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Wanted: A program to allow UNIX to read in VMS backup tapes

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EVB Software Engineering

Oct 24, 1986, 3:04:21 PM10/24/86
I need a utility program that will allow a UNIX system (preferrably 4.x BSD,
but any UNIX will do) to read a VAX/VMS backup format tape. The utility
should read the contents of the tape and move the files from the tape to
the appropriate hierarchical directories.

Please send me mail indicating where I can find such a program, or send
me the program directly. Mail is preferred since I am not a regular reader
of these groups.

Brad Balfour
EVB Software Engineering, Inc.

Gordon Watson

Nov 4, 1986, 4:21:23 PM11/4/86

I too would be interested in a program to read VMS backup format tapes
on a UNIX machine.
Gordon Watson || "In all there rules and
...ihnp4!msudoc!watson || strictest ties to there
|| order there was but one
|| clause to be observed:
|| 'Do what thou wilt'"
|| Franscois Rabelais

Comfy chair

Nov 5, 1986, 12:56:53 PM11/5/86
I have such a program. It was written by someone in Australia and came
off the net. Please get in touch with me if you want it. If there are
lots of requests, I'll post, after checking if I got it from mod.sources.


Comfy chair

Nov 6, 1986, 8:40:19 PM11/6/86
Ok, my mailbox exploded so I bundled up the stuff and sent it to
mod.sources. Unfortunately Rich tells me the backlog is about 2 weeks.
If you can't wait that long, mail me a note and I'll send it to you.


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