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Kosher (for Passover) Coke, Pepsi

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Sean Engelson

Sep 14, 1986, 1:08:37 PM9/14/86
Regarding the special 'Kosher' soft drinks that were posted about, the
facts for those interested:

The drinks were not just kosher (Coke and Pepsi ordinarily are kosher), but
they were Kosher for Passover, which involves a few more things. On
Passover, observant Jews are forbidden from eating a number of foods, among
which is corn. Now, 'high-fructose-corn-sweetener' is made from corn, and
thus is not Kosher for Passover. When, however, they use sugar (which IS OK
for Passover), the drinks are Kosher for Passover and can be used during the
holiday by observant Jews.

Sean Philip Engelson
Carnegie-Mellon University
Computer Science Department
UUCP: {harvard | seismo | ucbvax}!!spe
Disclaimer: Nothing in the above article has the slightest relationship
to reality. If any reality correspondences are found,
please notify me IMMEDIATELY.

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