Credit-Meter 8G SD available

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C. Cossé

Mar 26, 2018, 7:05:47 PM3/26/18
to NetDispenser
A 2.2G compressed copy of the 8G micro SD card I've been using, complete with prefilled-logfiles, etc, can be downloaded by going to the github repository below copying the link.  Just doing that in case robots were to attempt to download directly from this post.

The compressed img was created via the following command:
sudo dd if=/dev/mmcblk0 | gzip > ~/nd032618.img

Expand it onto an 8G micro SD card via the following command:
gzip -dc ~/nd032618.img | dd of= /dev/mmcblk0

/dev/mmcblk0 is how the SD card shows up on my Linux box, you may need to change things to match your system.  The "dd" command is also available on Mac computers, as they are Linux underneath the UI.

Here are quick install instructions:
1. download the compressed image from above link
2. expand onto 8G micro SD
3. insert micro SD into Raspberry-Pi 3 with Edimax nano antenna
4. power-up your Raspberry-Pi (The pi3 needs a 1.2Amp supply ... more than previous pi's)
5. the R-Pi will broadcast a HotSpot with the SSID of "rpi3" ... connect and ssh into it:  ssh p...@
6. username=pi  password=raspberry
7. you will have ssh'd in through the Edimax antenna interface.  There is an onboard bcom wifi, as well, but now you need to configure it through wpa_supplicant
8. cd /etc/wpa_supplicant  and edit wpa_supplicant.conf  with your upstream wifi connection info.  It currently has my wifi info ... replace with yours
9. easiest thing is to get the new wifi up and running is just reboot.  shutdown -h now; power off/on; ssh into it again and verify with ifconfig and iptables -S
10. now you should have both interfaces up and talking (wlan0, wlan1) but if you connect anything to it you will be firewalled-in until you run the credit-meter.
11. point a browser at and login by clicking the Child login (no password in Demo mode)
12. transfer some credits via the button (this is DEMO mode so endless credit transfer from internal django function)
13. start the credit-meter by pushing the start button ... leds should blink and you should now have internet access (connected device only) as long as meter is running
14. you can connect arbitrary number of devices, but in DEMO mode each device will need to run a credit-meter instance in a browser.  it uses web-workers so keeps running when using different tabs.
15. to see the firewall configuration issue command: iptables -S  and you should see the mac address of your connected device(s).  my laptop's mac is hard-coded in there, too; i will remove next time.
16. that is enough to demo the platform.  i'll post more about the specific files that have the DEMO flag set, so that by unsetting and rebooting it becomes connected to the Credit-Feeder website.


C. Cossé

Mar 28, 2018, 8:37:15 PM3/28/18
to NetDispenser
Here is a 10 slide presentation that can be used to present to local PTAs and other groups. 
The cartoon family member slides will get remade to fix the aliasing.

David Bucknell

Mar 30, 2018, 6:25:14 PM3/30/18
to NetDispenser
Hi Charles,
Please let us know any recommendations for the Raspberry-Pi 3 and SD card we should buy, ok?
Thank you,


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David M. Bucknell
91-173 Ewa Beach Rd., Ewa Beach, HI 96706

C. Cossé

Mar 31, 2018, 11:00:41 PM3/31/18
to NetDispenser
Hi David & All,

I am purchasing 3 complete units to have with me when I demo.  Here are the items on Amazon:

Then one needs to flash the SD card with the image posted the other day. 
As an extra, optional item, you could purchase a USB battery pack.  The main thing when using a battery is to make sure that it can provide a current of 2400 mA. (milli-Amperes).
I have a large capacity battery of 20000 mAh (milli-Amp-hours) which runs the RPi for something like 30-40 hours.  I bought mine at WalMart for $20, and Amazon doesn't sell the same
one but they have a page showing it here.

And now here's the kicker: with a battery-powered Credit-Meter, connected to your phone as hotspot, you can walk around and demo to people at your local public market.  Two words: Human Billboard!  I never thought it would come to this, but I've been thinking about it all afternoon and I'm definitely doing it.  That is, constructing a wearable 2-sided billboard with some colorful stuff and blurbs like "Ask me how to make kids beg for math" and stuff.  Here's a poster from an event I demo'd at a couple years ago (when the name of the thing was RemoteCompel ... David you remember).  People can connect to you via their phones, or carry a tablet for larger screen.  The above 3 units are what I'll carry along under-the-billboard.  And I guess brochures and some info cards, which I'll share via Google Docs when they come into existence.  I think it would be easy to reach a lot of people at the Saturday public market ... parents are everywhere and there are teachers in the crowd, too.  What better way to meet/demo than when they're already out-and-about shopping for something unique and useful at a public market, or swap meet, or whatever.  I'll be making a post titled "Human Billboard" with some pics when it gets made. 
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