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Stardates and ROTJ - (nf)

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Dec 9, 1982, 10:29:56 PM12/9/82
hp-pcd!everett Dec 8 08:37:00 1982

From: Everett Kaser

Revenge of the Jedai does *not* take place before Star Wars. It follows
directly after The Empire Strikes Back (both in the order it was produced
and in the chronological order of the story).

The Star Wars epic as it is supposed to be conceived of by George Lucas
is this: It consists of nine parts (movies) broken up into three trilogies;
Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Revenge of the Jedai are the middle
three movies, or the second trilogy. The first trilogy is suppose to be
about the fall of the original republic, the second about the fight of the
republics remnant (the rebels) against the empire, and the third about the
rebirth of the republic (or something along those lines; if I'm grossly
wrong, I'm sure I'll hear about it).

RotJ will tell the story of Han Solo recovering his mobility ('loosing his
cool', so to speak?), Luke facing off with Darth Vader, etc. etc. Therefore,
if Obi whatever is again corporeal, it's because he's regained his physical
being, not because the movie takes place 'before' Star Wars.


Dec 11, 1982, 5:43:26 AM12/11/82
hp-pcd!everett Dec 9 09:03:00 1982

From: Everett Kaser

Sorry about the spelling of Jedai (sic). Caused by a momentary loss of
signal between my fingers and the 'seat' of intelligence.

Til the battery runs down in your light saber,


Dec 12, 1982, 5:22:23 AM12/12/82
uiucdcs!mcewan Dec 10 11:58:00 1982

ROTJ chronolgically comes BEFORE Star
Wars (or A New Hope, as you like), and
thus has not yet been killed.


This is news to me. I thought ROTJ finishes off the middle trilogy and thus
comes after TESB, with the next Star Wars movie (SW I) going back to before
A New Hope.

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