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Michael Jordan

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Marc Lee

Jan 30, 1985, 5:47:36 PM1/30/85
Since San Diego basketball fans are now in the dark with respect to
goings-on in the NBA, could someone please tell me how in the world
Jordan is piling up such outrageous stats? All I've seen is box
scores and the occaisional slam-dunk highlight on ESPN, but I don't
even know, for instance, if he's playing point guard, shooting guard,
mostly around the basket, scoring on outside jumpers, or what. From
the few highlights I've seen, it seems he has carte blanche to go
wherever on the court he feels. But what's he got that makes him
special? I don't remember him having a particularly good outside
shot at UNC, and there are plenty of 6'6" players who can jump in
the NBA.

Marc Lee
Burroughs Corp
San Diego

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