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Computerized Comic: SHATTER

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Apr 15, 1985, 8:17:56 PM4/15/85
From: Brenda <Josep...@Xerox.ARPA>

Dan didn't mention that the first issue of "Shatter" is as the back-up
story of First Comics' "Jon Sable Freelance" (June issue , I believe).
I also read a lot of SF & adventure comics (for adventure, JSF is
definitely my current favorite. The artwork and the stories are
excellent and I highly reccomend them. Note: The June issue of JSF is a
segway into the July issue and is therefore more enjoyable if you know
the characters. The July issue, "Homecoming, Part II" is excellent,
typical JSF fare and good as a stand alone comic story).

I was unimpressed with Shatter and think that it must be it could be
done a lot better, both story wise and art wise. There have been two so
far, both back-ups in JSF.


Apr 20, 1985, 5:19:33 PM4/20/85
From: Bruce <>

> From: Brenda <Josep...@Xerox.ARPA>
> Dan didn't mention that the first issue of "Shatter" is as the back-up
> story of First Comics' "Jon Sable Freelance" (June issue, I believe).

Actually, /SHATTER/ first appeared in it's own (one-shot) book, with the
story then continued in JSF. The black and white art is the same (all
done on a Mac) but the coloring is dramatically different than that
appearing in JSF.

> I was unimpressed with Shatter and think that it must be it could be
> done a lot better, both story wise and art wise.

I too am not terribly impressed by /SHATTER/. But I am /very/ impressed
with the patience the artist must have to have actually drawn all that
stuff on a Mac! If you haven't seen it, you should at least try and find
a copy and look at it.

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