As announced in the July/August ;login:, the three presentations
which opened the Atlanta USENIX Conference were videotaped.
Orders for the tapes are now being accepted.
There are two tapes:
Tape 1 contains Jon Bentley's Pictures of Programs, a talk
on the merits and insights of graphic presentation of algorithmic
problems, including the greedy travelling salesman and a
wire-wrapping problem. In addition, this tape contains the
Awards Ceremonies and
Tape two contains two music presentations: Mike Hawley's MIDI
Music Software for UNIX and Peter Langston's (201) 644-2332 or
Eedie and Eddie on the wire: An experiment in Music
Each tape is available in either VHS or Beta format. Inside the
US and Canada, the tapes are $20 each, including postage and
handling charges. Elsewhere in the world, the tapes are $30
each, including air mail charges.
Place orders directly with USENIX Association, including a
check or money order in US dollars for the full amount due.
Please remember to specify which tape(s) you want and which
format you desire. Allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery.