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Looking for someone in England to supply info/conversation

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Oct 6, 1986, 7:48:00 AM10/6/86

Hello. I have recently become very interested in ELP in any of its
various incarnations. I was wondering if there is someone in Europe
and/or England (great britain? what *do* you call your country?) who
would be willing to correspond with me about this group and perhaps
give me information as to what they have been doing and suchlike.

I am crossposting to 3 groups:, net.misc, and
since I have no idea which groups actually make it over to Europe.

This is not to say that I am not interested in conversing with other
people; I have been. But I havent seen anything from anyone overseas,
and since the band is British I figure they might have more/different

THat is, assuming anyone cares...

here is an attempted path... it *should* work if you can get to the
initial sites... if not, post to whichever newsgroup you got this from
and I will try again.

{seismo, allegra, ihnp4}!topaz!amq

I can also be reached on the arpanet if that is easier...


ps. and yes, please no flames about how horrible the music is... *I*
like it and that is all I care about at the moment.

"If you take me for a fool, I'm cyanide." - Greg Lake.
Anne Marie Quint quint@(red, blue)
amq@(rutgers, caip, topaz, elbereth)
What's a .signature? I do this by hand!

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