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Aug 29, 2009, 11:03:42 PM8/29/09

S�bado, 29 de agosto, a�o 2009 de Nuestro Salvador
Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoam�rica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iv�n Valarezo)

Father for Sen. Edward M. Kennedy's fruitful-life and sudden
ascension to paradise through his eternal Lord and Savior of
his living soul, Jesus Christ of Nazareth!

Our condolences and prayers are for Sen. E. M. Kennedy's
family, friends and constituents all over America and around
the world as well. We are sad to hear that he passed away few
days ago. He was a great man for his family, friends and
political parties because he was able to do good things for
so many people when he had the power to do it. Therefore,
people remember him everywhere these days because of the many
good things he did in his life, so families may be able to
attain a better way of life not only for themselves but also
for their loved ones, as well.

Evidently, Sen. E. M. Kennedy was a good son, brother and
father to his family but also he was a man that knew very
well the values of believing in God and of His Son Jesus
Christ as any faithful Christian these days, and this caused
him to live a fruitful life altogether thus to serve duly for
so many people. In other words, he was able to produce good
fruit within his life for himself, family, friends and
constituents all over the country that will remember him for
many years to come even by people not born yet, as well;-
historically, people are always thankful to the life of
goodwill and good faith men for many years to come.

Because, when good things happen within one's life then they
also affect the lives of others one way or another for many
years to come-and this is very good for the nation and even
for the entire world as a whole-that is why to do good is
always good-because it blesses our heavenly Father and His
people everywhere tremendously. Meaning that the preaching of
the Gospel of our heavenly Father and of His Son Jesus Christ
is very important all the time for all people whether they
are here with us today or far away from us-in any case the
Holy Spirit of the faith of Jesus Christ will reach and touch
them mightily on earth and in heaven.

On these moments of sadness not only for Sen. E. M. Kennedy's
family and friend but also for so many people influenced by
his political life, indeed are remembering his good deeds
that helped them attain their American dream to live a
peaceful life in prosperity for themselves and for their
loved ones everywhere in the country. Truthfully, any life,
do not matter how old or young, lived for the service of our
heavenly Father, in Jesus Christ's name, fulfills and
glorifies the fulfillment of the Holy Spirit of the
commandments, within the human spirit of his fellowman,
therefore remembered is he, indeed, always on earth and in
heaven by millions of angels and men as well, forever.

In our prayers, we thank our heavenly Father for His great
unfailing love and the everlasting grace of His Son Jesus
Christ, because they were part of Sen. E. M. Kennedy's human,
spirit, heart and personal life while he was alive and active
thus somehow to bless and touch the lives of so many people
in need in all America. Then the good fruit of Sen. Kennedy's
life will always exist within the American history and with
our heavenly Father in heaven, because good works will always
follow men into eternity, for the glory and honor of His
glorious and majestic name, the name of His dear Son Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Savior nowadays and forever!

May Sen. E. M. Kennedy rest in peace and quietness within the
arms of Jesus Christ, his eternal savior on earth and in
paradise, is our sincere prayer today and forevermore in
eternity, for the glory and honor of our heavenly Father's
name, which saturates our living souls with the never-ending
fulfillment and glorification of the Resurrection Holy Spirit
of the Ten Commandments. Amen!)

(The following books are very important to read again, so our
heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ's name will
bless our minds, hearts, souls, bodies and human spirit
within His resurrection Holy Spirit of the glorified
commandments for our eternal living-souls in this life and in
the next life to come: Peace and Glory for ever and ever!)

Carta del Cielo:


This is the covenant that I will establish with you Abraham:
I will make you the father of not one nation but of a
multitude of nations. Then Abraham bowed down to the dust and
laughed to himself saying, how could I be a father at the age
of one hundred? Besides, my wife Sarah is ninety years old,
how could she be the mother of many nations as you have said,
my beloved Lord Jesus Christ? (Here the promise of salvation
of multitude of nations began with the birth of Isaac the
first-born of the nation of Israel, the only nation in the
history of the entire earth born from the King Messiah, the
Son of David, Jesus Christ himself, the only possible eternal
Lord and Savior nowadays for the nations!)

However, "my covenant is with Isaac," the Lord Jesus Christ
affirmed to Abraham, because he would bear the seed of the
promise of salvation, for the nation of Israel and the
multitude of nations that would follow him throughout the
earth, in due time. For it is in Isaac, which the blood of
salvation and eternal life would travel throughout the coming
generations of the direct descendants of Abraham and Sarah,
thus to bless mightily the lives of their brothers of
multitude of nations, on earth and in heaven as in the brand-
new Jerusalem from heaven above. Then our Lord Jesus Christ
ended the conversation with Abraham and Sarah and left them.

At the proper time, Moses stood in front of the people that
our heavenly Father promised to give life by the millions and
millions to Abraham and Sarah his wife through Isaac their
only son, the son of the promise, and preached to them the
ancient gospel of salvation of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with
Jesus Christ standing with him. There Moses was standing also
with the Hebrews looking to the Promised Land, with Jesus
Christ as their leader through the dried ground of the Red
sea and the Egyptian desert ahead, so he may protect them
every step of the way from the destruction of powerful
nations and their armies that wanted to stop them dead on
their tracks.

As Jesus Christ was with Abraham and Sarah thus to fulfill
the promise given to them through their son Isaac, then he
was also with Moses thus to lead the Hebrew nation to its
final destination, the land of Canaan that floods with
abundance of milk and honey to quench the thirst and the
hunger of the multitude of nations. The sons of Abraham and
Sarah were multiplying faster than any other nation around
them of their time, and Jesus Christ was there to bless them
with water from the rock and food of angels from heaven, the
manna, so they may never stop increasing as the sand of the
desert before the eyes of our heavenly Father, in heaven.

Moses stood firmed before the Hebrews and said: This day I
call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have
set before you the first born of the entire House of Israel,
and this is Jesus Christ himself, the eternal covenant of
life and blessings between you and our heavenly Father that
began with Abraham, our father. Today Jesus Christ stands
before you as life and death, blessings and curses. Now
choose life Moses said to the Hebrews, so that you and your
children may live and that you may love our Lord Jesus
Christ, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him each day of
your entire life.

For our Lord Jesus Christ is your only possible true life on
earth, and he will give you many years to live in the land he
swore to give to your fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so
you may only know peace and the wonderful happiness to eat
from the manna from heaven, the fruit of life, Jesus Christ
himself! Moreover, Moses spoke like this to the Hebrews,
because Jesus Christ was with him every time, since the first
day he met him at Sinai's summit, when he manifested himself,
visibly speaking, not only as the bright tree of life but
also as the Lamb of God that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had met
face-to-face in their days.

