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I support Pauline! Do You?

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Apr 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/18/97

In article <01bc472b$786545c0$2e441ecb@default>,
"John Doe" <> wrote:
> A lot of things have been going on about Pauline Hanson. A wonderful woman
> with ideas that can get Australia back on its feet. But some people out
> there won't give her a chance. I would much rather Pauline for PM than
> John or Kim.
> Pauline has been saying things that I along with many others have thought
> for years but didn't say nothing in case we got beat up in the night.
> Pauline Hanson One Nation Party. Live long Pauline.
> Please reply and tell me what you think. Agree or disagree. I don't care.
> P.S. I am 14 years old. If that changes anything.

so youre only 14????? NO EXCUSE FOR STUPIDITY. i have a 16yo and there is
no way she would write or say what you wrote, she would be too
embarrassed and ashamed, besides she is too intelligent to support anyone
like the oxley moron with views that are so ignorant and unintelligent
that only a simpleton could relate to or understand the half witted
language she uses. a four year old would have a better concept and
understanding of how society functions.

i mean you deserve to be beaten up in the hope that your brain starts to
work in a more enlightened way. the only thing you have going for
yourself if there is any chance of you getting a life, is your age. maybe
by the time you become an able contributer of societies policies and if
you are ever in a position where other idiots and sheep might actually be
influenced by you and decide to follow or listen to you, like they do
that half wit pauline, hopefully most of the yobs and backward dummies
that encourage the type of thinking you follow will all be dead and other
more enlightened, intelligent and interesting people might just have the
chance to explain to you in very basic language why and what life is
about, and how during the time of the neanderthals such as pauline and
followers of the same belief, they walked the earth and nearly had the
opportunity to damage to the world, but because they were so stupid they
all died off, so hopefully most will nearly be extinct and you will
become a better, happier, more enlightened person and your hate and fear
will disappear enough for you to start enjoying life and have a good

I truly believe that the majority of hanson supporters are made up of
groups such as unhappy, miserable, revengeful pensioners and oldies,
others are frustrated angry evil nobodies who want the limelight and as
they are talentless dumb hacks they use their unhappiness and misery to
attack the innocent or those who cannot defend themselves. these
talentless nobodies encounter others who are also discontent with their
empty uneventful bigot racist opinions, whose hate is slowly devouring
and killing themselves with their rage and fears. these idiots finally
feel important as they tell each other that they are only useless or
unhappy or poor or that their lives are hard because of migrants or
kooris or those who are different. thus they finally think they have a
reason for their lack of talent or looks or poverty or uselessness
whatever their gripe is. The other groups are made up of the offsprings
of the above or individual cases of dickheads.

the above maggots whose only historical knowledge of australia (or the
world for that matter) starts with captain cook in the first year of
settlement followed by a deep sleep and the era of the a.n.z.a.c.
followed by another deep sleep and the 'era of the wogs coming to our
country, with the approval of our anzac ancestors we agreed to them
coming here as slave workers, but we expected them to leave when we
completed the snowy mountain scheme, although they tricked us and have
stayed on, bringing their families from their old country who all had
lots of babies or purposely proceeded to copulate like only wogs can do,
so as to spite us in the hope of overtaking us in numbers. but we forgave
the wogs, although we disapproved of them, we later let them join forces
with us because after the next big sleep there was worse to come in the
next important historical era as the asians came after and us whites have
lived here for the last 10,000 years.

the other hanson supporters are most of those who call themselves
christians. the most evil hypocritical racists ever to walk the earth.
luckily after witnessing how followers of christ and god treat others i
dont believe in anything but i do have faith that there are good
intelligent people in society fighting the hansonites and hopefully we
will succeed in maintaining peace and freedom for all. the other idiots
are that follow that simpleton hanson are the few young people like
yourself that are indoctrinated by fools because you are a) either too
young and you follow like sheep anyone that does not use big words as you
are too dumb to understand what they are saying or b) you are evil or c)
you are the offsprings of any of the above.

so there is hope of a new generation coming and those that are young now
hopefuly will change and they die off.

in the meantime we will just have to put up with the idiotic and
ridiculous comments of the above groups and which is demonstrated by this
idiot who replied to your post in this thread, agreeing with your support
of the oxley moron hanson, he went as far as to say that he also blamed
his incompetance and failure on our ex prime minister keating. he
amazingly said that it was keating who is responsible for this country
having the recession that he said we had to have. i mean forget about the
fact that the world economy was over the stop and it was a global
problem,.....forget that it was producing the same results in every
country in the world and that america was also heading the same way to
recession way before us by slowing down their economy that was also
getting running out of control.....forget that we had had no chance of
escaping as we are bound to the same global economy thread that has a
bearing on our economy. what does he not understand in the simple theory
that what happens in every other country can happen to us and maybe
another prime minister with different policies might have made it much
worse for us as has happened to other nations that have not survived as
well as us. ... .. yep forget it, that idiot was saying that we need
pauline hanson after what keating did to australia at that time and had
some other pm we would have escaped that recession...yep little ol' us
all by ourselves other country but us ...if keating was not pm,
maybe pauline or her cronies could have saved us and we would have been
alone in not experiencing those damages. maybe pauline is a genius.

