Whoops, is this another article? (Sorry, I'm not in the habit of doing
this, but I couldn't resist. If I also posted this to net.jokes,
their followups would mess up the articles here.)
--steve kramer
{allegra,genrad,ihnp4,utzoo,philabs,uw-beaver}!linus!smk (UUCP)
linus!smk@mitre-bedford (ARPA)
Here we have a new site (mit-eddi) which was by an order of magnitude the biggest
poster on the net, and which contained the user who posted the most
as well, again by a substantial margin. If everybody had as much to
say as these guys, the net would very quickly collapse of its own weight.
We need something more to help educate new users as to the size of the net and
the net etiquette rules that have developed. This means that news software
has got to insist that people know this, and be quite verbose in warnings
etc. on posting. (This is justified, since one posting can equal at
least several thousand readings)
The problem is that there are always old sites out there running old stuff
and we can't effect such changes.
Thus I suggest we adopt in the news software a system to help encourage
people to update. This would consist of code that checks the system
clock against the expiry date. If the code has expired, it either fails
to work or prints out "This code has expired. Please install an update
etc..." every time it is used. Now we can't hide this code, so a nasty
system administrator could delete it, but this itself would be a reminder
that the code is out of date.
We could go even further. What we have is essentially an anarchy on
the net, and the only way to get things done is by technocratic methods.
We could actually go so far as to have news systems send special header
items similar to passwords, encripted with the posting date so the
password can't be figured out. Once a password expires, it and the new
password would be accepted for a given number of weeks (perhaps 4) and
after that no incoming articles with a bad password would be accepted.
Thus any site that doesn't update will still pass on news but will
not get any of their generated news accepted on the net.
This does sound rather harsh, and it's certainly quite far from the
track of any software policy I have heard of, but I would like to
get comments on this philosophy.
I realize many sites don't have the time to keep track of updates.
This scheme means that sites that have the time to post news must also
have the time to post it correctly.
None of this apples to readnews, though. Mostly it applies to inews
because it by posting only that we are members of a community which will
soon need laws.
Brad Templeton - Waterloo, Ont. (519) 886-7304
The most frustrating thing is that I'll be able to continue READING the news
(through a recently added feed into DEC) but unable to respond (except maybe
very rarely.) So if ANYONE out there says ANYTHING disagreeing with me in the
next two months - you are being very unsporting and kicking a man when he is
(In weakness, strength.)
Anyway, thanks to rlgvax!ra for the statistics. A note to anyone considering
collecting such: I'd be curious for a distribution of submitters vs. newsgroups
(both how many and what clusters of newsgroups given people submit to, and
the number of different people submitting articles to a given newsgroup (and
the percentage in each group submitted by, say, the top 5 submitters).)
-- Jerry
decvax!yale-comix!leichter leichter@yale
[If you write to either I will answer after
a while...]