[amx-netlinx-common] r29 committed - - Changed filename to lowercase

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May 17, 2010, 3:06:08 AM5/17/10
to netlinx-comm...@googlegroups.com
Revision: 29
Author: kim.john.burgess
Date: Sun May 16 23:57:58 2010
Log: - Changed filename to lowercase


--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/string.axi Sun May 16 23:57:58 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,652 @@
+ * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
+ * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
+ *
+ * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
+ * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
+ * License.
+ *
+ * The Original Code provides a collection of useful functions to assist in
+ * string manipulation and parsing within the NetLinx language.
+ *
+ * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Queensland Department of
+ * Justice and Attorney-General.
+ * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 the
+ * Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
+ *
+ * Contributor(s):
+ * Kim Burgess <kim.b...@justice.qld.gov.au>
+ * true <amx at trueserve dot org>
+ *
+ *
+ * $Id$
+ * tab-width: 4 columns: 80
+ */
+#if_not_defined __NCL_LIB_STRING
+#define __NCL_LIB_STRING
+include 'io'
+STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT = 1024 // Maximum string return size
+ // for string manipulation functions.
+ * Callback triggered when a funcion within this string processing library
+ * attempts to process anything that will result in a return size greater
+ * that defined by STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT.
+ *
+ * Anything returned by this will be used as the return of the function
+ * caused the error.
+ *
+ * @return An error string.
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_size_error()
+ // handle, alert, ignore etc here
+ println("'Return size to small in String.axi'")
+ return 'error'
+ * Concatenates elements of an array of strings into a single string with a
+ * delimiter string inserted between each item.
+ *
+ * @param strings the string array to implode
+ * @param delim the character string to insert between the imploded
+ elements
+ * @return the imploded string
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] implode(char strings[][],
+ char delim[])
+ stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT + 1]
+ stack_var integer i
+ stack_var integer len
+ len = length_array(strings)
+ ret = strings[1]
+ if (len > 1) {
+ for (i =len - 1; i; i--) {
+ ret = "ret, delim, strings[(len - i) + 1]"
+ }
+ }
+ if (length_string(ret) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ }
+ return ret
+ * Explodes a string with a char delimiter into an array of strings.
+ * The exploded data will be placed into ret[].
+ * Due to NetLinx bugs, you must specify the length of ret in ret_len if
+ * want the returned array sanitized.
+ *
+ * @todo Don't make quoted strings necessary; explode based on a
+ string instead of a char
+ * @param delim the delimiter to use for the exploding
+ * @param a the string array to explode
+ * @param ret the returned exploded string array of string arrays
+ * @param ret_len the amount of entries in ret[][]; pass 0 if you don't
+ care about sanitizing ret[][]
+ * @return the amount of entries stuffed into ret[][]
+ */
+define_function integer explode(char delim, char a[], char ret[][],
+ integer ret_len)
+ return explode_quoted(delim, a, ret, ret_len, 0)
+ * Explodes a string with a char delimiter into an array of strings.
+ * The exploded data will be placed into ret[].
+ * Honors quotes; a character passed as quote (such as double quotes) are
+ * treated as one segment.
+ * Due to NetLinx bugs, you must specify the length of ret in ret_len if
+ * want the returned array sanitized.
+ *
+ * @todo Don't make quoted strings necessary; explode based on a
+ string instead of a char
+ * @param delim the delimiter to use for the exploding
+ * @param a the string array to explode
+ * @param ret the returned exploded string array of string arrays
+ * @param ret_len the amount of entries in ret[][]; pass 0 if you don't
+ care about sanitizing ret[][]
+ * @param quote character to use as a quote
+ * @return the amount of entries stuffed into ret[][]
+ */
+define_function integer explode_quoted(char delim, char a[], char ret[][],
+ integer ret_len, char quote)
+ stack_var integer i
+ stack_var integer start
+ stack_var integer end
+ start = 1
+ i = 1
+ while (start <= length_string(a)) {
+ if (a[start] == delim) { // skip delimiter
+ start++
+ continue
+ }
+ if (quote) {
+ if (a[start] == '"') { // handle quotes
+ end = find_string(a, '"', start + 1)
+ ret[i] = mid_string(a, start + 1, (end - start) - 1)
+ i++
+ start = end + 1
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ end = find_string(a, "delim", start)// nothing else stopping us?
