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Jan 11, 2022, 6:26:35 AM1/11/22
to NetLdn
Happy New Year to all!

NetLdn Christmas drinks and Tref bash came and went, and it was a great success! Thank you to everyone that attended or helped in some way, we hope that you enjoyed it. We also look forward to seeing you again at future events. If you couldn't make it, don't worry, we meet on the 2nd Thursday of every month.

== NetLdn27 ==

NetLdn27 will be on Thursday the 13th of January 2022, and will be held via Zoom. The Zoom meeting details will be sent out on the day, to the mailing list and in the Slack space from 6.30PM UTC+1 onward, and the event will start at 7.30PM UTC+1 sharp. Please join the Zoom lobby shortly before 7.30 PM, to allow for a prompt start at 7.30PM, and don’t forget to set your full name.

We’re pleased to announce that NetLdn27 will be another special combined event with our NetMcr friends. We have two talks with some Q&A time after each. We’ll also have a 5-minute comfort break between talks. After the final talk and Q&A we’ll leave the Zoom room open, everyone is welcome to stay and socialise.

Talk 1: 5G Private Networks: what are they and why are they needed?

Andy's here to speak to us about 5G Private Networks. If you've ever wondered why our favourite vendors keep talking about running a self-contained 5G network instead of an equivalent WiFi network, then this is definitely a talk you'll enjoy. Andy has decades of radio network experience, as well as hands-on experience with the emerging technology in this space, and we're sure that this talk will be well worth your time.

Presenter: Prof. Andy Sutton

Talk 2: The Information Commissioner's Opinion on Online Advertising

... And why you might actually be interested! Jon's an expert in all matters relating to data protection and online privacy, and his past talks have been engaging, timely and extremely pertinent to the running of our beloved Web. If he's here speaking with us, then you can be certain that this is a topic that you'll hear more and more about in the coming future.

Presenter: Jon Langley

After Talks: Networking for Networkers

Stay in the Zoom meeting room and have a free-for-all chit-chat about whatever is on your mind. This is a bring-your-on drinks and nibbles session.

== Registration ==

We've removed the registration temporarily. A Zoom URL will be sent to the NetLdn mailing list and shared in the NetLdn Slack 1 hour before the event start time, and it's all you need.

== Participating and Contact ==

If you are attending any NetLdn event, physical or virtual, we expect that you have read and agree to the participation policy on the NetLdn website (, we want to keep NetLdn open, friendly, and safe for everyone. This also applies to all NetLdn interactions, for example the mailing list or Slack, not just the meetings.

If you want to submit a talk for a future event, any area of networking and any skill level is welcome. Please submit an CFP via the NetLdn website:

If you want to contact the NetLdn team about any issues, concerns or queries please do so via;
Twitter: @netldn

Many thanks and we hope to see you all soon,
The NetLdn Team.

James Bensley

Jan 13, 2022, 6:40:33 AM1/13/22
to NetLdn
Hi All,

I made a copy-pasta in the previous email from the previous month's
email - tonights event will be at 19.30 UTC+0, not +1! We are no
longer in UTC+1 in the UK!!!

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Jan 13, 2022, 1:32:35 PM1/13/22
to NetLdn
Hi all,

The joint NetLdn and NetMcr session will be starting in approx. 1 hours time at 19:30 UTC+0. Please join just before this time, so that we can start at 19:30 sharp.

The Zoom details to join the session are below (please don't share these publically, and remember to set your full name when you join).

Zoom Meeting ID: 89845843330 (no passcode required)

Note: if you use the URL, you won't be asked by your Zoom client to set you name, this is OK if you've set it in your Zoom client before already, otherwise use the Meeting ID to join.

Hope to see you all soon,
The NetLdn Team.

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