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Supreme Court Ruling on Sodomy (really bigamy)

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Jul 28, 1986, 3:53:03 PM7/28/86
In article <9...@mit-trillian.MIT.EDU> v...@trillian.UUCP (Tom Courtney) writes:
>In article <15...@ihlpa.UUCP> stri...@ihlpa.UUCP (Stephen D. Stricklen) writes:

>>> On a slightly different but similar topic, what about the laws agains
>>> polygamy? In what way does polygamy threaten our society that it is
>>> dangerous enough to be outlawed?
>>> - E. Eades
>>An interesting point, and I thought about this for a while. My guess is the
>>laws were set down to protect women in a time when it was easier for men to
>>take advantage of them.
>I find it interesting that most people mean "multiple wives" by polygamy, and
>that the notion of "multiple husbands" is much rarer. I wonder what causes

In Tibet, Polyandry was practiced because property is passed down
through the women. They can have as many husbands as they want.
In some areas, the rule was that when a woman married, she also got
*all* of his brothers in the bargain. (A bride for seven brothers!)


Don Licsak

Jul 29, 1986, 9:00:21 AM7/29/86
> You can develop a strong argument for polygamy based on the protectionist
> attitudes toward women common in just about any period of history. Women need
> a man to provide protection and status. Women are incapable of handling their
> own financial affairs (remember, I'm pretending to be a protectionist. THIS
> IS NOT REALLY ME! Okay?). Some women manage to escape male protection -
> widows and single women who have no male guardians. The more women a man
> marries, the more he protects. Fewer poor widows and destitute spinsters
> become a financial burden on the community, church, state, whatever. (The
> term spinster came about because unmarried women in England circa 1600, I
> think, were required by law to do so many hours of spinning per day - to keep
> them out of trouble and make sure they were productive members of socity.)
> If you have a male-dominated society, it kind of makes sense to have the male
> dominate as many females as he can, no?
> Karen Christenson
> "Mostly harmless." ...!dartvax!chelsea

Speaking only for myself, monogamy is the only way to go. I have enough
problems maintaining a working relationship with one wife, never mind
compounding the situation!

We do live in a male dominated society. However, don't forget that
saying about "the power behind the throne." It's awesome!


Don Licsak ihnp4!hsi!licsak
Health Systems International
New Haven, CT 06511

"I'm the person your mother warned you about"

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