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intellectual freedom

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Don W. Saklad

Sep 20, 1986, 9:23:50 AM9/20/86
Subtle pervasive censorship by library officials at our Boston Public Library
still continues after the appointment of the new director. Savy visitors
and users ask for documentation such as annual reports and library system
manuals so to know the system and thus develop effictive and efficient
techniques like people who've made careers in libraries. Reference services
decline these inquiries and related requests sometimes as whimsical or

The point is that the 130 year old public library should conserve and maintain
archives. Even our library board's public meetings should be accessible,
instead of the intimidation that has discouraged civic interest. Also,
marketing the library shuld encourage civic participation with comment,
criticism, praise and suggestions. BPL public relations and marketing
seems to be this formulated paternalistic approach to constituent groups
that through long experience they know what's best for everyone without

Let me know if your're interested in more about this...

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