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cheap ticket/American airlines/US to Manchester/Paris/Germany

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Mark Seiden, 415 665 8117

Sep 3, 1986, 6:27:49 PM9/3/86
(this has been posted to net.usenix because it's perfect for someone
attending European Unix User Group in Manchester, September 22-25)

American Airlines is having a promotion which results in us having an
extra assignable roundtrip to one of Manchester, Paris, Frankfurt,
Dusseldorf or Munich. The flights leave from Chicago or Dallas, are
nonstop (except Munich, stops in Dusseldorf) and include roundtrip
connections from any city served by American. Travel between
September 8 and November 20th. This is a simple roundtrip - from the
US to and return from the same city in Europe. Stop over in Dallas or
Chicago if you want. You can change your plans (once the tickets are
issued) but not the routing nor postpone your return beyond November

The coupon good for tickets will have your name on it, and once issued
isn't returnable or transferable, so you can't change your mind after
you say you want it. You make your own travel arrangements. This is
completely legal. Call American if you'd like to inquire about schedules
and connections.

Best offer over $500 -- to put this in some perspective, People Express
costs $498 Newark to London roundtrip, $716 San Francisco to Brussels
(with a change in Newark and no stopover allowed), and I heard a
charter price of $650 the other day but this is a more credible and
pleasant airline (in my opinion). We would prefer to be done with
this very soon (hence the reasonable price; no extended bidding war for
a few bucks), so mail quickly ( if interested.
If you prefer phoning, call 203 964 1190.

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