+ if (end) { // then seperate by delimiter
+ ret[i] = mid_string(a, start, (end - start))
+ i++
+ start = end + 1
+ } else {
+ ret[i] = mid_string(a, start, length_string(a))
+ start = length_string(a) + 1
+ }
+ }
+ for (start = i + 1; start <= ret_len; start++) {
+ ret[start] = ''
+ }
+ return i
+ * Checks to see if the passed character is a printable ASCII character.
+ *
+ * @param a the character to check
+ * @return a boolean value specifying whether it is printable
+ */
+define_function char char_is_printable(char a)
+ return a > $20 && a <= $7E
+ * Checks to see if the passed character is a whitespace character.
+ *
+ * @param a the character to check
+ * @return a boolean value specifying whether the character is
+ whitespace
+ */
+define_function char char_is_whitespace(char a)
+ return (a >= $09 && a <= $0D) || (a >= $1C && a <= $20)
+ * Returns a copy of the string with the left whitespace removed. If no
+ * printable characters are found, an empty string will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param a a string to trim
+ * @return the original string with left whitespace removed
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] ltrim(char a[])
+ stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT + 1]
+ stack_var integer i
+ stack_var integer len
+ len = length_string(a)
+ for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
+ if (!char_is_whitespace(a[i])) {
+ ret = right_string(a, len - i + 1)
+ if (length_string(ret) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ } else {
+ return ret
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Returns a copy of the string with the right whitespace removed. If no
+ * printable characters are found, an empty string will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param a the string to trim
+ * @return the string with right whitespace removed
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] rtrim(char a[])
+ stack_var integer i
+ stack_var integer len
+ len = length_string(a)
+ for (i = len; i; i--) {
+ if (!char_is_whitespace(a[i])) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ } else {
+ return left_string(a, i)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ * Returns a copy of the string with the whitespace removed. If no
+ * characters are found, an empty string will be returned.
+ *
+ * @param a a string to trim
+ * @return the original string with whitespace removed
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] trim(char a[])
+ return ltrim(rtrim(a))
+ * Converts a boolean value to its string equivalent of either a 'ON'
or 'OFF'.
+ *
+ * @param a a boolean value to convert
+ * @return a string equivalent (as ON/OFF)
+ */
+define_function char[3] bool_to_string(char a)
+ if (a) {
+ return 'ON'
+ } else {
+ return 'OFF'
+ }
+ * Converts common string representations of boolean values into their
+ * value equivalents.
+ *
+ * @param a a string representing a boolean value
+ * @return a boolean value equivalent
+ */
+define_function char string_to_bool(char a[])
+ stack_var char tmp[8]
+ tmp = lower_string(trim(a))
+ if (tmp == 'on' ||
+ tmp == 'true' ||
+ tmp == 'yes' ||
+ tmp == 'y' ||
+ tmp == '1') {
+ return TRUE
+ } else {
+ return FALSE
+ }
+ * Converts an integer array into a comma serperated string list of its
+ *
+ * @param ints an intger array of values to 'listify'
+ * @param delim a string array to insert between entries
+ * @return a string list of the values
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] int_array_to_string(
+ integer ints[], char delim[])
+ stack_var char list[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT]
+ stack_var integer i
+ stack_var integer len
+ stack_var integer retlen
+ stack_var integer item
+ len = length_array(ints)
+ list = itoa(ints[1])
+ if (len > 1) {
+ for (i = len - 1; i; i--) {
+ item = (len - i) + 1
+ retlen = retlen + length_string(itoa(ints[item]))
+ if (retlen > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ }
+ list = "list, delim, itoa(ints[item])"
+ }
+ }
+ return list
+ * Gets an item from a string list. This can be used to grab word n within
+ * a string by passing 'space' as the delimiter.
