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dired directory editor

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Jun 6, 1982, 1:25:54 AM6/6/82
Here's a program called Dired that we've found useful for maintaining
directories and files. It is less cumbersome and easier to use than
vsh (visual shell) and seems better for quick sessions of pruning back
directories. It runs on our v7 2.8 BSD system, and ran on virgin v7
before. There shouldn't be much which hardwires it to these versions
however. It requires Berkeley's Termcap. Essentially, you 'edit' a
directory listing similar to what ls(1) produces. The idea was taken
from similar programs running on TOPS-20/Tenex/etc.

Stuart Cracraft
---man page---
dired \- directory editor
.B dired
.B dired [directory name]
.B dired [file list]
Dired displays a long-form ls directory listing on the screen
of a display terminal and allows you to 'edit' that listing by
moving up and down it, deleting and editing entries.
Your shell TERM variable should be set to the standard
string which the Berkeley termcap library uses for distinguishing
With no argument, the connected directory is used. With only one
argument, the argument is interpreted as a directory and it is used.
With multiple arguments, the arguments are interpreted as filenames.
Dired then types 'Reading' and gets information about the various
files/directories in your specification. This may take a short while
(depending on how many you give it), so it types one period (.) after
the word 'reading' for
every 10 files it has gathered information about. With this, you
can keep track of its progress. Interrupts, hangups, and the like
are disabled since your terminal is put into a special mode that
is only changed when you quit with the 'q' command.

The format of the screen is as follows: each line represents a file (or
directory), the name of which is right-most. From left the fields
are: mode, link count, owner, size, write date and name. See ls(1)
for a description of what each of these mean. You move up and down
the column immediately left to the filename.

If there are too many files to all fit on one window, more windows
are allocated. The 'f' and 'b' commands can be used for stepping forward
and backward windows. The screen allocates all but the bottom line for files.
The bottom line is used as an 'echo' line for displaying error messages
and reading arguments.

Commands consist of single characters, with any necessary arguments
prompted for, and echoed in the 'echo' line. The only commands which
take arguments are '!' (exclamation point), 'r', and 's'.

Command list:
.TP 5
.RB <cr>
.TP 5
.RB <lf>
steps to the next file. If this crosses a window boundary, the
next window is displayed with a one line overlap.
.TP 5
.RB ^
.TP 5
.RB -
.TP 5
.RB <backspace>
steps to previous file. If this crosses a window boundary, the
previous window is displayed with a one line overlap.
.TP 5
.RB !
prompts for a system command to invoke. The command is executed,
and confirmation is required before returning to the display.
.TP 5
.RB a
aborts completely out of dired. No deletions are done.
.TP 5
.RB b
goes backward a window, leaving a one line overlap.
.TP 5
.RB c
refreshes the current line.
.TP 5
.RB d
marks for deletion the current entry. Upon exit and confirmation,
this entry will be deleted. WARNING: this includes directories!
If it is a directory, everything in it and underneath it will be
.TP 5
.RB e
runs the 'ed' editor upon the current file.
However, if the current
file is a directory, it is not edited, but rather, dired forks
a copy of itself upon that directory. In this manner, you can
examine the contents of that directory and thus move down
the directory hierarchy.
.TP 5
.RB f
goes forward a window, leaving a one line overlap.
.TP 5
.RB h
.TP 5
.RB ?
displays a help file.
.TP 5
.RB l
.TP 5
.RB ^L
refreshes the current window.
.TP 5
.RB p
prints the current file on the line-printer in small font (pr2).
.TP 5
prints the current file on the line-printer in normal font.
.TP 5
.RB q
exits the program, displays files marked for deletion and requires
confirmation before deleting them. If no confirmation is given
(typing anything other than y), dired goes back to its display.
.TP 5
.RB r
.TP 5
.RB s
sorts the file list by various fields: name, read date, size, write
date. Only the first letter (e.g. n, r, s, or w) is required after
giving the r and s commands. s sorts in increasing alphabetic, decreasing
size, newest to oldest dates. r reverses the sense of s. For the
n, s, and w subcommands, the date field is the write date. For
the r subcommand, the date field is the read date. Whenever a sort
is done, you are positioned at the top of the list afterwards.
.TP 5
.RB s
types the file out to the terminal, which may be
considerably faster than firing up an editor on the file.
The type-out may be interrupted by ctrl-C.

/usr/help/programs/dired help file ? and h show


The error messages are basically self-explanatory.

