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William McHarg

Aug 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/16/95
to (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:

>Peggy Okey ( wrote:
>{ If you don't want us ix'ers posting to your precious newsgroup, quit
>{ attacking us! Why don't you stick to your important "shell" information
>{ and leave us alone!

>If you would keep your stupid fucking posts out of netcom.general, we
>would leave you alone.

>{ I read your stupid newsgroup just for entertainment, and so far I can't
>{ see where you people help each other at all, unlike the netcruiser
>{ newsgroup where most people are at least polite to one another.

>Look, if you're reading it for entertainment, then why are you bitching
>about what we write? (Bitching? I may have answered my own question)

>{ I don't know why you think the Internet is your sole possession anyway.
>{ There are a lot of us regular folks out here who pay for the privelege
>{ of reading your stupid posts!

>What the hell does netcom.general have to do with the internet. It's
>USENET you stupid fuck. And a private-to-netcom usenet group at that.

>{ Peggy (ix'er) <<---- aka Peggy (Stupid fucking ixer)

Gary, have you been sleeping? They've been pounding on her for 2
days now...

Mac 1651-B S. Idalia Ci. Aurora, CO 80017

It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue
about them. Caron de Beaumarchais

Larry Mahoney

Aug 16, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/16/95
to (John Davis) wrote:

>O.K. Get back at us. Start a "stupid sheller joke" thread. They,
>Goddamn well, better be funny though.

That pretty much eliminates everyone on this set of machines.
Right John? ;-)


B.W. 'Ollie' Olin

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
to (William McHarg) wrote:

>Gary, have you been sleeping? They've been pounding on her for 2
>days now...

He must be all relaxed, good drugs or maybe he just came back from
vacation or something. Did you notice he didn't even have his caps
locked? I had to give his article a double look just to be sure it
wasn't a forgery.


B.W. 'Ollie' Olin "Reality plays no significant role in this mess." Unknown

William McHarg

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
to (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:

>William McHarg ( wrote:

>{ >{ Peggy (ix'er) <<---- aka Peggy (Stupid fucking ixer)

>{ Gary, have you been sleeping? They've been pounding on her for 2
>{ days now...

>Not sleeping, upgrading to new version of my OS. I read the posts before
>I posted but she needed at least one more.

Oh, (he said with a smile ) you must mean Win95. Ididn't know
you were a bete-tester....

Ducks and runs...


Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
to (Ty Fairchild) wrote:

:Peggy Okey ( wrote and I quote:

: [ . . . ]

:: I read your stupid newsgroup just for entertainment, . . .

: [ . . . ]

: Do you always complain about entertainment that YOU have chosen??

:BTW, You will receive an addition monthly charge of $29.95 for
:all entertainment read during prime-time hours.

Plus surcharges to the various performers you witness.

We hope you enjoyed your visit at the zoo.

History`s first failed franchise:

Pilate`s Prophet-on-a-Stick


Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
Golyath <> wrote: (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:
:>In article <40o72j$>,
:>Golyath <> wrote:
:>-> (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:
:>->>In article <40mc2m$>,
:>->Look, I don't want to get involved in this silly argument,
:>Then you probably should have stayed out of it. Do you often do things
:>(like this) that you don't want to do? Who/what is forcing you to do
:>these things against your will?
:>->But, I have seen it posted more then once indicating that this,
:>->netcom.general is a shell group only...
:>Not entirely correct. Currently, netcom.general is a general group for
:>NETCOM users; topics which are specific to a subset (like, as the
:>obvious example, NetLuzer specific topics) should go in the newsgroups
:>aimed at them. You'll find that ixers *are* welcome here, so long as
:>they are not posting NetLuzer specific questions. This groups is
:>primarily for shell users, as should be made obvious by the fact that
:>NetLuzer users have their own heirarchy of newsgroups.

:You say ix'ers are welcome here as long as they ask the correct
:quesitons.... but then you go on to refer to Netcruiser as Netluzer and
:you don't expect a few feathers to be ruffled?

If the IX domanin wasn't infested with so many Lusers, this would not
happen. Unfortunately IXappears to be a haven for refugees from AOL.

:You act like all ix'er
:arn't capable of chewing gum and typing at the same time,

I don't think a majority of you are capable of chewing gum, much less
doing anything else at the same time.

:and you say the
:ix'ers are the ones who are immature?? I will admit... having Netcruiser
:specific questions on here isn't right... but to jump on all of us is a
:little crazy.

So are we.

:Most of the freakin posts on here are regarding this

They are? Swami, responce please?


Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
to (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:

:William McHarg ( wrote:

:{ >{ Peggy (ix'er) <<---- aka Peggy (Stupid fucking ixer)

:{ Gary, have you been sleeping? They've been pounding on her for 2
:{ days now...

:Not sleeping, upgrading to new version of my OS. I read the posts before
:I posted but she needed at least one more.

One would think that this would have given you reason to be even more
excited than usual when dealing with an IXer.


Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
to (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:

:In article <40rc1c$>,

:Golyath <> wrote:
:-> (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:

:->>NetLuzer is an accurate summary of my opinion of the software. Thus,
:->>the *only* people who have a right to be upset by this opinion are the
:->>people who coded it. If these individuals want to take exception to my
:->>opinion of tgheir work, that I can undersdtand. For a mere user of the
:->>software to be offended by that opinion is, I think, a sure sign that
:->>a life is in dire need. Feel free to insult the software that I use,
:->>if you like - won't bother me a bit, unless I happen to have written
:->>it myself.
:->Ok... I'll have to admit I see your point. What I got pissed about were
:->other people making comments that ALL ix'ers are stupid, therefor
:->deserving the jokes and all the other crap.

:Then please, may I suggest you jump on the people who do this, if you
:disagree with them, rather than me?
:I do think that, as with AOL, there are far more clueless ixers than
:cluefull ones. I think this is because the idea behind AOL and
:NetLuzer makes the internet perhaps a bit *too* easy to use. Prior to
:the appearance of GUImess connections, the learning curver was (while
:not terribly steep - I manage just fine, and I have only a hobbyist
:knowledge of computers) sufficient to discourage the terminally
:I miss the days when September came only once a year.

:Coward, n.:
: One who in a perilous emergency thinks with his legs.
: -- Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary"

And theny Mark's new net.freind went and posted thusly in the NetLuser

Golyath <> wrote:

:If you are reading this, then most likely you have a Netcruiser account.
:Please do not post on Netcom.general about anything that even closely
:resembles a Netcruiser related question. Those people are so anal over
:there I am really sick of hearing them put down ix'ers all the time.
:Now, I am sure by posting this, I am going to get a lot of flak from a
:few of them who shouldn't be reading this in the first place. But you
:should see how they jump on everyone over there!


Guess you impressed him with a non-flamatory responce Mark.

Next time just tell them to gtfoongwts(c) and get it done with.

William J. Evans

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. === (Wotan) wrote:

>Golyath <> wrote:
>:and you say the
>:ix'ers are the ones who are immature?? I will admit... having Netcruiser
>:specific questions on here isn't right... but to jump on all of us is a
>:little crazy.


>:Most of the freakin posts on here are regarding this
>They are? Swami, responce please?

It don't matter none. This too shall pass.

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


-- plutonium terrorist fertilizer anarchist banana NSA assassinate
Bill Evans P.O. Box 4829 Irvine, CA 92716 (714)551-2766 _ /| ACK!
Email-To: -- PGP encrypted mail preferred. -- \`o_O' /
Finger for public key. Key #: 441AFEA5 =( )=
PGPprint: FB D0 1C 1D EF DC 26 BA B3 9E 84 0B 40 D6 59 9C U

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
In article <>, William J. Evans <> wrote:
>It don't matter none. This too shall pass.

Painfully, like a kidney stone.

John Davis

Aug 17, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/17/95
William J. Evans ( wrote:

: (Wotan) wrote:
: >Golyath <> wrote:
: >:and you say the
: >:ix'ers are the ones who are immature?? I will admit... having Netcruiser
: >:specific questions on here isn't right... but to jump on all of us is a
: >:little crazy.

: [snip]

: >:Most of the freakin posts on here are regarding this
: >:matter...
: >
: >They are? Swami, responce please?

: It don't matter none. This too shall pass.

Just be sure to wipe after the blessed event.
John Davis (o o) The hammer shatters glass but forges steel.
~ Russian Proverb

John Sanger

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
In article <> (William McHarg) writes:
> (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:
>>William McHarg ( wrote:
>>{ >{ Peggy (ix'er) <<---- aka Peggy (Stupid fucking ixer)
>>{ Gary, have you been sleeping? They've been pounding on her for 2
>>{ days now...
>>Not sleeping, upgrading to new version of my OS. I read the posts before
>>I posted but she needed at least one more.
>Oh, (he said with a smile ) you must mean Win95. Ididn't know
>you were a bete-tester....
You misspelled masochist!


