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Dr. Who listing

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Suzanne Palmer

Mar 11, 1986, 5:17:32 PM3/11/86

The following is a chronologically correct list of all the Tom
Baker episodes, the number of episodes afterwards, and then the
story number (not the offical BBC code, sorry). For those of
you who are interested in (or have been) taping Who, the episodes
are divided up so that you can fit them onto T120( set so that
it records 360 minutes) VHS tapes, without having to cut a
story in half. The six Key To Time stories are on their own
two tapes.

Robot 4 (75)
Ark In Space 4 (76)
Sontaran Experiment 2 (77)

Genesis Of The Daleks 6 (78)
Revenge Of The Cybermen 4 (79)
Terror Of The Zygons 4 (80)

Planet Of Evil 4 (81)
Pyramids Of Mars 4 (82)
Android Invasion 4 (83)

Brain Of Morbius 4 (84)
Seeds Of Doom 6 (85)
Masque Of Mandragora 4 (86)

Hand Of Fear 4 (87)
Deadly Assassin 4 (88)
Face Of Evil 4 (89)

Robots Of Death 4 (90)
Talons Of Weng Chiang 6 (91)

Horror At Fang Rock 4 (92)
Invisible Enemy 4 (93)
Image Of Fendhal 4 (94)

Sunmakers 4 (95)
Underworld 4 (96)
Invasion Of Time 4 (97)

Ribos Operation 4 (98)
Pirate Planet 4 (99)
Stones Of Blood 4 (100)

Androids Of Tara 4 (101)
Power Of Kroll 4 (102)
Armageddon Factor 6 (103)

Destiny Of The Daleks 4 (104)
City Of Death 4 (105)
Creature From The Pit 4 (106)

Nightmare Of Eden 4 (107)
Horns Of Nimon 4 (108)
Leisure Hive 4 (109)

Meglos 4 (110)
Full Circle 4 (111)
State Of Decay 4 (112)

Warrior's Gate 4 (113)
Keeper Of Traken 4 (114)
Logopolis 4 (115)

By the way: In "Ribos Operation", the Grath Vinder Kay's (sp?)
right-hand-man, Shellak (sp?) is wearing a rather distinctive helmet,
which shows up briefly in a much later story on a different character.
Can anyone name where the hat showed up again, and who was wearing
it? Also, Tom Baker was wearing boots when he regenerated, but in
Castrovalva they showed Davison wearing shoes... (interesting...
regenerating footwear? What a concept...)

S. C. Palmer

Snail Mail: Ed Barron, 30 Austin Rd, Sudbury, MA, oh one seven seven six
Arpa-net: lsrhs!
Uucp-net: {bbncca,frog,genrad!grkermi,maynard,wjh12}!lsrhs!argon

Allon G. Percus

Mar 12, 1986, 3:14:00 PM3/12/86
> Invasion Of Time 4 (97)

Actually, "The Invasion of Time" was 6 episodes long. Make that

|-----| A. G. Percus
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