i mean really what a bloody simpleton, what a dickhead if he believes
that.. it is nearly as bad or as scary and as stupid (but not quite as
stupid) as what the oxley morons (dear ol pauline) told a radio station
this week and a reported by the telegraph mirror that pauline said that
the solution to solving the very serious sad and disturbing problem that
the indigenous the kooris have with child mortality... (for you who have
slept on and off the last years since captain cook invaded this
country,they are the people who originally owned and lived in this
country, they are the ones whose country was stolen from, although they
also did not want us here and did not invite us in.

their country was stolen from them because they did not have any racists
or animals like pauline and her supporters to say things like 'anglo
saxons why dont you go back where you came from there are too many of you
already here and soon this country will be made up of whites only, or, if
you dont speak Koori you should be sent back to your home land, or if you
commit a crime you should be deported ....oops, they have all committed
crimes thats why theyre here, theyre all convicts. I can just hear you
ruxtons and niles and paulines saying but what about the anzacs and our
forefathers who went to war for this land and brought their culture here
to wipe out the koori culture, yes, that same culture of god save the
queen of england and princess di, that today, the new migrants are
disrespecting but wanting to keep some oftheir culture,the same culture
that the kooris did not want because they already had theirs but the new
settlers wanted to keep their culture and on top insisted the kooris
forget theirs..I say well the kooris did fight back, but the rules of the
war, invented by the english to win this land was.... well, they only
have spears and we have guns so we declare ourselves the winners, and if
they dont like it we will shoot them.

I mean can you imagine what would happen if today china invaded us and
we lost and they said well we are bigger and we have more weapons so we
are stealing your country because we need more land, and anyway we just
want it so it is ours...i mean can you imagine ???? well that was done to
the original landowners of this country..and you wonder why they have so
many problems, when up till approx 30years ago they had the same status
as the animals in the r.s.p.c.a. in that they were not allowed to vote
or work or live with us whites. and now we say... but that was then, its
not our fault why should we feel guilty. because we are guilty by sheer
ignorance and having people with low iq's having such a large following
of imbeciles. how can they and their offsprings forget and heal so many
years of torture, pain and indignity first inflicted by the first
settlers (first migrants) continued to be inflicted today by the those
that are brain dead, those without a vision like the have
to be joking. its not that simple.

yet what was paulines answer?....what did she say her solution to that
very difficult , complex and medical dilema of child mortality? this from
one of those whom you would entrust with the running of our country...who
you would trust to make life easier for us.. she sai.......


i mean thats it. WHAT MORE CAN I SAY? i dont have to say anymore,that is
exactly what she said, god help us if you idiots ever get the chance to
vote her or anyone like her in, are we in trouble. with that do you laugh
or do you cry. is she dangerous and stupid or what. are people smarter
than that and those that think she is right will be able to see she is a
GOON an embarrassment or is there no hope.

and that is why if you really think she is great you do deserve to be
beaten up.

-------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====----------------------- Search, Read, Post to Usenet

Apr 18, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/18/97

In article <01bc493a$0de6eda0$>,
"rod speed" <> wrote:
> Ben Stevens <> wrote in article
> <01bc48ce$e8bd1560$>...

doen't it make you cringe with embarrassment how suddenly all the yobs
feel so brave these days and use all these 'naughty words'?
i can just imagine this imbecile having a couple of beers and saying,
'just watch me see if anyone can stop me, i'm goin to say the 'a' word
whenever i want to see? ABO. ABO. ABO. ABO!!!!!!

WELL idiot you are soooo brave like i keep on saying hopefuly you belong j
to the neanderthal age group and will soon be extinct.

> > Many of her arguments are based on falicies
> Pity you didnt actually manage to list a single one.



have you heard her policy on the high aboriginal high mortality rate??


AHA....okeedokeey.....da .....what else pauline ??? how you going to
glue the hole on the ozone layer, you genius you
> > eg. blaming all the Nation's problems on immigration.
> She's never actually said anything remotely like that, just made some
> comments on the DETAIL of our immigration policy. No 'fallacy' involved.
> > Stopping immigration would not be a solution,
> She's even said that immigration should be stopped either.
> > because Australia's natural population growth or skills
> > base is not enough to support a solid economic future.
> Oh crap. Taiwan has about the same population and skills base
> and does fine. Singapore is substantially smaller and does fine.

oh right idiot are you going to accept the equivilant wage in your
employment as the employees receive in their countries to do your
job, i mean that is why we dont buy australian made..

