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Trougtan episodes

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Steve Anich

Mar 11, 1986, 2:56:23 PM3/11/86

When are the Trougtan episodes going to seen in the U.S?
Are heard possibly as early as fall 1986 they would be.

steve anich

nyssa of traken

Mar 13, 1986, 7:11:30 AM3/13/86
> When are the Trougtan episodes going to seen in the U.S?
> Are heard possibly as early as fall 1986 they would be.

They are being seen now on New Jersey Network, we are on "The War
James C. Armstrong, Jnr. {ihnp4,cbosgd,akgua}!abnji!nyssa

"But Doctor, we're on that island!"
"Oh my word!" who said them, what story?

really The Creator

Mar 13, 1986, 2:25:34 PM3/13/86
In article <6...@puff.UUCP> an...@puff.UUCP (Steve Anich) writes:
> When are the Trougtan episodes going to seen in the U.S?
> Are heard possibly as early as fall 1986 they would be.

Well, WNEH (or was it WNHE?), anyway, channel 11 in So. New Hampshire is starting
, or I should say, has started from Episode 1 ("Unearthly Child"), and will go
all the way through to whatever they have by the time they get there. It was said
that they will reach the Troughtans (sp??) by June/July.

If WGBH has any yet, I severely doublt they'll get to them too soon, seeing
that they do half-hours on weeknights and are in the middle-Pertwees. I still
haven't gotten to see a full Pertwee yet 'cause my breaks are so short!

Bill "Somtimes I have to blame it on a faulty chameleon circuit" Trainor

Adric of Alzarius

Mar 13, 1986, 3:31:46 PM3/13/86
> When are the Trougtan episodes going to seen in the U.S?
> Are heard possibly as early as fall 1986 they would be.

The only Patrick TROUGHTON episodes that exist are from his last season:

The Dominators (5 part story)
The Mind Robber (5 part story)
The Krotons (4 part story)
The Seeds of Death (6 part story)
The War Games (10 part story)

"Me, not allowed??? I'm allowed everywhere!" -- The Doctor
Joseph P. Ogulin
UUCP: seismo!umcp-cs \ BITNET: INS_AJPO@JHUVMS
ihnp4!whuxcc > !jhunix!ins_ajpo P99I1798@JHUVM
allegra!hopkins / CSNET: ins_...@jhunix.CSNET
ARPA: ins_ajpo%jhunix...@wiscvm.WISC.EDU

Barth Richards

Mar 14, 1986, 1:10:19 PM3/14/86
In article <6...@puff.UUCP> an...@puff.UUCP (Steve Anich) writes:
> When are the Trougtan episodes going to seen in the U.S?
> Are heard possibly as early as fall 1986 they would be.

The surviving Hartnell and Troughton shows, 22 (or so) Jon Pertwee stories
(besides the 17 already available), and the first 9 Colin Baker stories have
been available to US stations since last fall, or possibly even earlier.

When YOU will see them is simply a matter of:

1) When your local station comes up with the money to buy them and

2) When they get around to actually showing them.

WTTW in Chicago bought the rights to these shows last December, but will
only begin showing the Colin Baker shows this weekend, followed by the
Hartnells, Troughtons, and Pertwees.

Barth Richards
Tellabs, Inc.
Lisle, IL

Allon G. Percus

Mar 14, 1986, 2:06:00 PM3/14/86
> When are the Trougtan episodes going to seen in the U.S?
> Are heard possibly as early as fall 1986 they would be.

Well, here in New York, we are just about to finish up with the
Troughtons on New Jersey Network. Then, back to the Pertwee's

|-----| A. G. Percus
|II II| (ARPA) percus@acf4
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|II II| (UUCP) ...{allegra!ihnp4!seismo}!cmcl2!acf4!percus

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