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May 7, 1986, 10:21:00 PM5/7/86

Well, it's finally happened officially. OS-9/68000 for the Atari 520ST
and 1040 ST was announced and demonstrated at COMDEX in Atlanta last week.
Languages listed as available are Basic09, C, Pascal, Fortran, and COBOL.

According to messages on the CompuServe OS-9 SIG, support is already there
for all ST hardware, including MIDI and CD-ROM ports (the latter not being
*too* surprising in view of the joint Sony-Philips-Microware work on CD-
ROM). The fellow who saw the beast saw it running with an Atari 20Mbyte
hard disk, with a terminal hung off the RS-232 port. Basic09/68000, alas,
is still slower than one would like.

People there say that Jack and Sam Tramiel had it demonstrated to them
and were VERY interested and asking questions. Plans are for a graphics
interface (I would presume VDI, considering Microware's work with GSS)
and a facility whereby one could run TOS as a process under OS-9.

TLM (the folks who did the port) also had their 68010 board for the
International BM PC AT/XT running OS-9 there.

Messages on CIS from folks at MicroTRENDS, the company marketing OS-9
for the 520ST, say that OS-9 for the Amiga should follow shortly.

James Jones

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