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4.2 manuals still available, 4.3bsd manuals out yet?

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Morrow Long

Aug 27, 1986, 2:02:45 PM8/27/86

Two questions I suspect many sites are interested in:

1. Are the 4.2bsd manuals still available from Usenix/Howard Press?

2. Are the 4.3bsd manuals available from Usenix yet?

H. Morrow Long
Manager of Development
Yale Univ. CS Dept.

Peter Salus

Aug 29, 1986, 1:49:41 PM8/29/86
There will be a full article and an order form in the
September/October issue of ;login:. However, there are
a few 4.2BSD Programmer's Manuals still available; there
are also 4.2BSD System Manual Manager's Manuals available.
We are completely out of 4.2BSD User's Reference Manuals.

Most of the pages for the 4.3BSD Manuals (which will be
in seven [7] volumes, as opposed to the five [5] for 4.2BSD)
have gone to the printer. The remainder should go late
today or next Tuesday. We hope that 4.3BSD Manuals will
be ready for shipping by 1 November (which should probably
read 3 November, as the first is a Saturday).

Full descriptions of contents, etc., will be in ;login:.

Peter H. Salus
Executive Director
USENIX Association

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