+ *
+ * @param a a string to split
+ * @param delim the character string which divides the list entries
+ * @param item the item number to return
+ * @return a string array the requested list item
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_get_list_item(char
+ char delim[], integer item)
+ stack_var integer ret
+ stack_var integer i
+ stack_var integer start
+ stack_var integer end
+ for (i = 1; i <= item; i++) {
+ start = end + 1
+ end = find_string(a, delim, start)
+ }
+ if (!end) {
+ end = length_string(a) + 1
+ }
+ ret = end - start
+ return string_size_error()
+ } else {
+ return mid_string(a, start, ret)
+ }
+ * Gets the key from a single key/value pair string with the specified
+ * delimiter.
+ *
+ * @param a a string containing a key/value pair
+ * @param delim the string which divides the key and value
+ * @return a string containing the key component
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_get_key(char a[],
+ char delim[])
+ stack_var integer pos
+ stack_var integer retlen
+ pos = find_string(a, delim, 1)
+ if (pos) {
+ retlen = pos - 1
+ } else {
+ retlen = length_string(a)
+ }
+ if (retlen > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ } else {
+ return left_string(a, retlen)
+ }
+ * Gets the value from a key/value pair string with the specified
+ *
+ * @param a a string containing a key/value pair
+ * @param delim the string which divides the key and value
+ * @return a string containing the value component
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_get_value(char a[],
+ char delim[])
+ stack_var integer pos
+ stack_var integer retlen
+ pos = find_string(a, delim, 1)
+ retlen = length_string(a) - (pos + length_string(delim) - 1)
+ if (retlen > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ } else {
+ return right_string(a, retlen)
+ }
+ * Switches the day and month fields of a date string (for coverting
between US
+ * and international standards). for example 05/28/2009 becomes 28/05/2009.
+ *
+ * @todo merge this into a time date lib with unixtime
+ * @param a a string representation of a date in the form xx/xx/xxxx
+ * @return a string representing the same date with the first two
+ * components reversed
+ */
+define_function char[10] string_date_invert(char a[])
+ stack_var integer idx
+ stack_var char comp[3][4]
+ for (idx = 3; idx; idx--) {
+ comp[idx] = string_get_list_item(a, "'/'", idx)
+ }
+ return "comp[2], '/', comp[1], '/', comp[3]"
+ * Gets the first instance of a string contained within the bounds of two
+ * substrings
+ *
+ * @param a a string to split
+ * @param left the character sequence marking the left bound
+ * @param right the character sequence marking the right bound
+ * @return a string contained within the boundary sequences
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_get_between(char a[],
+ char left[], char right[])
+ stack_var integer start
+ stack_var integer end
+ stack_var integer retlen
+ start = find_string(a, left, 1) + length_string(left)
+ end = find_string(a, right, start)
+ retlen = end - start
+ if (retlen > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ } else {
+ return mid_string(a, start, retlen)
+ }
+ * Returns a copy of a string with the first alpha character capitalized.
+ * Non alpha characters are not modified. Pass a LOWER_STRING()'d string
+ * to lowercase all other characters.
+ *
+ * @param a a string to capitalize first characters of
+ * @return a capitalized string
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_ucfirst(char a[])
+ if (length_string(a) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ }
+ if (a[1] >= $61 && a[1] <= $7A) {
+ return "a[1] - $20, mid_string(a, 2, STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT)"
+ }
+ return a
+ * Returns a copy of a string with the first alpha character in each word
+ * capitalized. Non alpha characters are not modified. Pass a
+ * lower_string()'d string to lowercase all other characters.
+ *
+ * @param a a string to capitalize first characters of
+ * @return a capitalized string
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_ucwords(char a[])
+ stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT]
+ stack_var integer i
+ if (length_string(a) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ }
+ ret = a
+ for (i = 1; i < length_string(ret); i++) {
+ if (char_is_whitespace(ret[i])) {
+ if (ret[i + 1] >= $61 && ret[i + 1] <= $7a) {
+ ret[i + 1] = ret[i + 1] - $20
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ret
+ * Returns a string prefixed with a specified value, up to a specified
+ * If the string is the same size or is larger than the specified length,
+ * returns the original string.
+ *
+ * @todo Possibly allow value to be a string?
+ * @param a the string to prefix
+ * @param value the value to prefix on the string
+ * @param len the requested length of the string
+ * @return a string prefixed to length len with value
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_prefix_to_length(
+ char a[], char value, integer len)
+ stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT]
+ stack_var integer i
+ return string_size_error()
+ }
+ if (length_string(a) < len) {
+ for (i = length_string(a); i < len; i++) {
+ ret = "value, ret"
+ }
+ }
+ return "ret, a"
+ * Returns a string suffixed with a specified value, up to a specified
+ * If the string is the same size or is larger than the specified length,
+ * returns the original string.