GET A LIFE no actually i wish i wish that you end up married to a
pauline hanson and you are stuck with listening to her for the rest
of your life

niuk niuk niuk

> > Many of her arguments have a racial (not necessarily racist) basing,
> Thats life. Thats just as true of a special deal for abos too.
> > which is a weak and fallacious argument.
> Quite possibly, particularly with a special deal for abos. Which she thinks
> > Futhermore, they place blame on minority groups without a tangible
connection involved.
> Just like we do with lots of other 'minoritys' like 'the poor' or 'the rich'
or 'academics'
> > Many of her arguments are designed to appeal to the latent
> > racism and xenophobia of the Australian population.
> Nope, they aint 'designed' like that.
> > Playing on people's fears is not a new tactic in politics.
> You dont say ? No law against not being new Ben.
> > (and here's the hoary old argument - it got Hitler elected)
> Pity it didnt actually get Hitler elected at all. He only ever got a MINORITY
> of the vote, and that was primarily on his claim to be able to do something
> about the economic circumstances. Which he proved in spades he could.
> He THEN tripped off on his racist policy stuff. Wasnt what 'got him
> elected' He didnt even bother with a vote once he was doing that
> stuff except on the separate issues like the Anshluss with Austria.
> And even that was completely dominated by his economic claims.
> > All of her arguments are under developed, generalised,
> > and do NOT contribute in a positive way to national debate.
> Just as true of every other politician around, even the ideologue ones.
> > I'm all for national debate, if it's conducted
> > in a fair, rational and CONTRUCTIVE way.
> Pity you dont get any say on what debate takes place.
> > But feel free to prove me wrong. I get the feeling the ballot
> > box will support my opinions at the next election anyway.
> Fat chance. If we ever did have a national referendum on say that question of
> native title and a special deal for abos, boy would you get one HELL of a
> Immigration ditto. Asian immigration in spades.


Apr 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/21/97
to wrote:
> and that is why if you really think she is great you do deserve to be
> beaten up.
> -------------------==== Posted via Deja News ====-----------------------
> Search, Read, Post to Usenet

What a load of crap!!!!

Maybe you should pay a bit more tax each week to help fund ATSIC or
better still why not give them your house and piss off somewhere else
where your left wing limp wristed views will be more beneficial.

Or possibly you could hold a group counselling session where you and
your family can sit around and have a good cry about the wrongdoings of
the world!

Kind regards fag!


Laurence Knight

Apr 21, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/21/97

Rather than wasting a lot of time contributing to a thread that was
probably iniated by a troll, I would summarise my impressions of PH by
saying that:

1. She doesn't let the facts get in the way of a chance to appeal to
people's prejudices;

2. Her natural constituency comes from the League of Rights crowd, so
right wing parties are right to be scared of her;

3. A vote for Pauline is a vote for a banana republic.

4. The bottom line is that PH doesn't like multiculturalism because it
takes trade away from the fish and chip business.


Warwick Williams

Apr 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/22/97

1 Only on some issues is she incorrect.

2 Right wing partys are not scared of her. The League of rights is a
right wing group and alot of her support base is comming from the
National and Liberal party members.

3 A Vote for PH is actually a vote for one people one set of rules.
That is fair unlike what is it now.

4 The real bottom line her is that Multiculturalism doesn't work.
Remember that 25 year old Policeman that got hacked to death by a bunch
of Asians or something. Or look at the drug trade lead by the
Vietnamese, Italian and people from that former eastern european

5 You sir are a budding Laborite leftist that has no belief in his
country. It is people like you that got us into the mess we are in
today so don't preach to me on your illinformed beliefs about PH are.

By the way where did you pick them up, at the local Labor party branch

-the wazz-

Apr 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/22/97

Golly gosh, a real live Pauline supporter!!! You're response has proved
my point exactly (quad erat demonstrandum - which was to be proved - for
those who like Latin but never learnt it). Thank you for confirming my
model of the One Nation constituency.


Neil Fathulla

Apr 22, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/22/97

Warwick Williams wrote:

> 4 The real bottom line her is that Multiculturalism doesn't work.
> Remember that 25 year old Policeman that got hacked to death by a bunch
> of Asians or something. Or look at the drug trade lead by the
> Vietnamese, Italian and people from that former eastern european
> country.

I see the joke, people of anglo-saxon origin never have killed police or
dealt in drugs. I wonder if WOGBOYS can use that in their stage show.

> 5 You sir are a budding Laborite leftist that has no belief in his
> country. It is people like you that got us into the mess we are in
> today so don't preach to me on your illinformed beliefs about PH are.
> By the way where did you pick them up, at the local Labor party branch
> meeting?
> -the wazz-

<<Chuckle! Chuckle!>>

Neil(Now we can all get some sleep)

Michael HART

Apr 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/23/97

In article <>, Warwick Williams <> writes:
|> Laurence Knight wrote:


|> > LK

[snip again]

|> 5 You sir are a budding Laborite leftist that has no belief in his
|> country. It is people like you that got us into the mess we are in
|> today so don't preach to me on your illinformed beliefs about PH are.
|> By the way where did you pick them up, at the local Labor party branch
|> meeting?

