Hotkey's in Netlogo

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Mar 30, 2022, 5:21:07 AM3/30/22
to netlogo-users
Hello all,

I recently stumbled upon some new hotkeys I could use in Netlogo but can't find any documentation showing a complete list of what options are available and what exactly they do. A few examples:
Ctrl + D : deletes current line
Ctrl + J : deletes the newline at the end of current line, thus joining this line and next line
Ctrl + K : highlight the selected text and all identical text throughout the code

If anyone has a complete list, please let me know.


James Steiner

Apr 4, 2022, 9:39:20 AM4/4/22
to, netlogo-users
Earlier reply accidentally sent to OP only... contained some errors. Here is a revised list of NetLogo keyboard hotkeys/shortcut keys, in so far as I have found them.

I hereby release this list into the Public Domain. Feel free to use it as a base to update the documentation.

Some of these only work in the Code Pane

(Backspace) Remove character to left of cursor, or current selection
(Delete) Delete character to right of cursor, or current selection.
(End) Jump to end of line
(Home) Jump to beginning of line
(Page-down) Jump one screen-height towards end
(Page-up) Jump one screen-ful towards beginning
.Double-click word select word
Alt+(tab) Switch to another windows application
Ctrl+(down) Scroll window toward end of document without moving cursor
Ctrl+(end) Jump to end of code
Ctrl+(equals) Zoom in (make text larger)
Ctrl+(home) Jump to beginning of code
Ctrl+(hyphen) Zoom out (make test smaller)
Ctrl+(left) Jump to beginning of previous "word"
Ctrl+(right) Jump to beginning of next "word"
Ctrl+(semicolon) Comment / Uncomment selection
Ctrl+(up) Scroll window towards top of document without moving cursor
Ctrl+0 Zoom reset (normal size)
Ctrl+1 (check for errors then) Go to Interface Tab
Ctrl+2 (check for errors then) Go to Info Tab
Ctrl+3 (check for errors then) Go to Code Tab
Ctrl+A Select All
Ctrl+B (Unassigned)
Ctrl+C Copy selection to clipboard
Ctrl+D Delete current line
Ctrl+E Jump to declaration
Ctrl+F Find in text
Ctrl+G Goto a procedure (display the prodedures list)
Ctrl+H (Unassigned)
Ctrl+J Remove end-of-line (join next line to this line)
Ctrl+K Highlight all instances of selection / Select next instance. You can edit the selection without losing the highlights
Ctrl+L (Unassigned)
Ctrl+M Open the Models Library
Ctrl+N New model
Ctrl+O Open a model
Ctrl+P Print
Ctrl+Q Quit
Ctrl+R (Unassigned)
Ctrl+S Save the model
Ctrl+Shift+K Highlight all instances of selection / Select previous instance. You can edit the selection without losing the highlights
Ctrl+Shift+W Pop Code Tab out to its own window.
Ctrl+Shift-S Save As (provide new name)
Ctrl+T (Unassigned)
Ctrl+U Usage of item under cursor (click on item in list to go there)
Ctrl+V Paste from clipboard
Ctrl+W Pop Code Tab back to main window (only works while in the code window)
Ctrl+X Copy to clipboard and delete (aka Cut to clipboard)
Ctrl+Y Redo last undo (move forwards in time through the edit history)
Ctrl+Z Undo previous edit (move backwards in time through the edit history)
Ctrl+[ Shift selection left
Ctrl+] Shift selection right
Windows+(comma) Show desktop (until you release Windows key)
Windows+(down arrow) Minimize window
Windows+(left/right arrow) Resize window to side of screen
Windows+(period) Emoji keyboard, search and select
Windows+(right arrow) Resize window to right side of screen
Windows+(up arrow) Maximize window
Windows+D Show Hide Desktop / Hide Applications, then UnHide applications
Windows+L Lock the screen
Windows+M Minimize all windows
Windows+Shift+S start screen capture (Snip & Sketch)
Windows+V Open clipboard history (arrow key to select, enter to paste)

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James Steiner

Apr 4, 2022, 9:48:57 AM4/4/22
to, netlogo-users
Wannes and I both want to know:  HOW TO YOU STOP "CTRL+K"?  Seems like once you use it to "highlight all instances of the current selection" there's no way to turn off the highlight.  I found that you can highlight "end of line" and that's less annoying. But what cancels "highlight" mode?

May 18, 2022, 10:13:14 AM5/18/22
to netlogo-users
Hello all,

I found a way to cancel the "highlight" mode although I dont' know exactly why. Putting your cursor at the very end of the code and clicking "ctrl+k" removes all the highlighting. Subsequently putting the cursor anywhere else in the code (without selecting anything) brings the last highlighting back.


Op maandag 4 april 2022 om 15:48:57 UTC+2 schreef gregortroll:

James Steiner

May 18, 2022, 4:38:01 PM5/18/22
to, netlogo-users
Great detective work!

To clarify (i hope) and expand:



(some text has been selected) -- all instances of the selected text are highlighted. the cursor jumps to the *next* or (with SHIFT) *previous* instance of the text, and that text is selected. If there is no next or previous instance, the computer makes a warning sound.

(highlights are ON)  -- the cursor moves to the *next*  or (with SHIFT) *previous* instance of the highlighted text, and the text is selected. If there is no next or previous instance, the cursor stays where it is, and the computer makes a warning sound.

(anywhere in the code, nothing selected, CTRL+K has never been used to turn on highlights) -- computer makes a warning sound.

(anywhere in the code (except see above), nothing selected, CTRL+K has previously been used) -- the previously highlighted text is highlighted again, the next or (with SHIFT) previous instance is selected.


(at the very *end* of the code, nothing selected) -- CTRL+K - The highlights are removed, and the computer makes a warning sound.
(at the very *end* of the code, nothing selected) -- CTRL+SHIFT+K - The highlights are applied, and the last instance is selected.

(at the very *beginning* of the code, nothing selected) -- CTRL+SHIFT-K - The highlights are removed, and the computer makes a warning sound.
(at the very *beginning* of the code, nothing selected) -- CTRL+K - The highlights are reapplied, and the first instance is selected.

(after loading another, entirely different model) -- CTRL+K -- the matching text in this model is highlighted, etc. (!)


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