+ *
+ * @todo Possibly allow value to be a string?
+ * @param a the string to suffix
+ * @param value the value to suffix on the string
+ * @param len the requested length of the string
+ * @return a string suffixed to length len with value
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_suffix_to_length(
+ char a[], char value, integer len)
+ stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT]
+ stack_var integer i
+ if (length_string(a) < len) {
+ for (i = length_string(a); i < len; i++) {
+ ret = "value, ret"
+ }
+ }
+ return "a, ret"
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] remove_string_by_length(
+ char a[], integer len)
+ return remove_string(a, left_string(a, len), 1)
+ * Returns a url-encoded string according to RFC 1736 / RFC 2732.
+ *
+ * @param a the string to urlencode
+ * @return a string urlencoded
+ */
+define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] urlencode(char a[])
+ stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT + 1]
+ stack_var integer i
+ for (i = 1; i <= length_string(a); i++) {
+ if ((a[i] >= $30 && a[i] <= $39) || // numerics
+ (a[i] >= $41 && a[i] <= $5a) || // uppercase
+ (a[i] >= $61 && a[i] <= $7a) || // lowercase
+ a[i] == '$' || a[i] == '-' || a[i] == '_' ||
+ a[i] == '.' || a[i] == '+' || a[i] == '!' ||
+ a[i] == '*' || a[i] == $27 || a[i] == '(' ||
+ a[i] == ')' || a[i] == ',' || a[i] == '[' || a[i] == ']') {
+ ret = "ret, a[i]"
+ } else {
+ ret = "ret, '%', string_prefix_to_length(itohex(a[i]), '0', 2)"
+ }
+ }
+ if (length_string(ret) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
+ return string_size_error()
+ }
+ return ret
+ * Search through a string for a match against a list of possible
+ * and return the element index of the matched string
+ *
+ * @param haystack a string to search
+ * @param needle a list of substrings to match
+ * @param start the array element to begin searching from
+ * @return an integer containing the the element index of needles
+ * that was matched (0 if not found)
+ */
+define_function integer find_string_multi(char haystack[], char
+ integer start)
+ stack_var integer i
+ stack_var integer len
+ len = length_array(needles)
+ for (i = start; i <= len; i++) {
+ if (find_string(haystack, needles[i], 1)) {
+ return i
+ }
+ }
+ return 0
--- /trunk/String.axi Sun May 16 23:53:19 2010
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,652 +0,0 @@
- * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
- * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
- * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
- * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
- *
- * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
- * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
- * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
- * License.
- *
- * The Original Code provides a collection of useful functions to assist in
- * string manipulation and parsing within the NetLinx language.
- *
- * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Queensland Department of
- * Justice and Attorney-General.
- * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 the
- * Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
- *
- * Contributor(s):
- * Kim Burgess <kim.b...@justice.qld.gov.au>
- * true <amx at trueserve dot org>
- *
- *
- * $Id$
- * tab-width: 4 columns: 80
- */
-#if_not_defined __NCL_LIB_STRING
-#define __NCL_LIB_STRING
-include 'io'
-STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT = 1024 // Maximum string return size
- // for string manipulation functions.
- * Callback triggered when a funcion within this string processing library
- * attempts to process anything that will result in a return size greater
- * that defined by STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT.
- *
- * Anything returned by this will be used as the return of the function
- * caused the error.
- *
- * @return An error string.
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_size_error()
- // handle, alert, ignore etc here
- println("'Return size to small in String.axi'")
- return 'error'
- * Concatenates elements of an array of strings into a single string with a
- * delimiter string inserted between each item.
- *
- * @param strings the string array to implode
- * @param delim the character string to insert between the imploded
- elements
- * @return the imploded string
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] implode(char strings[][],
- char delim[])
- stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT + 1]
- stack_var integer i
- stack_var integer len
- len = length_array(strings)
- ret = strings[1]
- if (len > 1) {
- for (i =len - 1; i; i--) {
- ret = "ret, delim, strings[(len - i) + 1]"
- }
- }
- if (length_string(ret) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- }
- return ret
- * Explodes a string with a char delimiter into an array of strings.
