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"Thanks in advance" considered rude

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the Real Swede

Mar 24, 1986, 4:15:06 PM3/24/86
> Although Usenet has developed a number of characteristics I think are
> helpful and appropriate to inter-computer communications, one which I find
> offensive is the oft-seen "Thanks in advance" at the end of requests for
> information or help. This strikes me as rude -- it implies "I don't
> really care enough to send you a separate note of thanks if you help me."
> Is it time to discourage this "net convention" or am I the only one who feels
> this way?
> --
> Ed Nather

I dunno about the rest of the folks out there, but I use that phrase when
posting an article because our outgoing mail doesn't (98% of the time) work
worth a darn.....:-) So there-you have one other opinion.

Jeanette Haritan

Mar 26, 1986, 1:20:31 PM3/26/86
In article <5...@utastro.UUCP> nat...@utastro.UUCP (Ed Nather) writes:
>Although Usenet has developed a number of characteristics I think are
>helpful and appropriate to inter-computer communications, one which I find
>offensive is the oft-seen "Thanks in advance" at the end of requests for
>information or help. This strikes me as rude -- it implies "I don't
>really care enough to send you a separate note of thanks if you help me."
Thanks in advance, as far as I'm concerned, simply means "Thank you for
the effort in which you are about to make". It doesn't necessarily mean
a separate acknowledgement of thanks will not be sent. It could be a
more *public* "thank you", as any follow-ups are usually more appropriate
by private mail.

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