One nifty feature would be to be able to use a > command to
move over the protection field and instantly change protections with
the touch of a character (or queue the changes for the final exit).
---help file mentioned above---
Dired commands:
<crlf>, ^N go to next entry
^, -, <bsp>,^P go to previous entry
! cmd execute 'cmd', replacing % by full pathname, # by tail
a aborts out completely
b backward a window
c refresh current line
d mark current entry for deletion
e edit current entry via editor or via dired if directory
f forward a window
h, ? display this help blurb
l, ^L refresh current window
m Use 'more' to display the current entry.
p print current entry on line printer in small font (pr2)
P print current entry on line printer in large font
q exit
r [n,r,s,w] reverse sort by name/read date/size/write date
s same as r but normal sort
t type current entry on terminal & pause in 2 window mode
T type current entry on terminal, no pause.
u undelete current entry
---dired.c source---
* *
* dired [][dir][files] Stuart Cracraft (mclure@sri-unix) Sept 1980 *
* *
* Directory editor. *
* edit/delete files in a directory or a file list *
* compile with the berkeley termlib archive *
* and don't forget to change the 'helpfile' and *
* 'dirednam' strings to reflect your own setup. *
* *
* Note: if you make improvements, I'd like to get them too. *
* Stuart Cracraft mclure@sri-unix, *
* ucbvax!menlo70!sri-unix!mclure *
* so would I: Jay Lepreau lepreau@utah-20, *
* decvax!randvax!utah-cs!lepreau *

* Enhanced by J.Lepreau, Univ of Utah, 8-10/81:
* --bunch of stuff, including more cmds, 2 window mode,
* bufering output, pathname substition in !escapes,
* initial sort options, ^G escape from sorts, ^U escape
* from !escapes, empty dir check.

#ifdef COMMENT

Modified 12/81 by Lepreau:
1. Fix up aborting of command escapes, with mildy tricky re-display.
2. Make default window size be half-screen (2 window mode).
Added option -wf to get full screen.
3. Add check for too many files to avoid core-dump.
4. Fix bug in cmd escapes: must reset caught signals before invocation.

#endif COMMENT

things to consider
- perhaps should be able to edit protection field and
be able to change protection instantly at the
touch of a key (or queue the change for later exit)

-- Would be nice if there were cmds (e.g. 'c') which would update
1) the file-info & re-display it, & 2) update whole
display's info.

#ifdef vax /* this does for now */
# define VFORK

#ifndef VFORK
# define vfork fork

#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define NOTDELETED 0
#define DELETED 1

/* Sort Orders */
#define NAME 0
#define SIZE 1
#define WRITE 2
#define READ 3
char sortstr[] = "nswr"; /* must be in order by above */

#define ESC '\033'
#define CURSOR 48 /* X-coord of cursor, just b4 file */
#define CTRL(c) ('c' & 037)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <whoami.h>

#ifdef UTAH
char *dirednam = "/usr/local/dired "; /* Where dired lives - need blnk */
char *helpfile = "/usr/help/dired.hlp"; /* Where helpfile lives */
char *dirednam = "/usr/local/dired "; /* Where dired lives - need blnk */
char *helpfile = "/usr/help/programs/dired"; /* Where helpfile lives */

char divider[132]; /* divides the windows */
#define DIVCHAR '-' /* makes up the divider */

#define MOREPGM "/usr/ucb/more " /* program to page thru a file */

#define MAXFILES 500 /* Max number of files we can handle */

struct lbuf
char lname[30];
char *namep;
} ln;
short deleted;
char ltype;
short lnum;
short lflags;
short lnl;
short luid;
short lgid;
long lsize;
long latime;
long lctime;
long lmtime;

struct lbuf file[MAXFILES];

struct stat statbuf;
struct sgttyb ioctlb;

#define ISARG 0100000

int gflg,
sflg; /* Random flags */
int splitflg; /* Split screen? */
int sortyp; /* Key to sort on */
int errcode; /* Error variable used by rm */
int rflg = 1; /* Reverse sort flag */
int totfiles = 0; /* Total files */
int flags; /* Gets flags */
int blurb; /* 1=>thing in echo area,0 otherwise */
int numdeleted; /* Number of files marked deleted */
long ttime; /* Temp time variable */
long year; /* Six months ago */
long totblocks = 0; /* Total blocks */
int lastuid = -1; /* Last uid/gid we handled */
char tempbuf[128]; /* Random temporary buffer */
char userbuf[35]; /* Temporary buffer for user name */
FILE *pwdf, *dirf; /* Password/group file and directory files */