- * The exploded data will be placed into ret[].
- * Due to NetLinx bugs, you must specify the length of ret in ret_len if
- * want the returned array sanitized.
- *
- * @todo Don't make quoted strings necessary; explode based on a
- string instead of a char
- * @param delim the delimiter to use for the exploding
- * @param a the string array to explode
- * @param ret the returned exploded string array of string arrays
- * @param ret_len the amount of entries in ret[][]; pass 0 if you don't
- care about sanitizing ret[][]
- * @return the amount of entries stuffed into ret[][]
- */
-define_function integer explode(char delim, char a[], char ret[][],
- integer ret_len)
- return explode_quoted(delim, a, ret, ret_len, 0)
- * Explodes a string with a char delimiter into an array of strings.
- * The exploded data will be placed into ret[].
- * Honors quotes; a character passed as quote (such as double quotes) are
- * treated as one segment.
- * Due to NetLinx bugs, you must specify the length of ret in ret_len if
- * want the returned array sanitized.
- *
- * @todo Don't make quoted strings necessary; explode based on a
- string instead of a char
- * @param delim the delimiter to use for the exploding
- * @param a the string array to explode
- * @param ret the returned exploded string array of string arrays
- * @param ret_len the amount of entries in ret[][]; pass 0 if you don't
- care about sanitizing ret[][]
- * @param quote character to use as a quote
- * @return the amount of entries stuffed into ret[][]
- */
-define_function integer explode_quoted(char delim, char a[], char ret[][],
- integer ret_len, char quote)
- stack_var integer i
- stack_var integer start
- stack_var integer end
- start = 1
- i = 1
- while (start <= length_string(a)) {
- if (a[start] == delim) { // skip delimiter
- start++
- continue
- }
- if (quote) {
- if (a[start] == '"') { // handle quotes
- end = find_string(a, '"', start + 1)
- ret[i] = mid_string(a, start + 1, (end - start) - 1)
- i++
- start = end + 1
- continue
- }
- }
- end = find_string(a, "delim", start)// nothing else stopping us?
- if (end) { // then seperate by delimiter
- ret[i] = mid_string(a, start, (end - start))
- i++
- start = end + 1
- } else {
- ret[i] = mid_string(a, start, length_string(a))
- start = length_string(a) + 1
- }
- }
- for (start = i + 1; start <= ret_len; start++) {
- ret[start] = ''
- }
- return i
- * Checks to see if the passed character is a printable ASCII character.
- *
- * @param a the character to check
- * @return a boolean value specifying whether it is printable
- */
-define_function char char_is_printable(char a)
- return a > $20 && a <= $7E
- * Checks to see if the passed character is a whitespace character.
- *
- * @param a the character to check
- * @return a boolean value specifying whether the character is
- whitespace
- */
-define_function char char_is_whitespace(char a)
- return (a >= $09 && a <= $0D) || (a >= $1C && a <= $20)
- * Returns a copy of the string with the left whitespace removed. If no
- * printable characters are found, an empty string will be returned.
- *
- * @param a a string to trim
- * @return the original string with left whitespace removed
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] ltrim(char a[])
- stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT + 1]
- stack_var integer i
- stack_var integer len
- len = length_string(a)
- for (i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
- if (!char_is_whitespace(a[i])) {
- ret = right_string(a, len - i + 1)
- if (length_string(ret) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- } else {
- return ret
- }
- }
- }
- * Returns a copy of the string with the right whitespace removed. If no
- * printable characters are found, an empty string will be returned.
- *
- * @param a the string to trim
- * @return the string with right whitespace removed
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] rtrim(char a[])
- stack_var integer i
- stack_var integer len
- len = length_string(a)
- for (i = len; i; i--) {
- if (!char_is_whitespace(a[i])) {
- return string_size_error()
- } else {
- return left_string(a, i)
- }
- }
- }
- * Returns a copy of the string with the whitespace removed. If no
- * characters are found, an empty string will be returned.