No No NO! These were picked up at the rally in hyde park 2 weeks ago.
They went in one ear, skipped any processing in the head and went
straight through to the fingers, which then cross posted them to
almost every aus.* newsgroup. Although these kind PH comments should
remain soley in aus.jokes.

|> -the wazz-


Apr 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/23/97

Basically I dont care how old you are kiddo.. what amazes me is the
endless stream of people (like your earlier critics) who all claim to
love this wonderful 'democracy' which has 'freedom of speech'.. but they
dont want anyone to say anything that might disagree with them, or upset
somebody else..

They have the attitude that the only people who can speak, who can voice
an opinion, or have any rights are the ones who agree with them.. if
you're pro black, pro asian, pro arab, pro any fucking thing that they
agree with, you're ok... but if you should be like Pauline Hansen and
say something different.. well.. aren't you criminal..

I remember old whimp arse (Johny the PM) a few years ago trying to have
the same arguement, and screaming that you weren't allowed to bring the
subject up... until he wanted to be PM that is.. then he put his little
tail between his little legs and whimped.. he has a woman doing the job
for him now.. and why not the women in his cabinet seem to have more
balls than he has..

Anyway the point was.. I dont care if Pauline is right, wrong or in
between.. the thing is in a 'supposed democracy'.. that suits the
others, she and everyone should have the right to express their opinion,
in public and out loud.. let the blacks complain.. and the asians.. its
a democracy they are allowed to..

I hate the people who have built a one sided democracy.. where you can
only speak if you agree with them.. what ever happened to that famous
statement from the french revolution 'I may not agree with a word you
say but I will fight to the death for your right to say it'... people
did die then for the right to speak..

If you are all so sure that Pauline is wrong and the others are right,
have a referendum, a secret vote so the gutto's and spineless people can
vote in secret.. and see if her opinions are accepted or rejected.. ask
the people if the want immigration, and from where, and how much.. and
should these people have the same or more right than those of us born
here.. its only our country.. in other parts of the world that are very
civilised as well.. the natural citizens have preferential rights
because it is their country.. and that is how it should be.. and of
course the poor aboiginals.. 200 years ago they lay down and surrendered
without a fight.. even if they had have fought they would have lost.. so
just learn to live with it guys.. they have every chance to integrate
into the society if they choose to.. they just dont want to.. of course
they'll have the land.. now we have found oil and gas and gold and
agriculture.. all of the things that they would never have found.. and
of course if its only the land thats important to them.. they dont
really need the mineral and minning rights do they.. let them have the
dirt and we'll keep the gold etc.. strange how its 'more than just the
land' now isnt it.. they dont need our help, they'll just have our
mineral resources.. good deal huh..

Oh well..

Peter R Booth

Apr 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/23/97
to wrote:
<major surgery>
Geez, either the sky really is fallong or that was a PhD thesis...what a
OS/2 Convert....-==(UDIC)==-

David Cashman

Apr 24, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/24/97

Sorry, I couldn't help but get involved

> 1 Only on some issues is she incorrect.

Which particular ones? Like the ones about propogating racism and hatred
and fear?

> 2 Right wing partys are not scared of her. The League of rights is a
> right wing group and alot of her support base is comming from the
> National and Liberal party members.

I must admit, I agree with this. I guess this says a lot for my contempt
for the intelligence of liberal and national party voters.

> 3 A Vote for PH is actually a vote for one people one set of rules.
> That is fair unlike what is it now.

A huh. So her treatment of aboriginals and ethnic minorities is fair? I
don't think so.

> 4 The real bottom line her is that Multiculturalism doesn't work.
> Remember that 25 year old Policeman that got hacked to death by a bunch
> of Asians or something. Or look at the drug trade lead by the
> Vietnamese, Italian and people from that former eastern european
> country.

Oh my god! So there are criminal elements in asian and ethnic populations
. . . unlike, I suppose white anglo saxons? If I remember correctly,
there seem to be quite a few of them in gaol too. You stupid white anglo
saxon supremist

> 5 You sir are a budding Laborite leftist that has no belief in his
> country. It is people like you that got us into the mess we are in
> today so don't preach to me on your illinformed beliefs about PH are.

> By the way where did you pick them up, at the local Labor party branch
> meeting?

This one actually made me laugh a lot. It used to be communists that were
the baddies and now it's Labor left! Ohh, be careful kiddies, or the big
bad labor left will get you!

I hope there are many more labour leftists around, as they seem to be the
only people with half a brain, something that you should, perhaps aspire.
You are a scared uneducated bigot.

Warwick Williams

Apr 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/27/97

David Cashman wrote:
> > 1 Only on some issues is she incorrect.
> Which particular ones? Like the ones about propagating racism and hatred
> and fear?