John S. 8^{)> "Netcom Toady no. 2"

Ty Fairchild

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
Golyath ( wrote and I quote:
: (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:
: >
: >->but then you go on to refer to Netcruiser as Netluzer and
: >->you don't expect a few feathers to be ruffled?
: >
: >NetLuzer is an accurate summary of my opinion of the software. Thus,
: >the *only* people who have a right to be upset by this opinion are the
: >people who coded it. If these individuals want to take exception to my
: >opinion of tgheir work, that I can undersdtand. For a mere user of the
: >software to be offended by that opinion is, I think, a sure sign that
: >a life is in dire need. Feel free to insult the software that I use,
: >if you like - won't bother me a bit, unless I happen to have written
: >it myself.
: >

: Ok... I'll have to admit I see your point. What I got pissed about were
: other people making comments that ALL ix'ers are stupid, therefor
: deserving the jokes and all the other crap. I agree the Netcruiser
: software sucks.. I don't use it myself, but since I have the wonderful ix
: in my address, people assume I do.

Hmmmmm. An Observation: One does not feel inferior unless one feels
that one is inferior. Remarks that imply inferiority are thus
internalized, engendering a greater feeling of inferiority. This is
countered by lashing out in a futile attempt to prove that the feelings
one believes to be true are untrue.




"Pain validates life." Tudor Williams (1941 - )

Everett C. Johnson

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
I sent the message below to Netcom tech support and received the answer
shown. I realize thes were .ix. questions but they told me the answers
were in this news group. Question: Is their answer accurate? Should
I be satisfied with it?

Thanks for your thoughts.

============================ My Message ===============================
On Wed, 16 Aug 1995, Everett C. Johnson wrote:

> Date: Wed, 16 Aug 1995 07:47:48 -0700
> From: Everett C. Johnson <>
> To:
> Subject: Three subjects - see message
> 1. Please give me an e-mail address for customer service, I want the
> COMPANY to hear my complaints.
> 2. When is the loss of tons of news group messages going to be fixed
> and what is being done to correct it. Please don't blow me off with
> some answer which does not admit to the problem or that doesn't say
> anything. I am NOT geting the service I am paying for and I haven't
> been for weeks. I DESERVE a factual answer. (For example
> clari.apbl.briefs often has NO news actually available. The last
> header is several hours old, but we all know that they update every
> hour. Please don't tell me that they have reorganized their groups
> and I might be accessing the wrong one(s). I am accessing correct, >
current groups.)
> 3. On this one PLEASE do NOT tell me to check my modem settings, or
> my system, etc. I know that my system/modem is set up correctly and
> that hundreds or thousands of other users are experiencing the >
problem. I am, more and more frequently, getting unexpected loss of >
control connection messages, and worse - loss of carrier. What is >
the problem and what is Netcom doing to diagnose and rectify these >

=============================== Netcom's Response =====================

To: "Everett C. Johnson" <>
From: Tamra Burgess <>
Subject: Re: Three subjects - see message
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 10:51:52 -0700 (PDT)
The actual answers to your questions are posted in the netcom.general
newsgroup. I will also forward your comments to the appropriate
management so that any necessary problems can be resolved.


Tamra Burgess, Customer Liaison

NETCOM On-line Communications, Inc. 24-hr. Support:
email: or

Tony Porczyk

Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95
to (Gary L. Burnore) writes:

>Actually I am a beta tester. I did work on the TCP/IP stacks for Win95 vs
>SCO UNIX. WIndows95 is running fine. It's the SCO I'm upgrading.

How do you like the latest one? I read about but haven't had the
opportunity to play with it. I read the administative shell is much
improved under X, is it true?

Tony Porczyk * * San Jose, California *
GIT/ED d++$(!d) s++:++ a? C++++ UBSL++++$ P+ E--- W(--) N++ !k w-- M- V? b-
PS+++@ PE++ O X-- Y++@ PGP-- t+@ 5-- R* D---- !e>e++@ h* y** r+++(*)+++(*)>


Aug 18, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/18/95

>Hmmmmm. An Observation: One does not feel inferior unless one feels
>that one is inferior. Remarks that imply inferiority are thus
>internalized, engendering a greater feeling of inferiority. This is
>countered by lashing out in a futile attempt to prove that the feelings
>one believes to be true are untrue.

And which textbook did you get that out of?


Ty Fairchild

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
Golyath ( wrote and I quote:

: >
: >Hmmmmm. An Observation: One does not feel inferior unless one feels


Surely you are joshing. The words issue forth as a
consequence of your own internal malestrom that generates your
postings. Like the cry of a lost baby bird seeking its mother within
a stormy whirlwind, you post in the hope of gaining recognition, yet
your words are swept away by the very same angry gale that
cruelly lashes the young bird's sodden feathers. The night's grasping
caress shows no mercy to anyone who ventures forth in innocence or in
ignorance. Would you expect less from the zoo?


"Death doesn't concern me; it's the dying that hurts."

William J. Evans

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. === (Ty Fairchild) wrote:
>Golyath ( wrote and I quote:

I note here that twfic wrote the following. golyath@ix dropped the
attribution; I'm sure he meant no harm by it.

>: >Hmmmmm. An Observation: One does not feel inferior unless one feels
>: >that one is inferior.


Anyhoo, golyath@ix continues (followed by twfic again):

>: And which textbook did you get that out of?
> ^^^^^^^^
> Surely you are joshing. The words issue forth as a
>consequence of your own internal malestrom that generates your
>postings. Like the cry of a lost baby bird seeking its mother within
>a stormy whirlwind, you post in the hope of gaining recognition, yet
>your words are swept away by the very same angry gale that
>cruelly lashes the young bird's sodden feathers. The night's grasping
>caress shows no mercy to anyone who ventures forth in innocence or in
>ignorance. Would you expect less from the zoo?

Anybody want a banana?

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


Tony Porczyk

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
to (Everett C. Johnson ) writes:

>I sent the message below to Netcom tech support and received the answer
>shown. I realize thes were .ix. questions but they told me the answers
>were in this news group. Question: Is their answer accurate? Should
>I be satisfied with it?

>[NetCruiser-specific question deleted]

>=============================== Netcom's Response =====================
>To: "Everett C. Johnson" <>
>From: Tamra Burgess <>
>Subject: Re: Three subjects - see message
>Date: Fri, 18 Aug 1995 10:51:52 -0700 (PDT)
>The actual answers to your questions are posted in the netcom.general
>newsgroup. I will also forward your comments to the appropriate
>management so that any necessary problems can be resolved.
>Tamra Burgess, Customer Liaison

No, you shouldn't be satisfied with it. It is highly unlikely that you
will find the answer to NetCruiser questions here. In fact, you may
even get slightly toasted if you ask one (this of course is not a
flame as you were misdirected). I have no idea why you got this
reply. It is wrong. The proper newsgroup would be netcom.netcruiser.general.

Larry Mahoney

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
to (Ty Fairchild) wrote:

> Surely you are joshing. The words issue forth as a
>consequence of your own internal malestrom that generates your
>postings. Like the cry of a lost baby bird seeking its mother within
>a stormy whirlwind, you post in the hope of gaining recognition, yet
>your words are swept away by the very same angry gale that
>cruelly lashes the young bird's sodden feathers. The night's grasping
>caress shows no mercy to anyone who ventures forth in innocence or in
>ignorance. Would you expect less from the zoo?

expect less
hope for more
take what I get

damn, wish I could write like that

William J. Evans

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
to (Larry Mahoney) wrote:
:damn, wish I could write like that

Run away fro^%&$*(N0 CARRIER

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
In article <>,

Larry Mahoney <> wrote:
>damn, wish I could write like that

Simple. Run to SanFran (I suppose New York would do, too), overdose on
drama classes, and immerse yourself in the artsy lifestyle. ;->

tsalagi sez, "It's coffee, dammit, not cappucino or espresso..."

John Davis

Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
Ty Fairchild ( wrote:
: Golyath ( wrote and I quote:

: : >
: : >Hmmmmm. An Observation: One does not feel inferior unless one feels
: : >that one is inferior. Remarks that imply inferiority are thus

: : >internalized, engendering a greater feeling of inferiority. This is
: : >countered by lashing out in a futile attempt to prove that the feelings
: : >one believes to be true are untrue.
: : >
: : >
: : >Ty
: : >

: : And which textbook did you get that out of?
: ^^^^^^^^

: Surely you are joshing. The words issue forth as a

: consequence of your own internal malestrom that generates your
: postings. Like the cry of a lost baby bird seeking its mother within
: a stormy whirlwind, you post in the hope of gaining recognition, yet
: your words are swept away by the very same angry gale that
: cruelly lashes the young bird's sodden feathers. The night's grasping
: caress shows no mercy to anyone who ventures forth in innocence or in
: ignorance. Would you expect less from the zoo?

Excellent! Excellent! Very well thought out and articulated statement of
his problem. Now, if he will just eschew this unhealthy pattern of
denial, we will be able to help him to grow into a more self confident
individual. It is possible, with a little help from his friends, that he
too could become a fully mature netabusser, like the rest of us.


