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Jerry Pournelle

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William Chops Westfield

Nov 17, 1984, 3:05:13 AM11/17/84
Well, if no one else will defend JEP, I will.

he logs into ARPANet on MIT-MC. MIT-MC is a DEC PDP10 running ITS
(Incompatable Timesharing System (I kid you not)). If you think
unix is less user friendly than it should be, youd hate ITS - to
get a directory you type ^F, for example, and you can kill a fork
with "$^X." Log out with $$U and so on. Its lots of fun.

As far as I know, he follows several special-interest mailing lists,
but last I heard he was dialing up at 300 baud. Lets see - he last
logged in on 9-NOV, and currently has 55 blocks (I forget how big
an ITS block is though (1K 36 bit words, I think)) of mail that looks
like it hasn't been read.

JEP listens a lot, but doesn't talk much. Why? There seems to be
something about public figures that makes everbody think that they
are entitled to crucify them in public. I don't think Ive ever
seen him post a message that hasn't resulted in the net being clogged
with rebutles, flames, comments that he doesn't know what he is talking
about, and so on. Far more than any normal net user would encounter.
So he stopped sending messages. His time is better spent writing for
users who know very little about computers, who appreciate his advise,
and for which he gets paid (presumably large) sums of money. Why should
should he try to talk to people who seem sure that they already have the
answers? (I am guilty of this myself, I recall. Seems JEP doesn't like
EMACS, which I think is wonderful, and at one point I tried to convince
him that I was right. I changed my mind - EMACS is wonderful for me,
but that doesn't mean that everybody has to like it.)

JEP's Byte column is an extremely valuable service. Not so much to
us, since we are frequently able to make our own intelligent decisions
about equipment and software, but to truly naive users. Too many other
reveiws are always coated with honey - no one wants to say anything bad
about a new product. JEP is well off enough to say what he thinks. We
may frequently disagree, and ocasionally he may be wrong, but frequently
another persons opinion is all a beginning computer user will have to
base an expensive decision on. In such a case, that person is probably
much better off following Jerry's advise than most others.

I present Westfield's Law:
"Strongly opinionated people are much more fun to talk or
listen to. Especially if you dont disagree with them."


Jerry E. Pournelle

Nov 20, 1984, 4:43:45 AM11/20/84
Query: to what was this in reply? I confess mild curiousity.
I learn much from the net, but I gather from this ("if no one
else will defend...") that most don't want me around. There is
a remedy. Since I apparently didn't see what Chops was replying
to, I am much in the dark.
I just got something copied to me off sf-lovers about
people who write lousy science fiction; was that intended as a
reference to me though I wasn't named?
This gets a bit tiresome. Or is it a test? Did I pass?

Nov 20, 1984, 9:09:51 AM11/20/84
These are the messages I have recieved recently which mention you.
Since SRI-NIC gateway has been down, I don't know how many of these you have
seen. Here they are:

>From kensmith@sunybcs Fri Nov 16 05:33:14 1984
Received: from by BRL-VGR.ARPA id a002007; 16 Nov 84 4:53 EST
From: Ken Smith <kens...@sunybcs.uucp>
Newsgroups: net.micro
Subject: Re: Re: Something you'll never see in Pourne
Message-ID: <8...@sunybcs.UUCP>
Date: 16 Nov 84 04:24:31 GMT
Resent-Date: Fri, 16 Nov 84 4:41:19 EST
Resent-From: ne...@BRL-TGR.ARPA
Resent-To: info-mi...@BRL-VGR.ARPA

I think you guys are hitting JP a little too hard. I know this
will be difficult, but try to think back to a time when you didn't know
what BDOS or BIOS meant. Can you remember that far back? JP's article
is geared for the casual user, not someone who can re-write all the system
calls and do a better job than the original programmer. If you don't
like it, read something else. Of course you can do what I do. Read it
for a little entertainment. It's nice to know what kind of yo-yo's
are out there using the programs we write.

Ken Smith
- Don't rattle my bars!

>From dimare@ucla-cs Fri Nov 16 19:43:59 1984
Received: from by BRL-VGR.ARPA id ac08441; 16 Nov 84 18:48 EST
From: dim...@ucla-cs.uucp
Newsgroups: net.micro
Subject: Pournelle's
Message-ID: <21...@ucla-cs.ARPA>
Date: 14 Nov 84 20:55:52 GMT
Resent-Date: Fri, 16 Nov 84 18:43:49 EST
Resent-From: ne...@BRL-TGR.ARPA
Resent-To: info-mi...@BRL-VGR.ARPA


I guess we can complain about anything we want. At least we
are not forced to read what he writes, or like his style. But
if you're like me, and like micros because they're fun, then
chances are high you would like Jerry's writing. He loves micros!
And he is honest: what would you beleive more: Jerry or any
random add?

He has also been advocating Modula-2. Good! Why do we have to
stay in PascaLand just because we left FortranLand? C is good,
so is D.