int curfile = 0; /* Current file */
int topfile = 0; /* File at top of screen */
int curline = 0; /* Line that we're on */
int scrlen = 0; /* Length of screen - dired part: half size */
int Worklen = 0; /* Length of 'working window', the other part*/
int Worktop = 0; /* Top of " " */
int Tscrlen; /*Total length of screen,minus 1 for cmd line*/
int scrwid = 79; /* Width of screen */
char *CL,
*UP, /* Termcap strings we'll use */
*CD, /* clear to end of display */
*AL; /* insert line */
char PC;
char tbuf[1024],
char *tgetstr (), *tgoto ();
char *getenv ();
int compar ();
char *ctime ();
char *index();
char *makename ();
char *catargs();
char *bldnam();
long nblock ();
int catchint();
int sigint;

char bufout[BUFSIZ];

main (argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
register int i,
int numarg,
special, /* flag says had % or # in cmd */
char nambuf[128];
char command; /* Holds last command */
char **oldargv;
register char *t,

/* Get terminal type */

setbuf(stdout, NULL); /* for v7 speed up, vax compatibility -fjl */
getcap ();

/* Process arg flags. They must be first! */
for (i=1; i<argc; i++) {
if (argv[i][0] != '-')
switch (cc = argv[i][1]) {
case 'w': /* Window size */
if (argv[i][2] == 'h')
scrlen = 999; /* Half */
else if (argv[i][2] == 'f')
scrlen = 0; /* Full */
scrlen = atoi(&argv[i][2]);
case 's': /* Initial sort order */
case 'r':
sortyp = index(sortstr, argv[i][2]) - sortstr;
rflg = (cc == 's') ? 1 : -1;
fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option %s, ignored.\n", argv[i]);
argc -= (i - 1);
oldargv = argv;
argv += (i - 1);

if (scrlen == 0) /* full screen */
scrlen = Tscrlen;
else if (scrlen == 999) /* means split in half */
scrlen = (Tscrlen - 1) >> 1;
if (scrlen < 2)
scrlen = 2;
if (Tscrlen < scrlen)
scrlen = Tscrlen;
splitflg = (Tscrlen > scrlen+1); /* 1 extra line for separator */
if (splitflg) {
Worklen = Tscrlen - (scrlen+1); /* size of 'working' window */
Worktop = scrlen + 1; /* bottom half for now */
Worklen = 0;

tt = divider + scrwid - 14;
for (t = divider; t < tt;) /* arbitrary length */
*t++ = DIVCHAR;
*t = '\0';

signal (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN);
signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);

setdpy ();
printf ("Reading");

time (&ttime);
year = ttime - 6L * 30L * 24L * 60L * 60L;/* 6 months ago */

lflg = 1;
gflg = iflg = sflg = 0;
if (lflg)
t = "/etc/passwd";
if (gflg)
t = "/etc/group";
pwdf = fopen (t, "r");

numarg = argc;
if (argc == 1)
readdir (".");
if (argc == 2)
readdir (argv[1]);
while (--argc > 0)
if (totfiles == MAXFILES)
if ((totfiles % 10) == 0)
putchar ('.');
if (gstat(*++argv) == 0) {
file[totfiles].ln.namep = *argv;
file[totfiles].lflags |= ISARG;
if (totfiles == 0) {
printf("\n?Empty directory\n");
sleep(1); /* So user can see it - don't worry if less */
qsort (file, totfiles, sizeof (struct lbuf), compar);
blank ();
showscreen ();
curxy (0, Tscrlen);
ceol ();
curxy (CURSOR, 0);
while ((command = getchar ()) != 'q')
if (blurb)
telluser ("");
blurb = 0;
switch (command)
case 'a': /* Abort completely */
blank ();
unsetdpy ();
exit (1);
case 'P': /* Print a file */
case 'p': /* do a pr2 */
if (file[curfile].ltype == 'd')
telluser ("?Can only print files");
tempbuf[0] = '\0';
bldnam(tempbuf, numarg, curfile, argv);
telluser ("Printing...");
while ((i = vfork ()) == -1)
sleep (3);
if (i == 0) {
#ifdef UTAH
if (command == 'p') /* little print */
execlp("pr2", "pr2", tempbuf, 0);
else /* big print */
execlp ("print", "print", tempbuf, 0);
telluser ("?Can't find program to list file.\n");
wait (&status);

case '!': /* Execute a system command */
telluser ("");
curxy (0, Tscrlen);
unsetdpy ();
printf ("Command: ");
tempbuf[0] = 'x'; /* dummy kludge */
if (gets(tempbuf) != NULL && tempbuf[0] != '\0') {
extern char *skipto();
register char *op, /* old ptr */
*np; /* new ptr */
char bldbuf[70];