Aug 19, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/19/95
> Surely you are joshing. The words issue forth as a
>consequence of your own internal malestrom that generates your
>postings. Like the cry of a lost baby bird seeking its mother within
>a stormy whirlwind, you post in the hope of gaining recognition, yet
>your words are swept away by the very same angry gale that
>cruelly lashes the young bird's sodden feathers. The night's grasping
>caress shows no mercy to anyone who ventures forth in innocence or in
>ignorance. Would you expect less from the zoo?

> Ty

Man, you have an imagination, I'll give you that. I could care a less
about recognition and I don't know where you get this lashing crap from
but I think you need to turn some of that psychology bull on yourself and
see what you find out.


John Sanger

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
In article <412nu6$> Golyath <> writes:
>>Hmmmmm. An Observation: One does not feel inferior unless one feels
>>that one is inferior. Remarks that imply inferiority are thus
>>internalized, engendering a greater feeling of inferiority. This is
>>countered by lashing out in a futile attempt to prove that the feelings
>>one believes to be true are untrue.
>And which textbook did you get that out of?
I seem to have seen some referance to it in the "Newuser's Zoo Handbook"
which is available for 10 BANANAs at the sourvenier shop in the BAYAN
Only 'Chiquita(tm)' BANANAs will be accepted for payment for this item....
No mashed or bruised BANANAs accepted either.

John Sanger

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95

The psychology stuff is not the bull in this thread but the stuff
eminating from the account of does have a foul
odor about it and could possibly be that BS that you have mentioned so
try cleaning up your keyboard and that smell just might disappear.

William J. Evans

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. === (John Sanger) wrote:
: the "Newuser's Zoo Handbook"

:which is available for 10 BANANAs at the sourvenier shop in the BAYAN

A durn sight better than the documentation they give to ixers....

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


Everett Johnson

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
to (Tony Porczyk) wrote:

I agree that is the right group, but I can guarantee you the
questions were not asnwered there, at least not in recent memory.


Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
On Sun, 20 Aug 1995 01:58:16 GMT, Everett Johnson ( wrote:
: (Tony Porczyk) wrote:

: > (Everett C. Johnson ) writes:

: >>I sent the message below to Netcom tech support and received the answer
: >>shown. I realize thes were .ix. questions but they told me the answers
: >>were in this news group. Question: Is their answer accurate? Should
: >>I be satisfied with it?
: >>[NetCruiser-specific question deleted]
: >>=============================== Netcom's Response =====================

: >No, you shouldn't be satisfied with it. It is highly unlikely that you

: >will find the answer to NetCruiser questions here. In fact, you may
: >even get slightly toasted if you ask one (this of course is not a
: >flame as you were misdirected). I have no idea why you got this
: >reply. It is wrong. The proper newsgroup would be netcom.netcruiser.general.

: I agree that is the right group, but I can guarantee you the

: questions were not asnwered there, at least not in recent memory.

There was a recent "official" post on n.n.g about the loss of hundreds
of Usenet posts (or someone posted email they had received from Netcom
about it...there have been several threads on this), but I don't think
anyone has posted a satisfactory explanation/answer to the problem.

-- ...with rings on her fingers and bells on her toes... <>

Sleepy Cat Graphis
P.O. Box 608048 - The Church of Zen Fatalism -
San Diego, CA 92160 Artful Things Gallery


Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
>The psychology stuff is not the bull in this thread but the stuff
>eminating from the account of does have a foul
>odor about it and could possibly be that BS that you have mentioned so
>try cleaning up your keyboard and that smell just might disappear.
> John S. 8^{)> "Netcom Toady no. 2"

Gee... you seem to have an answer for everything. Have you though if
running for office? You seem to have the average prickness about you to
be an effective politician.


Tony Porczyk

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
Golyath <> writes:

>Gee... you seem to have an answer for everything. Have you though if
>running for office? You seem to have the average prickness about you to
>be an effective politician.

I've kept my mouth shut so far (more or less) but I gotta tell you -
you're bitching that no one is telling you about shell, but you don't
ask, you only bitch. Then when you try flames, you come accross as a
crude Joe Sixpack with an intelligence and refinement of a pissed into
beer can. For a moment I was hoping there was an IX'er with a bite.
You're a real dissapointment.


Ty Fairchild

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
Golyath ( wrote and I quote:
: > Surely you are joshing. The words issue forth as a
: >consequence of your own internal malestrom that generates your
: >postings. Like the cry of a lost baby bird seeking its mother within
: >a stormy whirlwind, you post in the hope of gaining recognition, yet
: >your words are swept away by the very same angry gale that
: >cruelly lashes the young bird's sodden feathers. The night's grasping
: >caress shows no mercy to anyone who ventures forth in innocence or in
: >ignorance. Would you expect less from the zoo?

: > Ty

: Man, you have an imagination, I'll give you that. I could care a less
: about recognition and I don't know where you get this lashing crap from
: but I think you need to turn some of that psychology bull on yourself and
: see what you find out.

I am indeed sorry that you feel so threatened by my words.
Perhaps if you re-read your last 19 words above, you'll see how you
are wildly lashing out at anyone and anything, like a fearful octopus
blinded by the murkiness of its own ink, However, not to belabor the
point, this will be my last post in this thread. I do not want you to
have to increase the doseage of your medication. Keep a lookout for a
new thread that I will start soon, Subject: Psychology. --

All rights reserved to post flame mail.


Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
>I've kept my mouth shut so far (more or less) but I gotta tell you -
>you're bitching that no one is telling you about shell, but you don't
>ask, you only bitch. Then when you try flames, you come accross as a
>crude Joe Sixpack with an intelligence and refinement of a pissed into
>beer can. For a moment I was hoping there was an IX'er with a bite.
>You're a real dissapointment.

Oh I've asked before and you know what I got? I got one hell of an
attitude from a bunch of shell people who must really be latching onto
this 'fake society' of internet. This might be a little hard for someone
of my poor intelegince to explain, (please forgave me.. I ain't know no
proper talkin or nuthin) but it almost seems like you guys are trying to
compensate for something. I don't know if your not happy with your lives
and feel as if you need to lash out at every Netcruiser person you come
accross or what.

And if you think about it... you all should feel pretty stupid
yourselves. Look at what you are bitching about. Here we have 2 kinds
of users.. shell and Netcruiser. The shell account use theirs because
they have more control over what they do... ok, understandable. The
Netcruiser people use theirs because it's cheap and easy.. (some people
really don't have time in their lives to learn the internet inside and
out. Not that it is a bad thing if you do, but why have an attitude with
the ix'ers all the time? Because once and awhile they post a message
that you don't feel is appropriate on a newsgroup you have adopted as
your own? I mean for christ sakes... that is really freakin stupid!



Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
> I am indeed sorry that you feel so threatened by my words.
>Perhaps if you re-read your last 19 words above, you'll see how you
>are wildly lashing out at anyone and anything, like a fearful octopus
>blinded by the murkiness of its own ink, However, not to belabor the
>point, this will be my last post in this thread. I do not want you to
>have to increase the doseage of your medication. Keep a lookout for a
>new thread that I will start soon, Subject: Psychology. --

> Ty

You don't make any sense at all. There is no winning with you people.
If I try to reply to most of the posts regarding this manner, I am
lashing. But, if I don't reply... I am just some stupid IX'er who can't
figure out how to point his mouse over to the thread button.... I'm not
lashing at anyone any more then the shell people. Uh-oh Ty.... I guess I
have slipped into that denial phase. ;-) Where's my medication?


Tony Porczyk

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
to (William McHarg) writes:

>I have noticed that many people tend to respond in the manner in
>which they were addressed in the first place. Perhaps if we
>didn't have the kneejerk reaction that we tend to about
>netcruisers, they wouldn't react in ways that we find unpleasant.

Interesting point, but then I don't post in n.n.* asking question. When
I see a legitimate question from a NetCruiser here, I tend to reply in
email or post an answer, but Golyath's "question-attacks" turn me off
immediately. I don't like to answer when I'm attacked, it's a fairly
natural reaction. I distinctly remember some IX'ers asking about shell
here a while ago - they got good answers. The difference is, they were

William McHarg

Aug 20, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/20/95
to (Tony Porczyk) wrote:

>Golyath <> writes:

>>Gee... you seem to have an answer for everything. Have you though if
>>running for office? You seem to have the average prickness about you to
>>be an effective politician.

>I've kept my mouth shut so far (more or less) but I gotta tell you -

>you're bitching that no one is telling you about shell, but you don't
>ask, you only bitch. Then when you try flames, you come accross as a
>crude Joe Sixpack with an intelligence and refinement of a pissed into
>beer can. For a moment I was hoping there was an IX'er with a bite.
>You're a real dissapointment.

I have noticed that many people tend to respond in the manner in

which they were addressed in the first place. Perhaps if we
didn't have the kneejerk reaction that we tend to about
netcruisers, they wouldn't react in ways that we find unpleasant.

