cup thus to start a new Pact of
life within a land that He had personally chosen to manifest
His glory forever. This is the glorious Promised Land (the
world's best) where our heavenly Father's blessed Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach was going to be born as King Messiah for
Israel and the nations thus to grant them eternal life
dressed with the celestial-bodies of sinless-flesh, unbroken-
bones and atoning-blood, so they may ascend into the New
Jerusalem from heaven above to live forever saved.

However, this wonderful Salvation Plan that our heavenly
Father started with great love and faith for every man, woman
and child that was to be born within the nation that He had
personally started with Abraham's faith over Mount Moriah and
now over Mount Sinai's summit, the Hebrews had betrayed it
with a golden calf. This was a terrible sin that the Hebrews
committed against our heavenly Father's supreme celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood that He had conducted within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven from the creation of the world,
so Israel with the nations may live protected, because, of
the constant love, care, and power that provides to those
that believe in him forever.

Given that as you may believe within your heart for justice
in the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of
the Chosen Lamb that was sacrificed from the creation of the
world, then the Holy Spirit will help you to utter words of
thanks giving and worship to our heavenly Father through the
blessed name of His eternal salvation, Jesus Christ. This
means that as you believe within your heart for justice to
confess with your lips for salvation our heavenly Father's
supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that started
within the Holy of Holiest in heaven as His Son Jesus Christ
laid down his life as sin's ransom, then, you will be reborn
into a new person from the Holy Spirit.

And this is exactly what our heavenly Father wanted to do
with every man, woman and child within Israel at Mount
Sinai's foot to convert them into new persons reborn from the
Holy Spirit of the blessed name and glorified commandments,
so they may ascend to the mountaintop to enter into the Holy
of Holiest in heaven, but they failed. Therefore, the
unbelief that the Hebrews developed against our heavenly
Father's supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood, it
began to destroy them little by little, because this sin our
heavenly Father was not willing to forgive unless they
recognize His blessed holy Angel as their leader Messiah that
would take them into the Promised Land to live sanctified
into eternity.

Furthermore, this sin was a terrible blow to our heavenly
Father's loving heart that had manifested His unfailing love
for Moses and to every Hebrew within Israel, so they may
begin a relationship of love, understanding and faith on
earth and in heaven as well thus for them finally to inherit
eternal life within the New Jerusalem from heaven above.
Truthfully, our heavenly Father was willing to let them
ascend to the mountaintop thus to step into the Holy of
Holiest in heaven, so they may kiss His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His Chosen Lamb that He
started filled with love from the creation of the world, so
He may eradicate sin from Israel and the nations forever.

For this was something that our heavenly Father had already
done with Moses thus to show him the eternal glories
faithfully to obey within his heart for justice to confess
with his lips for salvation His blessed Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, so he may be reborn into the Holy Spirit of His
blessed name and glorified Ten Commandments for eternity.
Indeed, Moses witnessed our heavenly Father's supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His ancient
glorious Chosen Lamb every day ritual for forty days and
forty nights, moreover our heavenly Father commanded Moses
lawfully by saying, as you return to your people then you
must do within Israel a copy of everything that has been
shown to you-this is the "tabernacle."

And Moses did exactly as our heavenly Father commanded him to
do within Israel, obediently he was able to do a copy of the
Holy of Holiest from heaven, so he may enter into it to speak
face-to-face with our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach concerning
anything about his life and Israel-therefore Israel had power
to possess the Promised Land. However, our heavenly Father
could not allow any one within Israel to ascend to the
mountaintop except Moses, because Aaron had made a golden
calf because Israel pressed him to do so, so they may sin
terribly against our heavenly Father and His ancient
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that erases sin and
liberates from darkness forever with a new glorious-life.

This is the reason that our heavenly Father said to Moses:
let me kill these people for the sin that they have committed
against the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
of the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that was slain from the
creation of the world, so they may have in these days
liberties, peace, and prosperity forever into the Promised
Land. To this day, since the Chosen Lamb with the atoning-
blood was slain from the creation of the world, no one has
ever sinned against him, but, Israel had done it, therefore
let me charge against them, and from you I will make a new
nation that will honor my ancient celestial-sacrifice for the
glory of my name and commandments.