Where did you hear this? Oh I see this is your part in the campaign of

> > 2 Right wing parties are not scared of her. The League of rights is a
> > right wing group and allot of her support base is coming from the

> > National and Liberal party members.
> I must admit, I agree with this. I guess this says a lot for my contempt
> for the intelligence of liberal and national party voters.

Yep, it is your campaign of misinformation.

> > 3 A Vote for PH is actually a vote for one people one set of rules.
> > That is fair unlike what is it now.
> A huh. So her treatment of aboriginals and ethnic minorities is fair? I
> don't think so.

So what where your reactions when an Aboriginal elder got up on stage in
front of all the cameras and members of the press and embraced Miss
Hanson during the launch of her political party?

> > 4 The real bottom line her is that Multiculturalism doesn't work.
> > Remember that 25 year old Policeman that got hacked to death by a bunch
> > of Asians or something. Or look at the drug trade lead by the
> > Vietnamese, Italian and people from that former eastern european
> > country.
> Oh my god! So there are criminal elements in asian and ethnic populations
> . . . unlike, I suppose white anglo saxons? If I remember correctly,
> there seem to be quite a few of them in gaol too. You stupid white anglo
> saxon supremist

Oh please don’t call me a stupid white anglo saxon supremist. If the
picture I’m painting of your personality, going by what you have said so
far and the fact you post your remarks to all and sundry is anything to
go by then, well, don’t get me wrong here but I feel really really
insulted by you.

So by posting your comments around willy nilly are you hoping to gain
some fame for the colossal struggle your single handedly waging against
the tyrannical white supremacists?

> > By the way where did you pick them up, at the local Labor party branch
> > meeting?
> This one actually made me laugh a lot. It used to be communists that were
> the baddies and now it's Labor left! Ohh, be careful kiddies, or the big
> bad labor left will get you!

Labor is to blame for the economic mess we are in today. Don’t tell me
you actually believe their lies do you?

> I hope there are many more labour leftists around, as they seem to be the
> only people with half a brain, something that you should, perhaps aspire.
> You are a scared uneducated bigot.

Labor, the Australian Labor party spell it Labor the incorrect way. All
other Labor type parties from overseas are spelled Labour.

Well over all I thank you for your comments even though they are some
what typical of factional University Students and unlike you I won’t be
rude by not signing off.

-the wazz-

Scott Hillard

Apr 27, 1997, 3:00:00 AM4/27/97

David Cashman wrote:

> A huh. So her treatment of aboriginals and ethnic minorities is fair? I
> don't think so.

That's "Aboriginies", plonker. If you are going to claim to support "ethnic minorities"
do try to get it right.

> > 4 The real bottom line her is that Multiculturalism doesn't work.
> > Remember that 25 year old Policeman that got hacked to death by a bunch
> > of Asians or something. Or look at the drug trade lead by the
> > Vietnamese, Italian and people from that former eastern european
> > country.

> Oh my god! So there are criminal elements in asian and ethnic populations

Far out of proportion to their numbers. As for the people charged over the cop's death,
I know only that at least one was a Syrian.

> . . . unlike, I suppose white anglo saxons? If I remember correctly,
> there seem to be quite a few of them in gaol too. You stupid white anglo
> saxon supremist

Proportionally less WAS's in prison than Aboriginies.

> > By the way where did you pick them up, at the local Labor party branch
> > meeting?
> This one actually made me laugh a lot. It used to be communists that were
> the baddies and now it's Labor left!

Labor left, Labor right, all bloody loonies. Take your pick of wooly mineded wannabe
Marxists, or Catholic fundamentalists.

> Ohh, be careful kiddies, or the big
> bad labor left will get you!

Unlikely - Labor Right runs the only remaining Labor government in this country.

> I hope there are many more labour leftists around, as they seem to be the
> only people with half a brain,

True, Labor right members have a little less than half a brain (much like Liberals,
Nationals, and members of all other political parties.)

The rest of us will be quite content with our full brains.


May 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/1/97

Andrew wrote:
> Basically I dont care how old you are kiddo.. what amazes me is the
> endless stream of people (like your earlier critics) who all claim to
> love this wonderful 'democracy' which has 'freedom of speech'.. but they
> dont want anyone to say anything that might disagree with them, or upset
> somebody else.. CUT________

L agree with every thing this man says. If someone calls me a white
bastard or an old bastard, or a skinny bastard, or a dimwit; its really
got nothing to do with me. Its their opinion ONLY!!, how it is possible
that someone elses opinion is going to bother me. They may as well say
that they think only acne scarred people should be allowed to be P.M s.
I mean really why so sensitive, the fact remains that Aboriginal culture
has not "progressed" techno;ogically for 50, 000 years, their lifestyle
is one of , work only when necessary, and enjoy life the rest of the
time, good on em, but throwing 100 fold dispropotionate welfare, grants,
and landrights, will not and absolutely has not made a scrap of
difference. Aboriginals live in what we, AND I STRESS WE call
squallor because they are happy to, compared to what they lived in 100
years ago, its bloody marvellous.

