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College BB Thoughts

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Feb 20, 1983, 6:44:32 AM2/20/83
Well, do I a see a monster brewing in North Carolina? Watching them
today I see this freshman Curtis Hunter playing - he looks like a
Michael Jordan clone. At one time there were 3 freshman playing:
Hunter, Daughourty, Hale; along with Jordan and Perkins. If Sam
stays watch out. I read where Smith has already landed a couple of
good ones for next year! They won it all last year, and they can do
it again this year and have the same team 2 years down the road.

ACC gets my vote for the best BB, with Big East and SEC running a close
second. I live in Columbus, Ohio and grew up in Illinois, Iowa, and
Wisconsin; therefore, I have strong Big Ten feelings. Unfortunately,
the Big Ten is weak. Indiana (I love Bob Knight) is good, but they lack
balance scoring and consistent play from their big man Blab. Iowa
looked good early, then went sour and I really got down on them. Lately,
however, they have played well and may be rounding into shape. Ohio
State is a game out of first - much to my amazement. They have a bald
big man, a wild forward, one forward spot nobody can play, 2 midget
guards (It pains me to say this since I stand 5'9'', and my wife
says it is more like 5'8.5"), and no bench. Why Minnesota has been
ranked is beyond me. Purdue has a greyhound in Russell Cross but
supporting cast is suspect. Illinois has a super guard in Harper and
a couple good freshmen. Northwestern has a great coach and they
are improving; however, don't hold your breath. The great state of
Michigan should be ashamed of the way their schools are doing and
going. Michigan, however, seems to be coming around. One has to
remember Michigan lost a great coach in Orr. They may be just two
years away. Wisconsin, I love you, I really do but your BB team
is down. It is one of the country's top ten teams in free throw
percentage (along with Ohio State #2 and Indiana).

I see a lot of BB on TV, but don't see many southwest,west, or northwest
games. How are Houston, Idaho, Las Vegas, Washington State? Could UCLA
have won with Gray in the middle? Can they win now without him? If you
have an opinion or see and know things about basketball - I would
appreciate hearing them, send me mail.



Feb 21, 1983, 11:08:45 PM2/21/83
You were watching NC State beating North Carolina? NC State was also playing
a couple good freshmen, with Ernie Myers getting the most press. ESPN's
Mr. Vitales underestimates (when he compares Michael Jordan) the defense
of David Thompson. Remember the cover of Sports Illustrated showing
D.T. blocking Bill Walton's shot? I watch all the ACC games televised
out here (in Oregon) and some of the other games (Va-Mo today was good).
I just wish Packer and McGuire (or Packer/Thacker) would get back together.

Mike Kersenbrock
Tektronix Microcomputer Development Products
Aloha, Oregon

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