- *
- * @param a a string to trim
- * @return the original string with whitespace removed
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] trim(char a[])
- return ltrim(rtrim(a))
- * Converts a boolean value to its string equivalent of either a 'ON'
or 'OFF'.
- *
- * @param a a boolean value to convert
- * @return a string equivalent (as ON/OFF)
- */
-define_function char[3] bool_to_string(char a)
- if (a) {
- return 'ON'
- } else {
- return 'OFF'
- }
- * Converts common string representations of boolean values into their
- * value equivalents.
- *
- * @param a a string representing a boolean value
- * @return a boolean value equivalent
- */
-define_function char string_to_bool(char a[])
- stack_var char tmp[8]
- tmp = lower_string(trim(a))
- if (tmp == 'on' ||
- tmp == 'true' ||
- tmp == 'yes' ||
- tmp == 'y' ||
- tmp == '1') {
- return TRUE
- } else {
- return FALSE
- }
- * Converts an integer array into a comma serperated string list of its
- *
- * @param ints an intger array of values to 'listify'
- * @param delim a string array to insert between entries
- * @return a string list of the values
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] int_array_to_string(
- integer ints[], char delim[])
- stack_var char list[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT]
- stack_var integer i
- stack_var integer len
- stack_var integer retlen
- stack_var integer item
- len = length_array(ints)
- list = itoa(ints[1])
- if (len > 1) {
- for (i = len - 1; i; i--) {
- item = (len - i) + 1
- retlen = retlen + length_string(itoa(ints[item]))
- if (retlen > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- }
- list = "list, delim, itoa(ints[item])"
- }
- }
- return list
- * Gets an item from a string list. This can be used to grab word n within
- * a string by passing 'space' as the delimiter.
- *
- * @param a a string to split
- * @param delim the character string which divides the list entries
- * @param item the item number to return
- * @return a string array the requested list item
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_get_list_item(char
- char delim[], integer item)
- stack_var integer ret
- stack_var integer i
- stack_var integer start
- stack_var integer end
- for (i = 1; i <= item; i++) {
- start = end + 1
- end = find_string(a, delim, start)
- }
- if (!end) {
- end = length_string(a) + 1
- }
- ret = end - start
- return string_size_error()
- } else {
- return mid_string(a, start, ret)
- }
- * Gets the key from a single key/value pair string with the specified
- * delimiter.
- *
- * @param a a string containing a key/value pair
- * @param delim the string which divides the key and value
- * @return a string containing the key component
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_get_key(char a[],
- char delim[])
- stack_var integer pos
- stack_var integer retlen
- pos = find_string(a, delim, 1)
- if (pos) {
- retlen = pos - 1
- } else {
- retlen = length_string(a)
- }
- if (retlen > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- } else {
- return left_string(a, retlen)
- }
- * Gets the value from a key/value pair string with the specified
- *
- * @param a a string containing a key/value pair
- * @param delim the string which divides the key and value
- * @return a string containing the value component
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_get_value(char a[],
- char delim[])
- stack_var integer pos
- stack_var integer retlen
- pos = find_string(a, delim, 1)
- retlen = length_string(a) - (pos + length_string(delim) - 1)
- if (retlen > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- } else {
- return right_string(a, retlen)
- }
- * Switches the day and month fields of a date string (for coverting
between US
- * and international standards). for example 05/28/2009 becomes 28/05/2009.
- *
- * @todo merge this into a time date lib with unixtime
- * @param a a string representation of a date in the form xx/xx/xxxx
- * @return a string representing the same date with the first two
- * components reversed
- */
-define_function char[10] string_date_invert(char a[])
- stack_var integer idx
- stack_var char comp[3][4]
- for (idx = 3; idx; idx--) {
- comp[idx] = string_get_list_item(a, "'/'", idx)
- }
- return "comp[2], '/', comp[1], '/', comp[3]"
- * Gets the first instance of a string contained within the bounds of two
- * substrings
- *
- * @param a a string to split
- * @param left the character sequence marking the left bound
- * @param right the character sequence marking the right bound
- * @return a string contained within the boundary sequences
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_get_between(char a[],
- char left[], char right[])
- stack_var integer start
- stack_var integer end
- stack_var integer retlen
- start = find_string(a, left, 1) + length_string(left)
- end = find_string(a, right, start)
- retlen = end - start
- if (retlen > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- } else {
- return mid_string(a, start, retlen)
- }
- * Returns a copy of a string with the first alpha character capitalized.
