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CRLT's experience with a Codata running Unix

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Jan 4, 1983, 10:22:07 PM1/4/83

CRLT's Codata

Part ONE: the SUN system -- dream and genesis

About two years ago, some people from Stanford university
sat down and designed what, to them, would be the ideal computer
set up in a few years. Being imaginitive people, they weren't content
to use 1980 technology, so they decided to try to "look ahead" at
the future.

This was their dream: a VAX workstation with
Unix for each user. Impossible in 1980? But techonology
wasn't standing still.

About this time, a fantastic new chip called the 68000
came out. It was pratically the speed and power of a main-frame
processor, but came in a single silicon chip. This chip looked
like it would be well suited to run Unix on, and showed
signs of being the best "16-bit" microprocessor out.

In addition, they took note of some of the things
coming out of Xerox, most particularly, the Ethernet interface
and the some of the innovative hardware features of smalltalk.

Out of these was born the "sun board". It's major
features were to be:

(1) CPU board with
68000 processor
256k bytes onboard memory (256k is the pratical
lower limit for Unix and about right
for one person w/ 68000)
(2) Multibus BUS structure. (easy to get the latest gizmos)
(3) hi resolution graphics board w/ mouse. Straight
from small talk!
(4) Ethernet interface.

The whole system was to go into one box, and each
user would have his own Sun workstation all to himself.
Notice there's no disk. The idea was that instead of the
disk, you'd have the ethernet interface (about as fast
as most cheap disk drives anyway) and it would all go off
to a central file server which would have several mamouth [sp?]
disk drives. This would allow file sharing, backup, etc.
and be vastly cheaper than having each workstation have its
own disk drive.

They sat down, drew up hardware specs, and then
came the purely practical problem -- how are they going
to make this system, and make it cheaply enough to be
useable? Well, they certainly didn't want to make the
system themselves, and in order to be truely cheap, it
would have to be made and sold in large enough quantities
to keep prices down. So they found 5 companies and
licensed each to produce the system.

Now, each company had its own ideas of what it
wanted to produce, and they weren't quite as "blue sky"
as the original sun-board people. They wanted
to produce multi-user computers in the image of the VAX,
with one processor, memory, etc. So they took the original
sun system design and modified it. Each company picked
its own disk drive and manufactorer, and made other

The SUN people at stanford weren't too pleased
with this developement, so some of them formed their
own company to put together their idea of the sun
system should really look like.

As far as Unix goes, it turns out that there is
only ONE company that really has a good 68000 unix [at this time]
and that company is Unisoft. A Berkeley outfit, they have
bought a source license from Bell, and for a (relatively)
modest fee, will port their 68000 version of Unix over
to your machine, so that you don't have to buy a source
license from Bell and do your own port. And you can save
even more if you use the same devices that someone else
used, so that the same device driver code can be used.

Microsoft has a 68000 version of Xenix, when I saw
it on the forum at the NCC, it appeared to be rather
sick. I don't believe it's been commercially released yet.
I don't know of anyone else whose as far as Microsoft is, let
alone Unisoft.

What this means in practical terms is that ALL
of the sun boards out today share the same Unix and
utilities, and often most of the same hardware peripherals,
so as to save on developement costs.

I've never seen a list of the 5 companies,
but as near as I can reproduce them, they are:

(1) Codata
multi-user CTW-300; comes with liberty bay
controller, 5 meg Seagate ST-506s, Central
data dumb octal card.
(2) Cyb (this may be an offshoot of some sort from Codata)
Similar to Codata except uses MCS winchester
controller (slow), comes in cute smoked-plastic case.
(3) Pacific microsystems (or Pacific data?)
(4) Callan data systems
"work station"; built-in to a terminal;
MCS controller.
(5) forward systems (forum) [?]

and of course now,

(6) SUN systems
"work station" with REALLY nice graphics;
84 meg SMD interface; etc.

NOTE: This list is by no means accurate or complete. If
have a better list, I'd love to see it. In particular,
Cyb was at apparently at one point a distributer for Codata,
which means I may be missing one of the original five...

