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Inside joke in Twilight Zone

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Barry Margolin

Mar 8, 1986, 5:45:33 PM3/8/86

In the 3/7 Twilight Zone episode "Profile in Silver", about a time
traveler who goes to the Kennedy assasination, there is a scene where a
TV is playing in the background. It is a special news report, which
ends with the traditional "We now return to our regularly scheduled
program." After this line, you can here the Twilight Zone theme.

Does anyone know whether Kennedy's assasination took place on the same
day of the week as TZ was on in that year? This question reminds me of
last year's question about the original air date of the Honeymooners
episode that was used in Back to the Future.
Barry Margolin
ARPA: barmar@MIT-Multics
UUCP: ..!genrad!mit-eddie!barmar

Tom O`Connor

Mar 9, 1986, 7:24:14 PM3/9/86
> Does anyone know whether Kennedy's assasination took place on the same
> day of the week as TZ was on in that year? This question reminds me of
> last year's question about the original air date of the Honeymooners
> episode that was used in Back to the Future.

J. F. Kennedy was shot on a Friday, Nov 22, 1963, around
12:00 p.m. If ANYTHING would have been interrupted on network
TV, it would NOT have been TZ. It would have been a soap opera.
In particular, if you were watching CBS, it would have
been AS THE WORLD TURNS (which was what my mom was watching
at the time). Now maybe if it was on Friday noght and
there was a special report re: Oswald's capture, etc.,
then maybe it could have been interrupted. I don`t have my
TV book with me.

Tom O'Connor

Jeff Meyer

Mar 12, 1986, 12:14:27 AM3/12/86
In article <11...@ihuxw.UUCP> tom...@ihuxw.UUCP (Tom O`Connor) writes:
>> Does anyone know whether Kennedy's assasination took place on the same
>> day of the week as TZ was on in that year?
>J. F. Kennedy was shot on a Friday, Nov 22, 1963, around
>12:00 p.m.

If this is true, then it does work! Twilight Zone was broadcast from 9:30
to 10:00 PM EST during the 1963-64 season (according to TV GUIDE: The first
25 years) on Friday Nights. In the TZ episode, the conversation takes place
the evening of the the (attempted, in the Twilight Zone) assasination.

Nicely figured by the writer...

"But isn't there some
other way to call him?"
"At least a dozen."
"Then WHY?"
"To let them know,
Merkel, to let
"Hit it."

Moriarty, aka Jeff Meyer
ARPA: fluke!mori...@uw-beaver.ARPA
UUCP: {uw-beaver, sun, allegra, sb6, lbl-csam}!fluke!moriarty
<*> DISCLAIMER: Do what you want with me, but leave my employers alone! <*>


Mar 17, 1986, 8:32:23 AM3/17/86
>J. F. Kennedy was shot on a Friday, Nov 22, 1963, around
>12:00 p.m.

There is no such thing as 12:00 PM, or 12:00 AM for that matter.
Its 12 Noon or 12 midnight.

JFK was shot at apx 12 Noon EST 22nd November, 1963.



Mar 18, 1986, 9:36:00 PM3/18/86

>There is no such thing as 12:00 PM, or 12:00 AM for that
>matter. Its 12 Noon or 12 midnight.

I always thought that 12 AM was midnight, 12 PM was noon. My VCR and
my digital watch agree.

Mark Leeper


Mar 19, 1986, 11:27:31 AM3/19/86
In article <9...@hou2d.UUCP> l...@hou2d.UUCP (lwsamocha) writes:
>>J. F. Kennedy was shot on a Friday, Nov 22, 1963, around
>>12:00 p.m.
>There is no such thing as 12:00 PM, or 12:00 AM for that matter.
>Its 12 Noon or 12 midnight.

You may indeed be correct, but with the advent of digital clocks,
12:00pm is noon and 12:00am is midnight. It is really hard for
digital clocks and VCRs to dislpay 'noon' and 'midnight'.

So, people have gotten into the habit of saying 12 pm or 12 am.
It may be wrong, but it has become reality.

harvard-\ \
Mr. Video seismo!uwvax!nicmad!brown
topaz-/ /


Mar 19, 1986, 6:28:13 PM3/19/86

In article <9...@hou2d.UUCP>, l...@hou2d.UUCP (lwsamocha) says:

>>J. F. Kennedy was shot on a Friday, Nov 22, 1963, around
>>12:00 p.m.
>There is no such thing as 12:00 PM, or 12:00 AM for that matter.
>Its 12 Noon or 12 midnight.

Oh, please. Do you want to give me a major break?
(I knew once they took net.flame away this kind of thing would happen.)
You wanna move that discussion to net.time or something? Shheee!!
I knew what he meant! As did most intelligent people.
Now, go away.

"Science does not remove the Terror of the Gods." -J.R. "Bob" Dobbs

Michael S. Weiss
The Pennsylvania State University

<* The opinions expressed by me do not reflect those held *>
<* by my school nor those of my employer. (If I had one.) *>

Blink twice, son, if any of this is gettin' through.

Mar 20, 1986, 7:23:55 PM3/20/86
In article <9...@hou2d.UUCP>, l...@hou2d.UUCP (lwsamocha) writes:
> Sorry-
> There is no such thing as 12:00 PM, or 12:00 AM for that matter.
> Its 12 Noon or 12 midnight.

Sorry, but there is such a thing. Midnight is 12:00 AM and noon
is 12:00 PM. Of course, *real* men don't use AM/PM. They use the 24 hour


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