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Sep 6, 2022, 7:28:29 AM9/6/22
to NetLdn
Hi All

NetLdn34 came and went, and it was a great success! Thank you to everyone that attended or helped in some way, we hope that you enjoyed it. We also look forward to seeing you again at future events. If you couldn't make it, don't worry, we meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month.

== NetLdn35 ==

NetLdn35 will be on Thursday the 8th of September 2022 at our usual time of 7.00PM UTC+1 and in our usual venue:

Upstairs at The Wheatsheaf,
25 Rathbone Place,

We have only the one great talk lined up this month, followed by Q&A time and then a social hour; if anyone would like to give a lightning talk, please let us know by filling out the CFP form:

Talk 1: Help I broke the Internet: Incident Management at Scale

Cloudflare runs a global network, and occasionally, we break that network. In this presentation, I’ll talk about how Cloudflare handles incidents, how we get to resolution ASAP, and, most importantly, how we get the blog out so quickly.

Presenter: Tom Strickx (Cloudflare)

Talk 2: TBC


Presenter: You (?)

The first talk will begin at 7pm sharp so please turn up from 6.30pm onward to ensure a prompt start for the evening.

Due to the ongoing pandemic situation, we will have the windows open so consider bringing a good jumper if it’s a cool evening! Also please do not attend if you are showing signs of COVID19, we meet every month so there will be another chance for us to catch-up.

* If you're attending NetLdn please note that the venue is a pub which serves alcohol. There is no expectation that you must drink alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks are also available. If you're under 18 please let us know, we will need to inform the landlord. If you're crazy enough to drive in London, please drink responsibly. 

== Participating and Contact ==

If you are attending any NetLdn event, physical or virtual, we expect that you have read and agree to the participation policy on the NetLdn website (, we want to keep NetLdn open, friendly, and safe for everyone. This also applies to all NetLdn interactions, for example the mailing list, and Slack space, not just the meetings.

If you want to submit a talk for a future event, any area of networking and any skill level is welcome. Please submit a response to the CFP via the NetLdn website:

If you want to contact the NetLdn team about any issues, concerns or queries please do so via;
Twitter: @netldn

Many thanks and we hope to see you all soon,
The NetLdn Team.

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