In article <6...@qantel.UUCP> ly...@qantel.UUCP (D.N. Lynx Crowe@ex2207) writes:
>Hmm... Perhaps an appropriate action might be to make it an official policy
>of Worldcon, and other cons (eg. Westercon, etc.) to avoid chosing any states
>which display such a flagrant abuse of personal rights as sites for future
>cons. Economic pressure may eventually force them to mend their ways (though
>I wouldn't count on it).
I *knew* there was a reason I didn't go to USENIX this year!
tektronix!doghouse.GWD.TEK!snoopy (address du Jour)
"We have the best congress money can buy."
"Be glad we don't get all the government we pay for."