bldbuf[0] = '\0';
op = tempbuf;
special = 0;
while (cc = *(np = skipto(op, "%#"))) {
special++; /* set flag */
*np++ = '\0'; /* zap the %/# and bump past it */
strcat(bldbuf, op); /* 1st part */
if (cc == '%') /* complete file name */
bldnam(bldbuf, numarg, curfile, argv);
else { /* Had # sign, trailing comp only */
if (numarg <= 2)
strcat (bldbuf, file[curfile].ln.lname);
strcat (bldbuf, file[curfile].ln.namep);

op = np;
strcat(bldbuf, op);

blank ();
if (special) { /* display expanded command */
printf( "%s\n", bldbuf);
} /* "system" takes long enuf for him to see it */
signal(SIGINT, SIG_DFL); /* temp kludge here... */
signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_DFL); /* should not use 'system' */
system (bldbuf);
signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
signal (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
printf ("\nCR to return...");
setdpy ();
getchar ();
blank ();
showscreen ();
telluser ("");
else { /* CR only, or EOF, or error */
* He changed his mind, skip it. Since we were in
* cooked mode, the CR ending the gets is echoed and
* we lost the first line of the display. So we
* re-insert it.
if (tempbuf[0] == 'x') /* means EOF */
/* null entry, normal case */
else if (AL == 0) { /* no insert line capability */
else { /* be a little sneakier */
curxy(0, Tscrlen-1); /* go back to where prompt */
ceol(); /* is now, and blank it */
insline(); /* make some room */
curxy(CURSOR, curline);

case 'r': /* Reverse sort */
curxy (0, Tscrlen);
printf ("reverse ");
rflg = -1;
case 's': /* Normal sort */
if (command == 's')
curxy (0, Tscrlen);
rflg = 1;
printf ("sort by [s,n,r,w]: ");
command = getchar ();
while ((command == '?') || !((command == 'n') ||
(command == 'r') || (command == 'w') || (command == 's') ||
(command == CTRL(g))))
curxy (0, Tscrlen);
ceol ();
if (rflg == -1)
printf ("reverse ");
printf ("sort by size, name, read or write date: ");
command = getchar ();

if (command == CTRL(g)) { /* abort */
putchar(CTRL(g)); /* echo it */
curxy(CURSOR, curline);

if (command == 's')
sortyp = SIZE;
if (command == 'w')
sortyp = WRITE;
if (command == 'r')
sortyp = READ;
sortyp = 0;
printf ("%c", command);
qsort (file, totfiles, sizeof (struct lbuf), compar);
topfile = 0;
curfile = 0;
curline = 0;
blank ();
showscreen ();
curxy (CURSOR, 0);

case 'e': /* Edit a file or directory */
if (file[curfile].ltype == 'd') {
strcpy (tempbuf, dirednam);
catargs(tempbuf, oldargv);
else {
if ((t = getenv("EDITOR")) != NULL)
strcat(strcpy(tempbuf, t), " ");
strcpy (tempbuf, "ex ");
bldnam(tempbuf, numarg, curfile, argv);
blank ();
unsetdpy ();
system (tempbuf);
setdpy ();
blank ();
showscreen ();
telluser ("");

case 'm': /* 'more' a file */
if (file[curfile].ltype == 'd')
telluser ("?Can only page thru files");
strcpy (tempbuf, MOREPGM);
bldnam(tempbuf, numarg, curfile, argv);
blank ();
unsetdpy ();
system (tempbuf);
/* if (!sigint) { */
printf ("\nCR to return...");
/* } */
setdpy ();
getchar ();
blank ();
showscreen ();
telluser ("");

case 'T': /* don't wait at page end */
case 't': /* quickly type the file -- added 5/81, J.Lepreau */
if (file[curfile].ltype == 'd')
telluser ("?Can only type files");
tempbuf[0] = '\0';
bldnam(tempbuf, numarg, curfile, argv);
if (type(tempbuf, command == 't')) /* little t means wait */
showscreen ();
curxy (CURSOR, curline);