All this crap about the aboriginal issues (with the exception of
alcohol, only because of its deadly affects on the race, are borne from
two things only, us assuming aboriginals have similar values to us and
our attempts to impose them, and a gutless population,( who don't
despise aboriginals, but despise the billions of dollars donated to
them, only to see them say more when it runs out, and of course it runs
out. And open handed the abs say more!!!, because they know they can
get it, easily, good on em, l would do the same!!!!!) who are fooled by
bullshit political correctness, that dictates they are a racist for
questioning anything.

Good on Pauline Hanssen, she would probably suck as a P.M, but if we
had a general election right now, and she ran candidates everywhere, she
would romp in, at least in W.A and Queensland. Why??? because people
are sick and tired of supressing their desire to even talk about what
has become a breathtakingly stupid state of affairs. Pauline Hanssen
had balls, and the courage to speak up in the first place and you have
to admire that. If she retained ONLY that quality she would outperform
most P.Ms that have been before her.

Wake up you stupid moralists, towing your ever bulging cart of trendy
isms and political absurdity. Democracy?, its just an idea in this
world, "the freedom to be yourself"? and you cart around everyone elses
stupid bullshit laden barrows. Be original, know the problems and the
story before you mouth that racism crap. If you had some Idea you would
only be angry at politicians and your unknowing selves

Warwick Williams

May 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/1/97
to wrote:
> While you're giving your little commentary on the ways of the
> English language, might I remind that Labor is a proper noun,
> and as such the Australian Labor Party can spell it how they
> bloody well like and it will always be correct (unless of course
> someone incorrectly spells the proper noun).

If you read what I said you would know I was talking about dictionary
spellings. I was correcting the guy who typed Labour in regards to the

Even if Labor is a noun it is still spelled incorrectly according to a
dictionary. It is possible that someone many many years ago made a big
boo boo and thus you have Labor not Labour. After all isn't it
interesting how the English and New Zealand Labour parties are spelled
the correct way and the Australian one isn't?

Didn't the Labor party start out representing the working man? The
person who labours?

-the wazz-

Lewis Huang

May 1, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/1/97

On Tue, 22 Apr 1997 13:08:11 -0700, Warwick Williams
<> wrote:

>4 The real bottom line her is that Multiculturalism doesn't work.
>Remember that 25 year old Policeman that got hacked to death by a bunch
>of Asians or something. Or look at the drug trade lead by the
>Vietnamese, Italian and people from that former eastern european

I hear some PH supporters claim that Martin Bryant was actually an
Asian - he painted his skin and dyed his hair just before he went on
his rampage. Oh yeah, he also took time off between shooting people
to eat them.



May 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/2/97
to wrote in article

> Warwick Williams <> writes:
> >Labor, the Australian Labor party spell it Labor the incorrect way. All
> >other Labor type parties from overseas are spelled Labour.

> >-the wazz-

> While you're giving your little commentary on the ways of the
> English language, might I remind that Labor is a proper noun,
> and as such the Australian Labor Party can spell it how they
> bloody well like and it will always be correct (unless of course
> someone incorrectly spells the proper noun).

I heard something different - I can't remember where. I have heard that
the party USED to be called Labour Party but was re-named Labor Party
so that the party could divert from their initial articles of


May 2, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/2/97

Warwick Williams wrote:

> wrote:
> >
> >
> > While you're giving your little commentary on the ways of the
> > English language, might I remind that Labor is a proper noun,
> > and as such the Australian Labor Party can spell it how they
> > bloody well like and it will always be correct (unless of course
> > someone incorrectly spells the proper noun).
> If you read what I said you would know I was talking about dictionary
> spellings. I was correcting the guy who typed Labour in regards to the
> ALP.
> Even if Labor is a noun it is still spelled incorrectly according to a
> dictionary. It is possible that someone many many years ago made a big
> boo boo and thus you have Labor not Labour. After all isn't it
> interesting how the English and New Zealand Labour parties are spelled
> the correct way and the Australian one isn't?
> Didn't the Labor party start out representing the working man? The
> person who labours?
> -the wazz-

'Labor' is the way the yanks spell the word. It's an ego thing, they do
the same with colour, and favour. They just don't want to let u in on

Sorry, in this forum I must refer to them as North American Oppressors
of Minority Indigenous Species. NAOMIS.

May 3, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/3/97

Peter wrote:
> In article <>, says...

> >
> > wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> While you're giving your little commentary on the ways of the
> >> English language, might I remind that Labor is a proper noun,
> >> and as such the Australian Labor Party can spell it how they
> >> bloody well like (snip)

> >Even if Labor is a noun it is still spelled incorrectly according to a
> >dictionary. It is possible that someone many many years ago made a big
> >boo boo and thus you have Labor not Labour. After all isn't it
> >interesting how the English and New Zealand Labour parties are spelled
> >the correct way and the Australian one isn't?
> >
> >Didn't the Labor party start out representing the working man? The
> >person who labours?
> >
> >
> >-the wazz-
> Yes, the Labor party - the left the *you* out of Labour!

