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login Articles

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Sep 5, 1986, 12:53:00 PM9/5/86


Members of the UNIX community contribute most of the technical articles
for login. At the Summer '86 USENIX Conference, the Board of Directors
resolved that login should grow in its technical content and quality.
To that end, a technical review committee now reviews articles and
attempts to ensure relevant content and high quality before their

The committee needs your help. We need more articles that can help
elevate the prestige of login as a technical journal. If you can
contribute an article - or would like to learn how articles are
reviewed and improved - send one in! The easiest way is via electronic
mail to usenix!peter. He'll forward it to the review committee which
will then accept it unchaged, accept it with typographical corrections,
or make recommendations about content which ought to be included or
changed to make the article of publication quality.

Please think about the interesting problems you've had and solved in
the past few years. If you'd like to contribute your solutions so
that others won't have to suffer, write them up and send them to

Rob Kolstad
Acting login Technical Editor

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