case 'l': /* Refresh screen */
case CTRL(l): /* added for editor compatibility -fjl */
blank ();
showscreen ();
telluser ("");
case 'c': /* Refresh current line */
curxy (0, curline);
pentry (curfile);
curxy (CURSOR, curline);
case CTRL(v):
case 'f': /* forward window */
fscreen ();
/* wish we could do meta-v */
case 'b': /* backward window */
bscreen ();
case CTRL(n):
case '\r':
case '\n': /* next file */
if (curfile == totfiles - 1)
telluser ("?At end of files");
if (curline == scrlen - 1)
topfile = curfile;
curline = 0;
blank ();
showscreen ();
curxy (CURSOR, 0);
downline ();
downline ();
case '^': /* previous file */
case CTRL(h): /* backspace */
case '-':
case CTRL(p):
if (curfile == 0)
telluser ("?At start of files");
if (curline == 0)
topfile = curfile - scrlen + 1;
curline = scrlen - 1;
blank ();
showscreen ();
curxy (CURSOR, curline);
upline ();
upline ();
case 'h': /* Help */
case '?':
if (type(helpfile, 1)) /* wait */
showscreen ();
curxy (CURSOR, curline);
case 'd': /* delete file */
if (file[curfile].deleted == DELETED)
telluser ("?Already marked deleted");
file[curfile].deleted = DELETED;
printf ("D%c", 010);
if (curline + 1 == scrlen)
fscreen ();
downline ();
if (curfile != totfiles - 1)
downline ();
case 'u': /* undelete file */
if (file[curfile].deleted == NOTDELETED)
telluser ("?Not marked deleted");
file[curfile].deleted = NOTDELETED;
printf (" %c", 010);
telluser ("Unknown command. Type ? or h for help");
if (numdeleted)
blank ();
printf ("The following %s marked for deletion:\n",
(numdeleted == 1) ? "is" : "are");
typefiles ();
printf ("\nShall I delete %s? ",
(numdeleted == 1) ? "this" : "these");
if ((command = getchar ()) != 'y')
blank ();
showscreen ();
curxy (0, Tscrlen);
ceol ();
curxy (CURSOR, curline);
goto startup;
printf ("y\n");
for (i = 0; i < totfiles; i++)
if (file[i].deleted == DELETED) {
nambuf[0] = '\0';
bldnam(nambuf, numarg, i, argv);
if (file[i].ltype == 'd')
rm (nambuf, 0);
if (unlink (nambuf) < 0)
printf ("Delete of %s failed.\n", nambuf);
blank ();

unsetdpy ();

typefiles ()
int longsiz,
longsiz = numout = 0;
for (i = 0; i < totfiles; i++)
if (file[i].deleted == DELETED)
if (file[i].lflags & ISARG)
if (strlen (file[i].ln.namep) > longsiz)
longsiz = strlen (file[i].ln.namep);
if (strlen (file[i].ln.lname) > longsiz)
longsiz = strlen (file[i].ln.lname);
maxperln = scrwid / (longsiz + 3);
for (i = 0; i < totfiles; i++)
if (file[i].deleted == DELETED)
if (file[i].lflags & ISARG)
printf ("%s", file[i].ln.namep);
longthis = strlen (file[i].ln.namep);
printf ("%.14s", file[i].ln.lname);
longthis = strlen (file[i].ln.lname);
if ((numout % maxperln) == 0)
putchar ('\n');
else if (numout != numdeleted)
for (j = 0; j < (longsiz + 3 - longthis); j++)
putchar (' ');

rm (arg, level)
char arg[];
struct stat buf;
struct direct direct;
char name[100];
int d;

if (stat (arg, &buf))
if ((buf.st_mode & S_IFMT) == S_IFDIR)
if (access (arg, 02) < 0)
printf ("%s not deleted.\n", arg);
if ((d = open (arg, 0)) < 0)
printf ("rm: %s: cannot read\n", arg);
while (read (d, (char *) & direct, sizeof (direct)) == sizeof (direct))
if (direct.d_ino != 0 && !dotname (direct.d_name))
sprintf (name, "%s/%.14s", arg, direct.d_name);
rm (name, level + 1);
close (d);
errcode += rmdir (arg);

if (unlink (arg))
printf ("%s not deleted.\n", arg);

dotname (s)
char *s;
if (s[0] == '.')
if (s[1] == '.')
if (s[2] == '\0')
return (1);
return (0);
if (s[1] == '\0')
return (1);
return (0);

rmdir (f)
char *f;
int status,

if (dotname (f))
return (0);
while ((i = vfork ()) == -1)
sleep (3);
if (i == 0) {
execl ("/bin/rmdir", "rmdir", f, 0);
execl ("/usr/bin/rmdir", "rmdir", f, 0);
printf ("rm: can't find rmdir\n");
wait (&status);
return (status);