For he was the only possible life that the Hebrews could have
had within them since the day that our heavenly Father
promised solemnly that He would give the following year a
first born to Abraham through his wife Sarah's sterile womb,
so he and his descendants may begin to live a brand-new life
of blessings, without end. This is how our Lord Jesus Christ
began to live a brand-new life of blessings, miracles and
marvelous signs in heaven and earth not known ever to
humankind, in those days, within the almost lifeless lives of
Abraham and Sarah, for example, but also their many children
into the millions in the future generations to come into the

Then, when Jesus Christ began to live within the family of
Abraham and Sarah, spiritually speaking, in the day Isaac was
born in the appointed day, promised by our heavenly Father to
Abraham, then this brand-new life from our heavenly Father
never left them because Jesus Christ continued to live with
each one of them, according to His perfect will. In other
words, when our heavenly Father promised Abraham that he
would have a son in the following year and about the same
time as in the day that they met, then, when the day came for
Isaac to be born from Sarah's sterile womb, then our Lord
Jesus Christ began to live with them and their descendants,
as well.

Our Lord Jesus Christ was the birth of the nation of Israel
from the start, with Abraham and Isaac at Mount Moriah, Sarah
being the sterile Israel with them that was unable to produce
sons that would liberate her not only from darkness in Egypt
but also from sin, lies, the angel of death, Satan and hell,
for example. Truly, our Lord Jesus Christ began to be the
high priest and the Lamb of God that would remove their sins
and curses out from their lives, so he may create brand-new
peoples of nations, beginning with Israel first, for the
manifestation of the glory of His name all over the earth, so
His light may replace darkness forever.

Because, it was our Lord Jesus Christ whom our heavenly
Father was talking about to Abraham and his descendants when
He personally promised to grant a blessing of a brand-new
birth of life not only to him, Abraham, but also to Sarah,
the unborn-Israel, and the multitude of nations, therefore,
Abraham is eternally the first Hebrew believer in Jesus
Christ. For that reason, today if you believe in Jesus Christ
just as Abraham did in his days, then Jesus Christ will be
born within your heart moreover within the heart and life of
your loved ones thus never to abandon you forever, on earth,
in paradise or in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above.

Furthermore, Abraham could be the father of multitude
nations, beginning with the birth of Israel, on mount Moriah,
because he did not only believe in Jesus Christ to the full,
but also, he was willing to sacrifice his only son Isaac in
the manner that Jesus Christ would suffer and die shedding
his atoning-blood sacrifice for him and for eternity. This
means that Jesus Christ was loved dearly not only by Abraham
but also by Sarah and their lad Isaac and by even Ishmael as

Here, from mount Moriah, Israel began to exist as people of
an eternal nation, which became the apple of the eye of our
heavenly Father because of Jesus Christ, thanks to the
symbolic atoning-blood sacrifice, which Abraham intended to
do with his son, Isaac, and the two lads that came with them
as witnesses for the symbolic atoning-blood futuristic
consummated-sacrifice. Truly, this is the brand-new life from
the angelic kingdom that began to exist within the already
drained-out life of Abraham and Sarah, which were waiting for
the last day and last breath of life on earth; life had left
Sarah and Abraham thus now they needed to replenish their
bodies and souls with a new life, Jesus Christ himself!

Unquestionably, this new life that our heavenly Father was
willing to grant to Abraham and Sarah, just as to any other
man, woman and child on earth willing to obey him diligently,
was not more life from Adam and Eve from paradise, for sure,
but from the tree of life only, the bread of life, His Son
Jesus Christ! Therefore, since Abraham and Sarah received
Isaac, indeed, the Spirit of the King Messiah, the Son of
David, began to live with them likewise, so their children
for future generations would live with him day-by-day and
even beyond the ends of times, so to honor and glorify our
heavenly Father greatly within their lives and all over the
earth forever.

This is to say, also that Jesus Christ not only went later
with Joseph to live in Egypt, because he was rejected and
sold to a caravan of Arabs by his brothers thus to get rid of
him due to their terrible envy against him, but also, their
fathers entered Egypt with Jesus Christ due to famine
throughout the land. Prophetically, their brother Joseph, the
one that they sold to a passing caravan of Arabs heading to
Egypt, received them with the unfailing love of Jesus Christ
thus to feed them not much with the fruit from the land that
he accumulated throughout the Egyptian's store houses, but
feed them with the wonderful eternal fruit of life, Jesus
Christ himself!

Truthfully, it was Jesus Christ that, not only through their
long- abandoned-and-given-for-dead-brother Joseph from their
childhood, the House of Israel entered into the land of
Goshen, in Egypt, but he was also the one that enriched their
lives, the promised life, promised to their forefather from
our heavenly Father initially, when they had none left.
Truthfully, this life that our Lord Jesus Christ granted
Israel to have each day, it was for them not only to live
within Egypt and grow to become a powerful nation as our
heavenly Father promised to Abraham that he would grant him
initially, but also for Jesus Christ himself to manifest
openly, in due time, as their only liberator!

This means that Jesus Christ not only arrived into Egypt with
Joseph, but also he was the one that brought the House of
Israel into Egypt as well, so he may live with and within
them in good and bad times thus to watch, protect, bless and
feed them each day with the bread of life from heaven, the
spiritual-manna! However, once Jesus Christ entered into
Egypt with Joseph thus to make Israel unite him, in due time,
according to our heavenly Father's will and good promises to
Abraham and Isaac, then Jesus Christ never left Egypt but
remained faithful to Jacob through good and bad days, for the
coming glory of our heavenly Father's will of eternal

This means that Jesus Christ was always the faithful Son of
God within Israel, from the early birth of the entire House
of Israel that entered into Egypt with great thirst and
hunger not much due to the famine that was ravishing the
earth in those days, but thirsty and hungry from the truth
and justice from our heavenly Father. And these are, in this
day and age, thirst and hunger of the fruit of life from our
heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, because it is His Son
that was not only the one that quenched the thirst and hunger
for Joseph and the Egyptians, in times of famine, but also
for the entire House of Israel as well.

That is to say, that Jesus Christ remained within Israel as
faithful as the high priest in the order of Melquisedec thus
not only to pray for their needs and forgiveness of sins, but
also for their well-being and the soon liberation from
captivity, so they may inherit the Promised Land, promised
first to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, their forefathers. This
means that our Lord Jesus Christ lived within Israel for the
entire four-hundred years of captivity always praying for
each one of them in silence as their high priest and
salvation Lamb before our heavenly Father, who would free
them thus to leave their ancient Egyptian life behind, so
they may begin to live their brand-new Christ like life.

