Upcoming bronco pickup game: December

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John Lee

Nov 7, 2021, 11:16:55 PM11/7/21
to netrek-forever
Upcoming bronco game!

Saturday Dec 4 @ 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern.

In Melbourne, Sunday Dec 5 @ 1pm

On pickled!  See you there! 😀 


John Lee

Dec 1, 2021, 2:43:49 PM12/1/21
to netrek-...@googlegroups.com
Reminder: bronco pickup this weekend!

Hope to see you there.   :-D


From: netrek-...@googlegroups.com <netrek-...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of John Lee <John_...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Sunday, November 7, 2021 8:16:52 PM
To: netrek-forever <netrek-...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [netrek-forever] Upcoming bronco pickup game: December
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Darrell Root

Dec 3, 2021, 3:16:09 AM12/3/21
to netrek-...@googlegroups.com, Darrell Root

I’m pleased to announce the release of Java Netrek version 1.0.3!  Just in time for this weekend’s game:

Saturday Dec 4 @ 6pm Pacific / 9pm Eastern.
In Melbourne, Sunday Dec 5 @ 1pm
On pickled!

Grab the most recent .jar in the most recent release at:

It runs on MacOS! (But I’d rather you ran my Swift client from the MacOS App Store ;-)
It runs on Linux Mint!
It runs on Windows! (But my windows box doesn’t have audio, so audio is untested but hoped to work…let me know)

On MacOS you may need to right-click to run.
Windows will resist downloading the .jar because it “may damage your computer”.  You can click on the right to force it to download.
You will need a Java runtime environment.  This runs on the old JRE 1.8 or newer, so you can go to https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/downloads/ and get the “Java for Consumers” if you don’t want a full JDK.

Sound is working from the .jar by double-clicking!  (Thank you kwadroke and asolutioncompany for help in their GitHub issue submissions)
Resizing is mostly working.
Team and message views are in their normal locations.
Jarfile is downgraded to run on JRE 1.8, which includes the “Java for Consumers” download from Oracle.

Known issues:

No properties / custom keycap support.
Audio is not tested on Windows but is believed to work
Orbit path is a bit off after resizing the window
Ship size does not resize
Fonts seem small and unpleasant on my Windows box
Definitely needs some memory and CPU profiling

As always, honor and glory to Robert Temple who originally wrote it in Java 1.2.

Hope to see you Saturday during the game!


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