However, Moses prayed by saying-Please, Lord God, let your
people live. Remember that you have taken them out from Egypt
with great strength and supernatural powers of your supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that you commanded
me to spill over the doorframes, so the destroyer may not
enter into their homes to kill the firstborn as the
firstborns of the Egyptians were (killed) alone with their
animals' firstborns as well. Therefore, you alone liberated
them from the hands of their enemies that had enslaved them
for centuries, and as they walked out from Egypt you told
them to ask the Egyptians for gold and jewelry, and they did.

They left the Egyptians empty-handed, because everything of
value they gave to your people without hesitations, since
they were afflicted constantly by the supernatural presence
of your celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that had
descended over Mount Sinai's summit, so they may see the
light that guided them to new lands to start a new
relationship of love with you forever. Now, if you kill them
because of the sin that they committed against your supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood that was shed from
the creation of the world thus to liberate your people and
the nations from the power of Satan's lie and his terrible
curses of darkness, then the world that you want saved will
say terrible things.

For example, the nations will say: The God of the Hebrews
could not deal with their sin, because they rebelled against
His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach who had laid his
righteous life as the ultimate sacrifice to save them and the
nations as well since the creation of the world, then, He
decided to abandon them in the desert. The families of the
nations will be horrified to know that the God of the Hebrews
since He could not deal with His people with the supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of The Chosen Lamb
slain since the creation of the world, then He killed them in
the desert to make a new nation from one of His leaders.

Moreover, your enemies will continue to say terrible things
about you and your great celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-
blood that you had descended with your blessed Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach within the Holy of Holiest from heaven thus to
manifest openly over Mount Sinai's summit, because you want
Israel to receive it for the entire world to believe it for
salvation. For that reason, heavenly Father, please let your
people live by forgiven the sin that they have committed
against you and your supreme celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood of your blessed Son Jesus Christ, so they may
all go on their way to the Promised Land to possess it
forever for the new glories of your name and anointed word.

And if you still want to execute your judgment against them
because of the sin to worship Aaron's golden calf that he
fashioned with their jewelry, then, erase my name from the
book of life just as you have said that you will erase the
name of those that rebel against your celestial-sacrifice of
the atoning-blood of your holy Angel. Yes, I will die with
them if you kill them as you have manifested in your great
anger because of the evil that they have done against you and
your holy celestial-sacrifice manifested openly over Mount
Sinai's summit since the creation of the world to this day,
Moses said to our heavenly Father.

(Now, Moses spoke like this to our heavenly Father not
because he was valiant, bold or fearless, but because he was
born again of the Holy Spirit of the blessed name and
glorified commandments, for this is the Spirit of the Rebbe
Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ, by saying my name is
erasable because written it is with sacrificed atoning-blood.
In other words, it was Jesus Christ speaking directly to our
heavenly Father instead of Moses to save Israel from judgment
and wrath that was ready to do away with them in a horrible
holocaust in the desert-and Jesus Christ affirmed: erase my
name from your book, that is, if you erase Israel's name from
it. And our heavenly Father had to appease His wrath
immediately to allow Israel to continue to live, because our
Lord Jesus Christ name that is written in the book of life is
inerasable since the book belongs to him originally, moreover
his name is written with the atoning-blood forever-and the
atoning-blood is inerasable.)

Moreover, Moses assured to our heavenly Father by saying: if
my people cannot live before your presence anymore because of
the rebellious act that they have committed against your
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood over Mount Sinai's
summit, then I will die with them too. Here our Lord Jesus
Christ by saying these words through Moses to our heavenly
Father, in holiness, he was manifesting his willingness to
lay down his life over Mount Sinai's sacrificial eternal
rock, so he may shed his atoning-blood thus to save them from
this day of terrible judgment and wrath that was ready to
destroy them forever.