Truly, this was a very powerful thing, which, in due time,
our heavenly Father wanted to do, without doubt, with the
entire House of Israel, past, present and future, that is, if
they only could remain faithful to Jesus Christ for the holy
ancient atoning-blood; that is all our heavenly Father asked
the Hebrews to do for Him from birth. However, during these
years, our heavenly Father never granted Israel a mind to
understand, eyes to see, nor ears to hear what he was saying
to them, because they already had the mind, eyes and ears
that they needed to have each day of their entire lives
within Egypt or away from it, and this was in Jesus Christ

Meaning also that each man, woman and child from the House of
Israel, our heavenly Father did not grant them the mind, eyes
and ears to hear and see what He was doing through Jesus
Christ, because to know His Son you cannot have the mind,
eyes and ears from Adam but His growing-faith only, like in
Abraham, for example. Now, our heavenly Father did this with
the House of Israel while they were in Egypt, in good and bad
days, because He needed to awaken within their hearts His
Spirit of growing-faith towards His Son Jesus Christ, so they
may not only escape their Egyptian-captivity but also be able
to believe blindly in His Son for His eternal coming-glory.

This meant to believe in Jesus Christ without any condition
attach to it through the three days hostile walk of the
Egyptian desert to the Promised Land, and thus living within
Israel day-by-day as well, so when they may look at Jesus
Christ then they may not have any problems of faith and the
Law with him at all. This is to say, also that the life that
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob had received initially from our
heavenly Father had been a life, without doubt, without a
mind, eyes and ears from sinful Adam, except the mind, eyes
and ears from the King Messiah, so they may live their lives
in eternal faith only to Him, our heavenly Father!

Traditionally, the same is accurate today for every man,
woman and child from the entire House of Israel, including
the ten lost tribes as well that are hidden somewhere in the
world, in the midst of its nations, so Satan may not attack
to destroy them as he has done historically with Israel and
Judah, for example, with countless historical-holocausts.
This means that our heavenly Father is still calling Israel
just as He initially called Adam and Eve in paradise to
follow and obey every day of their lives the fruit of life,
our Jesus Christ, so they may not only be born from His Holy
Spirit, but also they may never thirst and hunger for life on
earth forever!

Because, to thirst and hunger for life of the soul of men, in
the presence of our heavenly Father, in truth, is to thirst
and hunger for the Holy Spirit of the truth, justice and the
every blessing of the eternal life from the fulfilled and
glorified commandments on earth, in paradise and in the
brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above. This is the brand-new
city from heaven above that our heavenly Father created
personally with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of
the commandments for Adam and every one of his children by
the millions and millions to live with Him, starting the day
He called Abraham and Isaac to believe in Jesus Christ in
every respect.

Then, in good time, it was our heavenly Father that called
His Son Jesus Christ from Egypt and from the midst of His
people to rise to Sinai, so he may be seen for the first time
by the Hebrews as the salvation celestial-light not only for
Israel but also for Egypt and the nations of the entire
world. Thereby, the first Hebrew that saw the shining light
from Sinai's mountaintop, as if it was burning brightly, but,
in truth, it was not consuming the area at all, except his
own glorious eternal life, the tree of life, our Lord Jesus
Christ, so he may begin to enter miraculously into the life
of his brothers, beginning with Moses.

There he was, our Lord Jesus Christ standing, burning bright,
as the tree of life just as known since eternity by our
heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit to hold life for every
angel, archangel, seraphim, cherubim and other holy creatures
from heaven as men and women, as well, beginning with Adam
and Eve, for example, nowadays. That is to say, today that
our Lord Jesus Christ after having lived faithfully as the
high priest and the Son of God that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
knew within their Hebrew families in Egypt, then finally our
heavenly Father called him to mount Sinai to manifest himself
openly for the first time-for the liberation of Israel had

Actually, this was something that our Lord Jesus Christ could
not do before throughout the four-hundred years that he lived
in Egypt with his brothers day-by-day as their mediator
between God and Israel, so they may be send out to the
Promise Land, promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, because
only our heavenly Father could call him to Sinai's top.
Truly, only our heavenly Father knew the day and the hour
when he was to manifest himself to Israel as God's immaculate
Lamb at Sinai, so their sins may not only be blot out by his
atoning-blood but also liberate them from the Egyptian's
graveyards with powerful-miracles and great signs in the
heavens and on earth from his glorious name.

At Sinai, Jesus Christ told Moses, remove your sandals for
the ground from which you are standing is holy ground, that
is to say, as well, so holy as the celestial Jerusalem
herself; immediately Moses obeyed his voice to remove his
sandals in the presence of the God of Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, the true and only beginning of Israel. Because, it was
at Sinai from where the Son of David manifested himself to
Moses and Israel not only to be their high priest but also
God's Lamb that removes the sins from the world by the
wonderful working powers of his holy atoning-blood and very
holy name, just as it does nowadays with those that believe
him everywhere.

Here, our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed openly to Moses that he
was indeed the God of their forefathers, Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob, and that he was the one called by our heavenly Father
to save them from Egypt's graveyards, so they may live to
possess their brand-new land that flows with milk and honey
for multitude of nations, too, forever. This is the land that
our heavenly Father chose not only to manifest His Son Jesus
Christ to Israel as the Son of David, but also here he will
live the holy life of the Holy Spirit of the commandments
thus to fulfill and glorify it within his messianic-life and
the life of his blood-brothers forever in eternity.

Nevertheless, before he was to do these things with Israel,
first he had to deliver them from the Egyptian captivity with
great sings, miracles and wonders by the invocation of his
holy name, so he may finally baptize them in the Red sea and
make them clean to receive the Holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments on the third day. Because, this is the Holy
Spirit not only of the Law to live by each day of their
entire lives on earth and in heaven as well, but also this is
the Holy Spirit that would, in due time, enter into the
preferred virgin daughter of King David, so Israel may see
and have the Son of God at last.

For it is the Son of God, the King Messiah, for Israel and
the nations thus to bring into them the holy life that not
only began, in good time, in Abraham and Isaac but also for
the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where the Holy
Spirit of the fulfilled and glorified commandments lives
there constantly in every one. Today, that is to say that in
heaven the Holy Spirit of the commandments, in the holy life
and blood of the King Messiah, lives entirely not only within
angels, archangels, seraphim, cherubim and other holy
creatures but also within Adam, Eve and the saved multitude
of nations as well from different times, races, tribes and
languages from everywhere.

Because, our heavenly Father created men to worship Him not
only as angels do in heaven, since the beginning of things in
the angelic kingdom, but also to serve and adore Him in the
love and victorious priesthood of His Son Jesus Christ, the
tree of life, for the glory and honor of the Holy Spirit of
His commandments. Therefore, on the third day Israel received
the Holy Spirit of the commandments, from the hands of Jesus
Christ at Sinai, the tree of life shining intensely, so they
may begin to live and experience what really is to have him
in their hearts and in their every day life not only within
Israel but also overseas, for the nations.

Because, Jesus Christ's victorious life over sin granted not
only by our heavenly Father to Israel but also they were to
take him into the idolater-life of the nations abroad, so sin
may die and disappear with Satan and thus only the light from
the tree of life would fill the entire earth each day as it
did at Sinai. Therefore, at Sinai, Moses began to believe in
Jesus Christ not only as his personal savior but also as the
savior of Israel and the nations that were to come into the
world by the thousands, as the sand of the seashores or as
the heavenly stars, according to the good early promises
given to Abraham by our heavenly Father.