>From ables@cyb-eng Sat Nov 17 02:00:52 1984
Received: from by BRL-VGR.ARPA id a001271; 17 Nov 84 1:49 EST
From: King Ables <ab...@cyb-eng.uucp>
Newsgroups: net.micro
Subject: Re: Something you'll never see in Pournelle's column
Message-ID: <4...@cyb-eng.UUCP>
Date: 16 Nov 84 16:00:11 GMT
Resent-Date: Sat, 17 Nov 84 1:40:30 EST
Resent-From: ne...@BRL-TGR.ARPA
Resent-To: info-mi...@BRL-VGR.ARPA

[Ah pity da fool who eats dis]

>>(paraphrased) JP has access to the net so he must know how to
>> login to (or is it log into?:-) ) UNIX.

Not necessairly. There are other kinds of machines on the Arpanet.
In fact, I believe MIT-MC is a Dec-20 if I remember correctly. I've
also seen Dec-10s and it seems like one or two other things I didn't

Also, if you're talking about UUCP, the range is even broader. Vaxes
running (cringe) VMS can even do that. Some peoples' micros have been
known to do it, too.

This is not to defend JP about anything, since I haven't really been
following this discussion, anyway. I don't think he and I would get
along personally, but that could be as much my fault as his. I do,
however, think he knows what he is talking about MOST (not all!!) of
the time, and given the level of reader at which he is aiming, I have
never been dismayed with any of his work.

However, he writes better SF than computer tech.

-King (note new address)
ARPA: ables%cyb-en...@ut-sally.ARPA
UUCP: ...{ctvax,gatech,ihnp4,nbires,seismo,ucb-vax}!ut-sally!cyb-eng!ables

>From BILLW@sri-kl Sat Nov 17 03:26:59 1984
Received: from by BRL-VGR.ARPA id a002123; 17 Nov 84 3:05 EST
Date: 17 Nov 1984 00:02-PST
Sender: BI...@sri-kl.ARPA
Subject: Jerry Pournelle
From: William Chops Westfield <Bi...@sri-kl.ARPA>
To: info-...@BRL-VGR.ARPA
Cc: pou...@mit-mc.ARPA, bi...@sri-kl.ARPA
Message-ID: <[SRI-KL]17-Nov-84 00:02:56.BILLW>


>From bjorn@dataio Sat Nov 17 10:04:34 1984
Received: from by BRL-VGR.ARPA id ah04270; 17 Nov 84 8:51 EST
From: Bjorn Benson <bj...@dataio.uucp>
Newsgroups: net.micro
Subject: Re: Re: Something you'll never see in Pournell
Message-ID: <2...@dataio.UUCP>
Date: 15 Nov 84 19:32:58 GMT
Resent-Date: Sat, 17 Nov 84 8:46:22 EST
Resent-From: ne...@BRL-TGR.ARPA
Resent-To: info-mi...@BRL-VGR.ARPA

I will not cut it out already! My biggest complaint about him and his
column is the way he reviews software and hardware that he is given
free. Respectable magazines (and to my knowledge BYTE is included)
buy, or accept just as a loaner, things that they review. For
example, Consumer Reports acts just like an average consumer, and
Car and Driver doesn't get to keep all those cars they test do they?
Jerry gets courted day after day as a "special person" by the
companies he reviews software for, and gets instant response on
hardware problems and then has the GALL to call himself as average
user. THAT is where I get upset. If he admitted that everyone treats
him like the world's most important person, then maybe I would read
his column... but he doesn't so I don't, and I have the right to
complain about it, even on the net.

Bjorn Benson

>From MEAD@USC-ECLB Sun Nov 18 14:52:49 1984
Received: from by BRL-VGR.ARPA id a017508; 18 Nov 84 14:35 EST
Received: from by BRL-AOS.ARPA id a014166; 18 Nov 84 14:25 EST
Date: Sun 18 Nov 84 11:18:40-PST
From: Dick <ME...@USC-ECLB.ARPA>
Subject: JEP Pro's & Con's
To: info-...@BRL.ARPA

I get the feeling that those that are making all the noise about
Jerry are taking him AND themselves much too seriously. It really
tickles me to read some of his messages, and those of his 'detractors'.
I hope Jerry gets a chuckle out of them too.
Come on, people, lighten up.



*** Bjorn Benson evidently sent another message which I never received (but
that is not surprising since our reception over the gateway is as low as 50%)
Isn't it fun to be a celebrity, Jerry?


jose rodriguez

Nov 20, 1984, 9:34:55 AM11/20/84

Considering that a lot of the discussion was from UUCP based people
it is not surprising that it is (in the Arpa side)
incomplete and out of order. Maybe in a month we will see the msg that
began the whole discussion.

Anyway, in my opinion a lot of stuff from UUCP land is heavy flamage
not worth paying attention to. You are a tourist at MIT-MC? Many
people are (me too) because of their highly commendable view toward
randoms. (! I remember when I began playing around that system, all
the problems I had with their wheels, (chukle)).
Being closely related to people involved with this network and the
DDN (which the Arpanet is a part of), I can say there is no test
of any kind to belong. Just some good working relation with an official
Arpa site.


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