However, our heavenly Father replied to Moses by assuring him
that whoever rebels against His glorious celestial-sacrifice
of the atoning-blood of His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach who was
slain within the Holy of Holiest in the highest heavens since
the creation of the world, then that one will have to answer
to Him in Judgment Day. And if that sinner is found guilty of
having rebelled against the supreme celestial-sacrifice of
the atoning-blood of His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
then He will erase his name from the book of life so he will
never see the Promise Land, the New celestial Jerusalem where
love, peace and glory thrive in eternal happiness for
everyone forever.

Indeed, our heavenly Father is not willing to erase anyone's
name from His book, but, if that person (whomever he/she may
be) rebels against His supreme celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood that was shed from the creation of the world,
His Christ, then an unforgivable sin has been committed
punishable with a holocaust unless that sinner believes to
repent forever. Because, the atoning-blood that was shed from
the creation of the world manifested over Mount Sinai's
summit and finally over Jerusalem's holy hill has
supernatural powers and authorities to erase any one's sin
against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, so
he/she may live forever saved into eternity.

For this is why our heavenly Father's celestial-sacrifice of
the atoning-blood was spilled initially within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and shown to Moses, so he may walk through
it with our Lord Jesus Christ to become acquainted with its
ritual for Israel to obey thus to fulfill truth, justice for
love, peace, glory and happiness to thrive everlastingly.
Certainly, this is the only way, truth and life possible that
our heavenly Father can deal with every one's sin within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven, so He may erase them forever
within paradise, earth and eternity, so his children may live
liberated from Satan's lie and darkness at last forever saved
to return to eternal life anyday now.

That is why also that our heavenly Father wanted to kill
Israel with a big holocaust at Mount Sinai's foot, because
they had adored a golden calf instead of His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His blessed Son
Jesus Christ, the King Messiah and liberator of Israel and of
the nations forever that had saved them from slavery. In
other words, our heavenly Father wanted the Hebrews to be the
first one to worship, adore and exalt His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His Chosen Lamb slain from
the creation of the world just as the holy angels had honored
him in heaven but, instead Israel received a golden calf, and
this displeased our Father greatly.

Lawfully, the Hebrews were to believe within their hearts for
justice to confess with their lips for salvation everything
that had occurred over Mount Sinai's summit as our heavenly
Father descended with His Holy of Holiest's celestial-
sacrifice of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so they may become
eternally liberated from sin on earth and in paradise for all
eternity. For there was no way possible to save Israel and
the world but only through the power of His supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood of His Chosen Lamb
as His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, priest, mediator, savior and
fruit of life for those that believe within their hearts for
justice to confess for salvation his anointed name, Jesus

And this was explained by Moses and Aaron, so Israel may know
that they were dealing with the God of Abraham, the God of
Isaac, and the God of Jacob who, actually, is the supreme
celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood slain from the
creation of the world over Mount Sinai's summit thus to
become liberated from Sin and death forever. This is: the
salvation-power that our heavenly Father used successfully to
liberate Israel from slavery, so they may know that their God
has supernatural powers and authorities to take them to live
in a new land where the eternal rock flows with milk and
honey for those that believe within their hearts for justice
to confess for salvation, Jesus Christ.

Inasmuch as, it was for our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that our
heavenly Father chose divinely to manifest to Moses and
Israel the sacrificed celestial-life that he had laid down
for them and the nations but also chose the Promised Land for
his glorious divine birth from David's virgin daughter, so he
may grant us forgiveness for sin with eternal life. Moreover,
this glorious eternal life is the one that Adam and Eve lost
in paradise as they both believed in the serpent's lie
against the fruit of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, so they may
die in their sin and rebellion to abandon paradise descending
to the grave later to receive within their hearts to confess
for salvation, Jesus Christ!

