Hello everyone,
I am writing to ask you for help in implementing my code. To optimize the parameters of my network built in NetPyNE, I started by modifying the netpyne_batch_evol code, inserting my network and adapting the fitness function. The problem I encountered is that although I have minimized the population size for each generation, the program is unable to move effectively to the second generation. Wanting to investigate whether the block resided in my part of the code or in the batch in general, I tried to run the original code (netpyne_batch_evol, downloaded directly from GitHub) and the type of error that occurs is the same: the program reaches the number maximum number of iterations without being able to perform the optimization.
The following screenshot is the iteration output.
I hope you can help me solve this problem, any assistance you could give me in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Irene Bettini
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to solve the problem despite your comprehensive help.
Regrettably, I have not yet been able to resolve the issue despite your thorough assistance. I've carefully examined the problem from the beginning, re-downloading the code from the provided link and executing it. The generations run successfully, generating all the specified files, including both the .run and .err files (though the latter only contains that kind of messages).
However, the .data files are not being saved, except in the singular instance where the iteration concludes successfully (occurs only once, consistently in the first generation).
I've also conducted a test to verify that the issue doesn't lie in the mpi_bulletin execution, as indicated on the website https://neuron.yale.edu/neuron/static/docs/neuronpython/ballandstick5.html, and it passed successfully.
May the issue stem from the fact that the batch function is not supported in the Visual Studio simulation (where I have previously programmed successfully)?
Is there any profiling procedure on the code that can be carried on to identify the issue? Can other implemented examples help in identifying it?
Thanks for any further help you may provide.
Best regards,
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