There's at least one...
She recently did a concert in Great Britain that was piped here
(Champaign/Urbana Ill.) live via satalite. Of course I had finals
to study for, so I didn't see it. None of my friends will allow
me to play her music when they are in the same I know
of noone who saw it... Anyone out there? Hope there is another
album soon... enough of these ramblings...
Ok, so that's two fans. Any more? Come on, speak up...
John Labovitz
BTW, this discussion may have to move to very soon,
as all votes I've seen have been favor of absorption of this
group into, including my own.
Rolling the ball in Seattle...
Dave Bartley
John Fluke Mfg Co, Inc
M/S 245F; PO Box C9090; Everett, WA 98206
allegra ihnp4!uw-beaver \
uw-beaver decvax!microsoft > !fluke!dbb
ssc-vax ucbvax!lbl-csam /
Why not post your list of obscure Kate Bush albums? I'd
love to see it.
Marcel "Also a fan" Meier