Mac 1651-B S. Idalia Ci. Aurora, CO 80017

It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue
about them. Caron de Beaumarchais

Bill Bosacker

Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95
Golyath <> wrote:


>And if you think about it... you all should feel pretty stupid
>yourselves. Look at what you are bitching about. Here we have 2 kinds
>of users.. shell and Netcruiser. The shell account use theirs because
>they have more control over what they do... ok, understandable. The
>Netcruiser people use theirs because it's cheap and easy.. (some people

Sorry, easy, maybe. Cheap? NOT!!!! I pay 17.50 per month for
unlimited usage. You pay 19.95 plus excess usage.

>really don't have time in their lives to learn the internet inside and

Here's the problem. They do have the time, they just don't want to take
it. If you truely don't have the time, which is very unlikely, then you
should either pay some one to teach you or get the hell out. SIMPLE!!

>out. Not that it is a bad thing if you do, but why have an attitude with
>the ix'ers all the time? Because once and awhile they post a message
>that you don't feel is appropriate on a newsgroup you have adopted as
>your own? I mean for christ sakes... that is really freakin stupid!

I have a question for you, what it the #1 rule regarding the usenet?
Might it be that you should monitor a group first and find out what it
is all about before posting?

This newsgroup was not adopted as our own. It was given to all
non-netcruiser accounts before netcruiser was even a glimer in anyones
eye. When netcruiser became a reality, Netcom created newsgroups
specifically for all netcruisers. Ignorance is not bliss, it bites as
many a netcruiser has found out.

Larry Mahoney

Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95
to (William McHarg) wrote:

>I have noticed that many people tend to respond in the manner in
>which they were addressed in the first place. Perhaps if we
>didn't have the kneejerk reaction that we tend to about
>netcruisers, they wouldn't react in ways that we find unpleasant.



William McHarg

Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95
to (Larry Mahoney) wrote:

> (William McHarg) wrote:


You're barking up the wrong tree, Larry.... :)

Charles Donaghe

Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95
John Sanger ( wrote:
: In article <412nu6$> Golyath <> writes:
: >
: >And which textbook did you get that out of?
: >
: >--Golyath
: >
: I seem to have seen some referance to it in the "Newuser's Zoo Handbook"

: which is available for 10 BANANAs at the sourvenier shop in the BAYAN
: Plaza.
: Only 'Chiquita(tm)' BANANAs will be accepted for payment for this item....

: No mashed or bruised BANANAs accepted either.

Speaking of the sourvenier shop, how is the maintance fund for the new
blades for Dianne's Zambonie. It would appear they are going to be needed
before we get to move. At this rate we may need to get several sets.



Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change.

This message compliments of:

Charles Donaghe


Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95
to (Tony Porczyk) wrote:

:No, you shouldn't be satisfied with it. It is highly unlikely that you

:will find the answer to NetCruiser questions here. In fact, you may
:even get slightly toasted if you ask one (this of course is not a
:flame as you were misdirected). I have no idea why you got this
:reply. It is wrong. The proper newsgroup would be netcom.netcruiser.general.

Actually, the answer to his complaint is here (and in
netcom.netcrusier.general). This very topic has been discussed in
both groups in the past couple of weeks and the reason for his problem
was given by Greg, amongst others.

...So-called "netiquette" is a set of constantly-changing, self-imposed
rules. However, the people who harp the loudest about "netiquette" are
often the most hypocritical when it comes to abiding by it.
-Timothy D Fay <> wrote:


Aug 21, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/21/95
>Interesting point, but then I don't post in n.n.* asking question. When
>I see a legitimate question from a NetCruiser here, I tend to reply in
>email or post an answer, but Golyath's "question-attacks" turn me off
>immediately. I don't like to answer when I'm attacked, it's a fairly
>natural reaction. I distinctly remember some IX'ers asking about shell
>here a while ago - they got good answers. The difference is, they were

I'm sorry?? What did I miss? "Question attacks?" I love the way I have
turned out to be the bad guy in all of this. This whole argument started
way before I even brough up the issue of having the shell "thing"
explained to me. I was just trying to make a point about that.
Actually, I was talking about an incodent that did happen several months
ago. I asked that very same question and got a bucnh of shit from
several shell people.

Now.. I have gotten several pieces of mail from shell people who don't
feel the way towards ix'ers as many of you do here. They have said in
general that they think that most of these arguments are a total waste of
time. You people started this whole thing... why can't you just let it
go away?


Larry Mahoney

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95
to (William McHarg) wrote:

> (Larry Mahoney) wrote:

>> (William McHarg) wrote:

>>>I have noticed that many people tend to respond in the manner in
>>>which they were addressed in the first place. Perhaps if we
>>>didn't have the kneejerk reaction that we tend to about
>>>netcruisers, they wouldn't react in ways that we find unpleasant.


>You're barking up the wrong tree, Larry.... :)

This isn't the hanging tree?

Never mind. : )


Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize
a mistake when you make it again.

Charles Donaghe

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95
B.W. 'Ollie' Olin ( wrote:
: (Charles Donaghe) wrote:

: > Why, not just require them to pass a user's exam. Call it an
: >internet users (drivers) license. After all they have to take and pass
: >one to drive. Ham radio operator's have to take one to use their radio's
: >why not require them to pass an internet test:)

: You got my vote on this one. Should we have a mix of operating system
: basics, or separate tests for the OS differences? I like the mix myself,
: but I'm weird.

I would vote for a mild mix. I'd also see a section of the test for
netetiquette, uses and customs. Also on terminology, etc. A general
hodgepodge of stuff. Nothing really hard but enough so that they would
have to understand what is going on...

Message has been deleted

John Sanger

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95
In article <41cbqt$> Golyath <> writes:
>>If you would stay out of non NC newsgroups about 50% of the ix'er
>>animosity would evaporate instantly.
>Thats just it you fuzzy wittle bear... I ain't goin nowhere!

So you are admiting to being the cause of the problem between the
shell accounts and NC accounts.


Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95

No.. the problem started when certain shellies began making rude comments
about netcruiser users and the general feeling among them that ix'ers are
idiots. Thats all I have a problem with. I'm not here to put down shell
users or their inteligence, and I am not here to post specific questions
about netcruiser. I would just like all the hateful crap to stop. If a
netcruiser user posts something on here that is inappropriate, then I
would expect that person to be delt with as an individual, not as a
group! This is the 90's after all...



Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95

>If you would stay out of non NC newsgroups about 50% of the ix'er
>animosity would evaporate instantly.
> John S. 8^{)> "Netcom Toady no. 2"

Charles Donaghe

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95
Jonathan Blake ( wrote:
: Can we petition Congress to pay for the education of
: Golyath, and his/her ilk?

: xan

Why, not just require them to pass a user's exam. Call it an
internet users (drivers) license. After all they have to take and pass
one to drive. Ham radio operator's have to take one to use their radio's
why not require them to pass an internet test:)


John Sanger

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95

Jonathan Blake

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95
Bill Bosacker ( wrote:
: Golyath <> wrote:

: [SNIP]

: >really don't have time in their lives to learn the internet inside and

: Here's the problem. They do have the time, they just don't want to take
: it. If you truely don't have the time, which is very unlikely, then you
: should either pay some one to teach you or get the hell out. SIMPLE!!

I think it took me about 5 hours to learn to use
Archie, Gopher, Jughead, Veronica, WWW, FTP, finger
Pine, TIN, etc, etc, etc.

It seems to me that Golyath, and his/her ilk, haven't the
desire to spend any time learning how to actually use the
various tools available on the internet -- other than
newsgroups, and looking at webpages.

Can we petition Congress to pay for the education of
Golyath, and his/her ilk?




Just another habitue of
The Artist's Republic of Fremont,
found in the land of espresso and latte.

B.W. 'Ollie' Olin

Aug 22, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/22/95
to (Charles Donaghe) wrote:

>Jonathan Blake ( wrote:
>: Can we petition Congress to pay for the education of
>: Golyath, and his/her ilk?

The problem with this idea is our government would do it. Under the net
challenged or endangered netters or something weird like that.

> Why, not just require them to pass a user's exam. Call it an
>internet users (drivers) license. After all they have to take and pass
>one to drive. Ham radio operator's have to take one to use their radio's
>why not require them to pass an internet test:)

You got my vote on this one. Should we have a mix of operating system

basics, or separate tests for the OS differences? I like the mix myself,
but I'm weird.


B.W. 'Ollie' Olin "Reality plays no significant role in this mess." Unknown


Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
to (Bill Bosacker) wrote:

>> The Solution
>> The solution to the problem is to do what we should have done a year ago
>>and create a set of newsgroups specifically for the Shell account users.
>>While we're at it, a we'll also create a set of "global" newsgroups that
>>are common to both Shell account users and NetCruiser account users. When
>>we're finished, each kind of user will have their own set of groups dedicated
>>to your own method of using NETCOM, and a common set of groups for mingling
>>with the "other guys" and discussing common issues.
>> NETCOM has been asked by our users many times to provide support to our
>>users via Usenet newsgroups. Soon after this reorganization, we will be
>>creating newsgroups for that purpose and allocating personnel to answer
>>questions on those groups. We had hoped to be able to do this at the same
>>time as the reorganization, but the schedules didn't mesh well enough.
>>We'll have to create the groups a little later, when the resources are
>>available to provide the support. More details will be forthcoming when
>>we're ready to start the groups going.