On this day, Moses began to believe in Jesus Christ just as
Abraham and Isaac had believed in him at mount Moriah, for
example, just as our heavenly Father called him to offer his
only son, Isaac, in a young-bull blood burn sacrifice for the
forgiveness of sin and the salvation of his soul forever.
Prophetically, Israel began at Moriah, because Jesus Christ
himself from heaven halted Abraham from cutting his son Isaac
to pieces for the blood sacrifice that our heavenly Father
called him to do days earlier in a vision; therefore, when
Isaac continued to live, instead of dying like his parents,
Abraham and Sarah, then Israel blazed with Jesus Christ for

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ never
abandoned Abraham and Isaac, but he continued to exist for
them as their personal high priest and God's Lamb that not
only would give birth to a brand new everlasting nation,
Jacob himself, but he could remove their sins forever thus to
obey the commandments perpetually for the nations. Now, when
Moses received for the first time the two tables of the
commandments then he became born again not from the old human
spirit from Adam and Eve, or Abraham and Sarah, but from the
Holy Spirit of the commandments, which is eternally Jesus
Christ himself, the intake from the bread of obedience, from
the tree of life!

Subsequently, now that Moses had become born again from the
Holy Spirit of the first tables of the commandments, then
these first two tablets left violently his hands as he
descended from meeting Jesus Christ at Sinai, not only
because the Holy Spirit had given birth to a new man before
God but also because of Israel's abominable idol sin. And
Israel's sin consisted that they did not believe in Jesus
Christ entirely, when they should already believe in him
because of the miracles that his name performed for their
sake in Egypt, but also because they made for themselves a
golden calf and call it their liberator, their gods,
declaring themselves like this eternally unbeliever of Jesus

This sin of not only believing in Jesus Christ as God's
sacrificial immaculate Lamb just as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and
now Moses had believed within their hearts and confessed his
name with their lips, but they had replaced him with an
abominable golden idol that broke the Holy Spirit of the Ten
Commandments on earth for the first time. Therefore, the Holy
Spirit of the commandments left violently the arms of Moses
thus to descend to the heart of the earth, with the sinful
dead life of Moses and the sin of the entire House of Israel
of the golden calf as well, so Moses may resurrect on the
third day and not the unbelieving ancient House of Israel.

In other words, only Moses was able to resurrect on the third
day from the entire House of Israel, forget Aaron (he made
the golden calf), and because he believed within his heart
and confessed faithfully Jesus Christ as his savior and the
savior of his ancestors for the salvation of the nations,
then he continued to live forever. However, because Moses was
born again on the third day due to his faith in Jesus Christ,
then he had the mind, eyes and ears of the Son of God, so he
may be able to understand with his mind, see with his eyes
and hear with his ears each day of his life the every word of
Jesus Christ.

Therefore, this is why Moses was different from his Hebrew
brothers, because he had become born again in the Holy Spirit
thus to continue to believe Jesus Christ for the every day
service that he had ahead of him to take Israel into the
Promised Land; This also means that Moses and Israel had two
different spirits that conflicted constantly. For that
reason, the House of Israel could not live in the presence of
our heavenly Father anymore but only Moses, because he
believed in his heart, without doubt, and confessed with his
lips the savior of his living soul moreover confessed him as
the God of Abraham, Isaac and the entire House of Israel,
Jacob, for eternity.

That is why that our heavenly Father wanted to destroy the
entire House of Israel at Sinai, because not only they
refused to believe in Jesus Christ as their personal savior
from the Egyptian bondage, but also because they offended the
Holy Spirit of the commandments thus they could never
resurrect to life on the third day for Him. Sadly, Israel
with her tribes from the start died in the sight of our
heavenly Father, because they refused to believe within their
hearts and confess the holy miracle-working name of their
long-time brother, the Son of David, the only possible King
Messiah for their living souls on earth and in the brand-new
Jerusalem from heaven above, forever.

Now, even though they had left the Egyptian captivity under a
colossal cloud of miracles, wonders and great signs in the
heavens and on earth to receive their baptism in the Red sea,
symbolic messianic-blood wash, thus to buried under the
impenetrable sea floor their sins, they could not resurrect
from the desert within three days as Moses had earlier. All
of Israel was not only unbelieving to the holy and powerful
presence of Jesus Christ, within their lives in the land of
Goshen, in the desert and now at the foot of Sinai, but also
they could never resurrect to life on the third day just as
Moses resurrected when he began to believe in Jesus Christ
whole heartedly.

Therefore, since Israel could not believe in Jesus Christ but
only in the golden calf that they made with their hands, then
our heavenly Father could not live with them not even for a
moment more much less for a day or two, so he wanted to
slaughter them right there and then on the third day and
without delay. On the third day of the resurrection, our
heavenly Father said to Moses, I will destroy these people
because they have refused to believe in me through Jesus
Christ their eternal atoning-blood brother, therefore I will
make a new nation from you; and this will be a nation better
than Israel that will believe in Jesus Christ as their

Truly, on this day, our heavenly Father's good will for
Israel died, because he had brought Joseph into Egypt with
His Son Jesus Christ, so he may form a nation of people that
would believe in Him blindly, and this is, without the mind,
eyes and ears from Adam, but with the mind, eyes and ears of
His Son only. Then, there was our heavenly Father looking at
His people that He had started with Abraham and Isaac at
Moriah, and now they had emerged from Egypt unbelievers of
His Son Jesus Christ that could never be born again to
resurrect on the third day, then He just wanted to start
again but with Moses and a Christ like people.

With this brand-new nation that I will bring forth from you
that would believe in my dear Son Jesus Christ, our heavenly
Father revealed to Moses, I will introduce you into the
Promise Land that flows with milk and honey of the precious
and glorious life that is victorious over sin, death and
Satan for the nations forever. Nonetheless, Moses prayed for
Israel and asked our heavenly Father not to destroy them at
the foot of the Sinai as he had manifested it to him that he
would do with them right there and then, so he may have new
eternal-people that would believe within their hearts and
confess with their lips the name of Jesus Christ.

Now, the reason that our heavenly Father wanted to make new
people directly from Moses, it was because he had a different
spirit from the rest of the Hebrews from Egypt, and this was
that he had the Holy Spirit of the commandments when he
became born-again as he believed whole heartily in the name
of Jesus Christ. On the contrary, the Hebrews had not changed
all together, they continued to live in the body, soul and
rebellious spirit from Adam that refused entirely to eat and
obey every day of his life in the name of Jesus Christ, so
they may be born to become a Christ like nation, for the
glory of His glorious-name on earth.