fscreen ()
if (topfile + scrlen - 1 > totfiles - 1)
telluser ("?No remaining windows");
topfile = topfile + scrlen - 1;
curfile = topfile;
curline = 0;
blank ();
showscreen ();
curxy (CURSOR, 0);

bscreen ()
if (topfile - scrlen + 1 < 0)
telluser ("?No previous windows");
topfile = topfile - scrlen + 1;
curfile = topfile;
curline = 0;
blank ();
showscreen ();
curxy (CURSOR, 0);

showscreen ()
int i,
home ();
setbuf(stdout, bufout); /* buffered output here, faster! --fjl */
numprint = 0;
for (i = topfile; (numprint < scrlen) && (i < totfiles); i++)
pentry (i);
putchar ('\n');
if (splitflg)
printf ("%s\n", divider);
fflush(stdout); /* reset for display functions */
setbuf(stdout, NULL);

readdir (dir) /* Reads directory dir */
char *dir;
static struct direct dentry;
register int j;

if ((dirf = fopen (dir, "r")) == NULL)
printf ("\nSorry, %s unreadable.\n", dir);
unsetdpy ();
for (;;)
if (fread ((char *) & dentry, sizeof (dentry), 1, dirf) != 1)
if (dentry.d_ino == 0
|| dentry.d_name[0] == '.' && (dentry.d_name[1] == '\0'
|| dentry.d_name[1] == '.' && dentry.d_name[2] == '\0'))

if (totfiles == MAXFILES)
overflow(); /* abort, too may files */
/* Just ignore if can't find the file, dir may be changing */
if (gstat (makename (dir, dentry.d_name)) == 0) { /* 0 == Ok */
file[totfiles].lnum = dentry.d_ino;
for (j = 0; j < DIRSIZ; j++)
file[totfiles].ln.lname[j] = dentry.d_name[j];
if (totfiles % 10 == 0)
putchar ('.');
fclose (dirf);

gstat (name) /* Stats the file with name */
char *name;

file[totfiles].lflags = 0;
file[totfiles].lnum = 0;
file[totfiles].ltype = '-';

if (stat (name, &statbuf) < 0)
file[totfiles].lnum = statbuf.st_ino;
file[totfiles].lsize = statbuf.st_size;
switch (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFMT)
case S_IFDIR:
file[totfiles].ltype = 'd';
case S_IFBLK:
file[totfiles] .ltype = 'b';
file[totfiles].lsize = statbuf.st_rdev;
case S_IFCHR:
file[totfiles].ltype = 'c';
file[totfiles].lsize = statbuf.st_rdev;
file[totfiles].lflags = statbuf.st_mode & ~S_IFMT;
file[totfiles].luid = statbuf.st_uid;
file[totfiles].lgid = statbuf.st_gid;
file[totfiles].lnl = statbuf.st_nlink;
file[totfiles].latime = statbuf.st_atime;
file[totfiles].lctime = statbuf.st_ctime;
file[totfiles].lmtime = statbuf.st_mtime;
totblocks += nblock (statbuf.st_size);

char *
makename (dir, filen)
char *dir,
static char dfile[100];
register char *dp,
register int i;

dp = dfile;
fp = dir;
while (*fp)
*dp++ = *fp++;
*dp++ = '/';
fp = filen;
for (i = 0; i < DIRSIZ; i++)
*dp++ = *fp++;
*dp = 0;
return (dfile);

nblock (size)
long size;
return ((size + 511) >> 9);

pentry (whichone)
int whichone;
char dminor,
register t;
register char *cp;

if (file[whichone].lnum == -1)
if (iflg)
printf ("%5u ", file[whichone].lnum);
if (sflg)
printf ("%4D ", nblock (file[whichone].lsize));
if (lflg)
putchar (file[whichone].ltype);
pmode (file[whichone].lflags);
printf ("%2d ", file[whichone].lnl);
t = file[whichone].luid;
if (gflg)
t = file[whichone].lgid;
if (getname (t, userbuf) == 0)
printf ("%-14.14s", userbuf);
printf ("%-14d", t);
if (file[whichone].ltype == 'b' || file[whichone].ltype == 'c')
printf ("%3d,%3d", major ((int) file[whichone].lsize),
minor ((int) file[whichone].lsize));
printf ("%7ld", file[whichone].lsize);
if ((sortyp == WRITE) || (sortyp == 0) || (sortyp == SIZE))
cp = ctime (&file[whichone].lmtime);
if (file[whichone].lmtime < year)
printf (" %-7.7s %-4.4s ", cp + 4, cp + 20);
printf (" %-12.12s ", cp + 4);
if (sortyp == READ)
cp = ctime (&file[whichone].latime);
if (file[whichone].latime < year)
printf (" %-7.7s %-4.4s ", cp + 4, cp + 20);
printf (" %-12.12s ", cp + 4);
printf ("%c", file[whichone].deleted ? 'D' : ' ');
if (file[whichone].lflags & ISARG)
printf (" %s", file[whichone].ln.namep);
printf (" %.14s", file[whichone].ln.lname);

