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Message To America's Students: The War, The Draft, Your Future

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Apr 11, 2004, 6:07:11 PM4/11/04
We have been down this road before.

U.S. troops sent to war half a world away. American foreign policy
controlled by an arrogant elite, bent on projecting military power
around the globe. A public misled into supporting an unconstitutional
war founded on deceit and fabrications.

As the death toll mounts, we hear claims that the war is nearly won,
that victory is just around the corner. But victory never arrives.

As the public loses confidence in the government, the government
questions the patriotism of any who express doubt about the war.

When a presidential election arrives, both the Democrat and Republican
nominees embrace the policy of continued war.

The military draft comes to dominate the lives of America's young, and
vast numbers who believe the war to be a senseless blunder are faced
with fighting a war they do not believe in, or facing exile or prison.

The year was 1968. Because voters had no choice that November, the
Vietnam War continued for another six years. Hundreds of thousands of
Americans like you died, were maimed, or suffered from diseases like
malaria. A far greater number of Vietnamese died.

Today, the war is in the quicksands and alleys of Iraq. Once again,
under the pressure of a determined resistance, we see an American war
policy being slowly torn apart at the seams, while the candidates urge
us to "stay the course" in this tragic misadventure. Today's
Presidential candidates are not Nixon and Humphrey, they are now Bush
and Kerry.

Once again, there is one overriding truth: If war is the only choice in
this election, then war we will have.

Today enlistments in the Reserves and National Guard are declining. The
Pentagon is quietly recruiting new members to fill local draft boards,
as the machinery for drafting a new generation of young Americans is
being quietly put into place.

Young Americans need to know that a train is coming, and it could run
over their generation in the same way that the Vietnam War devastated
the lives of those who came of age in the sixties.

I am running for President, and have been against this war from the
beginning. We must not waste lives in order to control and waste more
oil. Stand with us and we may yet salvage your future and Americas'
future from this looming disaster.

Ralph Nader


and France.
French law enforcement estimates that the PKK smuggles 80 percent of the
heroin in Paris." Cilluffo is Deputy Director, Global Organized Crime
Program Counterterrorism Task Force at Washington, D.C.'s Center for
Strategic and International Studies.

This same testimony reveals the Nepal Communist Party, ".turned to drug
trafficking for funding. Nepal serves as a hub for hashish trafficking in
Asia." The CIA Fact Book lists Nepal as a major source for heroin from
Southeast Asia to the West.

The South Asia Terrorism Portal wrote of the Nepal Communist Party: "The
Maoists (Nepal) draw inspiration from the 'Revolutionary International
Movement', among whose affiliate is the American Revolutionary Communist
Party that provides them their ideological sustenance. Observers have
noticed striking similarities in the policies and guerilla tactics adopted
by the Maoists and those of the Shining Path of Peru.. Maoist violence has
already cost Nepal several hundred lives and destruction of property worth
millions of rupees. In 1996, the year the insurgency commenced, 82 people
were killed. This figure included insurgents, security forces, personnel and
civilians. During the next year, total killings came down by half - 38
people died. The following year, in 1998, after the Maoists intensified
their program of violence, 408 people were killed - nearly an elevenfold
increase in the number of deaths over the previous year. Ever since, the
death toll has been on the rise. By late 2000 the death toll has risen to
over 2,100. As of August 2002, nearly 5,000 lives have been lost to the
insurgency "

Shining Path sent congratulations to RIM for its first anniversary in May of
1985. The Central Committee wrote, "...the people's war in our country
continues to blaze defiantly, expanding, spreading its roots and preparing
for newer and higher tasks, guided always by Marxism-Leninism-Maoism,
battling for the emancipation

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