Therefore, since our heavenly Father heard his faithful
servant's prayer then He desisted from destroying the Hebrews
at Sinai thus to make a new start with people filled with the
Holy Spirit of His dear Son Jesus Christ, the only possible
King Messiah and liberator of the House of Israel from Egypt
and the entire sinful world forever, as well. However, our
heavenly Father warned Moses that the soul that sins against
him with the wrong sacrifice or the wrong spirit within his
life that is not Jesus Christ himself, then he would call him
into account, for this abominable sin in the Day of Judgment
thus to condemn him forever for his wicked actions against
His will and commandments.

Moreover, the soul that he may find responsible of sin for
not having claimed Jesus Christ as his high priest and God's
Lamb with the atoning-blood for his personal-salvation, then
He will erase his name from the book of life, and deny him
the right to enter into His eternal rest in heaven, the
brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above. The seventh-day-rest
of our heavenly Father is none other than Jesus Christ
himself again, because our Lord Jesus Christ possesses not
only the holy atoning-blood for the supreme sacrifice that
covers sin and destroys evil forever, but also he is the
founder of the restful Sabbath on earth and in heaven for his
children and His holy faithful angels, too.

(Note: Sabbath's keepers may be sabotages of the true
Sabbath. That is to say, also that this is a day of rest and
only by covenant claim, for the believer in Jesus Christ that
is, while all others are trespassers. We can see clearly
that, when Jesus Christ ministered the word of our heavenly
Father and its glorious powers of miracles, healing,
salvation and even resurrection for the dead, then, as the
Sabbath came the Jews wanted to rest with him, believe or
not, but it was impossible for this to happen forever.

Truly, it was impossible for Jesus Christ to rest with them
because they rejected him, moreover because he vowed angrily
once (Sal. 95: 11), that they will never enter into his place
of rest, the Sabbath from paradise, unless, of course, they
repent first and claim him as their long-time brother and
believe him as their forefathers did, Abraham and so forth.
Nowadays, Jesus Christ is the eternal rest for our heavenly
Father's work and for his children and angels as well, since
the days after Egypt and for eternity in the brand-new
Jerusalem from heaven above, where Jesus Christ is not longer
rejected but accepted and well received by every one.)

Afterward, from that time on, our heavenly Father had
personally cast out from His presence and rest those that may
refuse to believe within their hearts and confess with their
lips the name of Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and
Sabbath of their living souls on earth and in heaven, for the
glory and honor of his loved name. Because, only with those
that believe and confess His Son Jesus Christ, that is to
say, born again within the Holy Spirit of the glorified
commandments, nowadays, are the ones, truly speaking, by the
millions from the nations of the entire world, from which our
heavenly Father would be very happy to change the earth into
an everlasting sabbatical paradise.

For this is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ told Moses
to inform the Egyptian Pharaoh that he was to release them
from Egypt to a new land where they would make sacrifices to
our heavenly for forgiveness and the eternal salvation for
their living souls; divinely, ancient Israel born to make the
eternal atoning-blood sacrifice for humankind's salvation.
Moreover, these sacrifices consisted of two of their Hebrews
brothers crucified with Jesus Christ in the middle of them,
nailed to the old-dead crossed trees of Adam and Eve over the
holy hill of Jerusalem, in Israel, so to shed his holy blood
to cover their sins and do away with the angel of death
forever within the human race.

For it is written in the Law that, with the testimony of two
or three witnesses any case will settle legally before our
heavenly Father in any court of law (Det. 19: 15), thereafter
these two Hebrews that died with Jesus Christ on each of his
sides descended with him to the heart of the earth, to defeat
death forever. These witnesses that died crucified with Jesus
Christ over the holy hill of Jerusalem will not only testify
in the heavenly courts in the presence of angels and of every
man, woman and child on earth that Jesus Christ died for
their sins to resurrect on the third day, but also they will
testify the same and continually for eternity.

That is to say, also that these two witnesses that died
crucified with Jesus Christ, then they also resurrected with
him to the highest heavens for the glory and honor of our
heavenly Father on earth and in heaven for the brand-new
Jerusalem from above, where every body believes and confesses
Jesus Christ just as the angels do since eternity. For these
are the specific blood sacrifices that our heavenly Father
took initially Israel from Egypt to execute, in due time, in
the Promised Land and over its holy hill outside Jerusalem
thus for His Son Jesus Christ to finish with sin, lies,
curses, death, hell and Satan forever by the supernatural
shedding of his eternal atoning holy blood.

Primarily, only for these sacrifices our heavenly Father
expected not only Israel to execute, in good time, but also
to serve and honor Him faithfully around it each day of their
entire lives on earth and in the brand-new celestial
Jerusalem, where the eternal atoning-blood sacrifice
continues to be the life for paradise and for the entire
human race, forever. Now, that is why our heavenly Father did
not allow the Hebrews from Egypt to enter the Promised Land
with Moses or Joshua, because they failed to believe and
acknowledge the name of Jesus Christ, moreover they still had
within their hearts the golden-calf powder as their false-
savior, unfortunately; Moses made them drink it wholly,
because they cursed their Savior.

Therefore, only their children entered with Joshua into the
Promised Land, because their hearts manifested cleanness and
purity from this terrible and abominable spirit of the
golden-idol that their fathers created with their hands at
the foot of the Sinai thus to make it their eternal savior
instead of Jesus Christ, sad to say regrettably. Moreover,
today as in the days of captivity, our heavenly Father waits
for Israel to abandon their old rebellious golden-calf
worship at Sinai, so they may return to worship and serve Him
at the eternal and only true holy atoning-blood sacrificed of
Sinai's top Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the
beginning of their promised brand-new eternal life.

Truly, just as in the days of old at Sinai, our heavenly
Father wants to see not only Israel but every nation equally
worshiping and serving Him faithfully not from the worship of
idols from the Vatican and lying doctrines, but from the true
and only holy atoning ancient blood-sacrificed of His Son
Jesus Christ, so they may live forever. Because, our heavenly
Father would want to destroy you just as he was ready to kill
the first Hebrews from Egypt as they erroneously turned their
backs against Jesus Christ to worship an idol just as the
ones that Satan fabricated from the Vatican for the nations
throughout history, for example, thus to destroy your entire
life forever in hell.

Truly, today and just as in the days from the Egyptian
escape, the Hebrews could only be safe serving and worshiping
our heavenly Father around His glorious and everlasting
atoning-blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the never-ending
resurrection from the third day thus to abandon sin, death,
hell and darkness for the light of the tree of life, on
earth. That is to say, also that only through this supreme
holy atoning-blood sacrifice, our heavenly Father will accept
you as His son on earth and heaven, so you may enjoy peace
and the never-ending happiness of a blissful-life with its
glorious miracles and great wonders, manifesting within your
every day life and even beyond the end of time, as well.