Part TWO, Detailed description of the Sunboard

The SunBoard consists of the following major subsystems:

(1) 68000 MPU (clock varies; 8Mhz for Codata; 10Mhz for Sun system)
(2) MMU
(3) UART chip (Intel 8274 or NEC 7201) -- dual UART chip.
Used for ports A (the Console on the Codata) and B, either
configured as a DTE (terminal) or DCE (computer/modem).
(4) AMD 9513 timer chip. 5 channels, usage:
1 - watchdog
2 - operating system timer
3 - refresh
4 - Uart A
5 - Uart B
(5) 16 bit input port.
This is intended to be used as the mouse interface and
the console keyboard (when using graphics board as
console output)
(6) Multibus (IEEE 976) interface
(7) 256k bytes of onboard RAM; not accessible to multibus.
(8) Up to 32K of ROM (but only 4K bootstrap is present on the Codata)

The Sunboard was intended for a low-cost single-user system, so
certain "short-cuts" were taken. The most important of these are
software memory refresh and DMA.

The 256k of onboard memory is dynamic RAM; however there is
NO hardware refresh circutry for this memory. This is done
by the 68000 instead, using software. The CPU is supposed
to set up timer channel 3 to interrupt every 2 ms. and vector
to special "refresh" code, which simply consists of 128
"no-op" instructions. This takes up something like
3.2 % of the CPU's time, but more importantly, only takes
up channels on the timer chip and some ROM room, both of
which would be taken up anyway.

Perhaps more importantly, as far as limiting its multi-user
performance goes, is the "software DMA". Since Multibus
components, such as a Winchester drive controller, can't access
onboard memory, it has to use a multi-bus board instead, and
then the CPU has to transfer the data into the real intended
destination on the Sunboard. Since this is a function of the
operating system (Unix), this double transfer of data is pretty much
transparant to user programs -- it just means slower data transfer
rates. This is, again, reasonable for a single-user system where
you aren't paying $100,000, but also limits the system performance.

The reason for this limit of system performance is somewhat
interesting. Since the 68000 has a substantial fraction of the
performance of a VAX, which is supposed to be able to support
20 users, it would seem, on the surface, quite reasonable to
have the 68000 do the transfer into memory -- after all, it
is just using time it would otherwise be wasting. However, keep
in mind that the disk drive still has to have memory to put stuff in.
Since we can't guarrantee that the 68000 will be able to uninterruptably
read memory out of the disk drive (it has to do that refresh or
else!), there has to be a buffer around for the disk drive
to put stuff in. With the typical controller, this will probably
be DMA into a multi-bus memory buffer. After the transfer is
complete, the 68000 then has to do the actual transfer into
the onboard RAM. Therefore, the real delay is this double
transfer, and this is the fundemental limit of the performance
of the Sunboard for most applications.

The other important feature of the Sunboard to talk about is
the memory management. Motorola has been quite slow in bringing
out their MMU for the 68000, (perhaps because of the economy), so
the Sunboard people had to design their own.
Unfortunately, they made some somewhat unfortunate decisions.

This in part relates to the design of the 68000. The 68000 does
90% + of what it should do but has a few critical ommisions that
complicate system design. Firstly, the 68000 doesn't have an
instruction to let the kernel look directly at user memory
(Move From User Space), which makes looking at parameters,
etc., in user space complicated. Secondly, there is no way
to distinguish between interrupt vector fetches and normal
kernel memory, so the first page of kernel memory HAS to be
interrupt vectors. Therefore, most 68000 systems have both
the kernel and user memory mapped together, so that, when the
system is in kernel mode, it can look at both user and system
memory. This makes it easy for the system to look at user memory,
but means that the user memory can't start at location 0, because
that's where the interrupt vectors are. The sunboard is no
exception to this, but this causes a few problems, especially
for Unix.

Most non-68000 Unix systems have user memory start at location 0.
This makes the exchange of runnable copies easy because there
are no references to any addresses except inside the runnable
copy, and all calls to the system are via some sort of trap
which doesn't contain any references to system memory. As
long as you have enough memory to load the copy, you can run it.
However, since the SUN board has to have at least SOME kernel
memory at location 0, the kernel has to start at some other
address. Unfortunately, this is usually at location 0x1000, which means
that user memory has to start AFTER then end of the kernel.
On our Codata, this happens to be at location 0x00020000 but
other SUN board systems have a different load address for
user programs. Since the header doesn't have the load address
in it (it has the start address to load into the program counter,
but this isn't the load address), there is no really good way
to resolve this. This could cause problems with exchanging software
for 68000 based Unix systems, as relocatable object will have
to be supplied so that the final link can be done on the customer's
machine. It appears that even 0x00020000 wasn't big enough to allow
enough multi-bus disk buffers, so it seems likely that future releases
of Unix are likely to have a higher load address...