Ok.. not only did you waste a lot of bandwith with a 129 line quote, you
did it 3 times...

And... you proved nothing. I understand that netcruiser people should
NOT POST on the freakin newsgroup unless it is a general question! You
don't have to act like an asshole to all of them when they do!

And... THE SOLUTION was to create a newsgroup for SHELL PEOPLE!!!! Netcom
hasn't done it yet!! So, go bitch at them for all the good it will do.


Ed Foster

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In article <41dock$>, says...

> (John Sanger) wrote:
>>In article <41cbqt$> Golyath
<> writes:
>>>>If you would stay out of non NC newsgroups about 50% of the ix'er
>>>>animosity would evaporate instantly.


>No.. the problem started when certain shellies began making rude comments
>about netcruiser users and the general feeling among them that ix'ers are
>idiots. Thats all I have a problem with. I'm not here to put down shell
>users or their inteligence, and I am not here to post specific questions
>about netcruiser. I would just like all the hateful crap to stop. If a
>netcruiser user posts something on here that is inappropriate, then I
>would expect that person to be delt with as an individual, not as a
>group! This is the 90's after all...

Actually the problem started before that. A small group of shellers used to
fight among themselves but then Netcruiser came along. That gave them what
they thought were easier targets, they are only bully wannabes, and they
pounced. Of course, they created far more noise than the inappropriate
netcruiser posts that they were whining about, but then noise was never really
the point. They like to squabble, it's what they are, it's what they do.
What's got them most upset is that until recently they were fairly successful
at bullying the poor ixer who stumbled into netcom.general. But now more and
more are fighting back and it's getting them buffaloed. I've used this quote
before about Gary but it's applicable to the rest of his sorry defenders as
well: "never attribute to malice what can be adaquately explained by
stupidity." With that in mind they are can be more easily tolerated.

Ed Foster

William J. Evans

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. === (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:
:Asshole is in the eye of the beholder.

As in, "Here's mud in your eye"?

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


-- plutonium terrorist fertilizer anarchist banana NSA assassinate
Bill Evans P.O. Box 4829 Irvine, CA 92716 (714)551-2766 _ /| ACK!
Email-To: -- PGP encrypted mail preferred. -- \`o_O' /
Finger for public key. Key #: 441AFEA5 =( )=
PGPprint: FB D0 1C 1D EF DC 26 BA B3 9E 84 0B 40 D6 59 9C U

William J. Evans

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. === (John Sanger) wrote:

:In article <41cbqt$> Golyath <> writes:

:>Thats just it you fuzzy wittle bear... I ain't goin nowhere!
:So you are admiting to being the cause of the problem between the

:shell accounts and NC accounts.

Jryy, ng yrnfg nyy guvf jenatyvat vf orggre guna gur obg. Yrg'f pbhag
bhe oyrffvatf.

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


John Sanger

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In article <41dock$> Golyath <> writes:
>>So you are admiting to being the cause of the problem between the
>>shell accounts and NC accounts.

>No.. the problem started when certain shellies began making rude comments
>about netcruiser users and the general feeling among them that ix'ers are
>idiots. Thats all I have a problem with. I'm not here to put down shell
>users or their inteligence, and I am not here to post specific questions
>about netcruiser. I would just like all the hateful crap to stop. If a
>netcruiser user posts something on here that is inappropriate, then I
>would expect that person to be delt with as an individual, not as a
>group! This is the 90's after all...
I think you need to reread your posts in this newsgroup, netcom.general.

Most of them do denigrate the shell community.

So as the self appointed representative and savior of Netlusers, you have
taken it upon yourself to cast aspersions upon any and all shellers who
happen to post something that you feel is not very complimentary of your
sacred group.

Well, the facts are that most of the ix'ers who post in the non-NC
newsgroups, do post NC specific questions. And they are promptly dealt
with by the shell community, in both public post and email.

Those that join in the non-NC specific topics in the non-NC newsgroups
find that they are very welcome and do not have any problems with
flameage unless they draw it due to deliberately asking for it or it
happens in the course of the discussion. Not all discussions are always
civil.... ;^)

So if the maturity level of ix'ers is as high as you contend, then they can
well deal with any situation that they come up against without the
self-appointed "vicar of Netluser"(golyath).

Your efforts are not aiding the cause of peace in the netcommie family
but are rather increasing the animous between the 2 groups.

So take a flying leap off the Golden Gate Bridge and take your misstress
with you as well.

Ors Deak

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In <> (B.W. 'Ollie' Olin)

I have a hard time passing gas....never mind a driving test.

Your good friend,

Ors Deak

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In <> (Gary L.
Burnore) writes:
>Charles Donaghe ( wrote:
>{ Why, not just require them to pass a user's exam. Call it an

>{ internet users (drivers) license. After all they have to take and
>{ one to drive. Ham radio operator's have to take one to use their
>{ why not require them to pass an internet test:)
>Good idea, wouldn't work. Goliath and his other ixer counterparts
>scream that it would be discrimination against the stupid.
> I work in a fire hydrant factory. Can't park anywhere near the
> |
>Gary L. Burnore |
>DataBasix |
>Santa Clara, CA | нлГ 3 4 1 4 2 нГоГ 6 9 0 6 9
> | Official Proof of Purchase
Not true, Gobernoy...I would like to try taking a test. Not that I
think I could ever pass one but it helps me pass gas when I think hard.


Ors Deak

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In <> (Charles

Donaghe) writes:
>B.W. 'Ollie' Olin ( wrote:
>: (Charles Donaghe) wrote:
>: > Why, not just require them to pass a user's exam. Call it an
>: >internet users (drivers) license. After all they have to take and
>: >one to drive. Ham radio operator's have to take one to use their
>: >why not require them to pass an internet test:)
>: You got my vote on this one. Should we have a mix of operating

>: basics, or separate tests for the OS differences? I like the mix
>: but I'm weird.
> I would vote for a mild mix. I'd also see a section of the test for
>netetiquette, uses and customs. Also on terminology, etc. A general
>hodgepodge of stuff. Nothing really hard but enough so that they
>have to understand what is going on...
>Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change.
>This message compliments of:
>Charles Donaghe

I think we have a good hodgepodge here....You should write up the
balance of the recommendations and present it to us for implementation.


John Sanger

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In article <> (Ed Foster) writes:
>In article <41dock$>, says...
>> (John Sanger) wrote:
>>>In article <41cbqt$> Golyath
><> writes:
>>>>>If you would stay out of non NC newsgroups about 50% of the ix'er
>>>>>animosity would evaporate instantly.
>>No.. the problem started when certain shellies began making rude comments
>>about netcruiser users and the general feeling among them that ix'ers are
>>idiots. Thats all I have a problem with. I'm not here to put down shell
>>users or their inteligence, and I am not here to post specific questions
>>about netcruiser. I would just like all the hateful crap to stop. If a
>>netcruiser user posts something on here that is inappropriate, then I
>>would expect that person to be delt with as an individual, not as a
>>group! This is the 90's after all...
>Actually the problem started before that. A small group of shellers used to
>fight among themselves but then Netcruiser came along. That gave them what
>they thought were easier targets, they are only bully wannabes, and they
>pounced. Of course, they created far more noise than the inappropriate
>netcruiser posts that they were whining about, but then noise was never really
>the point. They like to squabble, it's what they are, it's what they do.
>What's got them most upset is that until recently they were fairly successful
>at bullying the poor ixer who stumbled into netcom.general. But now more and
>more are fighting back and it's getting them buffaloed. I've used this quote
>before about Gary but it's applicable to the rest of his sorry defenders as
>well: "never attribute to malice what can be adaquately explained by
>stupidity." With that in mind they are can be more easily tolerated.
>Ed Foster
But one needs some explaination about the fact that you are among those
who denigrate Netcom often and loudly. You are one of those who do not
seem to understand the simple facts of what you have complained about
and are always condeming Netcom for not giving you good service.
So your opine is taken for what it is worth....what is a wooden nickle
worth these days? 8^)

Ors Deak

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In <> (John Sanger)
>In article <41cbqt$> Golyath
<> writes:
>>>If you would stay out of non NC newsgroups about 50% of the ix'er
>>>animosity would evaporate instantly.

>>Thats just it you fuzzy wittle bear... I ain't goin nowhere!

>So you are admiting to being the cause of the problem between the
>shell accounts and NC accounts.
> John S. 8^{)> "Netcom Toady no. 2"

NONONONO....It's all my fault. Blame it on me.


