Build Error on Linux: Permission denied

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Elizabeth Koning

Nov 7, 2023, 12:34:14 PM11/7/23
to netlogo-devel
I am trying to build NetLogo from source on a Linux cluster. The error I'm running into is on the array extension when I run `./sbt all`:
[error] (netlogo / extensions) Cannot run program "sbt" (in directory "/u/ekoning2/NetLogo/NetLogo/extensions/array"): error=13, Permission denied

What are the probable causes of an error like this?

Thanks for your help.

Nov 7, 2023, 1:08:46 PM11/7/23
to netlogo-devel
Hey Elizabeth,

Did you also open an issue on the NetLogo GitHub about this?  I left this reply there but didn't get a response:

It's definitely odd, if you're able to update the submodule extensions using git, you should be able to build them. Root permissions should not be required to run sbt. One way to check is to just open a terminal in the NetLogo repository, cd `extensions/array`, and then run `sbt package` to see if you can run the extension packaging standalone. If that fails then probably there is some odd file permissions issue. If it works, then the problem would have to be with how NetLogo's sbt session is creating the sub-processes to build the extensions.

> Is there a way to manually set where to build?

By default sbt builds to a `target/` folder for each sub-project in the repo, so, for example, array will build to `extensions/array/target/` There may be a way to change that, but I've never had to before.

One thing to note, depending on why you're trying to build NetLogo you may not need the extensions. If you're just making changes to the UI or adding a new primitive or something you can just use `netlogo/run` to test your work, or something like `netlogo/Test/language` to run language tests. Building the extensions, as happens with running `dist/buildNetLogo` is necessary when packaging a NetLogo release and sometimes when you're testing out an extension from within the NetLogo repository.



Elizabeth Koning

Nov 7, 2023, 1:14:02 PM11/7/23
to netlogo-devel
Hi Jeremy,

I missed that you had replied on GitHub. Thanks! I'll move the follow ups there.
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