Therefore, the Promised Land is the birthplace of our Lord
Jesus Christ from David's virgin daughter so he may grant us
eternal life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones,
and atoning-blood that erases sin forever on earth and in
heaven-for this is the divine life that pleases our heavenly
Father's righteous heart with truth and justice forever into
eternity. This is the celestial life that our heavenly Father
intended the Hebrew to receive within their hearts for
justice thus to confess with their lips for salvation our
Lord Jesus Christ, the Chosen Lamb that was slain over Mount
Sinai's summit from the creation of the earth, so life may
thrive throughout Israel and the nations forever into

Besides this, away from this glorious-life, our heavenly
Father does not recognize any other (life)-that is why that
Adam and Eve had to abandon paradise because their lives had
become lies as they both believed the serpent's lie from
Satan, then, they had to abandon their celestial-life with
its eternal blessings in paradise to descend to the grave.
And they both descended to earth, because now they were going
to die because of the lies they believed from Satan through
the serpent, so their bodies may return to the dust of the
ground from where our heavenly Father with His Holy Spirit
had taken a hand full of dust to make the first man into His

Besides, our heavenly Father needed man and woman to return
to the hole in the ground, because he had to destroy the
first body to make a new one, and this one had to be very
holy indeed, just as holy as the first one, so they may both
return to paradise to eternal life with their children from
everywhere. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly
Father to manifest over Mount Sinai's summit His blessed Son
Jesus Christ's sacrificed life thus through his glorious
powers and authorities over Satan's lie, curses, and sin,
then finally liberate Israel through David's daughter virgin
birth thus to renew everyone's divine-body with a sinless-
flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood running through their
bodies sinless forever.

And with this glorious divine body that had also come out
from the dust of the earth, but this time regenerated through
David's daughter virginity, so every one that had died since
Adam and Eve descended to earth from paradise, then they may
regain their celestial-bodies from the earth but without
Satan's lie, so they may live forever sinless. Meaning also
that the bodies that we received from Adam and Eve from
paradise stained with sin against the fruit of life and bound
to the hole in the ground, miraculously, our Lord Jesus
Christ with the Holy Spirit entered into David's daughter
virginity so he may return to us our divine-bodies from the
earth liberated from darkness forever.

That is to say that the day our Lord Jesus Christ was born
from David's daughter virginity to live a sacred life that
would fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Law forever, then our
divine bodies were born with him in perfect holiness never to
know sin again on earth and in paradise forever, because now
we are God's sinless-children. And from where our heavenly
Father introduced His hand to grab mud to form man in His
image and according to His likeness, then Adam and Eve's dead
trees crossed each other to receive our Lord Jesus Christ's
hands and feet with nails shinning to everywhere, so we may
rise from the grave resurrected but this time perfectly holy

That is why that our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach nailed to Adam's
feet and to Eve's hands old crossed trees were placed as one
piece inside the hole in the ground from where man rose to
become a living being to eat and drink from the fruit of life
for the glory of our heavenly Father's blessed name and
glorified commandments. Consequently, our Lord Jesus Christ's
hands were nailed to Eve's hands first because she took from
the forbidden fruit for Adam to eat, moreover our savior's
feet were nailed to Adam's feet because man walked away from
the tree of life deceived by what his wife had believed from
the old serpent against our heavenly Father and His blessed

And from the hole in the ground from where Adam and Eve's
crossed dead trees lifted with nails our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach is the grave from where we were taken to become
living human-beings by our heavenly Father, and from the same
grave we resurrect through Jesus Christ to become new persons
born of the Holy Spirit for eternal life. Therefore, each
time you may see Adam and Eve's ancient trees from paradise
crossed to receive our Lord Jesus Christ's hands and feet
with nails coming up as a shoot from the ground, indeed, this
is the grave from where we resurrect to eternal life thanks
to the sinless life, fulfilled commandments and glorious
death over Jerusalem's holy hill.