Ors Deak

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In <> (Bill Bosacker) writes:
>At 02:20 PM 8/22/95 -0700, you wrote:
>>>I'd like to know where in the above statement I said you are
required to
>>>"...drop everything and join the cause." I said, "...we choose our
>>>wars." You chose to attack shell users and then complained when
they flamed
>>>you. It would be nice if we got our way every time, but that's not
>>Now I know your not making sense... I was not attacking shell users
>>general! If you would bother to read the posts instead of wasting my
time, I
>>even apologized if it seemed like I was generalizing like MANY shell
> Sounds like a generalization to me?
>>do. I only got into this shit because I was sick and tired of seeing
>>the ix'ers were being treated by CERTAIN.. you see that? FREAKIN
>>shell users. Now, kindly get the fuck off of my back!
>See, now you are even starting to attack me, and you say that I
>bothered to read the posts. Well, lets see. Everything you've been
>complaining about has pretty much been covered in netcom.general, so i
>guess I'll start here.
>Since you did not bother to take the time to research anything we had
>talked about earlier, I guess I'll have to re-post it for you. It
>took me 2 minutes to pull up all of the current headers in
>netcom.general, so what is your excuse?
>** **
>** **
>Golyath <> wrote:
>>Hey, I would like to know more about a shell account. Problem is, I
>>can't find a shell user who isn't too much of a prick to tell me
>>"Let the itty bitty flames continue!"
>** **
>** **
> (USENET Administration) wrote:
>>ANNOUNCEMENT: Reorganization Of NETCOM Newsgroups - History and
>> Over the past several months, relations between NETCOM Shell
>>users and NetCruiser Account users in our local Usenet newsgroups
>>become increasingly combative. Flames and insults have become
>>NETCOM Technical Support and Administrators have been approached by
>>types of users, asking for a solution that will make the local
>>a better environment for all users.
>> The Problem
>> At the heart of the problem is the issue of which group of users
>>post articles to the non-NetCruiser newsgroups. (The ones that don't
>>have "netcruiser" in their name, such as "netcom.general") The non-
>>NetCruiser newsgroups pre-date the creation of the NetCruiser
>>and, therefore, NetCruiser accounts. Before NetCruiser accounts
>>the only accounts available from NETCOM were Shell accounts, and the
>>newsgroups that we now know as the "non-NetCruiser" groups were for
>>Shell account users.
>> When NETCOM began selling NetCruiser accounts a little over a year
>>a set of newsgroups were created to meet the needs of this new group
>>users. Those are the groups with the word "netcruiser" in their
>>(e.g. "netcom.netcruiser.general"). However, NETCOM did not create a
>>of similar groups for the Shell account users at that time. The
>>groups were left in place for the users of Shell accounts, just as
>>always had been.
>> So recently, as NetCruiser users have begun to post in the
>>that have traditionally been for the Shell accounts, the Shell users
>>felt like their turf is being intruded upon. In a number of cases,
>>Shell users have responded with criticism or even flamed the
>>users for posting inappropriately. For their part, the NetCruiser
>>weren't aware of the history surrounding the NETCOM newsgroups, so
>>didn't know that anyone would be upset by their posts. If they could
>>detect anything about the purpose of the newsgroups from the group
>>it would be that the groups were global groups for use by all NETCOM
>>not reserved for only the Shell accounts.
>>This post has become pretty long, so I will post the newsgroup lists
>>and descriptions to netcom.announce in the next article.
>>Greg Andrews
>>Senior NETCOM Usenet News Administrator
>>(Note followups set to cross-post between netcom.general and


Attorney at law

Ors Deak

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In <41e113$> Golyath <>
>Ok.. not only did you waste a lot of bandwith with a 129 line quote,
>did it 3 times...
>And... you proved nothing. I understand that netcruiser people should

>NOT POST on the freakin newsgroup unless it is a general question! You

>don't have to act like an asshole to all of them when they do!
>And... THE SOLUTION was to create a newsgroup for SHELL PEOPLE!!!!
>hasn't done it yet!! So, go bitch at them for all the good it will

I think shellers should have two newsgroups on;y for them and not have
to share. Also they should be allowed to post to ixer newsgroups so
they could learn from them.


William J. Evans

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. ===

Golyath <> wrote:
:Wow.. Vicar of Netluser.... kinda sounds like I am a polotician or
:something. Hmmm.. for once I am speachless John. I guess Peggy and I
:have a trip to plan.

Would that be, by any chance, the ninth trip?

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


William J. Evans

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. === (Ors Deak) wrote:
:NONONONO....It's all my fault. Blame it on me.

A lawyer admits liability?

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


William J. Evans

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
to (B.W. 'Ollie' Olin) wrote:
:Eat lots of fruit, bananas are the fruit of choice for this group. Then
:when you take the driving test you should pass lots of gas. :>

Actually, bananas won't help. They actually promote constipation.
Remember the BRAT diet?

apple sauce

Also, by the mere act of physical compression, bananas also promote
constipation when ingested from the other en^%&%$$(*N0 CARRIER

Ty Fairchild

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
John Davis ( wrote and I quote:
: William J. Evans ( wrote:

: : (Ors Deak) wrote:
: : :NONONONO....It's all my fault. Blame it on me.


: FOR THE HUMOR IMPAIRED: Sodium sexahol(tm) is a mild mood elevating
: substance used in the zoo to increase the flame output of some of the
: gentler habitue's. Gary appears to have somehow ODed and that is all
: Swami Bill's fault.

: (ducks and runs)

ROTFLMAO -- and totally out of my mind.

Gimme somma dat stuff.

All rights reserved to post flame mail.

"Death doesn't concern me; it's the dying that hurts."
Tudor Williams (1941 - )


Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
to (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:
>Golyath ( wrote:
>{ And... you proved nothing. I understand that netcruiser people should
>{ NOT POST on the freakin newsgroup unless it is a general question!
>So then don't post.
>BTW, it's fucking not freakin.
>Swearing at netcruiser users who post in netcom.general has done more to
>generate the new newsgroups than anything. The second my newsreader
>prompts me to join, the flames will stop.
>Til' then...


Uh... FUCK NO!


Ed Foster

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In article <>, says...

>In article <> (Ed Foster)
>>In article <41dock$>, says...
>>> (John Sanger) wrote:
>>>>In article <41cbqt$> Golyath
>><> writes:
>>>>>>If you would stay out of non NC newsgroups about 50% of the ix'er
>>>>>>animosity would evaporate instantly.
> John S. 8^{)> "Netcom Toady no. 2"

You are either VERY confused or an outright liar. I have NEVER complained
about Netcom's service and if you have information to the contrary please
provide it.

Ed Foster


Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
to (Gary L. Burnore) wrote:

>1. All ix'ers are idiots
>2. Not all netcruiser users are ix'ers
>C. Not all netcruiser users are idiots.

>{ Thats all I have a problem with. I'm not here to put down shell
>{ users or their inteligence, and I am not here to post specific questions
>{ about netcruiser.

>You're here because you're so fucking stupid that you can't understand
>that netcom.netcruiser.general is the proper place to post netcruiser
>specific questions.
>{ I would just like all the hateful crap to stop.
>Eat shit and die.
>{ If a

>{ netcruiser user posts something on here that is inappropriate, then I
>{ would expect that person to be delt with as an individual, not as a
>{ group!

>That's been tried. It failed.
>{ This is the 90's after all...
>What does the decade have to do with it?
>{ --Golyath <-- Current ix'er co-spokesperson

Well thanks, Gary.. and here I thought we were going to be buddies. Eat
shit and die? I would have thought you could do better then that. 8-)



Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95

>Those that join in the non-NC specific topics in the non-NC newsgroups
>find that they are very welcome and do not have any problems with
>flameage unless they draw it due to deliberately asking for it or it
>happens in the course of the discussion. Not all discussions are always
>civil.... ;^)
>So if the maturity level of ix'ers is as high as you contend, then they can
>well deal with any situation that they come up against without the
>self-appointed "vicar of Netluser"(golyath).
>Your efforts are not aiding the cause of peace in the netcommie family
>but are rather increasing the animous between the 2 groups.
>So take a flying leap off the Golden Gate Bridge and take your misstress
>with you as well.

> John S. 8^{)> "Netcom Toady no. 2"


Wow.. Vicar of Netluser.... kinda sounds like I am a polotician or
something. Hmmm.. for once I am speachless John. I guess Peggy and I
have a trip to plan.


Bill Bosacker

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95

Golyath <> wrote:


> The Problem

> The Solution

> The solution to the problem is to do what we should have done a year ago
>and create a set of newsgroups specifically for the Shell account users.
>While we're at it, a we'll also create a set of "global" newsgroups that
>are common to both Shell account users and NetCruiser account users. When
>we're finished, each kind of user will have their own set of groups dedicated
>to your own method of using NETCOM, and a common set of groups for mingling
>with the "other guys" and discussing common issues.

> NETCOM has been asked by our users many times to provide support to our
>users via Usenet newsgroups. Soon after this reorganization, we will be
>creating newsgroups for that purpose and allocating personnel to answer
>questions on those groups. We had hoped to be able to do this at the same
>time as the reorganization, but the schedules didn't mesh well enough.
>We'll have to create the groups a little later, when the resources are
>available to provide the support. More details will be forthcoming when
>we're ready to start the groups going.