Strictly, with this holy atoning-blood sacrifice of His Son
Jesus Christ, our heavenly Father will never visit you with
His hot-anger and fury as He did with the ancient wrongdoers
against Jesus Christ, but He will visit you with powerful
blessings each time you invoke His Son: blessings greater
than the ones from the old days will accompany you today!
Because, the name of Jesus Christ to our heavenly Father is
very holy, so holy that is above all the other names from the
powerful and glorious angels, archangels, cherubim, seraphim
and other holy creatures from the angelic kingdom that will
not only wash you clean from sin, but also it will give you a
fill of glory from heaven.

Justly, with the name of Jesus Christ living within your
heart, which accurately represents the supernatural holy
ancient atoning-blood sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ over
the holy hill of Jerusalem, our heavenly Father will only
want to do great things for you and for your loved alike,
every step of your entire life on earth and forever in
eternity. That is to say, also that you will be a powerful
blessing on earth and heaven as well, so you may live each
day of your entire life enjoying His life with its full
angelic blessings, so you may be a fountain of blissful-
blessings, health, liberty, wealth and prosperity to others,
for the glory and honor of our heavenly Father.

This means that you will never finish in the hands, of the
angel of death in hell because of the lies from Satan and his
wicked followers, however, you will continue to live secured
on earth and in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven, so you
may breathe life joyfully always with your loved ones and
with all its glories, too. Truly, with Jesus Christ living
within your heart you have fulfilled our heavenly Father's
will thus to open a door from heaven within your life that it
will never close shut but it will remain open, so you may
live in peace and always enjoying the wonderful blissful-
blessing of a miracle-life that it will only want to enrich
you constantly.

In addition, our Lord Jesus Christ will do great things
within your life and the life of your loved ones as well, not
only because he has promised to do it, but also because he
truly loves you just as much as he has always loved our
heavenly Father in the heavens, since the beginning of all
things in eternity. Moreover, Jesus Christ demonstrated his
faithful love to you by not only descending from heaven to be
born from the preferred virgin daughter of King David, by the
supernatural power of the Holy Spirit of the commandments,
but also he fulfilled them for Israel and the nations so he
may pay with his own life the penalties of our

Really, Jesus Christ paid the penalties of your sins by
shedding his atoning-blood not just over any tree or hill,
but he did it with the dead crossed trees from our ancestors,
Adam and Eve and, over the holy hill outside Jerusalem with
his two Hebrew brothers on his side that testify of his
supreme-sacrifice of reparation-blood for your sake. These
two Hebrew witnesses testify faithfully ever since the third
day of the resurrection from the dead with Jesus Christ thus
not only to give their accurate-testimonies about him within
the heart of the earth but also in heaven, in Israel and in
every nation of the entire world, so you may know his love
for you today and forevermore.

This is the reason that our heavenly Father longs for every
man, woman and child from the House of Israel to return to
Him lawfully, but only through the holy atoning-blood
sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ, so they may resurrect with
him today into a brand-new birth from the Holy Spirit of the
glorified commandments, for a victorious angelic-life. Truly,
our Lord Jesus Christ is the best blessing of your entire
life on earth today and he will continue to be the same
blissful-blessing in the heaven with our heavenly Father and
His glorified Holy Spirit of the commandments, so you may
become His legitimate son forever, starting here, by invoking
his name, your only personal birth to heaven.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the same spiritual birth within our
hearts and living souls before our heavenly Father just as he
was the birth of Israel with Isaac, in the life of Abraham
and Sarah his wife, for example, in the beginning of Israel,
Jesus Christ, and the eternal sacrifice that opened wide the
door for the resurrection day. Therefore, if today you hear
his voice, then do not harden your heart to sin against Jesus
Christ as our ancestors did all over the earth and in
paradise initially with Adam and Eve, which eliminated
dangerously our celestial angelic-lives, because they believe
Satan's lies to their destruction and ruin, instead of
believing in Jesus Christ to the full.

Actually, our heavenly Father calls you not to deny Jesus
Christ but give him a chance within your heart, so he may not
only give you His Holy Spirit with His miracles and great
wonders for your every day life, but also He will change you
to be a brand-new man, woman or child for the glory of his
name. Today, you may be born again, just as Israel did with
Abraham and Isaac, if you only believe within your heart and
confess with your mouth the holy name of Jesus Christ just as
Moses did at Sinai's summit also, so you may enter into his
place of rest as you have never experience it before within
your entire life.

Carta del Cielo:


Truly, Abraham had a heart, eyes, ears and a mind that really
understood our heavenly Father's desire to have a Son of His
own born on earth, so he may live for Him within the heart of
every man, woman and child from all the families of the
nations of the entire earth, for the glory of His name.
Really, Abraham was a man that "understood our heavenly
Father's needs to have a Son of His own" on earth with his
individual life that was coming to an end, because his wife
Sarah was already ninety, and she could not be a mother of
his children anymore.

In addition, because Abraham was able to understand our
heavenly Father's needs, then he not only became known as the
friend of God but also as a powerfully blessed man in
everything he did in his life and the lives of his loved
ones, due to the constant presence of Jesus Christ, the soon
coming Messiah into the world! That is to say, also that
Abraham became blessed powerfully, much more than any other
man on earth, because our heavenly Father had given the holy
life of His Son Jesus Christ, so he may not only be with him
all the time thus to bless and protect him but also to enrich
his life in every thing he did.

This is to say, also that everything that began within the
life of Abraham, whether was big or small, indeed, it was
because of Jesus Christ acting around the clock within his
heart and entire life, and the same is true for every one of
his sons and daughters within the house of Israel and the
multitude of nations. Therefore, Abraham was a man full of
the presence of our heavenly Father, thanks to Jesus Christ,
the tree of life from paradise and the soon coming King
Messiah to the not yet born house of Israel and the multitude
of nations of the entire world, as well, for the glory and
honor of His everlasting holy name.

In fact, our heavenly Father through Jesus Christ that was
living within his heart and entire life then blessed
everything mightily directly from heaven, that Abraham
started in his life and even in the lives of others, as well,
so the people of the nations may see His glory constantly
descending from heaven to do great things for them. Moreover,
believe it or not, our heavenly Father continues to do the
same thing with every one that dares to be as faithful to Him
through Jesus Christ as Abraham did, for example, in his days
of life on earth, so His glory may continue to manifest
everywhere around the world.

Because, the desire of our heavenly Father to have a Son on
earth, in truth, had become Abraham's desire as well to have
a son of his own with his wife Sarah's sterile womb, and that
is why that our heavenly Father never ceased to bless him and
his coming sons and daughters through the generations,
beginning with Isaac. Since then, those who trust in our Lord
Jesus Christ are as secured as mount Zion: The enemy will
never defeat them, for they will endure forever in His
presence, because the holy name of our living Savior dwells
within their hearts for the glory and honor of His name and
of the Holy Spirit of His perfect commandments.

