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Tim Eliseo

Aug 21, 1986, 1:22:36 AM8/21/86
Recently I have become very active in an organization known as Mensa.
Mensa is an international social club, with chapters in most major
cities. Mensa's sole qualification for membership is a score in the
98th percentile or better (compared to the general population) on an
intelligence test (for example, the qualifying score for the SAT is
1250). Mensa's purpose is to allow like minded individuals to meet and
have fun together (a majority of members, including myself, are
single). Mensa received a bunch of publicity around November 1985
which made more people aware of its existence, and helped to dispel the
myth that all members are eggheads who like to sit around,
intellectualize, and talk about their test scores. (If you are
interested in joining, try looking in your local phone book under Mensa
to get more info.)

I have been coordinating an Under 30's group and a Mensa-on-Campus
group at CSUS, both of which operate as SIGs of Sacramento Regional
Mensa. I have found that so far the enthusiasm locally for younger
people's groups has been great, but the numbers have been relatively

I would very much like to hear from anyone else who knows of similar
groups in other cities and at other campuses (especially in California)
to exchange ideas on events and advertising. I'd also like to hear
from anyone who is interested in starting a new group in their area.
If there is enough interest, we might even be able to get a national
SIG started. Please do not post responses to the net, as we do not yet
receive a full news feed. Please contact me via one of the methods
below. I'll be waiting to hear from you!

Tim Eliseo {ucbvax,lll-crg}!ucdavis!csusac!eliseot
7673 Greenback Lane #1031, Citrus Heights, CA 95610-6627; 916-722-7437

Michael O'Brien

Aug 25, 1986, 5:54:13 PM8/25/86
I've been curious lately about whatever happened to a society I heard of many
years ago, called the Four Sigma Society. It was supposedly a Mensa for Mensans:
to get in you had to be four standard deviations out on the intelligence curve
(high end only, I would imagine :-).

Did this sucker fold due to lack of membership? Is it still around?

Just curious...
Mike O'Brien
The Rand Corporation


Andrew S. Gerber

Aug 27, 1986, 10:16:45 AM8/27/86
In article <> (Tim Eliseo) writes:
>Recently I have become very active in an organization known as Mensa.

>Mensa's sole qualification for membership is a score in the
>98th percentile or better (compared to the general population) on an
>intelligence test (for example, the qualifying score for the SAT is

I've always kinda wondered about Mensa. It really doesn't seem so
special. According to the qualifying score, nearly everyone at MIT
would be a member. Is this selective?

| Andrew S. Gerber MIT '87 Visible Language Workshop |
| ger...@mit-amt.MIT.EDU,, |
| UUCP: decvax!mit-eddie!mit-amt!gerber decvax!mit-eddie!mit-athena!gerber |

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