That is why that we must return always to our heavenly Father
through the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood
that our Lord Jesus Christ began within the Holy of Holiest
in heaven to descend over Mount Sinai's summit for Moses and
Aaron to witness the salvation work that finally it was
fulfilled over Jerusalem's holy hill for everyone's
salvation. For this is the unique salvation-work from our
heavenly Father's eternal glory through the virgin life of
His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach for which He had to
separate Israel from Egypt initially, so He may manifest it
over Jerusalem's holy hill for people to see His light from
the four corners of the world for reconciliation with eternal

Meaning also that our heavenly Father separated Israel from
Egypt, so He may manifest His unfailing-love for the nations
as Israel would inherit the Promised Land where His blessed
Son would be born from David's virgin daughter to fulfill the
Holy Spirit of the Law that it was human impossible to keep
thus granting eternal life for everyone everywhere forever.
Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to
fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Law through His Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach's death descending to Hades where the first two
tables of the Ten Commandments had arrived in Israel's place
of punishment, so the nations may not die cursed but,
instead, resurrect on the third day with everyone's eternal
life forever.

Really, these commandments that our heavenly Father entrusted
to Moses so Israel may have them for our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach's virgin birth from David's daughter to introduce
into the world eternal life dressed with the sacred-flesh,
unbroken-bones and atoning-blood for everyone, beginning with
Adam and Eve, may return to paradise sinless and eternally
saved, were fulfilled with a sacred crucifixion. In other
words, only our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's death over the
cross nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed trees, unjustly
accused as he was born into the world by the supernatural
work of our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit, sealed the
fulfillment of the commandments with his sacred life and
death to resurrect to life on the third day forever.

Or, you may say that our heavenly Father took His blessed
Son's sacred life that he had lived within Israel, without
ever wondering into any other nation but, instead he remained
faithful to honor, glorify and fulfill to our heavenly
Father's satisfaction the Holy Spirit of the Law by sealing
it with a victorious death over sin and Satan forever. That
is to say, also that our heavenly Father fulfilled the Holy
Spirit of the Law with His blessed Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach
nailed to Adam and Eve's olden crossed trees over the eternal
rock, so with his glorious death over Satan's lies, sin and
death, then resurrected on the third day with everyone's
eternal salvation to live saved for eternity.

Truthfully, only our Lord Jesus Christ sacred birth from
David's virgin daughter and untarnished life lived in the
midst of his brothers within Israel could seal forever with a
victorious death nailed to Adam and Eve's dead crossed trees
the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit of the eternal
commandments and of the anointed name on earth and in heaven
forever. Otherwise, without our Lord Jesus Christ's
sacrificial death over Jerusalem's holy hill, then our
heavenly Father would have never been able to seal the
fulfillment of the commandments and of His blessed name with
a holy life with every man, woman and child within Israel and
the nations, so they may all return to heaven as one big
celestial family.

This means that men would have to live their lives eternally
cursed on earth and in eternity as well, because, no one was
holy enough within the nations, beginning within Israel, to
fulfill thus to seal the Holy Spirit of the commandments and
of the blessed name, so our heavenly Father could be honored
on earth and in heaven forever. Nevertheless, thanks to our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's salvation-work that he fulfilled
within every earth's Sabbath, so he may live the Holy Spirit
of the commandments and of the blessed name never to offend
but to fulfill them to the highest degree of truth, justice
and glory possible for our heavenly Father's satisfaction
thus to seal salvation for everyone everywhere forever.

These days, this is still the ancient Plan of Salvation that
our heavenly Father would love to see Israel with the nations
serve before Him for the glory that He has started within the
Holy of Holiest of the supreme celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood for sin to die giving way, like this, to
eternal life for everyone everywhere forever. For this is the
divine-life that pleases our heavenly Father's loving heart
within the heart, mind, soul, body and human spirit of every
man, woman and child thus to change the world into a glorious
light as the one that shone over Mount Sinai's summit with
His blessed Son as His eternal celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood for everyone's salvation forever.