It was spelled Labour until some time in the '60s when the Labor Party
made the decision to spell it Labor. I don't remember the reason.


rod speed

May 7, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/7/97

Chris Lewis <> wrote in article <01bc5a2d$748172c0$b3e007cb@ikoda>...

> She's incapable of understanding that which she articulates her opinions on.

And you are incapable of writing a viable sentence too Chris.

> This is patently obvious from the nieve explanations
> she makes for complicated economic circumstances.

She's hardly be alone on that one Chris.

> In addition, her policies (if you can call them that) would be economic
> suicide for a country trying to compete in a global economy.


> Life may have been better in the good old days of white Australia, and it may
> not, I don't particularily care. The point is that you can't turn the clock back
> and the world as a whole, not just Australia, is a completely different place.


> Open your eyes and see the bigger picture.

No way, its too bright, makes my head hurt.

Jason Stokes

May 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/11/97

On Sun, 11 May 1997 11:14:26 +1000, The Wog <> wrote:

>> We won't touch the issue of cultural clash or racism in the legal and
>> policing systems at this point.

>Well lets touch that. Police are deliberately taking an extremely
>lenient approach to policing of Aboriginal crimes (there exceptions,
>mostly in isolated country areas). Consider - black youths caught on
>national TV in Eveleigh St committing petty crimes. Followed by a racial
>riot when the cops went in to draw the line. Bugger all arrests. (White
>students protest at unis, and there are 100's of arrests).

What about - Aboriginals attend a funeral for a respect community "elder",
then mass arrests follow afterwards for parking violations. "All them
abo's'll be in the same place, let's do 'em" said Sergeant Plod.

>When arrested, magistrates are notoriously reluctant to lock them up.
>e.g. Aboriginal gentleman yelled the following obscenities: "F*ing white
>c*'s. I'm sick of the lot of you. You should all be killed." NOT charged
>under the tough new racial vilification laws, and ACQUITTED of offensive
>behaviour due to "special circumstances" relating to Aboriginies.

In many places, he would have been done for obscene language and drunk and
disorderly. This happens so often in many urban Aboriginal communities they
call it being given the "Ham and Cheese."

However, regards to your racial villification point - I agree there is no
clear standard for what consists of "villification" and it is both
censorship and is hopelessly subjective - to the extent there is one law for
"ethnics" and other minority groups, and an entirely different law for
whites. Robi Karp's been defending the totalitarian state of Israel - if it
was me telling him that Germany had the right idea killing and stealing
property from all those Jews, he'd be at me in a second screaming
"vilification", but since it's a Jew saying Israel has the right idea
killing and stealing property from the Palestinians, it's OK.

"Fallen Angels" dealt with the issue of racial vilification last week,
albeit in a way that supported the law. I don't know if they realised a lot
of people's sympathy would be with the racist guy whose crime was to sing a
racist song rather than the Aboriginals in the piece, whose crimes involved
breaking and entering, theft, assault and incitement to riot.


Jason Stokes: j.stokes @

The Wog

May 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/11/97

Stan Rosenthal wrote:
> On Sun, 27 Apr 1997 23:19:32 +1100, Scott Hillard

> >Proportionally less WAS's in prison than Aboriginies.

> And your next post will back that up with credibly sourced statistics,
> no doubt ...

You're surely not disputing the absolute undeniable truth that
indigenous Australians are overrepresented in the prison population many
times over.
> ... together with an analysis of why socio-economic status is
> irrelevant and does not correlate with prison occupancy.

Nobody said that.

> We won't touch the issue of cultural clash or racism in the legal and
> policing systems at this point.

Well lets touch that. Police are deliberately taking an extremely
lenient approach to policing of Aboriginal crimes (there exceptions,
mostly in isolated country areas). Consider - black youths caught on
national TV in Eveleigh St committing petty crimes. Followed by a racial
riot when the cops went in to draw the line. Bugger all arrests. (White
students protest at unis, and there are 100's of arrests).

When arrested, magistrates are notoriously reluctant to lock them up.

e.g. Aboriginal gentleman yelled the following obscenities: "F*ing white
c*'s. I'm sick of the lot of you. You should all be killed." NOT charged
under the tough new racial vilification laws, and ACQUITTED of offensive
behaviour due to "special circumstances" relating to Aboriginies.

> <snip to close>
> Stan Rosenthal

The Wog

rod speed

May 11, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/11/97

Stan Rosenthal <> wrote in article <>...

> On Sun, 27 Apr 1997 23:19:32 +1100, Scott Hillard

> <> wrote:
> >David Cashman wrote:

> >> . . . unlike, I suppose white anglo saxons? If I remember correctly, there seem
> >>to be quite a few of them in gaol too. You stupid white anglo saxon supremist

> >Proportionally less WAS's in prison than Aboriginies.