Part THREE: Our experience with the Codata

We originally started looking for a system in the fall of 1981, and
were looking for the best Unix system for the lowest price we
could find. We had a grant extension to buy a Unix system for
aprox. $15,000 (a bit optimistic in retrospect!) in order to develop
a real computer conferencing system for schools. We were
especially interested in 68000 systems because they offered the
most promise of being powerful yet cheap.

After some looking, we came across a firm called "Wicat" which
looked especially promising -- they claimed that they had Unix
V7. Some calls produced the fact that it was "running in their
labs, except under their own kernel, MCS, which was supposed to
be "completely" compatible with Unix. To make a long story short,
by the next spring, we realized that it was NOT unix, would not
do all the things we needed (dial-in access, etc.) and would not
do so in the near future.

We then learned about Codata and after more careful testing (including
a dial-in session to assure ourselves that they really had Unix),
were almost all set to get their system. We put things off until
after the June NCC for 2 reasons, firstly, our final system cost was
still a little high -- $18,000 including terminals, and secondly,
we wanted to be sure that none of the "competition" had a better
system, but after the NCC, it was clear that Codata was by far the
best choice we could make. We finalized the deal, and the Codata
arrived at the end of August, 11 months after we started looking for
Unix systems.

Current System Configuration of our Codata

The CTW-300 is a multi-user Sunboard computer. It includes the
following cards plugged into the multibus:

Sunboard CPU with 68000, 256k onboard RAM, MMU, 2 serial ports,
Sister board, adds extra 256k to onboard CPU RAM without waitstates.
Plessey 512k multibus memory card.
Liberty Bay Winchester Disk Controller with SMS300 bipolar processor
FLoppy disk controller
Octal Serial card with 8 Signetics 2650 Usart chips.
(only 4 ports seem reliable, however...)

In addition, the computer also has hooked up to it:

3 Seagate ST-506 5 megabyte winchesters. Slow, but cheap.
One seems to be sick (lb2a) and will be sent back.
1 Tandem Floppy drive. 360 k bytes on double-sided diskettes,
capable of reading/writing IBM-PC floppies with proper
software, which we don't have.
1 DC Hayes smartmodem, 300-only baud, unfortunately.
1 Racal-Vadic 3451 auto-answer triple-threat modem.
2 DEC VT-101 terminals.

The Codata has Unisoft's Unix port for the 68000. It's
apparently something of a mongrel internally, having parts of
Berkeley, MIT and standard V7 Unix all mixed in together.
Not too suprisingly, not too many of the Berkeley Kernel
features work -- the new tty driver, job control and multiplexed
pipes all don't work, although some code is present. However,
a locking() call is present for file locking...

We do have an early version of the C shell, which is missing a lot
of the features later added to it, and also Ex/Vi, a visual editor.
In addition, we have C (the portable C compiler) Yacc, and most of
the other standard Unix utilities. We also have an old version of
Xanadu's `fred' visual editor, which only works with DEC VT-101
terminals with auto-xon/off disabled. (more on that later)

Like any relatively new system, we've had our share of
problems, and the following is a brief summary of the major
hasles that we've encountered.

(a) Our system came with a relative dumb serial port
card which had some fairly nasty problems. Firstly,
it appears that half the UART chips are defective in
a rather insidious fashion -- incoming character while
output is taking place cause the framing error bit to
be set. It took us a while to track that down because
the device driver had some bugs in it, which limited
its speed to effectively 4800 baud maximun. It also
didn't properly support the modem control lines,
partially due to some design problems in the card itself.
Terminals look like modems without a carrier to the octal
card, which means that in order to detect the carrier,
it is necessary to tell the driver which ports have a
modem. Theirs didn't do this, but fortunately, we were
able to get them to send us a copy of the source to
the drivers.