William McHarg

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
to (John Sanger) wrote:

>In article <41dock$> Golyath <> writes:
>>>So you are admiting to being the cause of the problem between the
>>>shell accounts and NC accounts.

>>No.. the problem started when certain shellies began making rude comments

>>about netcruiser users and the general feeling among them that ix'ers are

>>idiots. Thats all I have a problem with. I'm not here to put down shell
>>users or their inteligence, and I am not here to post specific questions

>>about netcruiser. I would just like all the hateful crap to stop. If a

>>netcruiser user posts something on here that is inappropriate, then I
>>would expect that person to be delt with as an individual, not as a

>>group! This is the 90's after all...
>I think you need to reread your posts in this newsgroup, netcom.general.

>Most of them do denigrate the shell community.

>So as the self appointed representative and savior of Netlusers, you have
>taken it upon yourself to cast aspersions upon any and all shellers who
>happen to post something that you feel is not very complimentary of your
>sacred group.

>Well, the facts are that most of the ix'ers who post in the non-NC
>newsgroups, do post NC specific questions. And they are promptly dealt
>with by the shell community, in both public post and email.

BZZZZZT! Wrong, thank you for playing. Most of the netcruiser
posts in netcom.general are in these threads that are *responses*
to the way we react to netcruisers.

We made this bed, with intolerance and rudeness. Hopefully Momma
Netcom will come with shell groups soon and take of the problem.

>Those that join in the non-NC specific topics in the non-NC newsgroups
>find that they are very welcome and do not have any problems with
>flameage unless they draw it due to deliberately asking for it or it
>happens in the course of the discussion. Not all discussions are always
>civil.... ;^)

True,true. Actually, I thought Golyath got off some good shots
in the early rounds. Probably explains the overkill with which
he was met....

>So if the maturity level of ix'ers is as high as you contend, then they can
>well deal with any situation that they come up against without the
>self-appointed "vicar of Netluser"(golyath).

>Your efforts are not aiding the cause of peace in the netcommie family
>but are rather increasing the animous between the 2 groups.

Since when has there been any effort by the GTFOONG Brigade to
aid the cause of peace between the 2 groups? It would be nice to
see you espousing the cause for which you indict him.

>So take a flying leap off the Golden Gate Bridge and take your misstress
>with you as well.

And the gratuitous slam at the end. Point made.

Mac 1651-B S. Idalia Ci. Aurora, CO 80017

It is not necessary to understand things in order to argue
about them. Caron de Beaumarchais

William J. Evans

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. === (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:
:Actually, while bananas are part of the BRAT diet used during periods
:of diarrhea in kids, they do not promote constipation; they're
:included in that diet for electrolyte balance.

So what food can we find to feed the Netcom Unix hosts to promote
electrodark balance? Maybe that's what's needed to get the clocks

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


Jason Untulis

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
William J. Evans ( wrote:
: (John Sanger) wrote:
: :In article <41cbqt$> Golyath <> writes:
: :>Thats just it you fuzzy wittle bear... I ain't goin nowhere!
: :So you are admiting to being the cause of the problem between the

: :shell accounts and NC accounts.

: Jryy, ng yrnfg nyy guvf jenatyvat vf orggre guna gur obg. Yrg'f pbhag
: bhe oyrffvatf.

fgbc ehaavat njnl sebz lbhe yv^*%%$$#%$ NO CARRIER

#include <std/disclaimer> (C) 1995. All rights reserved.
Jason Untulis untulis@ ( (
* Fight S.314, Sign the Petition, Support S.714, Phone Your Senators *
2<S/N: Scientology CoS Kibo C&S Green Card CyberSell Exon Judges-L Banana
<next grepper enter name here>

Unsolicited commercial email or email not related to the content of a previous
message will be proofread at $100/hour (minimum one (1) hour)

John Davis

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
William J. Evans ( wrote:

: (Ors Deak) wrote:
: :NONONONO....It's all my fault. Blame it on me.

: A lawyer admits liability?

Yeah. The next thing you know he'll be claiming to have injected golyath
with sodium sexahol(tm). You really should keep that stuff locked up.

FOR THE HUMOR IMPAIRED: Sodium sexahol(tm) is a mild mood elevating
substance used in the zoo to increase the flame output of some of the
gentler habitue's. Gary appears to have somehow ODed and that is all
Swami Bill's fault.

(ducks and runs)

John Davis (o o) The hammer shatters glass but forges steel.
~ Russian Proverb

Mark A. Cochran

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In article <>, William J. Evans <> wrote:
-> (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:
->:Actually, while bananas are part of the BRAT diet used during periods
->:of diarrhea in kids, they do not promote constipation; they're
->:included in that diet for electrolyte balance.
->So what food can we find to feed the Netcom Unix hosts to promote
->electrodark balance? Maybe that's what's needed to get the clocks
Well, we've been feeding *everything* bananas for quite some time now,
and that doesn't seem to have helped. Perhaps we should try mangos?

"The four building blocks of the universe are fire, water, gravel and
-- Dave Barry

B.W. 'Ollie' Olin

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
to (Ors Deak) wrote:

>I have a hard time passing gas....never mind a driving test.

Eat lots of fruit, bananas are the fruit of choice for this group. Then

when you take the driving test you should pass lots of gas. :>


Mark A. Cochran

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In article <>, William J. Evans <> wrote:
-> (B.W. 'Ollie' Olin) wrote:
->:Eat lots of fruit, bananas are the fruit of choice for this group. Then
->:when you take the driving test you should pass lots of gas. :>
->Actually, bananas won't help. They actually promote constipation.

Actually, while bananas are part of the BRAT diet used during periods

of diarrhea in kids, they do not promote constipation; they're

included in that diet for electrolyte balance. Bananas are equally
good for the constipated as for the diarrheal.

Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently
there must be a beverage.
-- Woody Allen, "Without Feathers"

B.W. 'Ollie' Olin

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
to (William J. Evans) wrote:

> (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:

>:Actually, while bananas are part of the BRAT diet used during periods

>:of diarrhea in kids, they do not promote constipation; they're
>:included in that diet for electrolyte balance.

>So what food can we find to feed the Netcom Unix hosts to promote

>electrodark balance? Maybe that's what's needed to get the clocks


Prunes. That will make things run a little smoother. :>

Ed Foster

Aug 23, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/23/95
In article <>, says...
>Ed Foster ( wrote:
>: You are either VERY confused or an outright liar. I have NEVER complained
>: about Netcom's service and if you have information to the contrary please
>: provide it.
>Now, Ed. I can see you've been paying to much attention to the keegan
>wars, evidently without getting the main lesson. Keegan looses, bigtime,
>always. A typical keegan argument will be sneered at with varying amounts
>of rancor but it will be sneered at universally.

> A_A
>John Davis (o o) The hammer shatters glass but forges steel.
> ~ Russian Proverb

I kept far away from the keegan/teddybur battle and then went on vacation
during most of July. When I came back it was thankfully over. However
teddybur's post shows ME that he plays fast and loose with his "facts" and I
will give very little credance, make that no credance, to his posts in the
future. As to his charge that I often complained about Netcom's service, what
bearing does that have on my other statements? Teddybur's post was actually
rather wierd.

Ed Foster


Aug 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/24/95
to (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:

:In article <>, William J. Evans <> wrote:
:-> (B.W. 'Ollie' Olin) wrote:
:->:Eat lots of fruit, bananas are the fruit of choice for this group. Then
:->:when you take the driving test you should pass lots of gas. :>
:->Actually, bananas won't help. They actually promote constipation.

:Actually, while bananas are part of the BRAT diet used during periods

:of diarrhea in kids, they do not promote constipation; they're

:included in that diet for electrolyte balance. Bananas are equally

:good for the constipated as for the diarrheal.

What are facts doing here?


:Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently
:there must be a beverage.
: -- Woody Allen, "Without Feathers"

uhmmmm, beer.

True freedom requires taking responsibility for your own life.
That frightens the hell out of too many people. They prefer
to have Big Brother holding a safety net for them, and they'll
sell their own birthright and their children's as well to
keep it.
--F. Paul Wilson


Aug 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/24/95
to (Ors Deak) wrote:

:I think shellers should have two newsgroups on;y for them and not have

:to share. Also they should be allowed to post to ixer newsgroups so
:they could learn from them.

A partial lobotomy would work just as well as emulating Netlusers.


Aug 24, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/24/95
to (William McHarg) wrote:


:Since when has there been any effort by the GTFOONG Brigade to

:aid the cause of peace between the 2 groups? It would be nice to
:see you espousing the cause for which you indict him.

I saw the Brigades commander making a rational answer just the other
day in n.n.g. in responce to a question on how Windows 95 would work
with the accounts.

William J. Evans

Aug 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/25/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. === (Robin D. Roberts) wrote:
:That would match the Turette's syndrome certain Netcom shell users
:already suffer from.

