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Mozilla security vulnerability, and reporting Mozilla security bugs

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Frank Hecker

May 1, 2002, 9:26:44 PM5/1/02
Recently there have been public reports of a security vulnerability in
the Mozilla open source web browser and Internet client. Note that a fix
for that particular vulnerability has now been checked into the Mozilla
source tree, will be available in new Mozilla nightly builds, and will
be included in the Mozilla 1.0 release. For further details on the
vulnerability and the fix please see bug report 141061 in the Mozilla
project's bug database, as well as the related bugs 141348, 141453 and
141551 [1]. On behalf of the Mozilla community we at thank
all the people who participated in discovering, reporting,
investigating, and fixing this bug.

We encourage people to report any and all bugs in Mozilla, including
security-related bugs, to the Mozilla project. As a reminder for future
bug reporters, the Mozilla project has a formal policy for handing
reports of security vulnerabilities; this policy was created after
extensive discussions between staff and the public Mozilla
community. The main elements of this policy are as follows:

* Anyone who believes they have found a Mozilla-related security
vulnerability can and should report it by sending email to the address

* We may keep information in the Mozilla bug database about the
vulnerability confidential for a limited period of time, during which
time the vulnerability will be investigated and (if possible) a fix

* The reporter of the vulnerability is invited to work with Mozilla
developers to investigate and fix the vulnerability. The bug reporter
will be granted access to the confidential information in the Mozilla
bug database relating to the vulnerability, and may at their discretion
publicly disclose that information at any time.

* Once disclosed, information in the Mozilla bug database relating to
the vulnerability will be publicly available for viewing by any
interested party.

For more details, see the full policy document [2]; any questions about
the policy should be directed to staff at
Note that vendors of Mozilla-based products may have their own policies
and procedures relating to reports of security vulnerabilities;
questions about those policies and procedures should be directed to
those vendors.

Public reports about the recent Mozilla vulnerability have also
mentioned a "Bugs Bounty" program offered by Netscape. We applaud vendor
efforts to provide appropriate recognition to those who report bugs.
However note that the "Bugs Bounty" program and similar vendor-sponsored
initiatives are independent of the public Mozilla project;
does not oversee or control such programs, nor does operate
its own such program.



Frank Hecker

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