This means that our heavenly Father would love to see soon
the world ignite with the eternal light that stepped out from
the Holy of Holiest as the supreme power of the celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood that would liberate Israel
from Egypt, so the nations may someday also ignite for the
world may light up the universe for eternity. Because, this
wonderful salvation that our heavenly Father started within
the Holy of Holiest in heaven as His supreme celestial-
sacrifice of the atoning-blood, indeed it is the salvation
for the entire world begin with Israel, for example, so the
universe little by little may see the supernatural light that
blinds darkness thus for light to thrive everywhere deep into

For the universe will continue to be darkness into eternity
regardless of its powerful stars, that is, if the nations
fail to light up as our Lord Jesus Christ shines high above
the heavens or over Mount Sinai's summit, so Israel may walk
out from darkness forever to inherit a glorious world that
flows with milk and honey into eternity. Inasmuch as, our
heavenly Father would love to light up the entire world with
His glorious light of His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood
manifested initially over Mount Sinai's summit and finally
over Jerusalem's holy hill but also the universe, so darkness
may die everywhere forever giving way for eternal life to
reign everlastingly into all eternity to come.

For eternal life will have to conquer the nations for the
four corners of the world to light up with new earth and
glorious heaven that will in turn light up the entire
universe as well that its starts have never seen before thus
to blind darkness into eternity for the glory of our Father's
blessed name and glorified commandments. Because, our
heavenly Father's Holy Spirit of the blessed name and
glorious commandments will have to be glorified within the
nations for the earth to turn into new earth with righteous
heavens for the entire universe to witness into eternity the
glory of His blessed name and eternal commandments shining
mightily within the hearts of those that love Him forever.

Indeed, our heavenly Father has been glorified in heaven by
the angels initially because of the celestial-sacrifice of
the atoning-blood that they witnessed within the Holy of
Holiest from the creation of the world, so Israel may live
with the nations created by our heavenly Father for a Kingdom
of Gods and priests to serve His name and commandments
forever. These days, our heavenly Father has to be glorified
within the nations, beginning with Israel primarily, so the
world may ignite thus destroying darkness everywhere that
afflicts men since the start of civilization, and then the
universe will receive the words of truth for justice that
will also give its powerful stars true light to shine forever
into eternal life.

For this is the eternal life that our heavenly Father has
descended with His supreme celestial-sacrifice of the
atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven as our
Lord Jesus Christ engulfed in the Altar's holy fire, so He
may light up Israel to escape darkness from slavery moreover
to light up the nations, so they may live forever saved.
Ignite the nations everywhere through the ages, that is,
giving way to supernatural powers that will turn the earth
into a shining star more powerful than the ones from the
entire universe, so the universe may become alive and filled
with eternal life everywhere forever, so human life may reign
mightily for our heavenly Father's honorable name and
glorified commandments.

For our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai's summit
to establish His blessed Son Jesus Christ's sacrificed-life
so power may flow from him into Israel and the nations, so
soon we may also conquer Mount Sinai at last and Jerusalem's
holy hill for light to shine mightily within us thus for the
world to shine universe's deep-darkness into eternity.
Because, if we fail to conquer what happened within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit, then we
will never be able to conquer the nations with the same light
that blesses us with forgiveness, prosperity, richness and
eternal life thus to turn our world into new earth with
glorious heavens shining deep into the universe forever.

For our heavenly Father's new glories the nations will
believe wholeheartedly in what happened within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai's summit since the
creation of the world, so Israel may see the light that
forgives and blesses by healing the deepest darkness hidden
within their hearts to reborn for our heavenly Father's name
and holy commandments. These days, our heavenly Father will
forgive your sins if you believe within your heart for
justice to confess with your lips for salvation what He has
done with His blessed Son Jesus Christ glorious sacrificed
life within the Holy of Holiest and over Mount Sinai's summit
since the creation of the world for Israel and the nations'
salvation. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua,
and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead,
then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you
will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As
the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be
put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and
Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the
same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who
call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord
will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to
turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my
personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ
as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other
Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple
where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers
are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how
important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered,
anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on
the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven
in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father,
Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I
most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the
SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and

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