... renamed the Turtle syndrome, in honor of those very shell users.

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


Almighty Zeltar

Aug 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/25/95
William J. Evans ( wrote:
: Remember the BRAT diet?

: toast

Toast flies.


Ors Deak

Aug 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/25/95
In <> (Wotan) writes:
> (Ors Deak) wrote:
>:I think shellers should have two newsgroups on;y for them and not
>:to share. Also they should be allowed to post to ixer newsgroups so
>:they could learn from them.
>A partial lobotomy would work just as well as emulating Netlusers.

> --F. Paul Wilson

I hope you don't persue having a lobotomy seriously. Reading the posts
in this newsgroup eventually will give you the same effect in time.


Robin D. Roberts

Aug 25, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/25/95
Onceupon a time, in a land far way, (Wotan) wrote:

> (Ors Deak) wrote:

>:I think shellers should have two newsgroups on;y for them and not have
>:to share. Also they should be allowed to post to ixer newsgroups so
>:they could learn from them.

>A partial lobotomy would work just as well as emulating Netlusers.

That would match the Turette's syndrome certain Netcom shell users
already suffer from.

Robin Roberts Thousand Oaks, Ventura County, CA -- DVC
"The worse the society, the more law there will be. In Hell, there will
be nothing but law, and due process will be meticulously observed."
-Grant Gilmore, Yale Professor of Law
==PGP 2.6 key on request - and if Freeh doesn't like it, he can kiss mine==

William J. Evans

Aug 26, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/26/95

=== Nothing above this line is part of the message. ===

If you insist.

May they live long and swarm mightily.

Signatures Follow. (tm)

Version: 2.6.2


Mark A. Cochran

Aug 27, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/27/95
In article <>, Wotan <> wrote:
-> (Mark A. Cochran) wrote:
->:In article <>, William J. Evans <> wrote:
->:-> (B.W. 'Ollie' Olin) wrote:
->:->:Eat lots of fruit, bananas are the fruit of choice for this group. Then
->:->:when you take the driving test you should pass lots of gas. :>

->:->Actually, bananas won't help. They actually promote constipation.
->:Actually, while bananas are part of the BRAT diet used during periods
->:of diarrhea in kids, they do not promote constipation; they're
->:included in that diet for electrolyte balance. Bananas are equally
->:good for the constipated as for the diarrheal.
->What are facts doing here?
OOooops, sorry. I forgot, briefly, that n.g is off limits for facts.
Feel free to net.sue me for it.

->:Why does man kill? He kills for food. And not only food: frequently
->:there must be a beverage.
->: -- Woody Allen, "Without Feathers"
->uhmmmm, beer.

See? Woody was right.

"Don't worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any
good, you'll have to ram them down people's throats."
-- Howard Aiken

Ors Deak

Aug 27, 1995, 3:00:00 AM8/27/95
In <> (Gary L.
Burnore) writes:
>Ors Deak ( wrote:
>{ I think shellers should have two newsgroups on;y for them and not
>{ to share. Also they should be allowed to post to ixer newsgroups so
>{ they could learn from them.
>Your problem is that you DON'T think. You quote entire posts, sigs
>included to add a one or two sentence comment. Even AOL user's know
>better than that.
> How you look depends on where you go.
> |
>Gary L. Burnore |
>DataBasix |
>Santa Clara, CA | нлГ 3 4 1 4 2 нГоГ 6 9 0 6 9
> | Official Proof of Purchase

It works my way too.


Robin D. Roberts

Sep 4, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/4/95
Onceupon a time, in a land far way, (Gary L.
Burnore) wrote:

>Robin D. Roberts ( wrote:

>{ That would match the Turette's syndrome certain Netcom shell users
>{ already suffer from.

>So let's see, making a suggestion that Robin's been a little friskey with
>family matters is bad, but her making fun of people with a disease or
>mental defect is good.

>Yeah, I get it.
Your comment about my family didn't attract any interest from me
whatsoever other than as further evidence of your boorishness.

My point has not been whether or not you feebly attempt to insult my
family [nor that you randomly switch off which gender you assume I am
depending on just how latent your own sexuality is each day] but that
your constant, filthy mouthed postings are inappropriate, irrespective
of the demonstrated fact that your claim to a justification for same
is in reality the product of your frustration with Netcom the company.

I don't care how "PC" you are or aren't in reference to disabled
people. I haven't a standard in such and haven't claimed one.
If you want to claim the disability for yourself, I'm sure that any
number of PhD candidates will fall all over themselves to document
your case.

Clean up your act by ceasing to post filth-filled flames of Netcruiser
users in netcom.netcruiser.general.

Whether you clean up your act in the future shell-only groups I shall
not care since only other shell users, who for some obscure reason
tolerate your offensive presence, would be exposed.

mike west

Sep 5, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/5/95

I personally wish to thank all of you for participating in this
labor day weekends Flame-A-Thon.

This, for me anyway, was going to be a very boring weekend since
my family and most of my friends were going out of town. However, with
the participation of these two groups it has turned out to be a very
amusing weekend. I have been watching this back and forth shouting
match between the two groups for quite some time and have found it to
be mostly boring. So I thought, what the hell, lets turn up the Heat.

At first I didn't think anyone would bite, buy boy was i wrong. As
a matter of fact one of the replies to my original post go it, but
almost nobody else did. I don't know whether this is because so many
are cocked to the pissed-off-position or you are just that gullible.
Whatever the reason, thanks for all the wonderfull flames.

Special recognition must go to several individuals for their
participation in this, or it would have certanly been a flop.
1. To Gary Burnore -note the spelling- for lets see how many
times i can post in one day.
2. John Sanger for his class on smileys.
and in the Email category
3. Scott {I need to wash my mouth out with soap} Hagie for how
may time can i use the word FUCK in one sentence.

Their were many others that i have not mentioned and i certanly
wish to leave no one out. So for all those i haven't named give
yourselves a pat on the back.

As i said it been fun but got to go, if i spend to much time on the
net my wife will hit me with a stick. So once again thanks, its been
Mike West Email:
Wagener, South Carolina


Sep 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/6/95

You sir, truly have NO life. IF the above reason is true, you are truly
pathetic. You decide to play on people's emotions for thrills? You are sicker
than I thought you were. Do you expect us to suddenly forgive all these
pointless flames just because you say "Oh, I was KIDDING"? I do however find it
somewhat amusing that we of this group were so ready to explode that when baited,
we do so on command.

Ed Foster

Sep 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/6/95
In article <42ijah$>, says...

> I personally wish to thank all of you for participating in this
>labor day weekends Flame-A-Thon.
> This, for me anyway, was going to be a very boring weekend since
>my family and most of my friends were going out of town. However, with
>the participation of these two groups it has turned out to be a very
>amusing weekend. I have been watching this back and forth shouting
>match between the two groups for quite some time and have found it to

>be mostly boring. So I thought, what the hell, lets turn up the Heat.

Let's be careful with generalizations here. Gary and his small band of
sycophants does NOT speak for n.g.

> Special recognition must go to several individuals for their
>participation in this, or it would have certanly been a flop.
> 1. To Gary Burnore -note the spelling- for lets see how many
>times i can post in one day.
> 2. John Sanger for his class on smileys.
>and in the Email category
> 3. Scott {I need to wash my mouth out with soap} Hagie for how
>may time can i use the word FUCK in one sentence.
> Their were many others that i have not mentioned and i certanly
>wish to leave no one out. So for all those i haven't named give
>yourselves a pat on the back.
> As i said it been fun but got to go, if i spend to much time on the
>net my wife will hit me with a stick. So once again thanks, its been

The "fun" does pall quickly, doesn't it, which is why Gary and crew are still
around. Most people tire of this sort of thing rather quickly. We have lives
and better things to do with our time, but Gary has nothing else with which to
occupy himself.

>Wagener, South Carolina
Good show, but it is rather easy to troll these turkeys.

Ed Foster

Tony Porczyk

Sep 6, 1995, 3:00:00 AM9/6/95

Ed Foster says:

>> be mostly boring. So I thought, what the hell, lets turn up the Heat.

> Let's be careful with generalizations here. Gary and his small band of
> sycophants does NOT speak for n.g.

Ed, for crying out loud - Mike is admitting troll-flaming, and you're
still kissing his ass???

>> So once again thanks, its been fun.

> Good show, but it is rather easy to troll these turkeys.

So when Gary flames, he is a turkey, but when Mike does the same
(*TWENTY* moronic flames in two weeks), it is a "good show"? How
fucking hypocritical can you get. Man, you are pathetic. You are the
first netcommer who not only hit my killfile but my shitlist as well.


Tony Porczyk * * San Jose, California *
GIT/ED d++$(!d) s++:++ a? C++++ UBSL++++$ P+ E--- W(--) N++ !k w-- M- V? b-
PS+++@ PE++ O X-- Y++@ PGP-- t+@ 5-- R* D---- !e>e++@ h* y** r+++(*)+++(*)>

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