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Bears, Pats, Refs, Ditka

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Roger D. Pannell LTN1-1/D03 226-6893

Jan 31, 1986, 12:47:47 PM1/31/86
Congratulations to the Bears, their fans and especially to Walter. The Bears
were truly the most powerful team, BY FAR, this season. If they keep the
proper attitude, then I think they have a chance to become one of the greatest
teams of all time. Unlike last seasons "one of the greatest teams of all
time", the 49ers.

Where the hell did they get those REFs???

I always thought that referees who were chosen to work playoff games were done
so based on merit. If that team of refs for the Super Bowl was the best of the
bunch then there is certainly something wrong in the NFL. Although they had NO
effect on the final outcome of the game (or which team would beat the spread),
they did have a lot to do with the high score. The plays that I can think of
that MIGHT have added to the score were the non-call on the clip that would
have moved the ball out of touchdown range and possibly out of field goal
range. You might remember that play as the one that set up the first Bear
touchdown and left Merlin Olsen in a state of disbelief. Then there was the
field goal at the end of the half in which the refs admitted they made a
mistake. The other play was a third down and 9, in which McMahon threw a pass
to his "out-of-bounds" receiver, but was then ruled complete and placed on the
1 yard line. Of the 3, only the alleged clip was not completely obvious. As
I said, these plays would have had NO effect on the outcome or the winner vs
the spread, but it is a shame that the NFL could not field a team of officials
that could handle the pressure of the Super Bowl better. I am surprised that
I have not heard any comments about the officiating, even though it was SO bad.
That is probably because everyone who watched the game knows the Patriots had
no hope in this game. In all the years I've watched football I don't think I
have ever seen a coin toss that was so botched-up. I couldn't believe it
took as long as it did to determine who won the toss of the coin, but then it
should be easy to know who will win a coin toss if it is tossed, lands on the
ground and then it is called. I think the refs probably had as bad a day as
the Patriots.

Now to answer a question posted by a Bear fan....

Yes, I do think the Patriots had a bad day, but not 36 points bad. They still
would have lost, but they would have given up less points and probably scored
a few more. You had to know things weren't going to go right for them when
they lost their starting tightend on their first play from scrimmage and on a
play in which he wasn't even hit by a Bear. Also, I think 8 times out of 10,
Blackmon would intercept a pass that is right into his hands and probably the
same percentage of the time Morgan would catch that sure TD pass, Singletary
or no Singletary.

A comment about Mike Ditka....

I have lost some of the respect that I had for Ditka, because of some of the
remarks about the Patriots that have been attributed to him since the game.
Such things as, the Patriots do not deserve to be on the same field with the
Bears, Grogan is lucky he escaped with his life. He also said some things
about the Pats being cheap shot artists (and I agree there were a couple), but
he failed to mention that McMahon threw the ball at Roland James after one of
his TDs, or that the Bear offensive line retaliated against anybody who tackled
McMahon, even though they were clean hits. Ditka appears to be a good
coach/motivator but he needs to learn more about being a gracious winner.

A look ahead to the '86 Bears....

They have a real good shot at repeating this years regular season performance,
even if they get fat, dumb and lazy like so many other champions. They play 2
teams that had a winning record in '85 and 1 that went 8-8, the rest
are below .500. If they keep their '85 attitude they'll probably repeat, but
if they get fat, dumb and lazy....

-- Roger Pannell

ARPA: pannell%dosad...@DECWRL.ARPA, pannell%dosad...@Purdue-Merlin.ARPA
UUCP: {allegra, decvax, ucbvax}!decwrl!rhea!dosadi!pannell

Dennis Doubleday

Feb 2, 1986, 3:00:03 PM2/2/86
In article <8...@decwrl.DEC.COM> pan...@dec-dosadi.UUCP writes:
>they did have a lot to do with the high score. The plays that I can think of
>that MIGHT have added to the score were the non-call on the clip that would
>have moved the ball out of touchdown range and possibly out of field goal
>range. You might remember that play as the one that set up the first Bear
>touchdown and left Merlin Olsen in a state of disbelief.

I still don't know what Olsen was talking about. I taped the game and
watched it again and there was no clip. The blocker came from the side and
put his body in *FRONT* of the guy. It wasn't called because it wasn't a

> Then there was the
>field goal at the end of the half in which the refs admitted they made a
>mistake. The other play was a third down and 9, in which McMahon threw a pass
>to his "out-of-bounds" receiver, but was then ruled complete and placed on the
>1 yard line.

The receiver was definitely out of bounds. Bad call. And the refs did err
in letting the Bears kick before the half. *BUT*, the refs exercised bad
judgment before the penalty when they didn't stop the clock because the
Patriot players were clearly impeding the Bears' attempts to line up and get
off a play. The rule book obliges them to stop the clock if, in their
judgment, this is happening.

>he failed to mention that McMahon threw the ball at Roland James after one of
>his TDs

and you failed to mention that Roland James knocked the ball out of McMahon's
hand when was attempting to spike after his touchdown. McMahon picked it up
and THEN threw it at James' feet. Altogether understandable, I would say.


UUCP: seismo!umcp-cs!dday Dennis Doubleday
CSNet: dday@umcp-cs University of Maryland
ARPA: College Park, MD 20742
Fan of: Chicago Cubs, Chicago Bears, OU Sooners (301) 454-6154

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