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Nov 26, 1986, 6:44:02 PM11/26/86
> The first critics' review of STAR TREK IV: THE VOYAGE HOME that I have seen
> appeared on the syndicated "Siskel & Ebert & the Movies" movie review show
> Saturday (11/22) night. Both of the reviewers liked it, calling it the best
> of the four movies in the series, because of its focus on the characters
> rather than special effects in space.

How can I show unbounded exuberance on the net (maybe by being too excited to
look up exuberent)?

I have just returned from seeing THE VOYAGE HOME at its opening here in
New York City. It was pouring rain and people had to wait outside but IT

The crowd was excellent, they applauded all the way through the credits,
they cheered throughout the movie and gave it a rousing ovation at the end.

It was good. It was great fun. It was funny. It was nice. It was
Startrek. I had a wonderful time !!!

I was soooo glad that I didn't know very much about it beforehand and I
will not take that pleasure away from others by releasing any spoilers.
Many people have been reading reviews and literature and listening to
the interviews, but I kept my eyes and ears shut.

I already have several questions for discussion and I can see several fights
breaking out already as we nit-pick this one. It's part of the fun
and I look forward to it --- So get out there and see the movie so I have
someone to talk to !!!!!!!

Ellen Bart

"Computer. Computer! ... Oh. Computer. Computer? .... Oh!? Keyboard!!!"

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