> And your next post will back that up with credibly sourced statistics,no doubt ...

Or you could get off your arse and chase those up for yourself. One
obvious place is the booklet that the HREOC produced. Hot aware of
it being on the web. They are actually VASTLY over represented in jail.

> ... together with an analysis of why socio-economic status
> is irrelevant and does not correlate with prison occupancy.

Soorree, he was just stating the FACT not the REASONS.

> We won't touch the issue of cultural clash or
> racism in the legal and policing systems at this point.

Soorree, even if you just look at a crime like murder alone,
to eliminate a bias like that with respect to say public
drunkenness, they are STILL grossly over represented in jail.

Fanatic Dragon

May 14, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/14/97

I think that you are a very innocent person or a big stupid idoit.
Not only Asians do this kind of things. Even without Asians, the whites
will still carry on what is happening now. From an economic point of
view, When there is a demand there will be a supply. Even if as you say
that Asians brought in the drugs, the Australians or others will still
bring in the stupid dope. You all should blame your own self for
indulging into this kind of things. If the education and laws are
stricter, I don't think such things will explode into such a big issue.
Drugs or whatever may remain but it will be on a small scale as it is
brought under control. What Bitch Pauline offer is not a solution but a
mayhem that will erupt into uncertainties if she succeed. You all are
just been blinded by the present situation that she play with. You all
are just SCARED of it and she play with your feelings and fear to win
vote and garner support. She is also a F**King selfish person who is all
out to get votes and support without considering the effects of her
doings. She is a DEVIL to you all, directing you all to HELL. You all
still treat her like a angel who you think is leading you all to a
better Australia. Fat Hope!!! Think properly Australians, use a bit of
your brain to analyse her doings and you will realise what aftermath
will happen.

(To those I mail to , Do you agree with what I have said???)

Thank You...
Fanatic Dragon

Stan Rosenthal

May 20, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/20/97

On Sun, 11 May 1997 11:14:26 +1000, The Wog <> wrote:

>Stan Rosenthal wrote:
>> On Sun, 27 Apr 1997 23:19:32 +1100, Scott Hillard

>> >Proportionally less WAS's in prison than Aboriginies.

>> And your next post will back that up with credibly sourced statistics,
>> no doubt ...
>You're surely not disputing the absolute undeniable truth that
>indigenous Australians are overrepresented in the prison population many
>times over.

Before I answer that question, let's get the quote right shall we? You
seem to have gone to a bit of trouble to get it wrong!

Scott said, in reference to asian and ethnic members of the
population, that they are:

>> >Far out of proportion to their numbers. As for the people charged over the cop's death,
>> >I know only that at least one was a Syrian.

To which I replied:

>>And your next post will back that up with credibly sourced statistics, no doubt.

Your question of me is not relevant to the comment I made. Why did you
distort the post so badly and then ask that question?

>> ... together with an analysis of why socio-economic status is
>> irrelevant and does not correlate with prison occupancy.

>Nobody said that.
I wanted him to deal with it. It seems to relate to the point I was
making, but your "editing" lost that point.

>> We won't touch the issue of cultural clash or racism in the legal and
>> policing systems at this point.

>Well lets touch that. Police are deliberately taking an extremely
>lenient approach to policing of Aboriginal crimes (there exceptions,
>mostly in isolated country areas). Consider - black youths caught on
>national TV in Eveleigh St committing petty crimes. Followed by a racial
>riot when the cops went in to draw the line. Bugger all arrests. (White
>students protest at unis, and there are 100's of arrests).
>When arrested, magistrates are notoriously reluctant to lock them up.
>e.g. Aboriginal gentleman yelled the following obscenities: "F*ing white
>c*'s. I'm sick of the lot of you. You should all be killed." NOT charged
>under the tough new racial vilification laws, and ACQUITTED of offensive
>behaviour due to "special circumstances" relating to Aboriginies.

How does that all fit with the statement you made earlier in the same
post and I quote from it above but delete the > marks:

"You're surely not disputing the absolute undeniable truth that
indigenous Australians are overrepresented in the prison population
many times over."

How can they be both "overrepresented in the prison population" and
getting favoured treatment in avoiding charges and in sentencing?

Get a decent brain!

>> <snip to close>
>> Stan Rosenthal
>The Wog

Stan Rosenthal

Ian Haly

May 23, 1997, 3:00:00 AM5/23/97

No, I do not because she seems to be caught up in a wave of hesteria.

In fact I think this whole debate if it centers on racial issues has missed
the point. We are all human beings, black, red, white and blue. To take a
leaf out of the American constitution - re - all men are created equal, and
therefore should be treated equally. eg. Treat other people as you would
expect to be treated. The only exception to this rule should be that those
who are weaker, poorer or more exploited should get more help (black,
red, white or blue)



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