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Steps to sync news between two machines.

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John Daleske x4335 3S324W RAA

Sep 5, 1986, 12:16:56 PM9/5/86

Recently our machine had the occasion to lose a number of days of news.
The uucp link between cbdkc1 and cbatt had been inadvertently broken by
our system administrator. I didn't realize it until four days later since
it happened just before a weekend. I decided to try to get the history
files of the two machines into sync by developing a series of steps.
Ultimately these steps could likely be made intelligent enough be put into
an automatic script.

These commands were established for UNIX System V. I realize that the BSD
folks have some commands and other commands provide similar features. I'll
leave the development of a BSD script to someone who can actually try it.

Assume machine A is up-link from machine B and you have a login on both.
Machine B is the one which had not received the news for a while.

uuto /usr/lib/news/history to machine A and name it Bhistory.

cp /usr/lib/news/history of machine A to Ahistory.
(At this point I pared down Ahistory because it was somewhat larger than
my history file, having retained the history for a lot longer.)

sort -oA1 Ahistory # With intention of using Ahistory format for 'join'
cut -f1 A1 > A2 # Pulls the Message-ID field
cut -f1 Bhistory > B1
sort -oB2 B1 # A1 A2 and B2 are now all sorted by Message-ID.

comm -23 A2 B2 > m1 # Find the difference between A2 and B2.

join A1 M1 > missing # Using the sorted missing Message-ID fields pull
# the complete lines from the sorted Ahistory.

cut -d" " -f5 missing > articles # Note that "-f5" means field 5.
# My 2.10.2 version used f5. cbatt history file had the group-message# as
# field 4. Just check your history file

sed -e 's+\.+/+g' articles > artfiles # Convert article "." to file "\".

I then split this list of relative path names into reasonably small groups.
Each path name refers to one article which needs to be sent.

I ran each group through 'batch' putting the output into separate files which
I uuto'd back to the machine need the news. Once they arrived I fed them
into 'rnews' slowly so as not to overly load the machine during the day.

John Daleske Columbus, Ohio. 614-860-4335 | Default disclaimer...
UUCP: {ihnp4,cbosgd,desoto}!cbdkc1!daleske |
"Now," said the butterfly, "look closer and tell me what you see."
"I see a tiny horse with wings upon its back" said Flutterby. "Why that's
me I see! But what am I?"
"You are you. Just as I am me!" said the wise old butterfly. "Nothing more,
nothing less."

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