getname (uid, buf)
int uid;
char buf[];
int j,

if (uid == lastuid)
return (0);
if (pwdf == NULL)
return (-1);
rewind (pwdf);
lastuid = -1;
i = 0;
j = 0;
n = 0;
while ((c = fgetc (pwdf)) != '\n')
if (c == EOF)
return (-1);
if (c == ':')
c = '0';
if (j == 0)
buf[i++] = c;
if (j == 2)
n = n * 10 + c - '0';
} while (n != uid);
buf[i++] = '\0';
lastuid = uid;
return (0);

int m1[] =
1, S_IREAD >> 0, 'r', '-'
int m2[] =
1, S_IWRITE >> 0, 'w', '-'
int m3[] =
2, S_ISUID, 's', S_IEXEC >> 0, 'x', '-'
int m4[] =
1, S_IREAD >> 3, 'r', '-'
int m5[] =
1, S_IWRITE >> 3, 'w', '-'
int m6[] =
2, S_ISGID, 's', S_IEXEC >> 3, 'x', '-'
int m7[] =
1, S_IREAD >> 6, 'r', '-'
int m8[] =
1, S_IWRITE >> 6, 'w', '-'
int m9[] =
2, S_ISVTX, 't', S_IEXEC >> 6, 'x', '-'

int *m[] =
m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6, m7, m8, m9

pmode (aflag)
register int **mp;

flags = aflag;
for (mp = &m[0]; mp < &m[sizeof (m) / sizeof (m[0])];)
select (*mp++);

select (pairp)
register int *pairp;
register int n;

n = *pairp++;
while (--n >= 0 && (flags & *pairp++) == 0)
putchar (*pairp);

compar (pp1, pp2)
struct lbuf *pp1,
register struct lbuf *p1,

p1 = pp1;
p2 = pp2;
if (p1 -> lflags & ISARG && p1 -> ltype == 'd')
if (!(p2 -> lflags & ISARG && p2 -> ltype == 'd'))
return (1);
if (p2 -> lflags & ISARG && p2 -> ltype == 'd')
return (-1);
if (sortyp == SIZE)
if (p2 -> lsize == p1 -> lsize)
return (0);
if (p2 -> lsize > p1 -> lsize)
return (rflg);
return (-rflg);
if (sortyp == WRITE)
if (p2 -> lmtime == p1 -> lmtime)
return (0);
if (p2 -> lmtime > p1 -> lmtime)
return (rflg);
return (-rflg);
if (sortyp == READ)
if (p2 -> latime == p1 -> latime)
return (0);
if (p2 -> latime > p1 -> latime)
return (rflg);
return (-rflg);
return (rflg * strcmp (p1 -> lflags & ISARG ? p1 -> ln.namep : p1 -> ln.lname,
p2 -> lflags & ISARG ? p2 -> ln.namep : p2 -> ln.lname));


ceol ()
putpad (CE);
blank ()
putpad (CL);
home ()
putpad (HO);
insline ()
putpad (AL);

/* Yes, folks, we use direct cursor addressing to get to next line!
Before you mumble "What sort of cretin would do this?" here's
the reason. We don't use \n since that obviously won't work.
We don't use \012 since virgin version 7 makes that into a crlf.
We don't use raw mode since we type out help files efficently,
and we don't want to switch modes all the time. So enjoy. -- SMC */

downline ()
curxy (CURSOR, ++curline);
upline ()
putpad (UP);

telluser (msg, args)
char *msg;
curxy (0, Tscrlen);
ceol ();
printf (msg, args);
curxy (CURSOR, curline);
curxy (col, lin)
char *cmstr = tgoto (CM, col, lin);
putpad (cmstr);

char *fgets();

type (filestr, waitflg) /* Modified to type help file & others. fjl 5/81 */
char *filestr; /* Kludgy now with split screen stuff! */
int helpfd = 5;
FILE *fd = stdin;
char *eof;
register int i, n;
register int cc = 0;
int cur_scrl; /* current screen length */
char helpbuf[512];