- * Non alpha characters are not modified. Pass a LOWER_STRING()'d string
- * to lowercase all other characters.
- *
- * @param a a string to capitalize first characters of
- * @return a capitalized string
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_ucfirst(char a[])
- if (length_string(a) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- }
- if (a[1] >= $61 && a[1] <= $7A) {
- return "a[1] - $20, mid_string(a, 2, STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT)"
- }
- return a
- * Returns a copy of a string with the first alpha character in each word
- * capitalized. Non alpha characters are not modified. Pass a
- * lower_string()'d string to lowercase all other characters.
- *
- * @param a a string to capitalize first characters of
- * @return a capitalized string
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_ucwords(char a[])
- stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT]
- stack_var integer i
- if (length_string(a) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- }
- ret = a
- for (i = 1; i < length_string(ret); i++) {
- if (char_is_whitespace(ret[i])) {
- if (ret[i + 1] >= $61 && ret[i + 1] <= $7a) {
- ret[i + 1] = ret[i + 1] - $20
- }
- }
- }
- return ret
- * Returns a string prefixed with a specified value, up to a specified
- * If the string is the same size or is larger than the specified length,
- * returns the original string.
- *
- * @todo Possibly allow value to be a string?
- * @param a the string to prefix
- * @param value the value to prefix on the string
- * @param len the requested length of the string
- * @return a string prefixed to length len with value
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_prefix_to_length(
- char a[], char value, integer len)
- stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT]
- stack_var integer i
- return string_size_error()
- }
- if (length_string(a) < len) {
- for (i = length_string(a); i < len; i++) {
- ret = "value, ret"
- }
- }
- return "ret, a"
- * Returns a string suffixed with a specified value, up to a specified
- * If the string is the same size or is larger than the specified length,
- * returns the original string.
- *
- * @todo Possibly allow value to be a string?
- * @param a the string to suffix
- * @param value the value to suffix on the string
- * @param len the requested length of the string
- * @return a string suffixed to length len with value
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] string_suffix_to_length(
- char a[], char value, integer len)
- stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT]
- stack_var integer i
- if (length_string(a) < len) {
- for (i = length_string(a); i < len; i++) {
- ret = "value, ret"
- }
- }
- return "a, ret"
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] remove_string_by_length(
- char a[], integer len)
- return remove_string(a, left_string(a, len), 1)
- * Returns a url-encoded string according to RFC 1736 / RFC 2732.
- *
- * @param a the string to urlencode
- * @return a string urlencoded
- */
-define_function char[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT] urlencode(char a[])
- stack_var char ret[STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT + 1]
- stack_var integer i
- for (i = 1; i <= length_string(a); i++) {
- if ((a[i] >= $30 && a[i] <= $39) || // numerics
- (a[i] >= $41 && a[i] <= $5a) || // uppercase
- (a[i] >= $61 && a[i] <= $7a) || // lowercase
- a[i] == '$' || a[i] == '-' || a[i] == '_' ||
- a[i] == '.' || a[i] == '+' || a[i] == '!' ||
- a[i] == '*' || a[i] == $27 || a[i] == '(' ||
- a[i] == ')' || a[i] == ',' || a[i] == '[' || a[i] == ']') {
- ret = "ret, a[i]"
- } else {
- ret = "ret, '%', string_prefix_to_length(itohex(a[i]), '0', 2)"
- }
- }
- if (length_string(ret) > STRING_RETURN_SIZE_LIMIT) {
- return string_size_error()
- }
- return ret
- * Search through a string for a match against a list of possible
- * and return the element index of the matched string
- *
- * @param haystack a string to search
- * @param needle a list of substrings to match
- * @param start the array element to begin searching from
- * @return an integer containing the the element index of needles
- * that was matched (0 if not found)
- */
-define_function integer find_string_multi(char haystack[], char
- integer start)
- stack_var integer i
- stack_var integer len
- len = length_array(needles)
- for (i = start; i <= len; i++) {
- if (find_string(haystack, needles[i], 1)) {
- return i
- }
- }
- return 0
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