Re: NetNewsWire only performs a single Refresh.

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Oct 11, 2013, 8:31:40 AM10/11/13
I have been having the same issue.

On Wednesday, August 29, 2012 8:05:07 PM UTC-5, Miro wrote:
Hi everyone,

I've been starting to encounter a weird NetNewsWire issue on my new Mac when I ported over all my old Mac's information, including NetNewsWire. Now, NNW will do a single "Refresh All" when I start the program, and the button will remain grayed-out until I close the program and restart it. So essentially, there won't ever be another "Refresh All" event in 30 minutes, like it's supposed to. The only way to perform a refresh is to close the program and restart it -- which is quite infuriating.

Here's what the refresh log looks like every time:

It doesn't matter how many subscriptions I have, so I don't believe it's any subscription in particular that's causing the problem. On rare, rare occasion, however, it would suddenly work -- just once. Next time I try, I still get the grayed-out Refresh All button.

I tried fixing my Mac's permissions and reinstalling NNW. Neither helped, although I wasn't able to fully delete NNW. Even though I'd remove it from Applications and empty the trash bin, the newly-downloaded version would still see all subscriptions without me re-importing them. Therefore I assume I'm not actually fully removing the program off the computer.

Can someone tell me where the other hidden files are located, namely the subscriptions? What else can I do to troubleshoot this issue? I tried emptying the web cache, no dice. I'm using the latest 3.3.2 version.

Thanks in advance!
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