(b) The terminals we selected, DEC VT101s, were disappointing.
They came with a white phosophor instead of green,
were missing such "smart" functions as delecting arbitrary
characters and lines on the screen. Also they couldn't keep
up at 9600 baud without handshaking, which caused problems
with an early version of a local visual editor (Xanadu's
Fred) which we were able to get from some friends which
used ^Q/^S from the keyboard for some functions. The cursor
keys sends off a 3-character sequence which fills up the
input buffer suprising quickly.

(c) The disk drives have perhaps been the worse problem we've
had. The disk drives are Seagate ST-506s, which are
cheap, slow drives. Unfortunately, besides being slow,
they are also unreliable, and of the 4 drives we've gone
through, 3 of them have crashed at least once, in a
rather nasty fashion. They've come down with unrecoverable
read errors on at least 8 sectors in the first 100 sectors.
Unfortunately, this is right where the inodes (which point
to the sectors in a file) live, which means that at least
64 files are lost, and the disk has to be reformatted.

The controller, has its own problems. We were planning
on adding additional storage to the 2 ST-506s that we
got with the system, and were hoping that the ST-412,
a related drive with an identical interface, would
work. Unfortunately, it appears that the stepper motor
has different timing charasterics, and the firmware on
the controller can't be altered to support a mix of the
two drives. So, it appears that we're stuck with ST-506s
for the time being.

The controller also doesn't support seeks on multiple
drives at the same time, which is unfortunate. The
ability to perform multiple seeks would improve system
performance immensely. Most DEC disk drive systems
can do this, but I don't know if the Seagate interface
is capable of supporting this. However, this
is the best performing disk drive system that
we were able to find last summer, for a reasonable
price. SMD disk systems started at about
$10,000, rather above our means.

(d) We've come across some other other rough edges: Kernel
sometimes comes up with suprising messages, for example,
tracing a TRAP #0 (the system call) results in a 'trace
trap out of kernel' message on the console. An illegal
instruction results in a huge dump of the MMU registers
on the console. The message 'SUREG BOTCH' occasionally
appears when large programs are run.

Perhaps one of the most important factors in a system is
the support it receives. This is particularly important
with large, new and complicated systems such as Unix.
One of the major problems we had with Wicat is that
they just didn't care about us, the customer. They
never managed to meet all of our specifications, as
we were never able to hook up a parallel printer and
4 terminals. Indeed, it was a long time before we
were able to have two people developing at once, as
there wasn't enough memory for the C compiler to run
when two people were logged in at once. They also never
bothered to fix our tape drive (for backup), and it
was very rare that we were able to talk to anyone
at the other end who could answer any of our questions.

On the other hand, Codata and Information Nexus
have been extremely cooperative and helpful. They've
been very interested in making sure that we have
a working system, for example rushing a boot diskette
to us after our root drive died, when it turned out that
ours had the wrong version of 'restor' on it. It has
been very easy to get ahold of knowledgeable people
who are usually able to answer our questions, and
it has also been a pleasure working with them.
It would be difficult to come up with a more complete
contrast than between the behavior of Wicat and Codata.

One interesting problem which might be much
more important to a small business is in learning how
to setup and manage a Unix system. Like any
other large system, there are lots of things that
have to be taken care of, such as setting up
accounts, backing up the system, and manageing
problems, and there is very little information
on this. It is, of course, scattered throughout
the Unix documentation, but in general, Unix
seems to be set up on the assumption that the
people who run the system have first gone out
and learned a lot about Unix.

This is a reasonable assumption for an on-going University
shop, but offers problems for the business that has just
gone out and bought a new Unix system. Probably they
will have to engage the services of a consultant
to set up the system initially, and will have to
engage someone for the long term to set up accounts
and handle backup. Hopefully, better documentation
in the future will ease this task considerably.

There seem to be other SunBoard systems for as little as
$10,000 and it seems likely that, as the manufactorers
get more experience and costs drop (already the ST-506 have
dropped from $1800 to $900) that it won't be too long
before a system of roughly the performance of our
Codata (perhaps with better graphics) comes out for
under 2 thousand dollars. I expect that this will be
within two years, and these systems will undoubtly be marked
for the same market that the IBM-PC holds today.

All in all, we've been well pleased with our Codata, and
it is performing satisfactorily, despite the unexpected
problems. But it wouldn't be as much fun without the

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