if (!splitflg)
helpfd = open(filestr, 0);
fd = fopen(filestr, "r");
if (helpfd < 0 || fd == NULL) {
telluser("?Unable to open %sfile",strcmp(filestr,helpfile)?"":"help ");
return (FALSE);

signal(SIGINT, catchint);
sigint = 0;

if (!splitflg) {
while ((i = read (helpfd, helpbuf, 512)) > 0 && !sigint)
write (1, helpbuf, i);
else {
setbuf(stdout, bufout); /* to speed it up */
cur_scrl = totfiles - topfile + 1; /* topfile starts at 0 */
Worktop = ((cur_scrl < scrlen) ? cur_scrl : scrlen) + 1;
do {
curxy(0, Worktop);
for (i = Worktop; (i < Tscrlen) && !sigint && (cc != EOF); i++) {
n = 0;
while ((cc = getc(fd)) != EOF) {
chklen: if (n++ == scrwid+1) { /* Use all the screen (80) */
if (cc != '\n') {
ungetc(cc, fd);
cc = '\n';
if (cc == CTRL(l)) {
cc = 'L';
goto chklen;
if (cc == '\n')
} while (!sigint && (cc != EOF) && waitchk(waitflg));

if (feof(fd))
printf("===== End-of-File =====\n");
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
return(FALSE); /* means needs no re-display */

if (!splitflg) { /* redundant now... */
if (!sigint) {
curxy(0, Tscrlen);
printf ("CR to return...");
getchar ();
blank ();
return (TRUE);

if (!waitflg)
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
curxy(0, Tscrlen);
printf ("---Continue---");
curxy(0, Tscrlen);
setbuf(stdout, bufout);
if (sigint)
return(0); /* avoids clear of screen */

setdpy ()
ioctl (0, TIOCGETP, &ioctlb);
ioctlb.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
ioctlb.sg_flags &= ~ECHO;
ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &ioctlb);

unsetdpy ()
ioctlb.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK;
ioctlb.sg_flags |= ECHO;
ioctl (0, TIOCSETP, &ioctlb);

getcap ()
char *ap;
char *term;
char *xPC;

term = getenv ("TERM");
if (term == 0)
fprintf (stderr, "No TERM in environment\n");

switch (tgetent (tbuf, term))
case -1:
fprintf (stderr, "Cannot open termcap file\n");
exit (2);
case 0:
fprintf (stderr, "%s: unknown terminal", term);
exit (3);

ap = tcapbuf;

Tscrlen = tgetnum ("li") - 1;
scrwid = tgetnum ("co") - 1;/* lose 1 so won't scroll in last line */

UP = tgetstr ("up", &ap);
CD = tgetstr ("cd", &ap);
CE = tgetstr ("ce", &ap);
HO = tgetstr ("ho", &ap);
CL = tgetstr ("cl", &ap);
CM = tgetstr ("cm", &ap);
AL = tgetstr ("al", &ap); /* insert line, optional */

xPC = tgetstr ("pc", &ap);
if (xPC)
PC = *xPC;

if ((CM == 0) || (CL == 0) || (UP == 0) || (HO == 0))
fprintf (stderr, "Tty must have cursor addr, clear, home, and 4 cursor motions.\n");
exit (1);
if (Tscrlen <= 0 || scrwid <= 0)
fprintf (stderr, "Must know the screen size\n");
exit (1);

outch (c)
putchar (c);

putpad (str)
char *str;
if (str)
tputs (str, 0, outch);

signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* reset it */
sigint = 1;

char *
bldnam(str, numarg, filidx, argv)
char *str;
char *argv[];

if (numarg == 1)
strcat (str, file[filidx].ln.lname);
if (numarg == 2) {
strcat (str, argv[1]);
strcat (str, "/");
strcat (str, file[filidx].ln.lname);
strcat (str, file[filidx].ln.namep);

char *
catargs(str, argv)
char *str;
char *argv[];
register int i;

for (++argv; *argv; argv++) {
if (**argv == '-') {
strcat(str, *argv);
strcat(str, " ");

printf("\n?Too many files\007\n");
sleep(1); /* So user can see it - don't worry if less */

char *skipto (string,charset)
char *charset,*string;
register char *setp,*strp;
register int found;

found = 0; /* not found yet */
strp = string; /* start at first char */

while (*strp && !found) { /* until null or found */
/* find first char in charset matching *strp */
for (setp=charset; (*setp) && (*setp != *strp); setp++) ;
if (*setp) found = 1; /* matches a char */
else strp++; /* else keep looking */

return (strp);

0 new messages