This is exactly what Abraham knew very well within his heart
that our heavenly Father blesses and protects nowadays all
those that trust Him, but only through the wonderful and
glorious name of His beloved Son Jesus Christ; for there are
powerful miracles acting forces on behalf of those that only
believe in his holy name, Jesus Christ of Nazareth! For the
reason that every time when, the name of Jesus Christ enters
into the heart and life of man, woman and child from all the
families of the nations of the entire world, then it descends
miraculously with powerful miracles and great wonders from
heaven, and this is directly from our heavenly Father thus to
enrich their lives powerfully.

This means that Satan and his darkness have to disappear from
the heart and life of those that have invoked and believed in
the name of Jesus Christ just as Abraham did in his days, for
example, thus to fulfill all truth and righteousness within
his life, the lives of his loved ones and acquaintances, too.
Therefore, Abraham through the years of his life, indeed,
learned that he was like our heavenly Father Himself that
needed to have a Son of His own but on earth that was sterile
to have a Son savior that is, just as he personally wanted to
have a son of his own through his wife Sarah's sterile womb,
for example.

Then, for this to happen within his dying-life, Abraham had
to wait for most of his entire life and even to the point
from which it was impossible for him to bear a son; indeed,
Abraham was understanding our heavenly Father's great needs
to have a Son of His own on earth, even deeper than ever
before as time past. What is more, our heavenly Father helped
Abraham to understand His personal needs, the need to have a
divine Son on earth, His only begotten Son that is, so he may
never die but instead he may continue to live forever and
ever, not only on earth but also in His brand-new city from
heaven above, The brand-new celestial Jerusalem!

Subsequently, because Abraham learned to understand our
heavenly Father's desire to have a Son on earth, then they
became close friends as never any man on earth or angel in
paradise had been that close to Him: really, Abraham became
so close to our heavenly Father that he became as Jesus
Christ himself in His presence-and that is power! Aside from
human understanding, then to be close to our heavenly Father
was power for Abraham and his loved ones, and the same is
true today with any one that dares to believe within his
heart and confess with his lips the name of His Son, the Son
of David and King Messiah for Israel, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Truly, this was a very exciting moment for not only our
heavenly Father and His angels but for the entire human race,
as well, that not only changed the course of the life for
eternity of every man, woman and child on earth, but also for
the entire earth all together. Because, now our heavenly
Father could make the earth a paradise, even though it was a
place of darkness, nonetheless, if he could get a nation as
Israel to follow Him faithfully as Abraham did with Jesus
Christ, then this was going to be possible and very soon too,
believe it or not-the fullness of paradise on earth.

Then, at last, our heavenly Father had managed to have a man
on earth that would not only understand His needs to have a
Son with humankind, but also Abraham became His special
friend forever; and, nowadays, this ancient and supernatural
friendship between man and God anchors supernaturally within
the Spirit of faith of His Son Jesus Christ only. Moreover,
it was through this relationship from which our heavenly
Father began to bless Abraham in so many ways even to the
point to grant him a son of his own, and this would be a very
especial son indeed that would be born from his wife Sarah's
sterile womb-Isaac-the birth of Israel and the multitude of

Literally, this son that our heavenly Father was granting
Abraham to have, in truth, it was a son that had become part
of his entire life, even before he was to be born from his
wife's sterile womb, the materialization of his personal
faith in our heavenly Father for eternity, indeed, Jesus
Christ, the first and last born of Israel! Truly, this was a
son that our heavenly Father was granting Abraham to have
that would not only come out from a lifeless rock, as in
Sarah's sterile womb, but it would be His only begotten Son
nailed to the crossed trees of Adam and Eve over the holy
hill outside Jerusalem, in Israel, for the beginning of the

Then this will be, indeed, for the end of sin and the
beginning of a brand-new life in eternity not only on earth
for the entire human race, beginning with Abraham first, but
also for the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, the
eternal capital not only for the entire house of Israel but
for the multitude of nations, as well. That is why that just
as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem nowadays, for
example, so our Lord Jesus Christ surrounds and protects his
people everywhere, both now and forever and ever in heaven as
in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, where the every
word of the heart and mouth of men, women and children is
eternal truth only.

Furthermore, this is the same protection that our heavenly
Father not only granted Abraham to enjoy in his days, because
he believed in His needs to have a Perfect and Holy Son on
earth, but also to every one of His sons and daughters as
well throughout the earth, beginning with the house of Israel
first, of course. Truly, Jesus Christ is the protection that
our heavenly Father not only granted Abraham to have but also
to every man, woman and child on earth so they may escape the
darkness of sin and the terrible destruction from the angel
of death, in this life and in the next life to come, as well,
for ever and ever.

That is to say, also that with Jesus Christ in his heart,
then Abraham was not only pleasing our heavenly Father's
divine-truth, but also he was telling Satan and his followers
that he had the angelic protection against his evils and
wicked scams on earth and in the life beyond, so he may live
and never die to his hidden-deceptions. Because, in this
life, if you do not have Jesus Christ living within your
heart as our heavenly Father commanded Adam and Eve to have
him first in paradise, for example, then you exposed yourself
daily to the terrible dangers from Satan and his devils thus
to attack and kill you, your loved ones and friends, as well,
at any moment.

That is why that you need Jesus Christ living within your
heart each day of your entire life, just as Abraham in the
beginning, so you may escape the wilds from Satan and his
wicked followers everywhere in the entire world and even
beyond all eternity, as well, like hell and the lake of fire,
for our heavenly Father's glory. In reality, Jesus Christ is
more important in your life than anything on earth or in
paradise that you may be able to think of; truly, without
Jesus Christ "you do not have a contract or covenant" with
our heavenly Father for peace, life, protection and
prosperity with all its wonderful every day miracle and
marvelous signs of never-ending blessings.

That is why that our heavenly Father needed to introduce His
powerful Spirit of faith in the life of men as soon as
possible, so people may not die deceived by Satan and his
devils, but they may escape and live with Him forever, and
this is why that Abraham's unique-faith was very important on
earth then, and nowadays too. Furthermore, that is why that
for those that have the faith of Jesus Christ living within
their hearts, by invoking his holy name with their lips, then
they will be forever and ever as strong and powerful as mount
Zion is in the highest heavens for our heavenly Father and
His Holy Spirit these days and forevermore in eternity.

Justly, they will never know defeat by any of Satan's
deceptions or lie, but they will endure in the presence of
our heavenly Father, until the end of time, and even beyond
eternity, as well, because the faith in the name of Jesus
Christ knows no frontiers nor boundaries on this earth or in
the next life to come, forever. Therefore, the wicked will
not rule over our heavenly Father's families, so the godly
might not come to do what the enemy do always, and this is to
do what is wrong and evil in His sight thus to cause great
displeasure within His holy heart and the rise of His hot
anger and fury against the entire earth.

Truly, this was something that Abraham understood very well,
and this is that our heavenly Father is not willing to see
the ungodly rule over the godly, and for Him to stop this
evil on earth, then He needed to have Jesus Christ living
within the heart of men, so only the just will rule always in
His sight. That is why also that it was very important for
our heavenly Father to start a family on earth from where the
center of its life would be the gift of His Son, Jesus
Christ, in the case of Abraham was Isaac, for example,
because the promise of salvation for the human race and the
earth began with Isaac's birth.

That is to say, also that if our heavenly Father could have a
nation that would obey and follow Him with the birth, life,
death, resurrection of the third day and the return to heaven
of His Son Jesus Christ, the King Messiah, then He could not
only change the life of one nation but of all of them, too.
This means that our heavenly Father would have had the power
to change the entire earth into an earthly paradise, filled
with the milk and honey of the glorious life of His Son Jesus
Christ, the tree of life from paradise and the entire angelic
Kingdom, so men will live freely with Him as brothers-and
this is blissful-heaven forever.

Because, our heavenly Father did not call His people to raise
Him to anger but to please Him only with the precious and
glorious faith of invoking the name of His beloved Son Jesus
Christ as Abraham did, so truth and righteousness may fulfill
in due time within the heart and life of his sons and
daughters throughout the earth. For our heavenly Father is
always searching from heaven for the truth, righteousness,
perfection and justice of His Son Jesus Christ within the
heart and life of every man, woman and child-and all these
wonderful blessings exist these days within the life and
powerful invocation of the name of Jesus Christ, without the
slightest doubt.

Therefore, our heavenly Father do always good to those that
invoke the glorious and precious name of His dear Son Jesus
Christ: truthfully, they are His personal especial treasure
on earth and in heaven as well eternally, so they may always
please His Holy Spirit of truth, righteousness and never-
ending perfection of His eternal commandments. For those that
invoke the name of His Son Jesus Christ, indeed, they do good
to our heavenly Father every time as Abraham did, because
they walk in the right Spirit within their hearts and lives
thus to make truth and justice prospers all the time within
their lives, the lives of their loved ones and friends, as

Consequently, those that believe within their hearts and
confess Jesus Christ as Abraham did in the presence of our
heavenly Father, then they belong to His daily glory today
and forevermore in eternity, thanks to the never-ending
forgiveness and blessings of His Son's grace; really, it
seems that Jesus Christ is the heart of our heavenly Father
on earth forever. These days, if you were to talk to Abraham
for few moments or just see few days of his life on earth,
and then you would ask him, if Jesus Christ is actually the
living heart of our heavenly Father before His faithful
angels in heaven and mankind on earth?

Then Abraham would tell you, without the slightest doubt
within his heart that he believes powerfully that Jesus
Christ is the living heart of our heavenly Father on earth
just as it is in heaven nowadays, for example, with all His
holy angels and the saved nations from past generations of
the entire earth. Also, Abraham would answer your question
like this, because he lived his entire life with his wife
Sarah waiting for Jesus Christ to bless them powerfully with
a newborn, Isaac, the son of the promise; that is to say,
also that Abraham was in Jesus Christ from head to foot, and
no one could challenge his faith in him forever.

Since then and now, our Lord Jesus Christ is the only
existing powerful truth, perfection and righteousness in
heaven and on earth for our heavenly Father and His Holy
Spirit thus to enter with supernatural joy within the heart
of every man, woman and child within the house of Israel and
the nations of the entire world, as well. Because, the truth
is that when Jesus Christ becomes part of your heart and of
your entire life, then the peace, joy, happiness and some
other supernatural powers of miracles and great marvelous
things will begin to exist or to take place by the thousands
if not millions within the every moment of your entire life,
believe it or not.

Moreover, these are miracles and great wonders on earth and
in paradise for your sake that really not only belonged to
Abraham since the start of all things with Israel but also
they belong to you, because our heavenly Father called
Abraham to be the father of not one nation but of multitude
of nations, thanks to Jesus Christ! This means also that
everything that Abraham began to have as he invoked the name
of Jesus Christ within his life, then our heavenly Father
granted him to have blessings not just for his personal life
and for his wife Sarah but also for each one of his offspring
by the millions, as well, beginning with Isaac, for example.

That is to say, that every blessing that has ever come down
from heaven into the life of Israel, it is not only because
of Abraham's faith in Jesus Christ, but it has been because
of the desire of our heavenly Father to see all those that
believe and confess His Son's name, Hebrews and Gentiles
alike, be blessed too. For that reason, Jesus Christ is very
powerful within our hearts and in every day life on earth, in
paradise, and in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above,
so we may only know the real life from heaven and directly
from our heavenly Father, for the glory and honor of His holy
name these days and for all eternity, forever.

Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ is the one that is here
today to bless and protect us by providing all of our needs
according to our heavenly Father's perfect and glorious will
within our daily lives on earth; what is more, Jesus Christ
is the one that defeats our enemies every hour of day and
well into eternity, as well. For this reason, our heavenly
Father sends away from His presence those that turn away from
His Son, thus to walk in the crooked-ways of the wicked of
the earth, as Cain did to destroy his own brother Abel, in a
moment of disobedience and darkness within his heart, because
he did not know the value to love Jesus Christ.

Truly, our heavenly Father turns them away from us each day
those that speaks and do evil thus to make others sin in His
sight and against His glorious Plan of Salvation, Jesus
Christ himself, the tree of life, for His chosen people,
Israel, and the rest of the nations of the entire world, by
the thousands over the ages. Only then, Israel with the
multitude of nations will finally have quietness and peace
forever and ever within His precious heart and glorious
presence of our Lord and Maker of our living souls on earth
and in the brand-new Jerusalem from heaven above, amen!

Indeed, Abraham was a man that understood very well our
heavenly Father's needs to have a Son of His own within his
life and within the life of each one of his loved ones and
friends, as you and I today, for example, all over the entire
world, my dear friend. Now, would you also understand our
heavenly Father's divine needs just as Abraham did in his
days on earth and even in heaven nowadays, and this is to
have a Son of His own Jesus Christ, the Son of David, the
tree of life living within your heart, and within the heart
of your loved ones and friends, as well, forever?

What is your prefer answer to this ancient question? I pray
that your answer will concur with Abraham's classical answer
within your life, so new and ancient blessing from our
heavenly Father's covenant of peace, love, power, truth,
justice, health, wealth and, last but not least, the entire
eternal life from His tree of life, our dear Lord Jesus
Christ, may begin within you today and forevermore in

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man
comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yehoshua,
and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead,
then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 310
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the
dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your
personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the
NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the
BLOOD THE SINS of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to
you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and
believe in your heart
that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified,
and it is with
your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who
trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no
difference between
Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not--
just the same, the Lord is
Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for,
"Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe
that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to
turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my
personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ
as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? Or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? Or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a
wonderful new life
with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better.
Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday.
Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy
Spirit of God,
worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and
gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is
the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include
me in your
prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven.
You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in
Heaven; Jesus
suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood
and Died on the Cross
of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the
Holy of Holiest. That
is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy
Spirit, and all the Holy
Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest
too. I most
add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY
ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to
GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON,
JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.

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